Alpha and omega/bolt vore crossover

Story by Anyonarex on SoFurry

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A vore story

Humphrey and Kate walked through the forest, their belly's rumbling loudly as they did. "I'm so hungry" the omega wolf complained, only having eaten fruit and mushrooms since they met Marcel and Paddy, "we should of eaten those two birds" he said. "If you're so hungry why don't you go hunting?" Kate responded "there might not be any caribou around, but I'm sure you can find something else to eat."

Humphrey liked the idea of this even though he'd never hunted on his own before, this would also be a great opportunity to impress Kate. "Okay, you stay here and I'll bring back food" he said and began walking towards the edge of the forest, not noticing the female wolf rolling her eyes behind him.

Bolt stretched his legs with a contented sigh, basking in the morning sunshine as he lay down. "Life is good" he thought to himself "sunshine, friends, and nothing to worry about" but unbeknownst to the sleepy dog, Humphrey was sniffing around the woods looking for a nice meal, and he'd just caught Bolt's scent. "mmm, that smells good" thought the wolf as he looked at the house containing the dog "usually I wouldn't eat pets, but a hunger like this calls for some drastic action." And with that he moved closer to the house, catching the scent of even more animals as he did, "smells like I could have a bit of a feast..." he thought to himself, his belly rumbling at the thought.

The wolf moved around to the outside of the house, noticing an open window and smiling to him. "Someone was a bit careless" he said, looking around to make sure nobody was around before jumping up and squeezing himself through the narrow space, falling into the sitting room in a heap. "I hope no one heard me" thought Humphrey as he sniffed around, there didn't seem to be any humans around but he could definitely smell a range of other tasty treats. "Cat, dog and...some sort of mouse?" having never seen a hamster before Humphrey had no way of knowing what it was, all he knew was that it smelled tasty.

"I'll take the dog back to Kate" he decided "and keep the other two for myself." And with that he started creeping up the stairs to where the cat and mouse thing lay, all ready to be eaten by the hungry wolf...

Suddenly he heard a noise in the sitting room that he'd just left; another animal had been following him! He quickly stalked back down to meet his stalker and was surprised to find out that it was actually Kate. "I thought you might need some help from an experienced hunter" Kate whispered as she stood back up "but I didn't realise you were going after some measly pets." She said the last sentence with a smug smile that annoyed Humphrey, "it's better than nothing" he whispered back "anyway, there's two upstairs and one outside, we should be able to get the other two without him noticing." Kate nodded and followed him out of the room and up the stairs, letting him take the lead like he'd wanted to.

They came to a door at the end that had the distinct smell of cat and rodent lingering out of it, both of them appeared to be in the same room. "That makes things a lot easier" thought Kate as her and Humphrey prepared to burst into the room and feast on the meat within.

Inside, Mittens was rolling around Rhino like some sort of football, much to his annoyance. "Will you stop doing that?" he said in an annoyed tone, Mittens just continued tormenting him as cats do. "Bolt's not around to help you" she laughed "I could eat you if I wan-" suddenly she stopped and turned towards the door, the fur on the back of her neck standing up. "What's wrong?" Rhino asked, the cat looked down at him with fear etched on her face and mouthed a dreaded word, wolves.

Before Rhino could say anything else Kate and Humphrey burst inside, baring their teeth and looking vicious. "Wait don't" Mittens began before being tackled to the ground by Kate, the wolf bearing down at her and drooling with hunger. "ooh, I want this one" she said to Humphrey, who knew better than to argue with the female wolf she was this hungry. He turned his back and walked over to the strange ball that contained the cowering Rodent, "please don't eat me" he begged as Humphrey sniffed the ball with curiosity. "I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before" he said " but it won't save you" and with that he ripped off the top of the plastic ball and spit it out on the ground, exposing the hamster inside.

