Furside - Chapter 16, Forbidden (Part 2)

Story by BigFurryMonster on SoFurry

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#16 of Furside

Navi's adventures in love, lust and incest continue as an unexpected third party joins the circle.

Navi's week had gone just the same as it had since she could remember. Except for the fact that she was giving her father what he called a 'blowjob' every day. Sometimes she'd give him a hand job if she was tired and once she had even let him put it between her breasts. Her experiences with sex had been interesting thus far. She had also found that as long as she kept him sexually sated he would do anything for her, or let her have special privileges such as staying up late or more allowance. At first she thought he was bribing her for silence but she dismissed that notion and just called it his way of saying thanks for taking care of him. School had been much more interesting for her since she wasn't so sexually confused, everything had a different perspective. Being in a private school was strange enough without her current knowledge of sex. She wondered why she had never been taught sexual education in school but she let the subject go. Her father had told her never to mention sex around anyone, especially the fact that they were sexually active together. He told her that people would never understand their love.

She wasn't stupid, she knew they weren't supposed to be having sex but it felt too good not to. Every time he kissed her thighs or sucked on her clit she was thrust into another world, her mind was elsewhere and her body was thoroughly enjoying itself. Navi wouldn't give that up for the world but increasingly he had been prepping her for her first time. This weekend she knew she wouldn't be able to come up with any other excuses not to have sex. Her father's dick was huge to her and she just knew it was going to hurt badly but he kept saying that the more you have sex the better it gets.

As she was walking home from school her mind was filled with questions. She didn't notice anyone following her until she heard her name being called.

"Navi wait up!" The familiar voice came.

"Huh?" Navi turned around and smiled as she caught sight of one of her only friends, Marissa. Mari was a decent-looking girl. She was an otter, tall and slender. Her body was definitely nice even though she had a bit of weight on her, it wasn't enough to make her seem fat but she definitely wasn't as toned as Navi was. Her soft brown fur was well kempt and her inquisitive green eyes were much more alert than Navi was most days. "Mari, what's up?"

"Well I was hoping we could hang out this weekend, maybe go see a movie or something?" Mari took Navi's arm as she approached and walked along with her. "That new movie with what's-his-name is out."

"One of these days I'm going to make you memorize the actual titles and names of these nameless favorite actors of yours." Navi said with a giggle as she shook her head. "I know what you're talking about but I'll have to ask my dad first."

"Your dad's a pushover, just blink your eyes and smile and act all cute and he's like butter in your hands." Mari smiled and gave Navi a nudge.

Thinking that Mari didn't know the half of it with her recent revelations she decided to keep everything to herself and shook her head instead. "Yeah I know. He's really good to me isn't he?"

"God if my parents were half as cool as your dad I'd have it made." Mari was all smiles as they walked along. "So did Mark ever ask you out?"

"How did you know about that?" Navi said with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh things get around. He's cute isn't he?"

"For a human, yeah he's cute." Navi smiled a bit and nodded her head but what she didn't want to tell Marissa was that she didn't want to complicate her sex life by adding another person in. "I'm really not into a relationship right now, guys are all the same. I know what they want."

"Who are you?" Mari said with a strange look on her face. "Just two weeks ago you were drooling over him, now you're nonchalant? What's with the turn around?"

"I've just prioritized myself a bit better that's all." Navi shrugged her shoulders and attempted to deflect the stream of questions. "Why don't you go out with him?"

"He's not my type honestly." Mari crinkled her nose a bit and leaned in a bit closer to Navi.

"Really? Well who is your type anyway, you're always trying to set me up with someone but you never go out with anyone yourself." Navi looked over at her friend and started to think about the past, and how many boys Mari had dated. She couldn't think of one.

"Well, I sort of have my eye on someone but I don't think it'd work honestly." Mari shrugged her shoulders and smiled at Navi. "Don't worry about it."

"Well it's their loss, I'll call you later!" Navi said as she turned down her street and waved at Mari who continued on but not far.

