Chapter 10: Dark Garden

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#10 of The Longest Game

One of the former contestants who acquitted themselves with style, bravery and integrity is led to their reward. It is not.. quite what they might have been expecting...

"Well this is a fine mess you've gotten yourself in now Monet," the red panda whispered to himself as he looked around the overgrown garden he'd been left in.

"Of course it is panda boy, but talking to yourself is just mad," he deadpanned in reply to himself then sighed as he edged away from the iron gate that the giant bugs had locked after shoving him through it. They'd ripped away his shorts and collar also, leaving him truly nude in this wild and overgrown garden.

"Stupid, this is so fucking stupid.... what am I even doing in here?!" He shouted the question out loud but there was no answer, just the gathering gloom as the sun sank below the walls of the citadel.

Looking around Monet moved deeper into the garden, stepping over the thick vines that draped across the path, being extra careful not to stand on anything. The flower bed on his left had been consumed by a crazed tangle of vines and thorny shrubs, the odd bud that he could see starting to show signs of opening as the sun set. To his right had been an expanse of open lawn but it had gone to seed and the grasses were over six feet tall and they rustled slightly in ways that did not match the faint breeze blowing in from the south. Staying as far away from the edge of the lawn as he could the red-panda shivered as the air started to cool in the deepening twilight and he had to slow down and really take care to avoid the vines littering the path. It took him ten slow minutes to reach the end of the path and the open plaza at the centre of the garden which gave the buds on the thorny bushes time to open all the way. The flowers were small and delicate, their petals translucent except for the faint tracery of veins that glowed with an ethereal purple light. Turning in a slow circle Monet was impressed by what he saw, the entire garden was shrouded in a purple haze of light and some of the trees had been hung with green lanterns that added a bold splash of colour to the otherwise dark and shadowed shrubberies. A loud rustling amongst the tall grass made the red-panda jump and he hurriedly moved further away from it. His fluffy tail suddenly puffed up in shock and he yelped as he walked right over a hidden edge and dropped with a splash into the pond he had not seen in the dark. His bare feet sank into the slimy muck that made up the unseen water-bed and Monet stumbled forward a few steps as he fought to keep his balance. He soon found himself up to his waist in cool water with one of his legs sunk almost to the knee in the mud and he had to wriggle and splash back and forth as he attempted to pull free.

Straining and pulling against the muck Monet was caught entirely off guard and swept off his feet as the water surged away from the ledge he'd stumbled off. Muck, pond scum, water and one red panda were all caught up in the sudden suction that pulled them deep beneath the surface in a matter of seconds. Flailing and splashing around as best he could there was nothing he could do to slow his descent. Everything was dark, the water was colder at this depth and Monet had, had no time to hold his breath before being sucked beneath the surface so he was spluttering and choking. Just as his head started to pound and his vision grew hazy he reflectively tried to breath and got nothing, no water, no air! Heaving and choking the red panda desperately clawed at the muck and water all around him but it was drawing back, being spun to the edges of the odd tunnel of airless void he was being dragged through. It felt as if his lungs would burst or collapse and then just when he had started to black out the void collapsed and Monet crashed into something warm and spongy. His ears popped and he coughed, heaved and threw up before gulping down a breath of warm, humid air, heedless and uncaring about the way the bile made his throat burn. There was a faint gurgling noise all around as the muddy water pooled around his waist drained away and something wet made a loud smacking, squishing sound overhead and then fell silent....

Slowly Monet's body calmed down, the panic brought on by his airless plunge through the dark depths of the pond was subsiding and he could almost feel the adrenaline draining out of his system. He sagged against the rigid and curved walls of the strange chamber he had been dropped into as his muscles started to relax. It was an odd place; the chamber was divided by thick purple arches into eight segments that curved upward to form a tight, sphincter like seal directly overhead. In between each of the large braces was a taught expanse of slick black material. The only reason he could see any of this detail from his place at the bottom was because there were faint vein like patterns all throughout the black walls that pulsed with a faint, hazy purple light. Reaching out with one paw Monet felt over the wall and shuddered, it was warm and alive and from the texture against his paw-pads he surmised it was some sort of plant.