The last thing Rhino saw were the drooling wolf jaws looming towards him as he screamed his little lungs out, desperately kicking and squealing as they closed around him. Humphrey swirled the little rodent around his mouth, sucking and lightly chewing on his fat little body. He certainly tasted interesting, different than the rats and mice that the wolf was used to eating, but no less edible. Wanting to get this part of the meal over and done with and start with Bolt, Humphrey deftly threw the hamster to the back of his throat and gulped loudly, sending him down to the waiting stomach. "Enjoy your new home" he smiled, Rhino trashing around in the fleshy prison as the digestive juices started flooding in...

While this was happening Kate had begun taunting her own meal, bearing down on the cat and sloppily licking her cheek. "mmm, delicious" the wolf said, smacking her lips in an exaggerated manner and basking in the cat's terrified expression. It wasn't often she got to have this much fun with her meal and she was loving it. Bending down to sniff Mittens Kate noticed she had an interesting smell, kind of a mix of dog and human but still with a delightfully mild cat scent underneath. "Don't worry kitty, I won't bite" she smiled before opening her mouth wide and enveloping the cat's head with her fleshy jaws.

Kate sucked and nibbled on Mitten's large head and growled with pleasure, the cat's scrumptious flavour and frantic struggles sending the wolf's body into a state of ecstasy. "oh man, I didn't know pets could be this tasty" the wolf thought, quickly gulping more of the feline into her thick jaws, her eyes closing in pleasure as she sniffed and licked Mitten's all over.

The cat was having considerably less fun than Kate, being covered in drool and eaten alive by a hungry wolf wasn't exactly her idea of a vacation. "Let me go!" Mitten's shouted, digging her hind paws into the bedroom carpet and hoping desperately the she wolf wouldn't bite her in half. But instead of biting down, Kate simply lifted her jaws up, sliding more of Mitten's form inside. The cat shivered as she looked ahead at her inevitable destination, a gross pulsating throat smelling strongly of rabbits and elk. "And then the stomach" Mitten's thought tearfully, drool sliding her back and dripping of her tail, no chance of escape now.

Kate, realising Humphrey was waiting for her to finish, quickly bounded through the rest of her meal. Sliding past Mitten's stomach and arriving at her hindquarters the she wolf slyly licked over the cat's cute hind paws one last time, giving the feline time to contemplate her fate. "well it's been fun kitty" Kate tried to say through meat packed cheeks "but I think it's time to end this little dinner date" and with that she gulped in Mitten's hindquarters and sucked in her long, black tail like a string of fat spaghetti. One more gulp and the cat was gone, sent down to the wolf's awaiting stomach.

Mitten's travelled down the tight throat; squirming and meowing pitifully all the way down, and spilled into the surprisingly spacious stomach. She squinted but all she could see was the squishy wolf innards, the smell of digested rabbit and elk choking her as she sat there waiting to see what happened next. "Now I know how those birds and mice felt" Mittens thought sadly, coughing a little as the stale air entered her little lungs, the hot moistness of the predator's belly was almost unbearable for the little feline. "You have to let me out you mangy wolf!" she shouted and began kicking the stomach walls in a desperate attempt to make Kate spit her back up, the belly filling with digestive juices as she did...

Outside, Humphrey walked over to Kate and gently nuzzled her full belly, feeling the cat squirming and kicking inside as he did. "She's putting up quite a fight in there isn't she?" he laughed, Kate smiled and responded "she sure is, not that it'll do her much good. my stomachs used to handling caribou and rabbits, a measly kitty cat won't last long." and almost as soon as she'd said that Mitten's struggles began to wane as the belly filled with strong wolfish digestive juices, breaking down her soft feline body.

"shall w-URP" Kate began before being cut off by a loud belch, filling the air around her with the delightful scent of digesting cat. "Sorry, shall we go down and meet the main course?" she smiled "you can have him to yourself if you want, I'm happy enough with this little one" Kate finished while gesturing to her distended stomach filled with Mittens.

"Sure, but you should come down with me and have a bit of fun with him" Humphrey said, Kate laughed and responded "I was planning on it." The she wolf slowly got up, making the cat inside slosh around, and followed Humphrey to where Bolt lay, unaware of what had just happened.