Mari smiled wistfully and chuckled at the irony of that statement, Navi had no clue that Marissa was bisexual leaning toward the feminine side. She had been in love with Navi for so long that she couldn't remember the last person she'd had a crush on. Her voice was a whisper and her head hung a bit. "I guess it's your loss then beautiful."


"Daddy I'm home." Navi opened the door to their home and dropped her bag just inside. It was quiet in the house but her father's car was in the driveway, guessing he must be taking a nap since it was his day off she crept through the living room and found her answer in the form of her father snoozing in her bed of all places. She would have thought that to be strange if he hadn't been working on fixing the walls of her room, most everything was covered in plastic because he was going to paint this weekend. "You work so hard daddy."

His job was demanding and on top of that he took care of her as well, she felt that it was almost her duty to satisfy him sexually. He had always been so good to her regardless of what she had done in the past, she had been a brat for the first half of her life and she had some regrets about her previous attitude. Walking into the room in a creep she grabbed her sheets and pulled them over his shorts-and-t-shirt outfit. "Sleep daddy, you deserve it."

When she left the room Navi headed straight for the kitchen to leave him a note saying she was going to see Marissa. On the counter she found a note for her stuck to a twenty. "Mari said she wanted to go to the movies with you tonight so here's some cash, have fun. Love daddy. Aw he's so sweet!"

Navi took her prize and left the house heading straight for Marissa's place; it wasn't far so a short walk brought her to the door. Her finger depressed the doorbell but before she could pull it off the door opened and Marissa was standing there smiling at her. "Well hello there, we don't take solicitors."

"Even ones as cute as me?" Navi posed and pouted her lips a little then burst into a fit of giggles when Mari rolled her eyes and moved out of the way so she could enter. "You could have told me you called my dad about the movie."

"What, and ruin the surprise?" Mari giggled and put her arm around Navi. "Let me go get my purse and we can go."

Navi looked around the room inquisitively at Marissa's house. Her parents were both at work as always so the place was quiet. Their décor was simple and it was mainly because they were somewhat poor. They rented their duplex from the same company her father had purchased theirs from. It had been one of those right place at the right time deals. Everything around her was a light shade of grey or a slightly darker shade of blue and the whole house was so pristine it looked sterile. Marissa had changed into a not-so-short skirt and a tank top, Navi blushed a little when her closest friend bounded around the corner still pulling the shirt over her naked breasts. "Ready to go? What?"

"Nothing, you're just so casual with nudity." She said with a smile. "I'm ready to go."

"What's to be embarrassed about cutie? You've got boobs, I've got boobs, you have a vagina, I have one too as a matter of fact." Marissa replied as they left the house while simultaneously trying not to laugh at herself. "Want to see to make sure?"

When Marissa yanked her skirt up and displayed her white panties for her to see Navi put it back down with her own hands and blushed hard. "Stop that!"

"Why, what's wrong? Are you embarrassed? That color looks good on you by the way." Marissa took a slap on the arm and grinned as they walked, studying Navi's house as they walked by. "Your dad's home today I take it?"

"Yeah he plans on painting my room tonight. I'm a little tired of the blue the previous owners used on the walls I'd much prefer just a plain white. Everything goes with white." Navi eyed the exterior of the house for a second as well. Her father had done a good job landscaping and painting the outside. It had taken him a long time even with her help but it felt all the better because they had done it themselves as a team. "He works so hard."

"Yeah, he's a good man." Mari replied. "We could help him you know."

"Really you'd help us?" Navi grinned a little and hugged Marissa around the neck tight, laughing when Mari tried bite her arm unsuccessfully. "Aw your little angry face!"

Marissa giggled at her and licked her lips suggestively. "Well honestly I'd do anything for a nice booby squish like that."

"Oh sure you would." Navi grinned and put her eyes back in front of her. "You're so nasty!"

