Chapter 11: His Game

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#11 of The Longest Game

The final game! Three go in, only one will win... the Dark Knight at last steps forth....

Panting heavily Keith stopped when he reached the next landing and leant against the wall to catch his breath. He was exhausted and his fur was drenched with sweat. Glancing back down at the others he allowed himself to admire the way damp fur outlined the muscles of the other two contestants. Graafen was broad shouldered and hunky which was totally different to Sandson's lanky, limber frame and yet he found them both attractive in the dark light of the stairway. He nodded at them as they joined him and brushed his lank, sweat soaked, greasy hair out of his eyes and peered up into the gloom. They were in the centre of the thinnest section of the tower, hundreds of stories above the ground in a black square ten feet wide. It was a hollow shaft with and iron staircase bolted to the outer walls winding its way upwards. Every several hundred steps there was a landing and a featureless stone door with no visible means to open it.

"How much farther do you think we gotta climb?" he asked the others, "It's been what an hour now...."

"Longer I think," Sandson sat flopping onto the next step and sprawling back to stare up, "All I can see is shadows and stairs, the tower was huge from the outside."

"Well," Graafen said pushing himself away from the railing he'd been leaning on, "I don't think we want to go back..." he pointed down the empty shaft in the centre of the tower and Keith dragged himself over to look down at what the wolf had seen.

"Oh fuck," he swore looking over to the monkey who'd pulled himself over to the edge to peer down as well, "I think it's time to go." The mouse darted past the simian and started to climb. He wanted to put as much distance as he could between himself and the thick green mist that was slowly filling the tower. Graafen and Sandson fell into step behind him and once again the tower filled with the sound of their laboured breathing and the gentle clang of their bare feet ringing on metal. The mouse glanced down at one point and shuddered at what he saw, the fog was only ten or so stories below them. It had a sickly green glow that pulsated in time to its so creep upwards. As he looked he noticed it was starting to advance with speed and with a scream he started to run. With sweat rolling down his back and the shorts he'd been made to wear clinging tightly to his thighs he was starting to tire out. The subconscious need to get away from the green mist was making him push his body harder than ever before. Keith squeaked and staggered catching the railing as his leg muscles cramped up. Graafen's paw on his back kept him upright so the tired mouse started to use the railing as a ladder to heave his body onwards.

"Nearly there," Sandson shouted, leaping across the gap and scrambling up the outside edge of the railing. He scaled the last few floors to a landing that had just become visible through the gloom. There were no more stairs just a hatch in the ceiling and the sandy furred simian wasted no time in climbing the ladder waiting there. "Come on mousie, you can do it!"

Shrugging off Graafen's help Keith forced his legs to move, to climb the last few steps and then with a groan he climbed after the monkey. Sandson was waiting and he grabbed Keith's arm and helped to heave him through the hatch into the room above. They both grabbed hold of Graafen's back fur and pulled him up the last foot of ladder, yanking his feet through the hole just as the green most engulfed the landing below. Squeaking loudly Keith threw his weight atop the metal hatch-cover and slammed it into place as soon as the wolf's feet where clear. The clang of the hatch slamming shut echoed loudly all about them and with a sigh the mouse flopped onto his stomach and lay there panting. Looking left and right he grinned at his companions, showing off his buck teeth then started to laugh, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling.

"We did it, hehe, we did it, we made it!"

"Yeah," Graafen wheezed, reaching out to take one of Keith's hands, "We made it.... the final game room."

Sighing and joining hands with the wolf and mouse Sandson tossed his sweet soaked hair out of his eyes and gulped down some cool air. "Yeah.... thanks for the encouragement guys... shall we... go face the Dark Knight."

"In a minute," Keith muttered closing his eyes and sighing, "I need to get my breath back and guys...." he tilted his head back until he could see the others. "Whatever happens next has been good playing with you all." He smiled as the others echoed his sentiment and just laid there for a moment, breathing deeply and enjoying the mingled musk of their sweat drenched, adrenaline pumped bodies.

They must have slept then, dozing lightly because the next thing Graafen knew he was being woken up by the ferret that had started all of this. The dark furred mustelid was stood in the middle of their little sprawled out circle, nudging them gently in the head with one foot.

"That's enough sleeping; the spirit of this realm is growing restless, get up my contestants, climb the stairs. Your fate waits..."

Graafen looked at where they were being pointed and shivered in anticipation. A dark iron staircase rose up the side of the steep pit they were lying in. Glancing quickly at Keith and Sandson he scrambled to his feet and regarded the shadowy shape of the Memory Weaver. The ferret smiled, showing off glistening white fangs as he tucked his hands inside the pouch at the front of his hoodie.