The white dog yawned and stretched out with another contented sigh, awaking from his sleep. "Penny doesn't seem to be back yet" he thought as he sniffed around "and mi-wait, is that wolves?" as soon as he caught the scent he Bolted upright and turned around, just as Kate and Humphrey entered the kitchen, the latter looking hungry as ever and the former sporting a suspiciously large belly..

"Don't come any closer" Bolt growled, trying to hide his fear but failing. The wolves simply laughed mockingly at this and began walking around him, their hungry eyes running over his little body. "oh boy, He looks even tastier than that cat" said Kate, Bolt giving her a shocked expression as she did, starring at the bulge in her wolf stomach as he realised what it meant....

"You ate Mittens?" he stammered, shocked at the sheer idea. "You mean the cat? Ask her yourself" Kate said moved closer to him and moved one of his ears to her stomach, letting him hear the gurgles and squelches of a stomach hard at work to digest its feline meal. In response Bolt leapt up and tried to bite her paw, growling loudly as he did. "Let her go" he growled at Kate, who simply poked her slightly squishy belly and said "I think it might be a little late for that."

While Kate was busy teasing Bolt, Humphrey had snuck up behind him and placed a paw on his tail, pinning him in place and giving the wolf a chance to size him up. Bolt was just big enough to be a very filling meal, but also small enough to choke down whole. Lightly sniffing him Humphrey realised that he had a very pleasant scent, partly because penny had only washed him the previous night, nonetheless it made the wolf's hungry stomach grumble loudly as it demanded to be filled with the small canine. "Well, it's been fun little doggy" Kate smiled "but my friend here is hungry...he's all yours Humphrey."

Before Bolt could say another word the male wolf spun him around and opened his jaws wide, giving the dog a good whiff of his hamster scented breath before spreading them over his head. The last thing Bolt ever saw was the pink, pulsating muscle of Humphrey's throat before it enveloped him, pulling him towards the waiting stomach. "Let me go!" the dog shouted loudly, the moist squishiness of the maw suffocating him as it pulled his soft body deeper and deeper within.

Humphrey didn't respond, he did have his mouth full after all, instead he growled and murred pleasure fully as the taste and scent of Bolt spread to every inch of his body. It was a wonderful feeling, to be devouring another creature whole and feel it wriggling around inside his mouth, frantically trying to escape. "But there's no escape for you little doggy" the wolf thought proudly and gulped again, bringing in more of Bolt's delicious flesh into his jaws, licking and sucking on him vigorously as he did.

Inside, Bolt kicked and struggled desperately to escape the damp hotness of the wolf's maw. "This must be how Mittens and Rhino felt" he thought sadly, the sickening sounds of Humphrey growling and murring with pleasure filling his ears. By now Bolt was in up to his waist, the tongue curling around his soft belly and the cold saliva sliding down his back, all he could do was whimper.

With a few more pained gulps all that remained of Bolt was a fat tail, a pair of juicy hind legs, and a trapped bulge in the hungry wolf's throat. Deciding that it was time to move on, Humphrey GULPED larger gulp than ever before, bringing in the dog's feet and sucking in his tail like a long string of fat spaghetti.

He collapsed on the ground when it was over, taking in massive gulps of air as the meal curled up in his tight belly, all ready to be digested by his wolfish stomach acids. "That was impressive" Kate said, rubbing Humphrey's belly just liked he'd done with hers "I honestly didn't take you'd be able to eat that much meat." Humphrey grinned widely in response, showing of his sharp teeth and making it clear that he was a fierce wolf. "Just remember, those are pets, real animals are much harder to eat" Kate laughed "now come on, we better leave before the humans come back."

And with that the two wolves left the house, their bellies full and happy as they went.

A Khajiit's best friend (vore)

D'jara the Khajiit's stomach rumbled loudly as she travelled, begging to be filled with something tasty. "Almost there" she thought, seeing Falkreath in the distance "Lots of food there." It was strange though, D'jara had never been this hungry before....

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Bambi: a fox's feast (vore story)

Preview image made by: []( (This takes place just after the "twitterpatting" scene) Flower bounced through the forest with his nose held high in the air, the owl had just...

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