A Little Too Curious Part 3 [The Park]

Story by firewolf91 on SoFurry

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This is part 3 of my story with korlin in faith.

This time i did a little less sex leaving it in this part to a minimum ;-) stay tuned for part 4 where it gets really "interesting"

Story made by :Me Faith belongs to :Me Korlin belongs to :Me If you want to repost this story link me it in a PM Or contact me at [email protected] enough mumbojumbo..... TO THE STORY!!!!

(A little too curious)

"Call ended" said the computer. *sigh* Wow i never knew korlin had a thing for inflation, heck i never knew i had a thing for it either. Faith decides to pull up that poll website and answer the questions. "Hello, this is a poll for people who have been "tested" for certain intrests, there are 5 questions asking about your experience." Question 1: What kind of test did you get and what was the result of it? A. Direct Experience (specify result) B. Scanner (specify result) C. Don't know (specify result) Faith clicks B and answers with a result of inflation. Question 2: Did this bring pain and discomfort? A. Pain B. Discomfort C. Nither D. Both Faith clicks A. Question 3: Did you enjoy the experience and, did you find new things you never knew? A. Yes B. No C. Both Yes D. Both No Faith clicks C. Question 5: Would you want this experience again or no? A. Yes B. No C. Not sure Faith rapidly clicks A. "Thank you your results have been sent to our research team, we hope you have a wonderful day." *sigh* So that's done... hmm.. i still think i want more of a belly but mine is so huge. *creak*.... *whimper* I want more, but i don't think my bed can't hold it anymore. It feels soo good, feeling your body become.... Zoneing out, faith falls asleep cuddleing her huge belly.*

(Korlin's end)

Wow i never knew it, and to think she never knew that makes it even more weird. I wonder what went through her mind when she found out, i know i would be shocked at it, she looked so hot with that huge belly of her's.. I have never seen a belly get that big before, and i almost came close to bursting before!

Korlin heads to bed dreaming about faith and all the wonderful things he could show her.

(The next day)

*yawn* I wonder what korlin is doing right now.... hmm, computer see if korlin in online on video chat. *ping* Error i can not *distorted voice* find *slow moation voice* korlin. What the!?! Oh not now you piece of junk! *sigh* Finding the phone faith calls the local computer server owner and asks about the problem. "Yes Ms all the A.I's are acting up, the whole server is down for mantaninance for now, we are sorry." *grumble* Oh how this happens every time i try to call someone or do something... Computer, access manual mode. Error access denied. *sigh* Override code A-456.. god i hope that code is right for the price i paid the company for it. Access granted. Have a nice day Ms Faith. Ok now to send a message the manual way i guess. "Korlin, do you want to meet at the park later today? My computer is acting up so it would do good to get out of the house maybe. ~Faith"

(Korlin's side, a few minutes later)

Oh that sounds bad, no wonder my calls never went through to her. "Sure i would like to go to the park i can pick you up at 2:00 if that is good enough?" Getting ready, korlin grabs something from his secret stash, it was a balloon, as a kid the reason korlin became intrested in inflation was watching the local balloon store inflate a few and he wondered from that day about inflation. He also loved to blow them until they pop. *sigh* i always keep this just in case i ever get the urge to inflate something. It's still 11:30, i can just take a small nap while i wait. Getting ready to go to bed korlin he puts the balloon in safe keeping. "I wonder what faith would think of this also." korlin thought to himself

(4 hours later)

*yawn* What time is it... oh...OH i'm late!!! Darting up out of bed korlin rushes to go to the park hoping faith is still there. God i'm so stupid i hope she's still there waiting, i know se is probabaly angry at me right now.

(Faith's end.)

And this is another thing i did not get about korlin.. he is always late. *sigh* guess he is not going to show... i knew i waisted my time getting back together with him. Faith!! Hold on! *sigh* "As usual." faith says through her teeth. Faith i am soo sorry for beingt late but i'm here now. Faith becomes really ticked off and scolds korlin for being late. You know i really NEVER missed you doing this, every time you are late as always!! You never stop with your old hab- Korlin cuts faith off with a kiss. Just admit it, you love me. I hate when you do that.... What do you say we ditch the scenery and find something "new" to do. Oooh i see you haven't lost your charm in the past few years. Hey you have to do something to keep your charm over the years, i had practice. Oh really? What's her name? *stammering* Oh uh um.. Oh i knew it haha you practice in the mirror don't you. Ho...how did you... god i hate it when you do that! Oh i had an old boyfriend that did it in the mirror i even have that video somewhere. Haha i would love to see that, but what do you say we get out of here. "I already have something "planned" for you." faith said winking at korlin Walking around finding a spot away from furs and the local park ranger, they find a clearing just enough for someone to fit through. "This seems like the perfect spot." faith said squeezeing through "Right behind ya." korlin said as faith gets through Hiding in a small hedge faith waits until korlin gets through to ambush him. Faith..faith where are you? Gotcha! "Oh no ya don't!" korlin says dodgeing out of the just in time Faith decides to give korlin a run for his money and winks in a "go get her" look. "Oh how i wish this happened sooner." faith thought as korlin was giving chase Hiding in a bush faith waits to try to pounce korlin again. "Where are you? I know you're around here somewhere." korlin said in a teasing tone Korlin gets right next to faith as she holds her breath, too bad for faith korlin heard her breathing before she held it. Are you right here faith? And... gotcha!! Catching faith by surprise, he manages to trap her on the ground and both start laughing. "Oh that was fun." faith said "It sure was." korlin replied *sigh* It's so peaceful here almost enought to make someone fall asleep. It sure is faith.. it sure is. Faith and korlin both lay there watching the clouds go by before faith breaks the silence. I think it's time we go to my house and have some. "fun" Agreed.