How It Goes - Part 7

Story by Patcher on SoFurry

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#7 of How It Goes

I mentioned two things of particular significance in the preamble of Part 5: first, the drama would carry on for three more parts, and descriptive erotica would soon be written.

I am pleased to say that I overestimated the length of the drama, and most of it finally reaches a conclusion.

That is not to say that there will not be further drama, but it will not be as intense.

As for the erotica, it sneaks into this chapter at long last. Let us hope it is enjoyable for what it is.

I do hope you enjoy.

The air is filled with powdery snow, the school yard riddled with pawprints, the school bell ringing.

"So should we hang out at your place, or mine?" Theo asks as they exit the school. Scott rubs his eyes.

"Your place, if we could. Tom's in my apartment."

"Oh? Why's he there?"

Scott lowers his head as he puts on his hat. "He got kicked out and disowned."

"What?" Theo blinks and cocks his head. " Wait, what?"

"They found out about him and Brian. They've always been ..."

"Homophobic cunts?"

"... Yeah." Scott pauses. "Seems to be the phrase of the week. Should we walk?"

"Why not? Weather's mild." Theo drapes his arm around Scott's shoulder as they start walking. After turning several corners, past small crowds leaving the nearby shops, Scott bites his lip.

"We kissed."


"Me and Tom. He kissed me. I didn't really stop him."

Theo looks uncomfortable. "What happened after the kiss?"

"We burst out laughing."

"You..." Theo shakes his head bewildered. "Wait, what?"

"It felt like I was kissing my father."

"An image I didn't need."

Scott smiles weakly, before he lowers his head with a sigh. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Theo pauses a bit. "How was it?"

"Before the awkward? Rather tender. I liked it the first couple seconds." Scott leans into Theo. "What did you think?"

"He was pretty good, yeah-" Theo freezes in horror. "How'd you know-"

"You snogged? You told me."

"What!? No, I didn't!"

"I know you dated his sister," Scott shrugged. "I also remember your story of your first gay snog."

Theo blushes, and looks away.

"How come you didn't mention?"

"I thought it'd be awkward," Theo mutters.

"A bit."

"Well, we've something in common now," Theo says with a small smile.

"You're not upset I kissed somebody else, though?"

"No. You're honest with me. And... well, honestly, so long as you don't... leave me, I don't think I'd mind if it went further." Theo lowers his gaze slightly. "And, well. You did snog Brian, and you said you felt the same way."

Scott hugs Theo and rubs his head against his chest. Theo blushes and nuzzles between Scott's ears, until they break apart. The snow whirls in the air, and they stride onwards.

Theo shakes off the snow draped over his head and shoulders as he unlocks the door. The warmth washes over them both as Scott takes off his jacket and shakes it.

"I'm parched. You want anything to drink?"

"A glass of water?" Scott replies, pulling off his boots. He slips into the sofa and scoots into the corner, leaning on a pillow.

"Here." Theo plops down into the couch next to Scott with a glass of Tango, and a glass of water. Scott takes a sip and mulls over the glass. He bites his lips for a bit.

"How do you... sex?"

There's a snort. Theo wipes his nose and coughs. "Sorry, what?"

"How do you... go about with sex? Do... sex? Where do you start?"

Theo grabs his own crotch. "Usually here. Handjob or blowjob's a good place, really. What brought it on?"

Scott glances at Theo's paw and splays his ears a bit. He fidgets with his thumbs. "When Tom and I snogged, there was... grinding. Bulges. It felt good."

With a grin, Theo places a hand on Scott's thigh. "So you want to...?"

Scott nods weakly. "I want to try. A bit."

With a smile, Theo leans forward and presses his lips against Scott's. Slowly, he starts to rub Scott's thigh, bringing his paw up to his crotch, then up to his stomach. Scott blushes and moans quietly, as Theo pulls him closer. Gently, Theo slowly breaks the kiss to pull of Scott's shirt.

