"They Come From Heaven" WIP

Story by Vye Riosaki on SoFurry

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#1 of The Forest - The Extras

Warning: contains rape. And probable madness.

Experimenting and prepping myself for what's to come in The Forest. Just as an after thought: the series won't necessarily be driven by sex. Xp

NOTE: This is my first time writing something like this, so please bare with me. This is something I've been planning on adding to the story series "The Forest" ( https://www.sofurry.com/view/591381 ) While this is more experimental, it serves to show that The Forest is something more. Not sure why I said that, but I have a feeling this little scene is something to prepare for the rest of the story. Please do enjoy.


That one word. It was probably the last thing he wanted to hear right now. He knew he was innocent. He knew it. It was all a misunderstanding. He shook his head slowly, his brain trying to process the information. He had to be innocent. He HAD to be.

His fears were finally registered once he felt his hands were handcuffed again. This time, the small snake shook his head harder and cried out. "NO. NO! YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME! YOU KNOW I-"

A fist aimed true to the poor guys head. He felt nothing though. Despair, yes, but pain didn't register. All the same, he cried out in agony. He couldn't see where he was. All he knew was that he couldn't be guilty. He shouldn't die. The snake knew this place was cruel, but this... this was horrifying. Unbelievable.

"NO, DON'T! PLEASE!" the snake tried again. His head was hurting. He felt either blood or tears trickle down his face. His heart was racing. He was crying. Scared. He didn't want to die. So he tried to run.

Another fist. A smack with a staff. Cries of despair. The snake didn't want this happening to him. This had to be a dream, a nightmare. This couldn't be real. He tried to get up again, but all he ran into was a club. Then... Blackness.



Dripping. That was the first sound the little snake heard. He heard the sound of water dripping into water. Then he heard the sound of someone breathing. He felt his head pounding. He felt paralyzed. His body couldn't move.

Suddenly, it occurred to the reptile he couldn't see anything. Panic set in again. However, this time, it wasn't the passionate kind of panic. Rather, it was the kind that filled you with dread. With despair.

He groaned and whimpered quietly. He felt nothing. Nothing. He didn't want to feel anything. The pain was too much. He can't help it.

After a few minutes of whimpering and groaning, the snake suddenly felt another presence next to him. This new information shut him up. He didn't want to be hit. He didn't want to feel. The pain... The pain. The pain of trying to feed himself and his little friend. The pain of trying to survive. He didn't want it anymore. So he tried to silence himself, to no avail.

He felt the presence touch his arm. He stiffened up. He felt nothing. He didn't want to feel anything. His heart was beating slowly. This sensation... This new sensation was terrifying. Whatever or whoever this is, it was touching his arm. Rubbing it, it seemed like. But he didn't feel any warmth. The sensation chilled him.

He heard something, bit it was muffled. He felt his head growing light. Then he felt the hand go up to his face. It felt wet. He didn't like this. This thing was doing something to him. He felt the hand move slowly about his jaw line. It hurt while it was doing that. The wondering hand then roamed to his cheeks. They caressed his scales gently. He could feel something being rubbed off of his cheek. He hoped it wasn't his blood.

The hands kept stroking his cold body. For some reason, this seemed to be less terrifying the more he kept trying to pay attention to the sensations of being touched. Of course, he was hurting everywhere, but these hands seemed to be... warm. Loving. His stiff body began to relax. He could breathe a bit easier now. His chest hurt yes, but this feeling of pain seemed enjoyable now.

This went on for what seemed like hours. The hands kept rubbing out the fear, the pain. He was far beyond relaxed. He felt happy.

All of a sudden, the pleasurable sensation was lost. He gasped and, miraculously, opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a really bright light. He immediately closed his eyed and cried out. His eyes stung. His body hurt all of a sudden. The pain was back.

He curled up as best he could, and stayed like that, panting, gasping and whimpering. He wished Dante was here. He could use the lizards company right now. He knew that Dante would take care of him, like he did to the poor reptile. The mere thought of his friend made him feel some comfort.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, he felt the hand simply grab his shoulder and squeezed. The poor snake gasped loudly and stiffened. He felt the pain radiate from his shoulder. He stayed there, paralyzed for a bit till he realized the hand had left.

Slowly moving onto his back, the small, green snake groaned and tried to view his surroundings. All he saw was blurry shapes and splotches of light. The most distinctive thing he saw was a form standing above him. He was scared. This form can end his life if it desired.

He stared pitifully at it. He could only gasp every now and then. Both snake and dark shape stayed like this for a minute or so. Silence hung in the air. The kind that deafens you. The kind that makes everything seem more darker.

Finally, the figure moved. It raised it's hand and brought it down to the petrified snake. He felt the warmth again. It felt good, like it was sucking out the pain. The snake shuddered. He could feel the hand slowly rub his legs. He could feel the same pleasure he was feeling before.

Sighing slowly, the snake closed his eyes. If anything, the young snake knew that this thing was only trying to help. It wasn't trying to be scary. It wanted to wake him up. Just that.

Pretty soon, the pleasure came back. His head was swimming. The fingers massaged his tense muscles. His eyes started to feel heavy. He didn't want the sensation to stop. If it did, pain would come again. Pain.

The snake sighed, his tongue starting to hang out of his mouth. He started to gasp. The pleasure... This time, there was something about the hands that made him feel... feel like he was being touched. Molested. This thought then registered after a few minutes of heaven.

His eyes started to grow alert. He felt the things hands go towards his crotch. Whatever it was, the thing wasn't paying close attention to the snakes awareness. He somehow found enough strength to sit up. He knew he had to get away from this thing now. It didn't relax him just because it was the nice thing to do, rather, it had it's own plans: rape.

He then softly pushed the thing away, fully aware that he needed to get away fast. His heart started beating. ... Started? He looked down at himself. He saw his normal clothes: a thin cloth shirt, pants made of burlap sack...

While he was confused, the creature pushed him down again. The movement was sudden, and the snake cried out, his back hurting. He started to feel the thing saddle him. He cried out, or tried to, and found he couldn't.

The situation felt surreal. He saw the thing mess around with its cloak. He felt funny. What was happening. He then tried to push the creature off. His strength was waning. He didn't want this. Only his little lizard could do this. Only him.

With the cloak gone, the shadowy figure started to lift his legs up. He heard voices, but they were coming from everywhere. He was scared. He didn't want this.

The thing then started to let its cock poke around the general area where the snakes tailhole was. The snake whimpered in protest. He clenches his ass. His eyes. Tried to block it out.


Nothing. He felt nothing. There was nothing. He opened his eyes. He saw the thing ravaging his ass. He only saw it happening. He couldn't feel anything. There was pain, yes, but nothing else. No fear. No happiniess. Just a sense of being misplaced and levelheadedness. This wasn't happening. It was all a dream.

Then he heard a voice. A small, tiny, unassuming voice with a hint of poison and hatred. It said, "There's more. They come from Heaven."