FratRats 3: Found My Ratling

Story by Eiji Otaka on SoFurry

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#3 of FratRats of Filth

A man, having just escaped a rat monster's rape attempt, searches to find his son and save him from the impending rodent invasion, not knowing his goals are warped along the way.

This is a collaboration between me and FA: R-E-L that is a spinoff/sequel to FratRats, taking place in the same world/city. It started as a third person RP and turned out quite well. It's somewhat extreme so you are warned but the tags adequately tell you what kink is involved. Being that it was third person to begin with, this one won't have the level of errors I found in Kingdom of Stallions post-publish.

Found My Ratling

By Eiji Otaka and R-E-L

Dave was running down the street, desperately trying to hold the tattered rags that were left of his recently purchased jeans around his now-deformed pelvis. Despite his best efforts, his 2' long monstrous jet-black cock was bobbing up and down with each running step that he took.

Just a few moments ago he was a normal human guy just walking on his way home from work... when he caught a whiff of this horrible, disgusting, burning... almost enticing scent wafting from behind him. He couldn't stop himself from freezing in his tracks as he felt a pair of rough, furry arms wrap around him and pull him back against a throbbing, precum-leaking rat shaft. 'Hsshsshss oh look! What do we have here? Another ratling-to-be trying to outrun Master's loyal minion?" A sinister, inhuman voice hissed from behind him as he felt long whiskers brush up against his cheek. He grunted in protest and shock, fighting against his paralyzed body as his attacker began lewdly fondling him, burrowing underneath his shirt and caressing his chest with grimy, greasy, misshapen hands... sharp nails pinching his nipples, making them feel more sensitive as those rough digits toyed with him.

Dave struggled as best he could against the foul rodent beast. It's vaporous breath curled up his nostrils, clogging his sinuses as he felt both of his nipples pierced by the contaminated claws of the monster molesting him. He yelped a bit as they dripped just a bit of blood before healing up into swollen grayish black nips. He moaned in pain, He could feel his nipples get extremely sensitive, just the feel of them rubbing against his shirt had unfamiliar pleasure drilling into his brain. "Please! Stop! I have a family!" Dave cried out in terror, not noticing his cock start to pulse and fill with blood.

The creature molesting him hissed and cackled at Dave's pathetic protests. 'Hsshsshss...WE'RE YOUR FAMILY NOW, WHORE!' The creature slapped Dave hard on his ass, his flesh and the fat of his rear jiggling from the force of it, inflating slightly with each ripple across his flesh, until he had a large ghetto booty that any hip hop backup dancer would be jealous of. His inflating rear strained against his jeans tightly as his cock throbbed and blackened. The changing human was so filled with terror, the musky scent slowing his mind so much that he scarcely noticed his nose beginning to twitch above his sprouting whiskers.

Dave cringed a bit more when he inhaled he foul musk, but his cock started to throb even harder, spurting precum with every pulse. Then, the rat grabbed his neck, limiting his airflow to force his mouth open before lathering the inside of his mouth with a sloppy tongue.

The rat's mouth was wet with infectious green saliva that was thick as phlegm. Dave would have bit down on the tongue if he could breathe, but he found the nasty taste starting to agree with his palette, his tongue starting to flick back of its own accord as his taste buds warped. What the fuck is wrong with me!? Why does this freak taste and smell so fucking good!? That last thought left him dumbfounded, as his yellowing buckteeth pushed out, nose starting to drip green snot as he was bombarded with filthy rodent corruption.

Then, Dave felt his pants begin to tear at the seams around his expanding hips, his inhumanly long dick sending waves of pleasure up and down his body as it rubbed against the tight fabric of his pants. He felt his ass and hips grow larger and larger, though he didn't yet recognize that it was in proportion to his now gigantic cock. He let out a rodentine squeak as his jaw cracked and shifted, his nose twitching wildly as green saliva of his own began to overflow from his mouth, dribbling over his blackening lips as the rat forced him into that monstrous kiss.

