Furside - Chapter 19, Looking for a Girlfriend

Story by BigFurryMonster on SoFurry

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#19 of Furside

A girl and her father and another girl, what could possibly happen?

I remember it like it was yesterday, she wrote in her journal, that fateful autumn day out on the soccer field. The truth is funnier than the reality sometimes. I wonder if he knows I went out there to watch the girls play soccer, to lust after what I couldn't have. I guess that's the best punch line I can come up with given the circumstances but I guess I've gotten ahead of myself. I haven't written in my journal since the day I met him and his beautiful daughter. Maybe if I read the last entry it will help gather my thoughts.

"Go, go, woo!" Jamie shouted at the top of her lungs as the girls soccer team faced off against each other. She clapped her hands and propped her chin in her hand, half-smiling as she watched. A light sigh escaped her lips.

From next to her came a man's voice, bass and jovial. "Who are you cheering for?"

Jamie turned to look at the speaker before replying. He was a great bear of a man, being a bear of course, he had the most odd shade of red-brown fur she had ever seen and a wild bushy beard that looked comical when he smiled. He kept his hair short on top though. Jamie shrugged. "Either side works just as well as the other."

"Good answer." He eyeballed the young girl. She was an otter, sleek and brown-furred with long curly hair and a beautiful slender body. "I'm Christophe."

"Jamie." She replied, extending her hand to shake his outstretched one. "Nice to meet you. Who are you here for?"

"Her." He said pointing to the nimbus of bodies running across the field.

It was comical at first but she knew who he was talking about. Her name was Davin, she was tall with light red fur and blue eyes, the perfect coloring for a vixen but it lent well to her. She was the captain of the soccer team, captain of the cheerleaders, captain of the chess team and an all around great person. The smart, beautiful and funny girl had tutored Jamie in math. "You're her dad?"

"Yeah, unbelievable?" He said through a grin.

Seeing that mischievous grin and knowing she'd seen it before she giggled a little and shook her head. "No, I've seen that look before."

"You're Jamie right?" He replied without skipping a beat.

She cocked an eyebrow and realized as she said it that she had met him before. "Yeah how'd you know? Oh, yeah you were there when I came to get tutored."

When he just nodded and smiled knowingly she was thankful. "I'm not the remember-able sort anyway."

"That's not true." She lied thought a show of teeth.

"It is, and I'm glad for it. I'd rather people remember her than me." He replied with a nod toward the field.

"Says every parent." Jamie replied with a laugh and nodded to him. "You won't have any problems there; everyone in school knows and loves her. So do you come to every practice?"

"Every one that I can anyway." He said without breaking his gaze from the practice. "Davin told me I need to start socializing and talking to people instead of just staring. She said it might make people think I'm here to ogle at the girls and daydream about picking one up."

"But aren't you?" Jamie jested with a laugh as she playfully slapped his arm.

"I wish." He threw a wink her way and grinned. "No one likes a big man like me."

"What would your wife say." She probed lightly, not knowing what she was searching for. In the back of her mind she felt a stirring.

"I wouldn't know, I'm not married to her anymore." He replied with a shrug. Before she could apologize he held out a hand and put it on her arm. "You didn't know and it's alright."

"Thanks, I didn't mean for that to be awkward." The silence that followed was just as awkward. She stole glances at him and several times she caught him doing the same. Something had formed between them at that moment whether she wanted to acknowledge it or not. "What are you two doing after this?"

"Most likely we're going out to get food, I'm hungry." He said with a smile.

"You're always hungry dad!" They heard a voice call out as a bundle of red fur plowed into him with a huge hug. "I'm so glad you made it!"

"Whenever I can, you know that." He said returning the hug with zeal.

"Jamie, why don't you come with us." Davin suggested with a squeeze of the girl's hand. "He's the first person I've seen you socialize with in weeks."

As Davin ran off she felt his eyes upon her and suddenly she felt a little bashful. After a bit of squirming she looked up and smiled sheepishly. "I don't relate well to kids my age."

"I never did either." He said with a great belly laugh. "Come with us, I'll pay."

"Who can refuse a free meal?" She said while brushing her hair from her face shyly. "Why not?"

The meal was pleasant, the three of us talked well into the night like we were old friends catching up after a long absence. It's the most camaraderie I've felt from anyone ever. Even my own parents sadly enough. After good food and dessert he offered to drop me off at home. I didn't want to go home quite honestly, the house was empty. My parents were on vacation and they had left me to fend for myself. Money and a credit card, keys to the car, emergency numbers but no presence in the house save my own. He could sense it, they both could. They were eyeballing me the whole way home.

"Something wrong?" Davin finally piped in first.

"No, my parents are on vacation for a few weeks so I'm home alone. I hate being in the house by myself." Jamie said after a few minutes of deliberation. "Sorry, we had such a good time I didn't want to bring everyone down."

"That's why you're so melancholy in class I'd wager." Davin looked over to her father. "Why doesn't she take the spare bedroom Dad?"

"No I couldn't do that." Jamie said with a smile and a shake of her head. For the sake of being polite, in the back of her mind she wanted nothing more than just that.

"You can and you will." He said with a nod. "You wouldn't be imposing, I'll drive by your house and you gather up some things and we'll head to our place. I know your parents, they won't mind a bit."

