Kendowolf's story.

Story by Antiken Furyiffer on SoFurry

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This was the story done for kendowolf. I made a pdf that had the pictures but the pictures are on the site.

The lights came on in a quaint small little condominium in Sand Springs.

Paula stepped inside and shut it. It had been awhile since she'd been here. Sand Springs was a fairly large city with nice neighborhoods due to a lot of money made from the tourism of the eponymous springs nearby. The yard needed some work she noticed as she opened the door to the house, seeing branches and leaves littering it. As she tossed her bag on the couch, she sighed as she relaxed, it would be nice to just be here for awhile and get out of the really big city. Something she'd wanted to do for awhile. It had been maybe a few years since she last set foot in this house and the cleaning service had done it's job in keeping it like she had just left it. She walked around trying to remember where all the items she left at the house were. It wasn't that it hadn't been used, she let friends use it from time to time that were passing through the area or just wanted to get away from it all. She walked across the room to the large windows that looked into the fenced in back yard with a patio and pool. The day had been warm and she felt like taking a swim but the pool wasn't ready yet, it still was drained and had the cover on it. As the air conditioning kicked on she sighed disappointedly, she really didn't want to deal with it. Right then she heard a knock at the door. Paula walked back towards the door, she didn't really want to be disturbed, she took her time so whoever it was thought she wasn't available. By the time she got to the door, whoever had knocked was gone but they had left a little toy pool skimmer hanging from the door with a card attached. It looked like some sort of childes bug net as she examined it and read the card. "Kendo Wolf: Pool Cleaner/Grounds keeping" with a number on it decorated with a life preserver and a lifeguard chair. The card was clearly made by someone who bought card stock and knew how to use a decent word processor. Since the place needed both she quickly grabbed the phone and dialed the number.

"Hello?" A young male voice answered.

"Yes is this Kendo?" She asked.

"Yes it is ma'am, How can I help you."

"What do you charge for both the pool and the yard."

"10 an hour for each, but that's only for hours i spend working I don't charge for breaks or when i have nothing else to do. I can come by in the afternoons."

"That would be fine." Paula said grateful she wouldn't have to do it. "I'm at 726 Clearwater Drive."

"I know the place." Kendo replied. "You just missed me."

"Do you think you can come by today so I can maybe have the pool tomorrow?" Paula asked.

"That shouldn't be a problem; I'll be there at three."

"Thank you." Paula said. "Goodbye." she said hanging up.

There that solved that problem, he sounded young like some kid trying to make some money over the summer. She hoped he was as cute as his voice sounded on the phone. She glanced at the clock and saw that three in the afternoon was a ways away. She headed for the master bedroom, showered and changed. She put on a very low cut tank top and a pair of self made short shorts mainly to feel comfortable since it was still summer and maybe to screw with the pool boy if he showed up. Afterwards she felt a bit sleepy and didn't want to deal with restocking the pantry at the moment; she shuddered at the thought of having to spend another moment in her car with all the driving she had done lately. It probably needed a detailing after all the sweating she'd done on her trip so far. She grabbed a menu she kept in the end table by her chair and ordered a chicken salad from a take out place in the neighborhood. It didn't take too long for it to arrive. The delivery driver was a sleek looking feline with black fur who looked like he worked out a lot. She slipped her number in with the payment for the meal in case the other guy didn't pan out.

She ate her lunch and then stretched out on the leather chair in the living room and then suddenly fell asleep.

* * *

The doorbell ringing woke her up. She sat up and looked at the clock, it was three o'clock already. "I'm here give me a moment!" She shouted yawning as she stretched. She walked over to the door and opened it.

On the other side was a lightly colored wolf in his late teens. His fur was white verging on grey in most places. He had a tool box in his hand and was wearing a red tank top as well as a pair of black swim trunks. He obviously liked to cool off after doing his job she thought to herself. He had a cute chest tuft that was refusing to stay under the red tank top he was wearing. He had a rather full tuft of brown head fur as well and deep blue eyes. She smiled to herself as he caught a load of her and nearly dropped his toolkit.

"Are you Kendo?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes mam." The wolf replied. "Wh... where do you want me to start."

"Well the yard first, all the tools are in the garage. Follow me." She said walking into the house putting a little heft in her step so her ass swayed nicely for her handsome guest. "I'll open the garage door and unlock the back gate so you can toss everything into the dumpster from the yard. Then after that you can do the pool."

Kendo nodded and followed.

"It's supposed to get hot so I'll bring you something to..........." She said glancing to her side as she followed and spotting his raging erection poking up in his swim trunks. "Drink." She finished smirking.

Kendo suddenly blushed realizing what made her pause and quickly tried to move his toolkit in front of himself to hide it.

Paula smiled. "Don't be embarrassed it's only natural you don't have to hide it around me."