While his mind knew that this should be horrifying, that this should be the most disgusting thing that he'd ever experienced, that he should practically be vomiting all over the floor, but his body was telling him something different. His body was telling him that this was the most arousing experience he'd ever had. The Rat's greasy fur and rancid stench was more arousing than any girl he'd ever seen. The rat's bloodshot, slitted orange eyes more beautiful to look into than those of his fiancé, the rat's throbbing member pressing between his ass-cheeks through the fabric of his jeans more arousing than any pair of tits that he'd ever squeezed in his entire life...

Dave's rodent snout began to crack and stretch into existence, his ears beginning to grow into half-circles as they expanded to the size of saucers atop his head, before his jeans finally snapped. His furry grey ass-cheeks and growing segmented, wormy tail gave the rat easy access to the prize that he had been seeking. The changing man's still-human mind struggled desperately against the rat, his arms beginning to push back against it as he tried to move his ass away from it, even though he couldn't... he didn't want to pull his muzzle away from the delicious flavor of the rat's saliva.

Dave hissed in resistance, though he couldn't help the vermin instincts pressing into his skull. His cock rubbed against the rat monster's belly fur, scooping up the beast's sweat and bellybutton gunk into his rancid newly-grown foreskin that would soon be filled with thick headcheese. He could only think about finding his friends, getting them to help him fend off the stanky rat as his own hairy armpits began dripping their own yellow sweat gunk. He didn't realize he was now contributing to the stench hazing the area. "Pleasshe Shttop! I want C-COCK! NO nrrNO! I...!" he cried out as his now swampy ass began twitching in need as it started to loosen to accept the big cheesy cock pushing into his darkening puffy anus. The moment the head slipped in he squeaked out in lust-tainted fear. The whites of his eyes started to turn a grimy yellow as his own bestial shaft spurt contaminated precum onto the rat's chest.

Dave let out a lustful hiss with each thrust the rat took into his newly self-lubricating hole. Globs of green gunk pressed out of his hole, spilling to the ground around the rat's 2' cock. The girthy length was as thick as a soda bottle, thrusting deeper and deeper inside of him with a series of wet, slurping noises. As the thick rod burrowed it's way inside of him, Dave was overcome with shame and horror at his domination. The rat was fucking him in the ass, which to him was a horrible thought that nearly destroyed the changing man's sense of manhood...especially when, instead of the pain that he'd expected, the cock felt like it was revealing an empty hole inside of him that he never knew he had before... one that needed to be filled.

'The rat broke me!' Was the only thing Dave's twisting psyche could muster in the face of the sheer shock of the situation. The shrill cry repeated in his head, everything else melting away to the peripheries of his mind as the rat revealed a cavity deep within Dave that would never feel...quite...right... unless he was having it filled. His eyes went cross, his irises turning orange and slitted as his cock began spurting loads of precum between them and onto the floor, breaking Dave's concentration on his deflowered ass enough for him to notice something so shocking that it mustered up all the dying remnants of Dave into one final act of desperation.

Dave's bestial orange eye looked down at the ground as his balls swelled to the size of grapefruits, the light fur there coated in thick sweat, that steamed with musk. He saw the photo of his son that had fallen out his wallet as he was raped into feral submission. The look of his son smiling with pristine white teeth had yellow tears build up in his eyes before they started drying and crusting up. He struggled to reach the picture, rotating on the rat's cock until his furring back rubbed against the beast's sweaty belly fur. This unfortunately allowed the rat to thrust his filth-spreading cock deeper into his soon-to-be rodent brother. Dave squeaked in lust and repulsion as his yellow clawed hands reached out for the picture of his disgustingly human son. Wait, what?! Human's weren't disgusting, were they? Especially not his son, he was a hot handsome young man. No... That's not right. Is it? Dave blinked in confusion as the lust and disgust battled for supremacy in his hormone flushed brain. Sadly for him, the rat beast did it's best to aid his corruption, thrusting harder into the mutating rat, jabbing his prostate.

