Fondly World 1: Lacking Discretion (Jessie)

Story by NyanGoGo on SoFurry

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#1 of Fondly World

This story is about homosexuality, and cheating... One of the cheating guys is married so...

Yeah if you're offended by any of that, go away, no seriously, shoo shoo!

If you're offended by poor writing skills, read at your own risk.

This story promotes cheating and that it is a fun thing to do, don't take that seriously.

I do not encourage such things as it often leads to sad things and bad decisions.

What I do know is that I personally find it something hot to fantasize about.

Which is why I wrote the story, so there. I'm here for fun, you should be too.

Lacking Discretion: (Chapter 1)

Fondly World: 1

I stared seductively at my husband as he walked through door. "Hey Jess, how was work?" "It sucked, as it always does. I'm sore, tired and..." I brought my hand to his chest slowly, "I think I can take a load off you, perhaps it could relax you hm.." I was desperate for something sexual, he's been working overtime all month and he was no longer in the mood, always too tired or overworked as he said. He just wanted to relax and not relax in my way. Don't jump to conclusions, he cares, I believe he really does want to. He's everything I've ever wanted, satisfies me so long as he not being worked so hard. "I'm sorry Jess, I think as soon as I lay down I'll pass out, and I really want to actually." "I mean sleep that is ha," this is where I don't push for it because I don't want to hurt him or pressure him. "Hey, it's okay, but it can't hurt to try can it?" I sighed long and hard, on the inside that is. I couldn't really let him know I'd be on my knees begging for it if it were anybody else.

By that I don't literally mean that, I'm just saying I truly love him with all my heart and I really don't want to upset him, even if do just wanna pounce the next thing that moves on the inside. I have discretion after all, responsibilities! Speaking of pounce, I am sort of your ordinary feline, a black leopard actually, slim and feminine. I always wanted to be the kinda guy who can seduce whomever he wants, sexy would not define me, I would define sexy. But then I met Aldric, my husband now. I didn't expect to become so domestic, but here I am. I take care of the house and take care of him whenever I can. I love doing it too, guess my true nature showed itself after meeting him. Though I still like adventure, if you know what I mean. Aldy is perfectly fine with helping me try new things. Speaking of him, he happens to be a lion, he's got muscles, toned just right. Made me drool and fall in love at first sight, and I'm not kidding it was really embarrassing.

He is a great husband, wouldn't change him for the world. But, his job requires that sort of strength, and at first it was fine. But after this long of it, he's just getting beaten down, poor thing. Luckily my best friend Guinor who is a damn fine specimen, he's a husky. A lot like me in terms of body, but he's been buffing up a bit as of late and it's getting me a little 'bothered' I have a thing for a nice toned body, I mean doesn't everybody? But it's really suiting him. Now here's what's awkward, I never told my hubby that I dated my best friend. I didn't want to him to scare away my best friend, I mean my hubby is a nice guy at heart. But I'm really close to Guinor, we hug, nuzzle and sometimes cuddle and Aldy is okay. But if he knew about the past I doubt I could stay this close to Gui, there's no feelings left...

I mean, there wasn't truly much feelings to begin with, we both felt that way which is why we broke up. We mainly were together for the sex, and it was awesome. We fucked once in a while after too, until I met my wonderful hubby. Been this way for a little over a couple years now, my poor friend wasn't ready to settle down, but then again neither was I, but sometimes crazy things happen right?

Anyways, turns out he's already gone to lie down in our bedroom. On the bright side, as per usual I'm heading off to Guinor's house to play some games. Keeps my mind away from sex, kinda. To be honest I usually release some of this my own way, imagination and a few fun toys. But today is gonna be difficult I can already tell. Didn't take long before I got there, he lives nearby fortunately. He greets me at the door "Hey" he smiles, shirtless. Wow, he's looking good I blinked this is unusual "for fucks sake do you know the word modesty?!" He smirked "It's a hot day, you can't seriously expect me to dress all up in my own home do you?" I was unamused "If that's the case why not just be naked then?" Still looking at me with that stupid smirk "That could be arranged."

"No-no, that's fine don't do that" I slightly panicked. Guinor was the kind of guy who would do it too. I went inside and we headed off into the living room, where a game was already loaded and ready to go. "You wouldn't dare challenge me to this again.." I smirked arrogantly. He shrugs "I want revenge for last time" he explains. This game is a fighting game, I happen to be very good at it, I've played it for years and it just so happens to be my favourite game as well. The issue is that he beat me a while back, and I brought down wrath on him hoping he'd never challenge me again. But apparently that isn't enough to scare him away, he looks more competitive than ever.