"Ok." Kendo said still adjusting himself so it wasn't as obvious but still was.

"Nice looking guy like you must have a girlfriend to help him take care of that." Paula said walking on and opening the door to the garage and reaching around to hit the switch to open the door.

"No Mam, I don't have one I'm single."

"Oh, a pity." Paula giggled. "Cute guy like you should have girls crawling all over him."

Kendo blushed again.

"Relax.." She said stepping close to him so he could breath in her cinnamon scent. She reached up and ran her hand over his tuft of fur and down his chest. "How come you don't have a girlfriend, I can't see why anyone wouldn't want to lay with you."

Kendo blushed again he seemed simultaneously fascinated and terrified that she was touching him.

"I haven't... well... I'm a virgin." Kendo admitted blushing and looking down.

"OH!" Paula exclaimed. "Well, a good looking kid like you that won't be true for too long." She said deciding to put him to work seeing how she teased him enough. "Go ahead and get started are the yard, tools are over there, mower's in the shed in the back I'll get it unlocked for you.

"Thank you." Kendo said snapping out of his dazed state.

Virgin huh? Paula thought as she let him enter the garage. Well not for too much longer.

"I'll be out to check on you in a little bit." She said over her shoulder as she left.

* * *

As he worked she watched him from her window just far back enough he couldn't see her. He was pretty fit and obviously either played sports in his off time on top of working. She drank her tea and tapped her finger on the glass as she watched. A smile then spread across her lips. She'd already made a pitcher of tea and gathered some glasses on a tray and took it out to him in the front yard.

"Care for some tea?" She asked carrying the tray.

"Yes thank you." Kendo said tossing the last branch in the yard trolley., and grabbing a glass and drinking from it. Paula looked around and saw it was a lot better than it was, the grass needed mowed but he could do that tomorrow. "Take a break." she said sitting the tray on the porch and sitting by it. "Don't worry I'll pay for it relax you look like you are roasting."

Kendo nodded and panted sitting on the porch beside her. "It's just really muggy today."

"Well I was thinking you can go ahead and do that pool if you want."

He nodded. "Is it at least drained?"

Paula nodded. Just needs checked out filled and the filter system checked." She said.

"No problem I'll do it." Kendo said finishing his tea and glancing down the neck of her tank top at her ample breasts.

Paula smirked catching him in the act. "Am I distracting you."

"A little." Kendo smiled.

"Well then you'd probably get back to work." Paula said teasingly.

Kendo nodded and got up with his glass and headed for the backyard.

Paula gathered up her pitcher and glass and headed back inside after she watched him go.

* * *

A few hours later.

Kendo got the cover off the pool and had found it was surprisingly clean. Whoever shut it down had cleaned it pretty good so he started to fill it using the net to clean out the few bits of flotsam that had managed to find its way in as he turned the water on to fill it. He heard the screen door open and started as he saw Paula come out. Now she was in a magenta bikini and carrying a half full wine glass. Evening was slowly creeping up and the air was not near as hot as it had been.

"How's it going?" She asked.

"Pretty good everything's in good shape."

"That's good to hear." Paula said sipping her wine.

"It should be ready in an hour or so." He said scooping out the last of the flotsam out of the pool.

"Good you have no idea how much I appreciate this." She said glancing up at the sky seeing that the afternoon was winding down into evening. She went over to the yard gate and shut it then sat down in some deck chairs under a shelter beside the pool setting her wine glass to the side. "Come here Kendo and take a break you've been worth every cent."

Kendo nodded and came over. "How much do I owe you so far?"

"Oh, I won't charge for waiting for the pool you are up too. Forty I think he said digging his cell phone out of the pocket of his trunks as he walked over to her.

"That's fine, I'll get you the money but I want to give you a tip." She smiled.

"You don't have to do that." Kendo shrugged.

"Oh I do." She said reaching forward and grabbing him by the strings of his trunks and pulling him closer.

"What... what are you doing?" Kendo asked as she undid the knot.

"Giving you a tip." Paula smiled as she jerked his shorts down his hard on flopping out at her face level.

Kendo made a surprised sound as she curled her fingers around the shaft of his cock just beneath the head and slowly began to jerk.

"Shhh just enjoy it." She said sliding her other hands fingers and gently cupping his testicles.

Kendo gasped and moaned as the sensations overwhelmed him.

Paula smiled up at him as she quickened her pace leaning forward slightly to spit on his cock for lubrication. "You like that?"

"Nnnhnn." Kendo shuddered dropping his phone that was in his hand on the ground and not caring.

Paula giggled and leaned in and kissed his exposed thighs nuzzling into his crotch and then running her tongue along the length of his shaft as she continued to jerk him off. Semen was already starting to drip from his tip she had teased him so much he was already primed to blow as she licked it tasting him for the first time. He shuddered and moaned as she did this and she smiled at him.