Marissa almost sighed but didn't. Navi was so comfortable with her she couldn't pick up the subtle hints because it was how they had always been. Mari had always been afraid to tell her how she truly felt so it was a catch twenty two she had to live with. So many times she had hinted at the fact that she liked Navi more than just a friend would but time and time again she was shot down. They walked in relative silence from then on with Navi looking around at everything happily and definitely oblivious. She wondered how innocent a girl could be to not pick up on the signals.


The movie had been bland; through most of it Mari had been more interested in looking over at Navi's boobs while the unaware little bunny paid attention to the goings on. She loved Navi but the girl wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. Now they were exiting and throwing their popcorn and drinks away in the trash can that had been placed just outside of the theater door. Sitting down for so long always made her have to pee so she pulled Navi along with her into the bathroom. "I don't like it in here; I don't want to be alone."

"Oh come on you're a big girl and you can pee by yourself." Navi laughed as she followed Marissa into the girl's bathroom.

Mari gave her a look that would brook no argument and flashed her best scared-cute look. "Seriously don't leave me alone."

"Alright." Navi shook her head and followed Marissa into the stall without any further protesting. When the slightly taller otter took her panties down and hiked up her skirt high Navi couldn't help but blush at the show of pink she had known would be there. When Mari paused before sitting down she wondered off-handedly what had been going through her friend's mind. Navi leaned against the stall to wait. "So what did you think of the movie?"

"Not enough sex." Mari replied in a half giggle at Navi's look of surprise. "What? A girl can't enjoy a nice sex scene?"

"You're so raunchy today." Navi shook her head and acted as if she didn't approve of Mari's review of the movie. "A proper lady wouldn't say such a thing."

Mari finished her business and stood up, slapping Navi on the ass as they left the stall and hurrying out of the way of the counter-slap that she knew was coming then washed her hands. It was times like this she loved the relationship she had with Navi and hated it at the same time. She had the urge to kiss the beautiful young rabbit square on the lips, to touch her and do other naughty things to her. Before she knew it she felt herself growing a bit slippery and tried to drive her thoughts in another direction. She was glad her fur was dark because she was definitely blushing underneath. She couldn't help but feel bashful and a bit flushed at the same time when the warmth and pleasing feeling washed over her body. Her eyes flashed over to Navi awkwardly and she cleared her throat when they stepped out into the light from the darkened building. "So am I staying at your place tonight?"

"I'm sure dad won't mind." Navi said jubilantly, figuring that Marissa's presence was as good an excuse not lose her virginity as any. "I'd really like that."

Eyeing Navi suspiciously Marissa wondered if she had finally gotten through to the young bunny. Shaking her head for a foolish girl she just continued walking without saying anything. The walk back wasn't long but it gave her time to think about herself and Navi and especially about the bond they had. She wondered if she could ever bring herself to tell Navi how she felt. Before she knew it they were strolling toward Navi's house with hers in sight as well. "I have to go get some old clothes before I come by to help. Don't worry I won't be a minute."

"Okay I'll go see if daddy is awake." Navi skipped up to her door and unlocked it with barely a thought, stepping into the living room she peered around the corner to see if her father had been up and about yet. No evidence of him stirring was evident so she shut the door quietly and walked into the house to check on him. He was still in bed so she walked into the room and looked down at him shaking her head.

She only had time for a short yelp when he sprung out of bed and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her down into her own bed and grasping her tight. Navi giggled at him and gave him a swat. "Daddy you scared the crap out of me."

"That was the point!" He replied through a growing grin. Kissing her neck lightly his voice became muffled as he spoke. "How was the movie?"

"It was good daddy but listen," Navi groaned a little at the feeling of being kissed and nipped at so lovingly across her neck and shoulders then pushed him away with a laugh. "Marissa's going to come over and help us paint my room!"

"That's good, I could use another set of hands in here." He tried not to look dejected, he was hoping to push her further but it just wasn't happening. There was definitely resistance and he didn't want to make it an uncomfortable experience. "Chinese? Pizza?"

"What about that Italian place down the street? Don't they do take out?" She inquired with her eyes big and blue and the best cute look on her face. Navi could see the barriers crashing down almost immediately. "Please?"