"Now what..." he whispered and tried to stand up, pushing his feet carefully against the floor of the pod, wary of breaking it with his claws and letting in the pond water. It was after all only being held back by this odd plant pod and he had no way of telling how thick it was. Though as got to his feet and pressed his claws against the roof he soon found that nothing he could do would make it budge. The place where the eight segments of the pod met was damp but sealed solidly. No prodding or poking would make it budge and when he did drag his claws against the wall all he managed to do was get thick purple slime caked beneath them. Shaking his head in disgust and wiping his claws on his black stomach fur the red panda was at a loss as to what to try next when his choice was taken from him. A series of wet slurping noises drew his attention to the soft, gooey floor of the pod and he had a perfect view of the hole that had slicked open. It was forming in the centre of the thick knot of ridged flesh that was the source of the pods supporting ridges. Scrambling to one side Monet stared as a thick dome of sponge like flesh emerged through the hole with a wet slurp that disgorged a torrent of viscous purple slime into the pods interior. It splashed around his feet and ankles, smearing and clinging to his fur despite his best efforts to stay out of it. He was so distracted with his attempts to stay out of the gunk that he failed to notice the translucent vines wriggling their way out of the spongy mass.

It was only when a thick coil wrapped itself about both his ankles that he became aware of them. With a scream Monet staggered toward the centre of the pod, arms flailing until he caught one if the support ridges and hung on for dear life. The initial jerking tightening of the vine about his feet had dragged his ankles together, the only thing holding him up were his arms and kick and twist as he might he could not dislodge the tangled mass from about his ankles. His legs were dragged over the soft flesh of this strange prison until his feet were pulled in hard against the domed sponge. It bulged and squished under the weight of his body, releasing more of the thick purple goo as Monet whimpered in fear as his feet were encased all the way up to his shins in the slimy, clammy mess of sponge.

To his horror he could feel the vines encircling his feet starting to climb his legs, binding his knees together and quickly slithering up his back and across his stomach. It felt like he was covered in wriggling, slimy worms and as each questing vine finished looping about his body it tightened and grew rigid. Monet quickly saw that this was caused by the translucent flesh filling with the same glowing purple sap that he'd observed inside the walls. The strange plants were robbing him of the ability to move and quite quickly the red panda found himself bound from shoulders to feet. They didn't stop there though, lines of creepers worked along his arms, forcing him to let go of the supporting strut so he could be pulled into the centre of the pod and held there. It felt horrible, the slimy goo coating his bonds was soaking into his fur whilst a vine caught in his hair stiffened and forced him to tilt his backwards and stare at the curved ceiling of the pod. Wiggle as he might there was nothing Monet could do, the red panda was well and truly stuck, bound in place by a crisscrossed web of vines, forced to stand with his arms spread wide with purple goo now lapping around his knees. As he hung there trapped and immobilized and with his head held back he got a good view of the top of the pod slurping open. Instead of a torrent of black pond water a single, thick, emerald green vine slowly descended.

Hanging from the tip of this vine was a thick bulbous growth that pulsed in time to some unfelt rhythm. When the pod stopped descending it was less than a foot above Monet's head and with gooey squelching sound it started to break open. Golden yellow slime splashed over the red pandas face and shoulders as a series of frilled stamen spread out to form a canopy above the nude boy's body. They were flexible and rather beautiful at first but as soon as they reached their full length the fronds started to glisten with sap as the previously mutable flesh stiffened as liquid flowed down their length from some unseen source. Monet watched with a sick fascination as the sap built up along the hair like fronds and started to drip and splash into the pod and all over his already sticky black and red fur. He was convinced that the tiny yellow pod from which the dripping stamen originated would open soon, it was nestled directly over his head and he knew that when whatever was growing inside burst forth he'd be powerless to stop it from forcing its way inside his mouth.