"You do?" She said with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah, they come to the company Christmas party every year; I've never seen you there though." He nodded.

"Alright then." She said while watching the road. She didn't know why she was agreeing or why they were being so nice but she couldn't help but accept. She was lonely and they were the only 'humane' contact she had all week. Bullies and assholes didn't count.

Once she had gathered some things from the house they were on the way. Davin's father was on his cell via a Bluetooth speaker system built into his car when she returned to the large blue SUV. It turned out to be her parents. "Hey mom, dad."

"Hi sweetie!" Her mother said cheerfully. "Christophe and Davin were just telling us you're staying with them for a bit."

"Yeah, seems so." She said in a mock cheerful tone and smiled sardonically, making a noose motion with her hand she stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth as if she was choking. The reaction she got from the two of them was positive as they tried not to laugh out loud. "Have fun."

"Okay dear, we'll see you in two weeks." The endlessly cheerful voice called out before the phone hung up.

"They off now?" She said softly.

"Yeah, they're gone." He said with a nod and a grin.

Jamie snorted and rolled her eyes. "You have no idea how much it annoys me that she's so cheerful all the time. It's maddening."

"I'll bet." Davin laughed a bit and sat back as they started off again, putting on her seatbelt.

From the back of the car Jamie wondered what she was doing. She had never really been good friends with Davin and she barely knew her father but something inside of her craved interaction and attention. She plopped her chin down into her hand and started at the back of his head for most of the ride. So much so she didn't notice Davin looking back at her. When she did finally notice Davin smiled and shot a glance at her father then back at Jamie. She felt something then, a knowing between the two of them that she hadn't felt there before. Jamie sheepishly looked down at her feet and cleared her throat. Davin merely chuckled and sat back forward.

"What'd I miss?" The large man said quizzically, taking his eyes off of the road for a mere moment.

"Lots and nothing." Davin said with a giggle.

When they reached home Jamie had a good look at it. There was a lot of bare land around the place with a wooden two-board fence and a small shelter. In the back there was a white horse casually eating grass. The house was two story and large for two people, it reminded her of her own house but it felt warmer, even from this distance. Getting out of the car and into the house was the easy part but once she was inside she felt like a third wheel until Davin took her literally by the hand and led her to the spare room.

"Here you go, make yourself at home." Davin said with a smile.

"Well I would but I usually walk around naked." Jamie jested with a laugh as she walked into the room.

"That's alright; my dad and I usually do too. You'd fit right in." Davin smiled as she left Jamie to get comfortable. "Come down and watch a movie with us."

"Alright." Jamie called back down to her. Once she was alone in the room she sat down on the bed and looked down at her crotch. "What am I doing?"

As if in answer she felt her loins stir a bit and she put her hands on the front of her pants, feeling the wetness on her panties sliding against her virgin slit. She sighed and tried to compose herself. "You don't know what you're doing."

The movie was exciting, an action movie about people doing the right thing because it was the right thing. Stuff that didn't happen in real life, obviously. Jamie sat on the couch with Christophe long after Davin had retired to bed. He seemed to be a night owl. Her glances at him went unnoticed until she curled up next to him, leaning into his body. When he put his hand on her arm and rubbed it gently she smiled. "Christophe?"

"Call me Chris. Hell you can call me daddy if you want." He chuckled and looked down at her, realizing what he had said and cleared his throat. "Sorry, inappropriate joke."

"Daddy." She said softly, trailing a hand down his chest to his pants. "I want to show you how grateful I am to you two."

"Jamie." He said softly, looking down at the hand. "I don't think we should do this."

"I'm sixteen, a consenting adult." She responded to him as she unbuttoned his pants with one hand and shoved her hand down into his boxers. He was hard instantly, even before her delicate fingers began exploring his shaft and head.

She was able to rid him of his pants quite easily leaving his rock-solid eight inches glistening in the dim light of the living room. Her lips kissed the tip and she wrapped her tongue around the head. The moan she got in reply made her smile. She finally slid the entire length of his cock into her mouth and throat, swallowing instinctively to fight the gagging urge. He moaned and gripped the couch cushions. Her head went up and then down, up and then down again as she began sliding her mouth along the length of his man meat.

To give herself a rest she pulled her mouth off of his dick and stroked it with her hand lightly, it was cute how his skin bunched up at the top when she lifted her hand and then retracted when she slid it downward. As an afterthought she licked the tip of his cock and then drug her tongue down across the shaft slowly then licked his huge balls. She was only able to get one of them in her mouth but she could tell he appreciated it so she did the same with the other.

Jamie could tell he was close so she put her mouth back down on his cock just in time to receive a huge splash of cum against her tongue and the back of her throat. She did her best to swallow it and was able to get it all down. She smiled sweetly as she stood up and left the room in a hurry. "Thanks daddy."

As she was toward the stairs she met eyes with Davin and panicked, running up the stairs before the girl could say anything to her.

Once she was in her room she put her back to the door and slid down it, breathing heavily. She had just given her only friend's father a blowjob and he had liked it and she had liked it. Plus she was sure Davin had watched them both. She put her hands on her face and sighed a little, then sobbed, then smiled, and then she licked her lips. He was salty but she liked the taste.