Walmart Digi-Blast :the next mission

Story by Tsumesakamea on SoFurry


#6 of Digimon

Their digimon changed into their champion form and attacked the meramons from destroying the place. "I know this is just me but , where did all the meramon come from?"Jake asked as he and the others look over

"That's a good question ."

"Do you think they could have followed us when we got back yesterday?" Ryuichi asked

"I don't think so, maybe someone sent them here" pondered Tsume

"If so, then what for and why?"Jake asked

"You humans ask to many questions." someone said as they looked over to the right they saw Turuiemon and Koemon walking up to them.

"How did you you two get here?!" Tsume asked making Turuiemon smirk.

"That's for me to know and none of your business" she said making Tsume mad as she really wanted to punch this purple bunny.

"Fine if you don't want to tell me, then get lost."

"Maybe you should get lost, your no help anyway hiding here making your digimon do all the work "Turuiemon said looked away.


"Calm down Tsume, don't let her words get to you. That's what she wants so you will fight her" said Ryuichi trying to calm her down.

"Well your not as dumb as these two...

"WHAT DID YOU CALL US !!!" shouted Jake and Tsume at the same time.

"What's your name ?" asked Turuiemon

"My name is Ryuichi"

"I've never heard of you . for sometime no one has been a better digidestined then you."

"Turuiemon can you tell me why are you here?"

"Well if you must know, we came here from an open gate from the digital world"

"A digital gate has opened, but how who opened it?" asked Jake

"That is what i would like to know, but miss rabbit here is being too much of a brat to even tell us anything." said tsume

"You have a lot to learn before you can get what you want."

"Excuse me I'm the digital princess or did you forget!"

"Ha! you call yourself a ruler you cant even keep your own digimon from getting its butt kicked in battle I've seen how you and Lunamon fight once she digivolved. You ditched her for the fight and act like you been helping her once the fight is all over"

Tsume growled at Turuiemon words as she turned and look at Tsume.

"You're no princess, you're a coward. I would never follow someone so weak as you" Turuiemon said in a cold voice as she and koemon walked away leaving Tsume lost in words she said and thought maybe she's right.

"Tsume, are you ok? asked Jake but she didnt answer.

After the fight with the attacking meramon was done the digimon turn back to their rookie form as they headed home.

"Good job today guys, but it looks like we have a new mission other then finding those three keys. It seems that someone has opened the gate from the digital world to the human world so we need to find it and destroy it " Ryuichi said as Jake nodded in agreement, then he noted the sad look on Tsume's face and knew Turuiemon words really hurt her.

"Hey guys maybe tomorrow we should go get soda after school and then cake afterwords, can we do that?!"Jake asked

" ..... I'm going home " Tsume said in a soft voice. Then she walked off with Lunamon by her side and once home Tsume was laying in her bed with the covers over her. Lunamon could tell something was wrong, but no matter how hard she tried to talk to Tsume she wouldn't answer her as the music I am Octavia played on Tsume's laptop, and at times Lunamon would understand Tsume's feelings based from the music she puts on and would leave it at that, but the music playing now was just to sad.

"Why do you let her words still hurt you Tsume, whatever Turuiemon said to you it's not true"

"I'm not worried about what she said Lunamon, so just stop."

Walmart Digi-Blast :back home but not for long

As they got back to the real world with their digimon in their arms, they sighed and fell to the ground as they wanted to rest a bit, but knew they had to get home fast. So Tsume and Jake said bye to Ryuichi and ran off home, once they got home their...


Pete: too bad for you guys you won't make it out alive Tsume: again with you, man your annoying ! Sora: what are you doing here pete?! A black smock append and out came Maleficent and red who had a chain collar around his neck and he looks...

all the things red said

goofy: we've been goners if Iago hadn't helped us, aint that right fellas? Jake: that sucker almost got us killed Sora: i guess we owe you one Iago: perfect Sora: but you'll have to win over Aladdin and jasmine yourself be on your best behavior...