Dave squeaked as the rat rammed into his bowels. His muzzle finished growing, pouring out slimy green drool while his huge ratty balls tensed up and surged jets of cum out, the white seed oozed out before powerful shots of yellow corruptive vermin spunk sprayed out, splattering over his son's photo. The sight of his son's face covered in rodent cum sent tainted signals into his brain as he realized he needed to get back to save his son. To warn him of how hot and horny rats can be. With another loud squeak, he elbowed the big ratman in the gut, causing the beast to squeak in pain as he forced the taint spreading cock out his needy pucker with a wet SCHLURRRP! As the cock left his sweaty furred ass spraying it with cum, he felt his need for cock drill further into his brain. He did his best to ignore the feeling, quickly grabbing up the photo as he ran.

His feet had now finished forming into long, warty rat paws. His thick claws clicked against the asphalt as he began sobbing, tears streaming down his cheek as they crusted into thick yellow lines of crust running down his face. His steaming green mucus mixed saliva spilled out from his blackened lips and ran down his chest as he ran as best as he could remember to where his son was!

Had he been uncorrupted, he would have recognized the path he was beginning to take as the route towards his old home. However, the tendrils of the rat's corruption had planted themselves in his brain, twisting his viewpoints and sense of reality to the point where he no longer felt any connection to the place, or held any memory of having lived near there. He knew that he wasn't himself anymore, at least not 100%, and in spite of the pulsing need and pleasure that coursed through him every time he smelled his putrid scent or involuntarily spurted a jet of pre, he knew that he was a monster, that he was a disgusting, filthy creature that was terrifying to look at! He was not supposed to be this way! He knew that the rat had simply broken him with hot rat stud cock...

Even a few seconds ago, he would have been alarmed by this thought, but the lewd infection had advanced to such a point by the time that he had pulled himself from his attacker, that his internal mental filters were beginning to crumble, allowing the thoughts implanted in his mind to be accepted by his psyche as if they were his own. His mental immune system had been turned against him, allowing him to begin the slow process of becoming fully corrupted by the psychological virus attacking his personality.

As globs of yellow rat jizz spurted out of his used, loose hole, and a thick green haze wafted from the new rat's body, Dave still struggled to move as fast as he could... before he spotted a familiar house...a quick memory of a human filled Dave's mind of a affable, middle aged man. The man's name had been scrubbed from the forming rat beast's memory, but Dave didn't realize this to be the case, he just remembered him as 'FRIEND!'


Dave gave a twisted but hopeful smile at the familiarity he felt seeing the house in front of him, and his cock spurted in joy from that alone. Friend will help! Friend help CUM! NO! ...SON! Friend help SON! The tainted thoughts having strange meaning to his mind. He bust down the door in his attempt to knock. The wild fearful look in his eyes betraying the precum oozing from his shaft.

He ran through the house looking for his friend, each stomp of his grimy paw feet leaving as slimy footprints in his wake. His thick hairless tail swaying and knocking over the decorations as his twitching nose took him to the his human friend Richard's bedroom. Richard was startled from the loud noise of his front door busting down and when he opened his bedroom door to see what happened, he was greeted by the most freakishly disgusting sight he'd ever seen outside the internet. There before him stood a huge nearly 7 foot rat beast, green miasma flowing from its body as its pits dripped yellow gunk, crooked muzzle leaking thick green drool and snot as it squeaked out one barely human word. "HELP!!! FRIEND! NEED SON CUM!" Dave screeched as his feral cock spurt and splattered corrupted filthy spooge on Richard's face at the sight of seeing a human friend.

Richard gagged and stumbled back, falling to his ass and coughing at the foul spunk in his mouth. Dave squeaked in joy at seeing his human friend. They could help each other! He could help the human get nice and filthy, while the human could help him find his son. Yes! It would be perfect! Wait! N-no! That would be awful! H-how could he think such a thing?! Dave thought to himself in revulsion and shock, disgust swelling in the last parts of his human psyche as he let out a gasp... which sounded more like a squeak. He was so wrapped up in the horrifying, dominant thought that ran through his head that he didn't even take note of his friend, Richard, gagging and gasping with thick globs of vermin precum running down his face.

