The Furry Parable Ch.2

Story by DarkRift on SoFurry

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#2 of TheFurryParable

Well, the brain dead dickstick isnt operating correctly... ugghh he's worse than Markiplier, Transformers 2, and Shrek 4

Danny is still being a complete and total retart, and playing CallofDuty. He really sucks at zombie mode if i do say so myself. Okay let me try this again. Danny got up and proceeded to the door. *Danny gets up and goes to the door* Yes! Finally some action. Danny opened the door and left his room. He repeatedly yelled for his mother, but noone answered. He went into his parent's bedroom and looked around and found nothing. He walked around the r- "Hey! it's a bra!" *Danny proceeds to put on bra* "My manshake brings all da girls to de yeeeerrrd damn right its batta than yuuurs!" Oh my god. Shut up you little DickSlice! Just let me narrate this story! Danny walked away, leaving the bra behind h- "IIIIIIIEEEEE WANNTAA SWEEEEEMMM ON DA CHANALIEEERRRRR ON DA CHAMDALIEEEEERRRRR" Uuuuuuuggghhhh.... for some reason Danny could not muster up the maturity it took for this task. He was dumber than a fat person chasing after a zombie. I mean really, is the bra so important that you had to forget about how your whole family DISSAPEARED!?........... *no answer* Sighhhhh.... see you in the next chapter then. Hey Guys this is FurryAntix here. I hope you liked this chapter of the Furry Parable! Rate this stuff and comment on what you want me to do better!

The Furry Parable Ch.3

Well, here we are again. Huh-mmm, lets get going shall we? After about an hour of doing ballerina dancing he saw in the Chandelier music video, Danny got tired of that and walked around his parents room. "Hmmm, i'm feeling nosy..." Danny then started...


The Furry Parable

One day, a normal wolf was waking up. He looked at his clock and noticed it was 5:30 pm. No no, that cannot be right. The wolf's name was Danny. He yelled out for his mom " Mom! in case you hadn't noticed its like 5:34pm right now! i'm like 9 hours...