He was close so she closed her fingers around his member and gently slid her hand rapidly back and forth.

"Cum on my tits and my face, I know you want to." She giggled. "I want to see what you got."

Kendo suddenly made a noise that half sounded like a scream and a groan and he suddenly bent forward putting his hands on her shoulders as a spasm shot through him and he shot his load all over her. Paula squealed in delight as she felt his cum splatter her face and tits.

"Oh my baby, yes that's it." She said using her fingers to wipe it off her breasts and lick it off her mouth. "That's for being timely and being respectful." She smiled. "I'll need you back here tomorrow, I've got to get some things for the house and you did such a great job I'm sure you could come back."

Kendo stood back up in a daze. "Yeah I thanks."

Paula smiled. "Keep up the good work and I'll give you another reward tomorrow." She giggled. "You better put that thing away, don't worry about the pool I'll get the rest going."

Kendo blinked and then quickly pulled his trunks back up as Paula stood up, and headed for the door to the house.

"Hey snap out of it," Paula giggled teasingly as she snapped her fingers in his face. "Don't forget your tool kit, you may need it."

Kendo followed her into the house stumbling as he came in his head was still spinning.

"I really don't want to shoo you off but I got to run some errands." Paula said feeling energized again. "I need to get some food in this place and take care of a few things." She walked up to him. "Get some rest tonight and drink lots of water I'll have a lot to keep you busy tomorrow." She smirked walking up to him and kissing him.

As she did she intertwined her tongue with his and then broke the kiss with a smile. "Got that sweetie?" She cooed.

Kendo blushed and nodded. "I'll be back around the same time."

"See to it that you do."

* * *

The next day came around.

Kendo came up to the Paula's house his head swimming with ideas of what might happen. He knocked on the door but it opened before he could.

"Hello cutie." Paula smiled at him as she pulled the door open.

Kendo was speechless; she was standing in front of him in her bra and panties. She grabbed him by his shirt and tugged him into her house and shut the door. She took his tool kit and set it aside on the ground.

"So what am I doing today?" He asked.

"Me." Paula said with a big grin. "Take off your clothes. I've been thinking about you all night and I want to feel you inside me." She said untying his trunks and jerking them down.

Kendo pulled off his shirt and tossed it on the ground and stepped out of his tracks.

"Follow me." Paula said leading him to her bedroom.

Once they got there Paula turned and got down on her knees in front of him and started to suck him off.

She started slowly running her tongue along the bottom of his shaft Kendo sighed happily as he grew hard and soon she was slowly deep throating him.

She kept it up till he was nice and hard and then slowly pulled off it with a loud pop and then rubbed his shaft against the side of her face. "Mmm Don't want to do too much." She said licking him from base to tip. She then stood up. "I want you to save that for something better." She reached behind her back and quickly whipped off her braw and tossed it on his head. Kendo pulled the bra off and tossed in on the floor and took in the her bare breasts before them

Paula pushed them together and jiggled them. "You like?"

"Yes." He said reaching up to touch them

Paula cooed as he did and she stepped back and bent over and removed her thong and flung it across the room. "Since I did you a favor yesterday." She said spinning slowly around in front of him and flicking her tail. "I want you to do me one." She walked over to the bed and leaned forward spreading her legs exposing her slit to him. "Get on your knees and use your tongue on me." She smirked.

Kendo nodded. He was nervous this was new as well but it didn't look like he had a choice he did so getting down on his knees and moved his muzzle towards her pussy. Her scent was really strong now smelling much like cinnamon and something else.

"That's a good boy." Paula said moving her hand down to part her labia exposing her clitoris. "See that, lick it, till I say stop."

Kendo swallowed nervously and pushed his muscle right up into her and licked her.

"Nnn yeah that's good right there." Paula said gasping and clawing at the bed.

He kept up licking her and she moaned and twitched and gasped. He found it strangely intriguing and he liked the sounds she made. He quickened his pace rubbing his rough tongue against her clit.

"That's it baby right there." Paula gasped breathlessly. She moaned and arched her back pushing into his face when suddenly she took a sharp breath and let out a satisfied scream. Kendo felt a warm liquid splash his face and muscle and he was surprised and pulled out seeing it squirt out of her and run down her legs. Paula moaned loudly and collapsed forward on the bed then rolled on her back and ran her hands over her breasts gasping. "Good boy..." She said finally catching her breath and scooting back on the bed and parting her legs. "Come here."

Kendo hopped onto the bed and she reached down and grabbed his member. "I'll get you in there."

"Should I get a condom or something?" Kendo asked.

"I can't have pups anymore, don't worry about it." Paula said smiling.

Kendo nodded and lowered himself to enter her.

He gasped as he felt his cock inside her velvety and moist pussy.

Paula sighed happily as she felt her pussy fill with him.