He passed me a beer "You're not getting off the couch until we're done!". I'm a bit surprised at how confident he is, but there really shouldn't be an issue. "If you lose you gotta get on your knees and blow me" He tells me with a jerkish smile, "Nah, I'm-" I cut him off before he finishes "You're on!" I smile back at him. He looks surprised at me and doesn't say much before we go on to play our match.

He chooses very similar types of characters, always aggressive ones that don't hold back. While I prefer counter-play and tactical moves. The match begins and as expected he's attacking me all out right away, but I manage to get some distance and start chipping away at his life, but suddenly with one mistake he jumps into range and combo's me right until I'm defeated. Thank goodness these games go to 3 rounds, I wouldn't want to lose to him. "Last chance to back out Jess" He mocked me, as if I were going to lose.

I don't say another word and the next round begins, but before I can do anything he's at me again and this time I can't even get distance, and I get backed into the side of the screen and he pummels me until the announcer shouts K.O.! I sit there jaw dropped, he had somehow beaten me, and easily too. "Haha, revenge!" He shouts victoriously. "Get over here and suck it!" his gloating showing no bounds. He stops for a bit "You know I wasn't serious though right, I wouldn't make you do that sort of thing even if it is a bet." I smile at him and shift over so I'm sitting next to him on the couch. I lean into him, paw on his leg I kiss him deeply. Without any words I continue, I depants him and in seconds I dive down on that delicious husky cock.

He sighs "It's been a while, I missed this." I work his cock happily with my muzzle, licking up and down the sides, taking the time to caress those wonderful balls. I can smell him so well now, his scent floods my nostrils, it's wonderful. I continue my actions my taking him back into my mouth, pumping his huskyhood in and out, my own hardness stressing and aching against my pants. The feelings is driving me crazy, and I love it. Gui relaxes as I suck on his tool, his breathing quickening as I hit the right spots, and sighing as I give him persistent satisfaction.

I can taste his pre in my mouth, it's wonderful. It surprises me how fast I was to act on this opportunity, but before I know it I'm undoing my own pants as I'm blowing him. He takes hold of my head and starts to thrust slowly, I let him take control. He uses me to his delight, making me gag occasionally and choke, which makes me feel a bit dirty, I enjoy this abuse. I get him to let go and I take back control, doing only what I must taking him into my throat. He groans in approval of this, I do my best to manage and prove to be successful in this attempt. My throat becomes a victim as I repeatedly take him inside as deep as I can without just choking.

Then suddenly I feel his hand on the back of my head, I choke and he holds me there. My eyes water and I panic as I cough he lets go and smirks like a fucking asshole at me. I slap his thigh "You fucking dimwit" I complain as I rub the tears from my eyes. I could still feel the discomfort in my throat, it's been a while since I've done that. But I'm happy I did, I go back to kissing him. My erection protrudes my panties, yes panties I happen to wear female clothing from time to time. My hubby likes it, and Gui did too back in the day... And maybe I like it a bit, okay maybe a lot. Don't judge me okay?!

I get up and take off the remainder of my clothes and hop onto his lap, continuing to make out with him. "I only said I blowjob" He smirks smugly. "You said you didn't mean the bet" I respond, implying my actions have nothing to do with the bet we had earlier. I see him reach for something in the couch, a bottle of lube. "Figures" I tease as he start to prepare himself. "Shut up" he blushes lightly and we share another kiss. His cock pokes at my entrance, I sigh in relief. I want it so bad, but I keep control and let him ease it into me. I can feel the push, I close my eyes, I gasp and he grips onto me as he slowly but sure starts slipping into my tight ring of flesh. I groan loudly, not minding the fact were about to fuck right in front of an open window.

It hurts lightly, but the pain isn't even close to enough to make me want to pause, I kiss him and he gently and slowly thrusts. "Faster you fuckhead," I yell at him with need. But he doesn't respond, he doesn't know how needy I feel right now and it's making me want to scream. "Say please" he teases, smiling at me like the fucker he is. But I have no reason to deny his request "Please fuck me, make me your slut, I want it so bad" I don't remember Gui being so dominant before. But I fucking love it, he finally responds to that and his thrusts are as hard as they were sudden. I moan loudly, and I have no time to even think before he starts plowing into my married ass.

His hardness batters my hole, it's an assault I wish would never stop. He's got me bouncing on him, moaning like a whore. And I happily do so as he puts me lying down onto the couch, and starts to fuck me again, his large cock fills me nicely, I'm sure it wasn't this big before. It's bigger than my hubby's, that's for sure and it feels amazing. He continues his assault on me, his groans grow louder his thrusts deeper and more needy, his knot his growing larger and I can feel it. I cry out, it's too much I eject my load as he keeps thrusting into me.

