Furside, Chapter 20, Looking for a Girlfriend (Part 2)

Story by BigFurryMonster on SoFurry

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#20 of Furside

Father, daughter, girlfriend. A wonderful combo!

"Jamie honey, are you alright?" Davin said from outside the closed door of the spare room.

Jamie ran her fingers through her hair and wiped tears from her eyes, sniffling and wiping her nose in almost the same motion as she fought to gain some composure. It was failing. With a sigh she cleared her throat and lied, she was a terrible liar. "I'm fine!"

"You're a terrible liar." Davin laughed from outside the door. "Open up."

Unsure why she was doing it Jamie stood up and opened the door, retreating into the room at a walk. Once she had sat on the bed she turned to find Davin closing the door behind her and smiling. She wondered what the smile was for; this was something serious and unforgivable. "Why are you smiling? You should be mad at me."

"For what? A blowjob?" Davin laughed and sat down by Jamie, putting her arm across the girl's shoulders. "For the record that wasn't bad for your first time. I've been giving him hand jobs and blowjobs for as long as I can remember. Before you get upset just hear me out."

Jamie was reviled and intrigued at the same time. She merely nodded and turned to face Davin, this had to be a good story. With a gesture of her hand she motioned for the girl to continue.

"Mother left us a long time ago." Davin explained. "When she left she made me promise to take care of Daddy. Being a little naïve and having seen them having sex on several occasions I took it literally. It took Daddy a long time to come to terms with what I was trying to do but eventually he cracked and let me have a go at it. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. The problem is sex; I haven't had the nerve to work up that far yet, that and the fact that he's so active. It's hard to keep up with sometimes. I suggested he get a girlfriend but he doesn't want the baggage that comes with older women, that and I think I've spoiled him."

"So you guys do this often?" Jamie said quizzically, still somewhat disgusted. "How long have you been doing this for him?"

"Sexually? Since I was twelve." Davin said with a shrug and a smile. "As far as attempting to set him up with a girlfriend, this is the first time."

"So this was a setup?" She said with a laugh. "It was a nice one."

"Don't take it the wrong way, I really do consider you a friend of mine. You know me, I'm little miss popular." Davin rolled her eyes and shrugged. "I don't do it on purpose and honestly I'm more like my dad than I care to admit. I don't really like having people around me but I tolerate it because it's part of what you do, interact with people. I'm rather picky as to who I let into my inner circle so seeing as you're the first and possibly only person I'd feel lucky if I were you."

"I'd have never guessed." Jamie smiled a little. "Everyone loves you and you're so positive and outgoing."

"That's not a total act, I love doing good things and I am still somewhat of a social butterfly but when I get home I just want to sit down and spend time with my dad, now you." Davin put a hand on Jamie's cheek and kissed her lips lightly. "I picked you a long time ago, I've just been too afraid to approach you. So I set up this little thing to break the ice so to speak. I just didn't know it would be so effective."

Jamie ignored any further commentary and locked lips with Davin, forcing her tongue between the beautiful girl's lips and holding the kiss for a moment, turning her head to the side she laced her fingers into Davin's hair and held her fast. When they broke apart she blushed hard and cleared her throat. "I've been dying to do that."

"Oh my." Davin giggled a little and traced Jamie's lips with her index finger. "That was nice."

"Yeah." Jamie echoed as she nipped Davin's lip with her own lips and licked them fleetingly. "You're so beautiful."

"You are too." Davin said softly while putting her hands on Jamie's hands. "So you'll be our secret girlfriend?"

"Gladly." Jamie laughed and looked down at the bed. "You can stop peeping from the door."

When an obviously embarrassed Christophe rounded the corner she laughed and wagged her finger back and forth. "Naughty, naughty."

"I know." He said with a great belly laugh. "Honestly I didn't know anything about this until just a few minutes ago."

"It's alright, I agree." Jamie said with a nod as she looked from one to the other. "So how does this work."

"Nothing changes on the outside. That includes my invitations to sit with everyone at lunch." Davin said with a peck on Jamie's cheek. "You're my friend, I've been trying to show you that but you're just too shy to embrace it."

"I always sorta felt like you were trying to bring me in out of pity." Jamie said with a shrug.

"Never, I felt a connection with you during the tutoring sessions. Even before then actually, but you never really acknowledged me." Davin smiled a little as she looked over at her father then back to Jamie. "You've always been too afraid to talk to me or even say hi in the halls even though I do."

"You're so popular and beautiful and everyone loves you. I just feel weird in those circles you know? That's why I usually hang with the outcast crowd." Jamie shrugged. "That is until you started showing up over there too. All the stoners playing hacky sack and eating candy and the emo kids and their self pity, all the losers that no one likes and there you are this shiny beacon of bubbly friendly cheerleading."