She wrapped her legs around him. "Nice isn't it."

Keno nodded his mind overwhelmed, this was really happening to him.

"Just start slow," she gasped running her hands up along his arms and tugging at his chest tuft. "And listen to me, I'll let you know if I like it or not."

Kendo started to thrust and Paula gasped clawing at his arms so he kept it up. The sensation was great and he watched her as her breasts bounced in sync with his thrusts. Using one hand to steady himself he used the free one to begin to fondle her breasts. Paula smiled and cooed as he did so. "The nipple," she gasped. "Not hard."

Kendo took her nipple in two fingers and began to roll it gently has he had seen on the internet. He felt her pussy squeeze his cock as Paula groaned in pleasure. She put her hand on top of his as he fondled her breast. This continued for a little bit until Kendo couldn't take it anymore and dropped on top of her ceasing a breast in both hands and suckling it. Paula squealed in surprise and held his hand to it gasping quietly as he suckled her.

He suddenly stopped.

Paula looked at him inquisitively.

"Can we do it Doggy?" Kendo asked.

Paula laughed. "Yes if that's what you want."

Kendo nodded, he'd seen it a lot of times and always wanted to perform the act. He slid out of her and Paula rolled around onto her stomach putting her weight on her arms and her knees and getting into position hiking her ass into the air.

Kendo quickly got into position behind her and mounted her. Paula squealed in delight at the change of sensation and he began to thrust into her.

"You like that baby?" Paula asked gasping.

Kendo grunted a response.

"Yeah... fuck my pussy." Paula moaned as he picked up his pace.

Paula began to gasp with every thrust which only excited Kendo more he felt a heat build in his loins especially when she cried out in ecstasy putting her chest flat against the bed and clawed at the pillow screaming. "Fuck me Kendo Yes!!" She cried out.

Kendo got tired of being on his knees and quickly hiked himself up into a squatting position while staying in her to which she squealed happily he griped her shoulders from behind and she turned to look at him as he began to thrust deep into her. "That's it baby.... Fuck me... ohhhhhhhh."

He leaned down and kissed her on the side of the mouth the sensation was now overwhelming as he wildly thrust into her.

"That's it baby... give it to me... fill my pussy." She moaned clawing at the bed and bucking underneath him.

That was all it took for Kendo he suddenly gasped loudly and growled as he felt his cum spill out of her fill her vagina.

Paula moaned in delight and fell forward as he lay on top of her. "Good boy.." She said smiling at him.

She felt him get off of her. She rolled over to see he was stroking his cock rapidly. "You got another?"

"Yes." He smiled.

"What do you want to do with it?" Paula smiled.

"Cum on your tits again." He said jerking faster feeling another one coming.

Paula smiled and lay back on the bed, Kendo straddled her and moved his member closer to her face. "Cover me in your cum." Paula said pushing her tits together and rubbing them against the tip of her penis.

"I'm close." Kendo groaned.

"I want it, I love the taste of you Kendo spray it all over me and in my mouth." She said brushing her breasts against his cock again.

Kendo couldn't take anymore and yelled something unintelligible as he came again covering Paula's muzzle, hair tits and a sizeable portion of it spraying into her mouth which she ravenously swallowed up. "Mmmm mmm." She said using her fingers to gather up more of it and slurp it down.

Kendo's eyes rolled up into his head and he fell onto his side wrapping his arms around her and she nuzzled him as she lapped up more of his cum.

"That was nice baby." She giggled. "You need a bit more practice but you've got promise."

Kendo nodded and kissed the side of her face.

They both lay there for a bit with him holding her and she running her fingers along his side. After a bit he finally sat back up on his knees.

Paula sat up wondering what was up.

"Thank you." He said. "That was amazing."

"Anytime cutie. We've got to do it again sometime." She said playing with his fur tuft. "Do you got to go?"

"Yeah I got one more job and I'm probably going to be too tired if I keep doing that."

Paula laughed at him. "You get used to it, it's only your first time. But I understand." She leaned forward and kissed his chest. "You better shower, you reek of sex." She then took a finger and gently tapped his cock and watched it bob in response. "You don't want that thing dripping cum out your trunks."

Kendo laughed. "Care to join me."

"Of course." Paula smiled.

* * *


After getting dressed and cleaned up they stood at her door.

"I will call you again you know that?" Paula smirked. "A cute guy like you I don't mind having give me a good fuck now and then."

"Anytime you want me." Kendo smiled. "Because I want you."

Paula smiled and walked up to him and gave him a passionate kiss. "See you around Kendo, I'm sure I'll have more work for you soon."

Kendo smirked. "I sure hope so." He said gathering up his toolbox. "Until next time, take care."

"You too." Paula said waving at him as he turned to leave. She watched him go and smiled to her self. This was a good start to moving back to Sand Springs.

The End.