"Anything for you my little lovely." He nodded a little and then tickled her relentlessly until he heard someone clearing their throat.

Marissa shook her head and laughed at them, wondering what it was like to feel a bond so close with your father. Her dad was a wonderful person of course but he could be distant at times, even toward her mother. Apparently he had always been that way but Navi and her father had always been a lot tighter than anyone she'd ever met. "You guys are going to make me lose my popcorn."

"It's good to see you too Marissa." He replied through a laugh as he released Navi and had a look around the room. "It's almost ready to paint, just a little more plastic here and there and we'll be ready to go!"

After having a nice Italian dinner the three of them were able to paint Navi's room in a record amount of time. Her father had decided to put a fan in her window and leave it on all night to promote drying the room and sucking the fumes out at the same time. Because they finished so late Marissa and Navi decided to sleep in the living room on the couch and love seat.

Since she was the taller of the two, Marissa took the couch that was positioned on the far wall across from their television. She was restless, all day she had been thinking of Navi and it was all she could do to not jump the girl's bones while she slept. She let out a deep sigh and turned over, facing toward the back of the couch in an attempt to get Navi out of sight and out of mind. It wasn't working. Having held it long enough Marissa decided to go to the bathroom. She rolled off of the couch onto her feet and stood up. Once again walking past Navi brought her feelings back full bore.

Their bathroom was freshly painted and halfway decorated. It was nice, an ocean theme with sand affixed to the wall. Navi's father had started putting different shaped sponges into paint and pressing them against the wall to create starfish, regular fish, and other sea creatures. It was all very creative but all she could think about when she was looking at it was Navi in a bathing suit. Growling softly she turned her head away, she had finished peeing but she couldn't get up just yet. Her eyes fell upon the hamper next to the shower. Curiously she lifted the lid and spied what she was looking for. A pair of frilly pink thong panties greeted her with its softness as she lifted them out of the container. Although she knew Navi would kill her for doing it she held them out in front of her and grinned. "Cute down to the panties as always."

Marissa eyed them for a long time, she didn't know how long but she found her arms retracting almost against her will. Before she knew it Navi's panties were hovering dangerously close to her face. Her ability to hold them away melted and she pressed the soft cotton undergarment against her nose, inhaling deeply. Her scent was pleasurable to say the least, Marissa's eyes rolled back into her head and she sighed in mixed relief and frustration. Unable to pull the sweet-smelling panties off of her nose she put her hand down toward her unclad crotch and touched her lips gently. Her fingers played at the lips and hood of her vagina and she felt herself flushing. Her voice was barely as whisper as she toyed with her pussy. "Oh god Navi please, please kiss me please touch me!"

Marissa slid one finger into her hot, waiting hole and tried not to cry out. She bit down on her knuckle and attempted to control her breathing. When the door opened she yelped audibly and dropped Navi's panties only to find herself face-to-face with Navi's father wearing nothing but boxers. She looked from the panties and back up to him sheepishly until she spied movement in his lower regions. Semi-erect he was peeking out of the hole in the front right next to the button on one side and the button hole on the other. "Marissa?"

She found herself unable to look away and unable to move. Her fingers were sitting stationary in her hungry slit. They stood there looking at one another; behind him Navi was slumbering peacefully on the loveseat. Neither could speak, and for her part she was surprised, embarrassed, and at the same time still hungry for attention down there.

Having come in to use the bathroom his surprise to find Marissa masturbating with Navi's panties in her hand startled him beyond measure. It was obvious from the external signs that he enjoyed the sight. He couldn't speak and from the look on her face neither could she. It was also apparent that she was making no move to cover herself or pull her fingers from her womanhood. Before he could think he just spoke out using what was in his head. "I just had to use the bathroom."

"I was just..." Marissa stammered, unable to come up with an excuse. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He said softly while closing the door behind him. "Would you mind?"