Davin laughed at that description and shook her head. It was true she had started frequenting what had been dubbed the 'weirdo' area but it was not just for her pursuit of Jamie. She legitimately felt bad for the way some of the other students treated them. "I wasn't doing it for a pity party for anyone, I just wanted to show people I'm not a stuck up bitch. That moniker seems to come with captain of the cheerleading squad."

"Not when you're the best chess player in the school." Jamie giggled. "You're some kind of Jock-geek hybrid."

"We can make her stronger, faster than before." Christophe chimed in. When he got blank looks from the two of them he laughed. "Oh no, you two can't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about. Oh well, we'll remedy that later."


A few days had passed since Jamie had been inducted in as a secret girlfriend and everything in her life had changed. She hung out with Davin more often at school. Even though some of the cliquish kids were a little snotty to her she didn't care. She found time for her old friends too, the crowd that didn't fit in quite anywhere else. Living at their house was fun. When their 'daddy' got off of work they watched movies or went out to eat depending on the day. On days when Davin had practice he would pick them up at school afterward or meet them there. She lost herself in the two of them and their strange symbiotic relationship. It turned out that Christophe, or as Jamie had begun to call him, daddy, was a lot like her. Introverted and not interested in social circles. This brought them close.

It was a little late, not too late, but seeing as it was a Friday night Jamie and Davin had no problem staying up late and watching a movie with their daddy. Nuzzled up against him on either side Jamie and Davin were quite content as they were.

"Girls," He said almost apologetically. "I think I need some affection."

"I'll go get the lube." Davin grinned mischievously and Jamie looked on confused.

When daddy held her down on the couch by her shoulders Jamie giggled and batted at him playfully. His large hands explored her body slowly and she closed her eyes and moaned. It was not much work for him to rid her of her shirt and pants but when he got to the bra he was stuck. Laughing she loosened it and flung it off to the side, landing it right on the television. His hands and tongue did their work on her sensitive nipples and she groaned, grinding her body against his. "Oh daddy!"

A second set of hands rid her of her underwear and for a second she panicked, putting her hand on Davin's wrist she shook her head. "Not yet."

"Don't worry." Davin said with a knowing smile as she turned the girl over on her stomach. "Not until you're ready."

Jamie gasped as a soft tongue probed the lips of her vagina from behind. She angled her ass upward to give Davin a better vantage point. The licking, sucking and nibbling went on for some time and she gasped finally and fell down to the couch with a huff and a sigh. A silly grin was plastered across her features. "That felt so much better than doing it solo."

"Good." A bass voice said into her ear, causing her to shiver and squeak as another bolt of lightning hit her crotch. "But I still need a little something."

When Jamie felt a bit of cold liquid hit her ass cheeks and felt a slender finger spread it around her asshole she gasped and looked back at them both. She was a little frightened but at the same time intrigued. She didn't struggle as one finger slid into her ass then a second. When Davin pushed down on the inside of her ass she felt it in her vagina and cried out in ecstasy. After a while of pumping two fingers Davin pushed a third inside and she grunted a bit at the stretch. She didn't know how long they had been up to it but her ass felt a little sore already. Feeling as if she was too far in to back out she didn't protest when the head of his cock entered her ass just a little.

"Oh god." He said through gritted teeth. "It's so tight."

"Go slow daddy." Davin said pleadingly as she leaned forward and locked lips with Jamie.

Jamie groaned against Davin's mouth and accepted the tongue with interest. When Davin removed her clothes and sat down in front of Jamie she felt a little embarrassed but touched her tongue to Davin's slit gently. The beautiful girl grabbed her head and pushed her forward grinding her hips trying to get Jamie's tongue into the right places. The slender otter tried to concentrate on her friend's virgin snatch instead of the feeling of a dick taking her anal 'purity' so to speak. She was so focused that when Davin came and pulled her head away she was sticky and slick all over her face and neck.

Their daddy leaned forward and helped Davin lick Jamie's face clean as he pushed and pulled his man meat out of her tight little dark hole. After a while she felt him speed up then she felt a splash of hot cum drench her insides. She sighed in relief as he pulled himself out of her and flopped down onto the floor. They were all quite a mess. "We need a shower."

"I'll second that." Davin said with a giggle as she stood up and wiggled her ass on the way out of the room.

"Have you fucked her ass too?" Jamie inquired to the heavily breathing bear of a man on the floor.

"Not yet." He grinned wickedly. "Want to hold her down for me?"