"I like your tummy," Theo huffs. Scott flushes and splays his ears, gently nuzzling at Theo's chin. Abruptly, Theo breaks the hug and rises from the couch. "Give me a sec."

Slightly baffled, Scott watches Theo enter the bathroom. He covers his belly with his own arms, and looks down at the bulge in his trousers. The sound of water from the tap is faint; shortly after it ends, Theo comes back into the living room. Scott's cheeks flare as he sees Theo in only his t-shirt - and nothing else.

"You're naked," Scott stammers.

Theo smirks as he strides forward, stopping in front of Scott. His member glistens in the soft light, the shaft wet, the tip dripping with precum. "What do you think?"

"You're very forward," Scott says, staring at his cock. He bites his lip. "Can I touch?"

"Touch it all you want."

Scott touches the underside of the bear's cock, and glides his paw down the shaft from the tip to the balls. Theo tenses and murrs softly, as Scott gently wraps his fingers around the length. He starts slowly gliding his hand up and down the shaft, letting his digits glance over inch after inch. "You're big..."

"Loosen the grip a bit," Theo huffs through gritted teeth, his eyes half-closed with a grin. "And go over the tip with your palm..."

Still biting his lip, Scott gently brings his thumb over the head of Theo's cock. The bear groans, and thrusts forward into his palm, gesturing with his hand. "Back and forth, yeah, like that..."

Scott starts working over the bear's member tenderly; he lets the tip brush against the fur of his palm, and when he reaches the balls again he cradles them in his hand. More dew dribbles out of the bear's cock, smearing over Scott's paw. He comes to a halt and looks at his sticky hand, before he sniffs it.

"Want to taste?"

Scott looks up, the bear's face ecstatic.

"Isn't that... maybe a bit soon?"

"Nah, is it?" Theo says, as he grips his cock and wiggles it in front of the wolf's face.

"A bit, yeah," Scott says, splaying his ears. Theo's grin falters a bit, and he lets go of his cock.

"Yeah," he says, splaying his ears too. "Sorry, I just..."

"Really like oral."


"It's really good, huh?"

"The best, yeah..." Theo sighs and glances down, rubbing the head of his cock with the thumb.

"Maybe you could show me first?"

Theo looks up, a perplexed look on his face.

"As in, guide you through it?"

"No, as in you do it first."

Theo's face dawns with an increasingly horrified look as he takes a small step backwards - and he trips over the coffee table when Scott's phone starts to ring.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks, rising from his seat.

"That hurt," Theo groans, shifting onto his side. Scott kneels next to him and helps him sit upright. "Your phone is loud."

"Sorry," Scott mutters. The ringing stops momentarily, but hardly five seconds later it resumes. "Let me go get that..."

Theo rubs the back of his head and gets up on his feet. Scott rummages through the pockets of his jacket in the hallway, and when he pulls out the phone he answers right away.


"Why the fuck is Tom in our apartment?" Brian says, angrily. "And where the hell are you?"

"I'm at Theo's. What's wrong with Tom being over?"

"As soon as I got there, he started crying and screaming at me. He punched me in the face and then he stormed out."

"Maybe you deserved that," Scott mutters.

"What did you say? Anyway, why was he here?"

"His parents kicked him out."

"What?" Brian's voice dials down a bit. " Why?"

"Because they found out he was gay."

"What? Tom knows his parents, he would never admit-"

"Fran snooped through his phone and found your text message."

There's a long silence. "...Are you blaming me?"

"... What happened between you and Tom left him a mess. And I guess it was short-sighted of you to send that text message when we both know what kind of..." Scott pauses again. "No, I don't blame you, Brian."

There's quiet. Scott's phone starts buzzing.

"Scott, I..."

"Tom's calling."

"We'll talk later?"


Brian hangs up. Scott buries his face in his palm as he answers the phone.

"Scott? Are you there?"

"Yeah." There's sobbing on the line, accompanied by heavy rain. "Brian told me."