He holds my legs up and his motions persist, the hot day isn't making this easy, his panting is heavy and I'm sweating too, he's still going though. Just by looking into his eyes for a moment I knew he wasn't gonna stop, he was panting but certainly not beat. From how it seems I'm more tired than he is. He keeps going and going, I'm not sure how he's doing it, it's been over an hour, probably going on two now, the sun is setting and the sky is orange. I'd turn the lights on if it got any darker, and wasn't having my horny ass mounted by this wonderful husky here. I've came three times already and was about to again, suddenly I'm feeling him push harder into me. No way he's not going to... I've never, I'm about to protest but he interrupts me "Trust me" is all he says as I feel myself being violated in a different way. His knot is pushing into me, there's no way it could fit at this point could it?

I'm gritting my teeth but I'm doing okay. I feel it go inside, we both groan loudly. This is something I was always afraid of personally, I was never sure I could take it nor did I want to be stuck to this fuck for this long. But it was good, and it wasn't over. The thrusts are back and they're more satisfying than ever, he drills me happily. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die if we don't get another drink. But he's still fucking me, what a... monster.

"It's coming" He warns, I brace myself and he pushes deeply into me slowly now, and he pumps his cum into me, slowly thrusting still and moaning out as I am. It takes a good while before he calms down, lightly collapsing onto my delicate figure. He kisses me sweetly "That was awesome," he tells me. The sun is halfway down, the room is pretty dark. My wedding ring shines a gentle reflection of the nearly set sun. I sigh, my heart still racing "you've changed". He raises and eyebrow "Oh?" "Yeah you've, gotten bigger all around, and heavier too" I groan. We shift so that he's spooning with me on the couch, his knot still in me. We lie down together on the couch. "Get it out!" I shout out suddenly sounding frustrated. "I can't, you have to wait!" he shouts back at me.

I grumble, but secretly I feel happy. "I've never done it with a married guy before" he teases. I blush heavily "I was just really horny, it's your fault, why were you shirtless" I was flustered now. We argue a bit until his knot finally goes away enough so that he can pull it out. I respond to the texts sent an hour ago, it's Aldric and he's making dinner, meaning it's probably cold now. I text him:

Jess - 'Sorry, Aldy, we got caught up in the gaming, he actually pounded me so hard, it was really crazy, I'll get him back next time lol'

Aldric - 'Alright well, your dinner's cold when are you coming home?'

Jess - 'In a while, because I dropped a beer just now and we got to clean up'

Aldric - 'Kay, see you soon XO'

Jess - 'Yep XoXooX'

I sigh a bit "What did you tell him" Gui asks curiously. "I told him that you're a fuckwit" I poked him and we argued some more. It's friendly arguing truly, we got drinks, showered one after the other. As I'm about to leave he kisses me, but I'm unsure how to respond. "I just did that for courtesy, you're my friend, not just some fuck." He explains, and perhaps he's right, the situations is a bit awkward. we have always been intimate like this, kissing, hugging, holding... Kissing not so often, cause I'm with Aldy, and they were more playful things. This kiss was more of a 'thanks for the fuck.'

I then pull him into another kiss, and this one longer and deeper, I wink at him and smile. "Should I ever expect this again?" He asks me. I ponder for a moment "Don't count on it" I tell him. I walk back home and come through the door, and kick off my shoes and suddenly am hugged by the love of my life. "I missed you" The hug feels so loving and warm, I hug him back happily. I can feel him sniffing me though "You smell like wet dog" he covers his nose with his paw. I seem to be a natural at lying "Yeah, the beer I spilt got on me, so I had to use the shower, I hate smelling bad."

I let go of him and head towards the upstairs "But I'm gonna have a second shower, I hate the smell of dog" I wink and chuckle as he gives a smile. The second shower is more thorough, and my ass is pretty sore now. The guilt is mildly there, but overall I feel... Refreshed, like I just had all this extra luggage taken off my body and now I'm free. I feel a bit naughty too and I see the bathroom door open.

Aldric and I had sex, and he didn't seem to notice much, I certainly did. I moaned but it was mainly because of the stinging sensation after all the stretching I got from Gui earlier. Aldric didn't suspect a thing, and after it was all said and done I actually kinda like the fact he had no clue, that he had got seconds without even noticing. The scary thing is that I'm so good at this, I guess I'm still the guy who wants fun. But I also like this intimacy I have here, I know I may be hated for this, but I have no regrets and perhaps I might just do it again with a certain fuckwit I know.