"Go on, the Dark Knight is waiting, the game is ready.... Do not make him come find you."

Keith was the first to move; he gripped the railing of the spiral stairs to steady his shaking hands and started to climb. Sandson followed next with Graafen bringing up the rear as they ascended the tight spiral toward the light filtering down from above. As they passed the first curve an oily furred creature landed on the railing next to Keith's hand and smirked at them. The amber eyes and sibilant voice identified them as the Weaver but this shape was almost repulsive. The way it oozed and slid backwards up the rail was disturbing but his voice was clear when he spoke and there was a strangely compulsive tone in his voice which made them want to carry on climbing toward the light.

"The game is simple, you three shall now face the Dark Knight, above lies his game board. There you will each take your place upon one of the starting platforms and face the spirit of this world. When he commands it you shall move, either forward or sideways. Only on this first move may you decide which direction to move in, whenever he speaks the command to move you must take the option you did not pick on your previous turn."

Shaking his head and frowning Sandson called out, "We already know the rules, why tell us now?"

"I have to," the oily weasel said simply before scampering higher up the curve of the stairs and continuing to speak. "Your goal is to reach one of the three green lit stations on the far side of the board. Beware, after each of your turns the Dark Knight will move, after your fifth move he shall also know where you have been." Jumping off the rail the demonic ferret landed on the top step just ahead of Keith and grinned impishly down at the trio. "The first to the far side shall win; anyone who is caught shall receive their reward at once whereas anyone still on the board after a winner takes victory... well losing has its own rewards at this stage of the game." As soon as he finished speaking the creature started laughing wildly as his oily form melted through the grilled floor, vanishing into the darkness below.

Keith looked back at the others and smiled before climbing the last few steps and walking out onto the large platform at the start of the ultimate game. The board itself was a large metal square separated into seven lines of seven platforms, each of these stepping stones was set about three feet apart, joined by a slightly recessed metal bar. It was not an impossible feat to step from platform to platform but the narrow bridge was there for those who might not be able to step that far. The square space in-between each grouping of four points was filled with under-lit green mist that flowed and curled just below the level of those connecting bridges. It was haunting and beautiful and Graafen's eyes immediately sort out the figure he was hoping to see on the far side of the grid. He didn't have to wait long as a shape rose out of the mist below. With his arms spread wide to make his dark cloak flow and his dark featureless helmet facing forward the Dark Knight made his entrance. Graafen gripped Keith's arm and whimpered at the sight of this dark god like figure standing before them. He watched as the Knight stepped onto the central platform on his side of the board and lowered his arms, cloak billowing as he waited patiently for the game to begin.

"Well," Sandson said, his long, thin tail dancing back and forth behind him, "Let's start," he stepped from the landing at the top of the stairs onto one of the three grey starting platforms. The moment his feet touched the surface it began to glow, releasing a soft white light which made Sandson ook and snatch at his tail to peer at the floor in alarm. He stood, poised on one foot for a couple of seconds but once it seemed clear that nothing else was going to happen he lowered his foot and looked back at him and Keith, "Well?"

That single word was enough to send Keith rushing to take up his place on the right hand starting platform. With a warm smile Graafen stepped forward onto the left hand one. The wolf squirmed, tail wagging madly as he turned his eyes upon the tall, silent figure of the Dark Knight and waited for him to speak. All his life he'd hidden his infatuation with the Dark Knight but now; standing tall upon the actual board of his dark idol, his shaft thickening in his shorts he felt no need to hide any longer as he waited for the single word that he would have to obey. They didn't have long to wait, the green mist between platforms started to grow thicker and then a voice boomed across the playing grid with a command that made Graafen twitch and whimper in unashamed delight.


It was such a simple command but the wolf's feet were moving before it had finished being issued. In one long stride he walked forward. He was vaguely aware of Sandson moving to the space he had just vacated and his new rodent friend Keith hopped forwards bringing him level with Graafen just removed by a single platform. He barely had time to throw an encouraging smile at the mouse before the voice of the Dark Knight echoed across the board again.


Trembling slightly Graafen considered his options and then strode to the left, walking across to the next platform. Sandson was right behind him again, taking up position on the stand he'd just left but as the wolf turned to look at the mouse he saw that he'd gone the other way.

"Keith," Sandson hissed, "What are you... oh god...." he cut off and stared across the board. Graafen was already looking, his tail wagging as the imposingly cloaked figure of the Dark Knight started forward. He seemed to glide with a stately grace to take up a new position, the dark robe engulfing his body rippling silently as it flowed to a stop, its lowest edge shrouded in the green mist that flowed beneath the game board.