The sensation of something bulbous and ridged moving up the back of his legs a few minutes after the rain of sticky sap began made Monet change priorities. He started begging for the plant to stop, to let him go but he was ignored him as the thick vine eased its way up his legs and nosed beneath his tail. The rain of golden liquid continued to smear rich yellow liquid over his fur and he could feel the thicker purple gunk around his legs slowly creeping upwards. It was flowing out of the now hidden sponge he was being made to stand in. He could feel a constant stream of the goo oozing out from between his legs and the oddly thick vines pushed his arse cheeks apart to leave a sticky smear against his tail hole. Yelling at the top of his voice as the unseen bulb started to force its way into his rear Monet tried to clench down and buck out of the way but the vines entrapping him squeezed tightly, holding him in place as the bulb against his arse relentlessly pushed its way into him. There was nothing he could do, his best struggles just caused the plant to squeeze painfully against his body so be sagged in defeat, letting his body relax. This let the vine penetrating his rear work itself deeper, the bulbous tip riding through his intestines creating an intense and uncomfortable experience as it pushed deeper and deeper. Monet could feel it sliding inside him and try as he might to ignore it the pain of being spread was fading, being replaced by a building sense of pleasure. Constant pressure on his prostate from the slithering vine coupled with the scent being produced by the mingling of golden and purple sap was making his sheath thicken.

With an embarrassingly needy moan the red panda squirmed and gasped as the questing bulge inside his gut forced its way higher causing his cock to surge upwards as he bucked his hips in need. The pain had all but gone now, pleasure and the smooth passage of the vine through his body had the panda boy whimpering and twitching his long shaft in need. He screamed loudly as the bulb broke through into his stomach and opened up! He felt serrated, barbed leaves stab into the tough walls of his stomach and his gut bloated as with a pulse that tormented his entire lower body a torrent of liquid rippled up the long vine buried in his backside and flooded out to fill his stomach.

It was electrifying; the first wave of sap to pour into his stomach seemed to scour away the walls in a burst of orgasmic delight he could barely comprehend. There should have been debilitating pain but all Monet felt was pleasure he shrieked as loud as he could and bucked his hips forward as he started to cum. Groaning and arching his back the red panda felt a deep rush of heat racing toward the tip of his cock and he eagerly gave into the feeling, desperate for the pleasurable release of orgasm. Tight flesh suddenly squeezed along his twitching length and he squealed in shock as he blew his load, his seed spraying into a long tube of undulating flesh. Shaking his head from side to side Monet tried to look down but his head was held fast still so he could only moan as tight flesh continued to slip and slide down the length of his shaft until sticky lips caressed his damp, goo slicked groin. All the red panda could do was hang there and cum. With every powerful jet of cream that launched itself down his shaft and into the plant the vines holding him prisoner released a stream of sticky liquid over his fur. It had a rich scent to it, a mixture of berries and that odd scent that lingered around woodlands just after the rain. What was worse it was so thick, the gunk squished through his fur in long oozing trails and after three powerful jets his body was coated entirely and all the time the golden sap continued to drip from over-head mingling and mixing with the odd fluid and doing something to his body.

Whimpering and shaking his head as his first rushing ejaculation died away Monet tried to focus, tried to gather his thoughts but whatever had hold of his cock started to suck, he could hear wet gooey slurping sounds and feel exquisitely tight flesh tugging, teasing and slurping along the entire length of his shaft. Moaning quietly the red panda shook his head, trying to stop feeling horny, his cock hadn't even flagged after cumming, he was rock hard still and already his body was tensing in anticipation of another orgasm. It must have been something to do with the sap, the scents and goo that was still being pumped into his stomach.