However, as the image of making his friend into a filthy and dirty rat was running through his disgusted mind, his body took it a different way. His torso spasmed with arousal as his pelvis jerked about, Dave letting out shocked, protesting squeaks as he began shooting a huge jet of yellow jizz all over his friend, coating the cornered human's face as a portion of the jet streamed into the poor guy's gasping mouth, thick globs of jizz getting caught inside of his throat. The horrid green haze emanating from the new monster began to fill the room, turning the air itself green as Dave began retching in terror. "What the FUCK are YOU?!?! Oh my fucking god!!" Dave's former friend began screaming in horrified disgust, Dave's body seizing up with a horrible sense of loss. "BUT...YOU... FRIEND!" He managed to blurt out, intending to communicate something along the lines of "how could you not recognize me? I'm your friend!" but the neural pathways to his vocal cords had become corroded with the rat disease, twisting his words until he sounded like an 8 year old.

Richard gagged and choked on the seed in his throat. The hot yellow sludge sliding down his esophagus into his stomach as his body convulsed with revulsion and the direct infection. The foul stench clouding the room, filled and coated his lungs with corruption as he gasped for air after swallowing the rodent cock cream. The heat of the infectious sludge in his belly radiating through his body until it made his skin itch. "Get away! PLEASE!" Richard screams, but the contagion all over and inside him rooted its way into his very blood. He looked at his soaked crotch in fear, groaning as filthy lust grew inside him like a parasite. He stared mouth agape, as his cock swelled and pulsed in his night shorts. He watched as the length snaked down his leg until an unfamiliar black tip draped in thick foreskin peeked out above his knee. The sight had his cock pulse as it spurt yellowing precum.

That odor only excited his lust further as he thought of the rat that burst into his place with that hot throbbing cock spurting everywhere. It was so filthy and disgusting but as he continuously inhaled the tainted miasma, his perspective was changing. The whites of his eyes turned yellow as the corners crusted over. His teeth going buck as they yellowed, and a growing, slimy tongue licked up the vile cum from his darkened lips. He gave a pleasurable pained cry that sounded like a squeak as his balls swelled to filthy rat mutant proportions as it ripped through his shorts, the almost two foot cock spraying precum as it slapped against his chest. He felt an intense itch in his ass start building as a growing nub pressed out the tip of his spine. Just as his balls filled with venomous vermin cock batter, his mind was warped and flooded with rodent corruption.

Richard's long tongue panted and lapped up his newly infection, phlegm-like saliva that was dripping out of his mouth in globs. His jaw cracked and stretched as his nose twitched in pleasure between his forming whiskers. His brain cells began to fizzle out of existence by the thousands as images of normal human dicks becoming hard, throbbing jet black cocks just like his began filling his mind. They took up more and more of his brainpower as his ears began to grow to the size of small saucers, the scenes of struggling humans fighting against his monstrous grip like an insidious balloon filled with alien rat-beast thoughts within skull was crushing everything else in his mind. His personality, his ambitions, his friendships and relationships were all over-written by the love of filth, the adoration for a mature rat's thick musk, and most of all how much he wanted to fuck.

He opened his clenched eyes, revealing those same slitted orange irises that the rats shared, signalling the complete loss of the new rat creature's humanity.

Even through the monstrous lense that had been imposed on his mind, Dave was horrified and mournful as he saw his friend begin to twist and transform before him. The saddened rat beast could see through the empty stare of the new rat-creature's eyes that all traces of his friend were gone. And even though the expression on his own face was that of sadness and regret over breaking his friend, his body couldn't help but be pushed into overdrive as his former friend's body was morphed into another of his brethren. The new creature's body bore no resemblance whatsoever to the terrified human that had stood in it's place mere moments before.

The new rat leaked copious amounts of green gunk from under his armpits. Thick globs of saliva dribbled down his chest, coating his inhuman cock with thick saliva as his wet asshole dripped clear milky fluid. His new jet black cock stood at attention as he stared into Dave's eyes with intensity.

"FUCK. FRIEND." the new rat creature squeaked out, his thick cock and newly self-lubricating asshole leaking a puddle onto the floor beneath him.