Glancing down Graafen could see through the tight mesh grill of his platform that the hollow square beneath the game board was filled with the green mist. It was so thick that all the wolf could see was shifting clouds and coils of fog that seemed to interlock and roil like the waves of some strange, alien sea. Shivering in anticipation of the next command Graafen tensed, he was coiled like a spring, ready to, "MOVE!" the order caught him off guard and with a yelp he leapt forward to his next position. Staggering slightly the wolf shot a quick glance back at Sandson; the monkey was still following in his footsteps whilst Keith had moved even further away. The Dark Knight didn't move this round so seconds after all three of them had moved they were told to do so again. Graafen hopped over to the outer edge of the large, seven sided board and quickly turned to watch the night-cloaked figure of the game master, it was his turn to move once more. Try as he might to control himself Graafen failed to stop his shorts from tenting as his sheath swelled at the sight of the dark helmeted Knight striding confidently forward. He had turned with ponderous grace and walked away from him, stepping out toward the side of the board Keith was on. Once again the dark cloak shrouding his body flowed with infinite grace, the motion of the Dark Knight causing it to stream out behind him before settling into place.

"He's beautiful," Graafen whimpered as the distant figure turned to face forwards again, "I... I want to meet him...."

"Focus Graafen," Sandson hissed, jumping from paw to paw in agitation, meeting him here means losing. Do you really want to throw it all away for the thrill of...." he was cut off as the Knight's voice commanded them to move. Graafen scrambled to obey and he looked back with a frown as Sandson followed in his footsteps once again.

"I am focused," Graafen protested, "I've never felt more alive than I do today, this is a dream come..." he trailed off as he caught sight of the sardonic mocking expression on the monkey's muzzle, "What?"

"For someone who's focused you just missed him move," Samson's teasing smile widened as Graafen span around and stared across the board toward the Dark Knight. He had just finished lowering his arms and the wolf groaned at having missed him moving like that. "Damn it... Sandy I want to watch him walk."

"Well you should be paying attention then as we....."


Graafen leapt forwards and glanced back as Sandson followed him, the moment they moved the square they had been standing on illuminated. Quickly looking over at Keith he saw that the mouse had also left behind a glowing square. Standing still and watching the Knight the wolf groaned as he the dark figure kept his arms at his side and walked forwards, striding to stand on a new square. Its helmet then turned and seemed to regard the glowing square left behind by Keith and Sandson gasped as he saw what would happen if the Dark Knight walked to the left on his next turn.

"Graafen..." he started to say but the wolf shook his head and shushed the monkey.

"I can see," he said softly, shivering and making his next move as the order was shouted out across the arena once more. He kept his eyes on Keith as the young mouse hopped eagerly onto his next square, leaving behind another glowing marker. The rodent was bouncing on his bare feet and he excitedly squeaked and waved at him. Raising his hand in a farewell gesture the wolf watched with an intense surge of jealously as Keith turned to watch the Dark Knight stride across to stand on the platform in from of the mouse. "I don't think he's unhappy with this outcome," Graafen said in a sad voice, "He only has one legitimate move to make, forwards into the waiting arms of the Dark Knight." He could feel Sandson's eyes on him, hear the bitter tone in his own voice but Graafen was also happy that the mouse was going to get what he wanted so much.

When the order to move echoed across the board the wolf walked forward in step with Keith. He mirrored the mouse's' movements except there was just an empty platform waiting for him. Keith however stepped eagerly into the satin cloaked embrace of the Dark Knight. There was a faint squeak of fear as those arms engulfed the mouse, Graafen could only just make out Keith's ears and then the Green Mist started to flow. It rushed up from the floor and poured out of the weave of the Knight's robe and the rodent started to moan. He could see Keith's shoulders leaning back, bulging out the folds of cloth as he started to writhe and squirm in the Knight's grasp. The mouse's groans grew louder as the green mist boiled and seethed all around him until shrieking loudly in pleasure the mist boiled up out of the top of the Knight's gathered arms and cut off. Sandson groaned loudly behind him but the wolf continued to stare at the tall dark figure as he slowly spread his arms wide. As the folds of black fabric fell away they revealed empty space were the young mouse had been standing. Keith was gone, only a few tatters of green mist remained and with deliberate slowness the Dark Knight turned to face the illuminated corner of the board and spoke, giving the two remaining players no real time to consider the implications of the rodent's removal from the game.