"No... please not again, it's too much, too mu... much..." he whimpered, shaking his head and wriggling as the vines crawling all over his body continued to hold him in place. The pleasure was building and along with it pressure, "Not again... an.. anything but... oooh no... no..." he cried out, groaning as he felt his insides shifting and gurgling. Strange things were happening to his body. The plant lodged in his stomach, the goo pumping over him and the flood of hormones from being so over-stimulated was having an effect. Monet could feel the weight of his tail lightening, his hair no longer fell against his shoulders and as the rain of sap from overhead grew thicker it started to wash away the gunk that had been poured over his body during his orgasm. He could feel rivulets of slick, water-like golden sap rolling over bare flesh, flesh that tingled and rippled and bunched in odd ways as if his muscles were no longer behaving as they should. Shuddering Monet managed to push through the constant waves of pleasure rolling through his body from his tormented cock and peek to the side at one of his outstretched arms. It was bare of fur and his flesh looked weird, it had a strange, grainy texture, it no longer looked like skin. Trying to comprehend what was being done to him Monet watched in sick fascination as his skin continued to change, it was becoming rougher, growing and changing beneath his gaze. He was distracted from watching the final stages by a wet squelching noise from above him and a quick look up made him moan and clamp his jaw shut.

The bud at the centre the stamens that were the source of the sap rain had opened and a long, slender vibrant green shoot was working its way down toward his muzzle. As it got closer the plant had clearly anticipated Monet's reluctance to just open his mouth. It had already shown that it could predict how he'd act and move and so as the fresh coil of plant brushed over his nose the vines around his balls squeezed tightly and with a scream Monet opened his maw wide from the sudden pain! The vine wasted no time diving into his mouth, slamming past his gag-reflex to start working down toward his stomach but the red panda barely noticed it. In that moment of sudden pressure he had felt his balls squish into pulp, reduced to mush inside their pouch and then to his horror he realised he could no longer feel that! The vines were now slithering over smooth, unbroken skin where they should have been! The need to cum was still building. With every passing moment, every pulse, wiggle and squirm of the vines covering his body Monet's cock seemed to grow longer, harder and yet it was wriggling and flexing in time to the movements of the vine that had encased it. He squealed as something hard and oval shaped suddenly pushed up through his arse. His already well stretched anus was abused further as the plant forced its seed up into his body. Monet felt it as it entered what had been his stomach and surrounded by slime start to embed itself into his flesh. He had been changed for just this purpose, the seed was inside him now, primed and ready... it only needed one more thing.

Moaning loudly, body arching backwards Monet had a strange sense that everything was coming to a head. His tail was beginning to split and squelch apart, the liquid filling the pod was lapping against his shoulders and the shoot from above reached into the cavity that the seed had settled into! He felt it open wide and a rush of liquid pulse down his throat carrying with it a torrent of small granular objects. Their hard shapes brushed along the flesh of his throat as the changes engulfing his body started to reach their climax. Trying to scream Monet closed his eyes and bucked back and forth in ecstasy as the pod filled completely with sap. His new smooth black head was engulfed, sinking beneath the surface and riding a wave of intense delight Monet hit his peak as the tiny seeds flowing over the larger one started to bond with it and tendrils launched themselves into his body. An electrifying spike of pleasure slammed through his form and with a wild cry Monet came! His body started shooting jet after jet of waste down his cock, he could sense in some strange way that whatever was left of what he had been was being blasted along the length of his cock and sucked away! He didn't need it any more, he was Monet... he was... he didn't know what he was but it felt good!

Riding one final burst of pleasure the former red panda's mind finally succumbed to the changes and he sank into a hazy, pleasure filled haze. He no longer cared about what had been; all that mattered was enjoying what was being done to him and to listen to the whispering voices that had started to creep around the edge of his awareness as the seeds inside him germinated. He was nearly complete, soon... soon he would bud and grow but for now he had to learn.... so Monet let go... sinking into dream laden unconsciousness, shepherded into the darkness by a tingling sense of excitement and pleasure.