The Old Farmer 2

Story by Polly25 on SoFurry

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My Part 2 More to come for this female villian in the future Although i have yet to name her

She smiled at his confused look when he woke. "You never should have let me in" she taunted him "Now that your awake, let the fun begin." She climbed on top of him straddling his hips and there was a smile in his eyes, as if he thought he was about to enjoy the coming festivities. She could feel his arousal as he grew hard under her, Her smile went cruel as she took the lighter to his hairy chest. It was than he understood and started to scream, his cook going soft with fear. The scent of burned hair and flesh filled the room, as she slowly dragged the flame across his chest. His screams were intoxicating and she felt herself grow wet with desire, but the fun was far from over. She climbed off of him and walked over to the dressing, grabbing the hammer she had retrieved from the garage. Upon seeing the hammer his eyes grew wide, she could see the tears in his eyes and the tracks they had trailed down his cheeks. She licked the hammer giving it a soft kiss, before slamming the hammer down upon his knee, the sickening crunch making her moan with delight. She licked his tears from his cheeks, She could hear the unspoken why in his screams. She slammed the hammer down on his other knee, loving the way his bones sounded as they broke. Looking at him she smiled sadly as his screams stopped having passed out from the pain.She smacked his face around to wake him only to receive a small moan of protest, smiling she left the room and set to boiling a large pot of water while he slept in pain from their deliciously fun activities.She flipped through the TV channels until the water began to boil, when the water was at full boil she flicked the TV off and carefully carried the pot up the stairs to her waiting victim. He woke screaming as the boiled water boiled his legs. He began crying and whining his voice horse from screaming. She began to strip the clothes off her body her panties coated with her juices. She took her knife and climbed on top of him her knees on the sides of his hips as she cut into his chest. The blood pouring out as she carefully made her incision, she opened him up from his neck to his belly button. His death was quite spectacular as she reached in and ripped his heart out. She rubbed his heart against her clit moaning as she brought her self to an orgasm covered in his blood and his heart covered in her cum. After coming to her climax she took a small nap on top of his corpse, waking a few short hours later to take a shower and put on a clean dress. She had her thumb up with a smile on her face as she walked down the highway looking for her next victim, she giggled on the inside imagining all the fun she's going to have.