"I can't... Scott, I don't know what to do. I can't breathe. I see him and I can't breathe. Why am I so messed up? Where am I supposed to go now?"

"Where are you?"

"Southumberland," Tom says between heavy breaths.

"Is there a bus shelter nearby?"

"I'm sitting in one."

Scott turns over to Theo. The bear watches Scott with some interest, rubbing his hands. "Can I borrow your phone?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah, sure."

"Hold on for a sec, Tom..."

Scott takes Theo's phone as he looks through the address list of his own phone, and dials.


"Cecil? It's Scott."

"Oh! Hey there." Cecil's excited voice is loud. "New number?"

"Using Theo's phone. Are you home?"


"You lived in Southumberland?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"A friend of mine's there. He doesn't have anywhere to go. Could he stay at your place for a couple of hours?"

"'s rather urgent, isn't it?"

"A bit." Scott fidgets.

"Yeah, should be fine."

"He's at the bus shelter. Could you go find him?"

"Yeah, 'course."

"I'll tell him. Thanks..."

"Don't mention it."

Cecil hangs up. Scott hands Theo back his phone and returns to the other phone call.

"Tom, a friend's coming to pick you up. He lives in the street. His name's Cecil. Just... stay there for a bit."

"Is he a bunny?"


"I think I see him."

"Okay. Good."

"...What am I supposed to do, Scott?"

"... I don't know. I'll call you up later, okay?"

"...Yeah. Okay..."

Scott hangs up and stares at his phone for a bit.

"Is everything okay?" Theo asks. Scott closes his eyes, and leans against the wall. Trembling, he starts to sob uncontrollably, as the tears pour down his face.

Theo sits in the couch dumbfounded, glancing at Scott every now and again. With his phone in his hand, Scott shivers as the tears cover the screen on the phone.

"Scott?" Theo asks again in a careful tone.

"Dad's coming to pick me up," Scott mutters.

"Are you okay? It wasn't something... it isn't me, is it?"

Scoot looks up from his phone, and his face contorts into pain and shame. He barely manages a curt "No" before the phone starts to buzz in his hand.

"Can I do anything?"

"No," Scott repeats, quietly. "I need to go."

Theo looks away. Scott rises from the couch and puts on his shirt. Outside, the rain is mingling with thick, heavy snow, and down the stairs is his father's car. He waddles through the thick layer of slush, and gets into the front seat.

"Scott, what's going on?" Mr. Oliver asks, touching his cheek.

"Tom and Brian," Scott says, choking. "I'm scared."

Mr. Oliver rubs Scott's cheek gently, before he puts his hand on the steering wheel. "Southumberland, was it?"

Scott nods, and closes his eyes.

"Hello? This is his father. We're in Southumberland, here for Tom, which house? Green one, right. If you could, tell him we're outside, thanks."

Mr. Oliver hands Scott his phone back as he stops outside a small, cosy green house. The front door opens as they park, and in the doorway Cecil gives Tom a one-armed hug. The otter looks uncomfortable as he treads through the wet snow, and he gets into the car.

"You doing okay, Tom?" Mr. Oliver asks as Tom gets into the back seat. Tom shakes his head and pulls his knees up to his chest. With a faint smile and a look of concern, Charles nods at the bunny in the doorway, as he drives home.

"Do you two want something warm to drink?" Mr. Oliver asks as he locks the door. Tom and Scott both shake their heads weakly, gazing at the ground. "It's still pretty early, but if you two want to get some sleep..."

"Yeah..." Scott mutters. Tom nods faintly.

"I'll go prepare your beds."

"I don't want to be alone," Tom whimpers. "Please."

Mr. Oliver looks perplexed for a second before he glances at Scott. Scott nods with a shiver and hugs him tight.

"Okay. I'll fix a pillow."