"No!" She faltered for a moment but stood up and pulled her panties and shorts back on. Quicker than she had intended she stood up off of the toilet and began washing her hands. Her surprise was genuine when he whipped his member out without waiting for her to leave. Mari stared at the specter of his penis and gulped once, drying her hands off.

David stooped down and picked up Navi's panties in his hand. He looked at them for a moment and then tossed them to a surprised Marissa. "You know, you don't have to stop on my account."

"Mr. Haress?" She was surprised to say the least as she looked from the panties back to him.

Taking a chance he walked over to her and put his hand next to the door, his body hovering dangerously close to hers. He hadn't bothered putting his dick away, it was hanging out for her to see and after relieving himself it had become quite stiff. When he sniffed Navi's panties and then in turn sniffed Marissa's fingers he smiled at her, trying to seem less like a predator and more like an admirer. His face was inches from her ear as he spoke. "I don't think you were finished."

Marissa shook her head. Though she was in shock she understood what was going on. "Are you going to stay?"

When he nodded she gulped audibly. She fumbled over her next question carefully. "Are you going to..."

"No, I'm not going to do anything to you. I especially wouldn't rape you honey. You're too important to me and to my little girl for silliness like that." He smiled and backed away a step, leaning his hip against the sink. "But if you're a willing participant I wouldn't mind watching. Or even joining in."

She actually pondered the implications of that for a moment. "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that."

"Are you and Navi intimate?" He asked, looking slightly disappointed.

"No." Marissa looked away from him, turning her head to the side.

He put her finger under her chin and pulled her gaze back toward him. When she didn't pull away he felt an internal smile developing. Searching her eyes for a moment before speaking he saw the pain there, the desire, he had hit a nerve. "Do you want to be?"

It was an absurd question to which he already knew the answer. It didn't take a genius to know that Marissa secretly loved his daughter. She merely nodded and he smiled outwardly this time. "I can make that happen."

Her interest was piqued and she eyed him suspiciously at the same time. "How and what do I have to do?"

"You've always been a smart girl Marissa." He shook his head and continued to smile as disarmingly as he could. "I'm going to tell you something now that no one else knows and I'd like to keep it that way for now."

"Nadia isn't my daughter."

"What?" Her jaw would have hit the floor if it wasn't attached.

He shrugged his shoulders. "She's not my daughter in the biblical sense. I love her and I've raised her from the time she was born, she is for all intents and purposes my daughter."

Once Marissa had recovered from her shock she looked down at the floor and then back up at him. "I'm sure there's a story behind that."

"You're right." He sat down on the bathtub and motioned for her to take a seat on the toilet again, this time with the lid closed. "When I was young I met a girl a lot older than me. We fell in love and as these things happen, we became intimate. What I didn't know is that I wasn't her only partner. She had been experimenting with drugs and giving 'favors' for her fix. When she found out she was pregnant she disappeared and I thought I'd never see her again."

He paused for a moment, remembering the day she returned like it was yesterday. "When she returned she was haunted, near crazed. She said that she wasn't sure whose daughter the girl was but I was the only one she trusted. She said that the man she suspected was the father had set his family out after her because the last thing he needed was a bastard child popping up from his past. I agreed to take her in, she was beautiful Mari. This perfect little angel, I couldn't turn her down. I loved her mother and in turn I loved her."

"Go on." Marissa said. "I can see there's more."

"I had a friend that worked at the hospital. He secretly ran a paternity test for me. It turns out I wasn't the father but that didn't change anything. Her birth certificate reads as Nadia Vivian Haress, daughter of David Alexander Haress and Julia Vivian Willingham, and I raised her as my daughter but I'm not her biological father." He paused for a moment to let his settle in. "I love her, she's just like her mother. She is in all ways the girl that I lost so long ago."

Marissa was smart enough to get the implications of that. "Are the two of you intimate?"

When he nodded at first she was disgusted, then she was intrigued. Since he wasn't her biological father there was nothing wrong with it on most levels. "Is she still a virgin?"

"Yes." He said simply, and then added another thought on. "I was hoping to take care of that this weekend, tonight in fact."