After Keith's loss there was a certain urgency in the following set of moves. Graafen was still over-excited by the idea of playing the game against the Dark Knight but there was something else nagging at his mind now, fear. Striding forward toward another platform Graafen watched the dark cloaked figure approaching, he'd doubled back on himself and was crossing the board. Standing still and considering his options Graafen suddenly realised that this was the last move he could make that would put him in a position for the Dark Knight to capture him. Whimpering quietly he stared at the board ahead of him then glanced back at Sandson, something in his expression must have given away what he was thinking as the monkey spoke quickly.

"Don't do it Graafen, it isn't worth it... don't throw it all away by losing on purpose. You saw how the Dark Knight rewards those who do not play faithfully."


The command echoed across the board but the wolf stood still, looking between each option. If he went right... on his next turn the Dark Knight would walk into him. Whereas if he went left... he'd leave the Dark Knight behind and be set for victory. It was a hard choice, all of his child hood fantasies had focussed on this point and when he was older they had continued to live on inside of him. It was a dark, secret need to be caught by the Dark Knight, to play his game, to encounter him... to lose... to be encompassed in the green mist and punished for his failure.

"MOVE!" The command came again and still Graafen dithered, his eyes focussed on the tall, imposing form in black satin just a couple of squares away.

"Sandson... I... I need to lose, I need... to meet him."

"Then win," the monkey growled, "Keith had bad luck and lost but he still tried to play. He couldn't escape... you can! If you throw it in and lose then you'll have done it on purpose!"

It was so hard to decide, Graafen wanted to win but... the chance to lose to the Dark Knight, he lifted one foot, still hesitating as to which move to make and the Knight bellowed his command across the board once more. "MOVE!" this time though it was full of malice, there was a palpable sense of anger in the words and the helmeted figure seemed to be staring directly at Graafen. Drawing a deep breath to steady his nerves he walked left, striding forward quickly, in one more turn he'd win. Behind him Sandson hurried onto the platform Graafen had just left and then the Dark Knight moved, spreading his arms wide he swooped down upon the square next to Sandson, cloak billowing majestically behind him.

"This is it..." Sandson murmured, "Good luck Graafen, you've earned this..."

The tone of defeat in the monkey's voice jerked the wolf's head around. He stared back at the sandy fitted simian and frowned, "What do you mean, we can both win. He can't catch you before the end; we'll get off together...."

Standing tall, his long, lanky body on display for everyone to see the monkey boy had a serene expression on his muzzle as he spoke, looking around the board as he did, "Remember what the Weaver said? Only one of us can win... like I said good luck Graafen."

"But..." he started to say only to get cut off by the Dark Knight as he growled out his order to, "MOVE," the cold, dark voice of the shadowy figure made Graafen's fur stand on end. He did not sound pleased, if anything he sounded angry that his prey was going to get away. Looking forward to the square in front of him the grey wolf sighed and glanced back at Sandson, he didn't want to do this if it meant leaving the monkey behind. The compulsion to obey the order to move was strong and the monkey just smiled and made a shooing gesture. The tough monkey boy seemed quite content with his fate so with reluctance in his heart Graafen stepped forwards. The moment his feet touched the goal platform there was a hiss as green mist erupted under his feet. Hurriedly walking down the steps the grey wolf left the game board.

As soon as he was down he span around to watch, he was only a foot below the edge of the board so he had a good view of what happened next. The Dark Knight turned to face Sandson and raised his arms, spreading them wide in a silent benediction to the monkey. Sandson was watching Graafen, standing on the platform the wolf had just moved from, he was but one move away from escape himself. There was no call to move however, no warning, the square platforms of the game board clanged open and the simian fell into the mist below. He didn't even have time to shout or scream as he dropped out of sight into the lake of boiling mist that filled the void beneath the game. Sinking to his knees Graafen stared at the board, he felt sick to the stomach, he'd been victorious, he'd beaten the Dark Knight and yet somehow the loss of Sandson left him unsure how to feel. On the one hand he'd done it, after everything he'd been through he'd won... but now he was alone.

As he knelt there he was unsurprised to see the light going out, a wave of darkness rolled across the large pit full of green mist above which the game board was suspended. The air stirred faintly as if the darkness was being carried on a breeze and then the last lights went out leaving Graafen alone in the shadows. Reaching out with one paw the wolf felt for the lip of the game board or the steps he'd come down. His hand encountered a blank wall less than a foot in front of his face however, it was all gone. Slowly he stood up, feeling up the length of the wall but there was nothing there, just a featureless, smooth surface hidden in the darkness. Turning around slowly the wolf cocked his ears forward and listened, there was something just at the edge of hearing, the faintest echoes of sound. At first he thought he'd imagined it but as he stood there in the dark trying to listen the echo came again, a deep drumming boom echoing off the walls.