Mr. Oliver closes the door to Scott's room as both the wolf and otter crawl under the covers. Tom curls up and whimpers quietly. Scott buries his face into his pillow, his breathing fast and sporadic. After a few moments, Scott feels the otter pressing up against him, back first.

"When did I go wrong?" Tom mutters. Scott remains silent and slips onto his side, letting Tom press up against him. Tom stifles a sob, hugging himself. "I'm sorry..."

Scott shakes his head and nuzzles between Tom's ears. He wraps his arms around the otter, and hugs him close.

"Love you," Tom says quietly.

"Love you too," Scott whispers back.

There is a soft knock on the door, before it opens. Mr. Oliver enters the room, with pale sunlight shining through the curtains.

"You two awake?" he asks softly.

"Yeah," Scott says quietly, as he hugs Tom tighter.

"Yes, Mr. Oliver," Tom whispers.

"I'll prepare some hot chocolate, should be ready in about twenty."


Mr. Oliver leaves the door ajar and his footsteps can be heard going down the stairs. Tom yawns and shifts a bit; Scott shifts onto his back and stares up at the ceiling.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," Tom mutters as he also rolls onto his back. Uncomfortably, he rubs his hands. "Why were you crying last night?"

"Because everything's going to shit," Scott replies flatly. Tom opens his mouth, but closes it after a couple of seconds. Eventually...

"Everything?" He asks weakly.

"No," Scott sighs. "Not everything. It's just... I want everything to go back to normal."

"Sorry," Tom mutters, splaying his ears and turning away from the wolf. The sunlight grows brighter as the silence carries on.

"Lads, the hot chocolate's ready."

Scott takes a sip from his cup. Tom holds his cup firmly between his hands, as he gazes idly out the window. Mr. Oliver is going about in the kitchen, fixing up sandwiches. "Did you two sleep well?"

"Yes," Tom replies quietly. Scott only nods.

"Mrs. Byrne called last night," Mr. Oliver continues. Tom turns his head. "After she'd talked to Brian, she was in a right state. Called everyone. She was relieved when I told her we'd found you."

"Oh." Tom lowers his head.

"She said you'd be welcome to stay at their place."

"No. Just no, I can't..."

"I figured," Mr. Oliver goes on. "I told her as much. She was miffed, but didn't press the issue."

Tom stares into his cup.

"You could stay here, if you'd like." Mr. Oliver hands both the lads plates with sandwiches; both of them look at Mr. Oliver, surprised.

"I... I couldn't," Tom answers, looking away. "I don't have money..."

"It's not about money, Tom." Mr. Oliver sits down on the opposite end of the table."What kind of parent would I be if I left my son's best friend with no place to..."

There is a moment of quiet as Tom returns to staring into his cup.

"Your parents are cunts," Mr. Oliver continues, his tone harsh. Scott's mouthful of hot chocolate spurts over the table. Tom looks taken aback. "I had some choice words for your father this morning."

"It's nine o'clock," Scott points out, looking at the watch over the sink.

"I suppose calling at six in the morning left him miffed enough as is," Mr. Oliver continues, with a growl in his throat. Tom flinches and Scott stares, stunned. Mr. Oliver takes a deep breath, and he sighs. "Tom, you deserve better. Please, stay here for a while."


"Don't worry about rent or food. If you could help with the housework on occasion, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and keep the volume down after ten o'clock... " Mr. Oliver pauses for a bit. "And don't invite anybody I don't know into my home, you're free to stay here as long as you'd like."

Tom looks at Mr. Oliver for a long time, before the sniffle breaks the stillness. Mr. Oliver rises from his chair, and makes to leave the kitchen. He pats Tom on the back, and gives Scott a hug. "I'm late for work. You two should probably stay home today. Get your bearings. I've got my phone if you need me, okay?"

"Okay, dad."

They see Mr. Oliver's car leave the driveway from the kitchen window. Tom dries his face with his arm. "Why couldn't your dad be my dad?"

Scott rises from his chair, and simply says: "I don't know."