"Okay so what do you get out of hooking her up with me?" Marissa was obviously interested. "And how?"

"At the very least I get to watch and if I'm lucky I get to join in." His smile broadened. "As for how you'll have to take a leap of faith."

Marissa wanted Navi more than she cared to admit, so she had no choice in her answer. "How high?"


Marissa was lying on the couch face down. She was staring at Navi intently, hoping her gaze alone would wake the girl up. Her clothes were pooled on the floor in a heap down to her bra and panties. It felt strange being naked in their living room but even odder of a feeling was the fact that Navi's father was sitting on her legs massaging her back, ass, and legs. It felt good, she had to admit, for someone else to touch her even though she favored the ladies. The muscles in her back were definitely not protesting to his gentle ministrations. Her eyes closed and she found herself purring in pleasure even as he traced his fingertips down the crevice of her ass. She had been a little hesitant at first but Mari was getting in to it now. The tall girl sucked in a breath as she felt his tongue touch the sensitive skin of her anus and wiggle slightly against it.

He had promised not to pierce her vaginally, so when he touched the front of her wetness she didn't jump, she angled her ass toward him in order to give him better access. Suddenly paying the price to achieve her wildest dreams didn't seem so bad. His tongue felt good, warm and wet against her pussy lips. She squeaked a bit when he suckled on them and simultaneously dribbled a little of a warm, viscous substance between her ass cheeks. His lubricated finger penetrated her asshole and she sucked in a breath. It hadn't been painful like she had expected. Just the opposite she found herself groaning and her womanhood twitched for more as he pressed down on the inside of her ass and added a second finger. She was suddenly feeling a little bashful so her voice was low. "Fuck me, but please take it slow!"

The head of his cock pushed gently inside of her dark hole and she moaned, pushing her ass up higher and taking a little more in. He was kneeling behind her and his hands were on her hips, she was enjoying this a lot more than she wanted to admit. Marissa felt more and more of his manhood drive deeper inside until his hips met her ass cheeks. She cried out and then put a hand across her mouth as Navi stirred and smiled in her sleep. "Oh god, oh god, please fuck me!"

He obliged, more than willing to screw her virgin ass. She was tight but not so tight that it almost hurt like with Navi. Her ass was sucking and slurping at him with loud results. She attempted to quell those noises by working with him using her body to pump back and forth against him.

"I thought you wanted her to see." He whispered into her ear as he increased his speed and used his hands to clutch at her womanly hips and pull her young body against him. He wanted to get his penis as deep into her ass as he could and keep it there. The head was tingling from the rubbing and he groaned loudly.

"Quiet!" She hissed under her breath as she labored to do just as she had ordered him to do. Still on her knees Marissa lifted her body and put her back against his chest. It felt nice; he had lost a lot of weight so she could feel his muscles pushing against her. When his hands grabbed her tits and squeezed oh so gently she came several times in a row and leaned her head back, kissing him full on the lips. "Come inside of my ass, please!"

"God you're so hot right now." He whispered into her ear as his balls began draining out into the darkness that was her butt. She gripped and pulled against his penetrating member by instinct causing another orgasm to make her moan but this time softer. "You'll wake her."

"Please don't." She begged through gasping. "I need some time to think."

"Alright baby doll, alright." He breathed against her neck as the last few spurts dribbled from him and into her. He could feel his fuck foam dripping down his shaft and across his balls. "You don't want to waste any of that cum do you?"

"No." She breathed as she slid herself down dexterously and licked at his dwindling shaft and scrotum hungrily, taking in everything she could. When he laid down beside her she looked over at him and then back at Navi who was still sleeping, oblivious.

"Change of heart?" He said in a whisper, smiling at the way she shivered.

She rolled over and embraced him, burying her face into his chest. It felt odd to have a sudden change of heart not only toward Navi but now toward her father. She could respect what he wanted and she could also understand fully how frustrating it was to want someone so bad but not have them. "No, I just don't think I'm ready yet."