The bestial rat that was formerly Richard squeaked out again as it looked at his buddy's pulsating black cock before tackling him to the ground. His wild slitted eyes looked over his rodent brother with overwhelming lust, lathering Dave's muzzle with his thick saliva and slurping the other beast's slimy tongue with his own. His cock spurt precum on Dave's furry chin as he started grinding his swampy ass against his furry partner, squeaking in vile joy as he felt Dave's feral shaft probe between his stinking ass cheeks. Richard pulled his nasty tongue back in his mouth before looking at Dave with a sinister lust-addled grin that drool green gunk onto his bud's face and neck. "FRRRIIIEEEND FUCK NOW!" he yelled before giving a glorious squeak as his forced his filthy leaking rat pucker onto the feral two foot cock. The feeling was exquisite! At least that's what Richard would have thought if he remembered the word. But it was riveting his cock shot out gobs of yellow tainted cum just from the cock entering him.

Dave's dick was coated in thick loads of jizz from his previous load at the sight of his transforming friend. Because of this, the feeling of his former friend's wet ass was one of the most incredible sensations that he'd ever felt aside from having his ass filled by that rat that had attacked him outside. Oh god... he's turning into a monster, just like that rat! He broke his friend, he was trying to find help for himself and ended up stealing his friend's life away from him. He was horrified, but when it all became clear in his mind, he couldn't help but find it to be one of the most arousing thoughts he'd had in a long time. His repulsion fueling his arousal as he spewed loads of jizz into his former friend's hole with a chesty, squeaky moan. He was even more ashamed now that not only was he raping his friend, but he was starting to enjoy it!

He tried to pull his friend off of him, to push the rat boy's rear away from him, but as the creature's thick balls dangled between it's legs, it was so cock-crazed and hungry for sex that Dave's mind froze in lust. He momentarily lost himself completely to the rat side as he began increase the pace of his slurping thrusts. The feral mindset taking over was proud of his conquest, proud of taking a weak, pathetic human in it's place, to get off with any hole necessary. RatDave squeaked and moaned as he began giving his new kin a reach-around, chittering in pleasure as he tweaked the other monster's black nipples., The overwhelming stimulation was too much, and RatDave cried out in acknowledgement of his newly feral self as the rat top shouted 'FUCK FRIEND. YESS!!" in ecstasy.

Dave now had a wild feral look to his eyes like Richard's. The filthy rat inside of him was trying it's hardest to subjugate and purge the last bastion of humanity in the corner of his brain. For some reason RatDave couldn't expunge the human Dave still there, so instead the rodent corruption tainted his thoughts as they filtered to his body, He had to save humans from the rats and the best way was to make them rat's, right? His cock spurt another load in Richard's ass while the wet furry cheeks grinded his sweaty crotch. The foul odor between them seeping from the room and filling the rest of the loft.

Dave's vermin body convulsed as the last of his humanity fought against the corruption in his mind. In his mind he was starting to break through a good bit of the lustful haze but his body reacted by thrusting deeper inside of ratty Richard's ass while the beast bounced it's horny butt onto the cock. Richard squeaked as Dave began ramming his prostate. His brain devolved to rodent mush as his cock sprayed yellow cum uncontrollably. His taint-spewing hole gripping and massaging the cock inside, milking it for more vermin spooge. Dave squeaked and came again before coming to his senses. His eyes manic as he blast waves of cum inside his ratty friend. "FRIEEND GOOOD RAT! FRIEND HELP FIND SON! HELP FIND HUMANS!" Dave squeaked as he tried forcing the other horny rat off his cock, which was hard considering his body was loving the continuous spray of cum over his muzzle and chest from Richard's vile spear.

In his mind he thought of getting help from humans, help to find his son but with the near retarded way he expressed himself, the corrupted rat mutant that was Richard only thought of it as him asking for help to breed and corrupt more humans. To leave puddle of vermin cock venom wherever possible to wash the clean off those pristine humans and bath them in rodent filth until they squeaked for more. With that warped thought, Richard pulled off of Dave's cock. As Richard stood for the first time on his twisted, digitigrade legs, thick globs of yellow jizz began to flood out from his used hole. It was as though some sort of plug had been let loose in his ass as he stood for the first time, the thick fluids steaming from the lusty heat inside of him as the new monster squeaked and squirmed in need.

Dave looked on at his former friend in regret, so sorry for what he'd done to him. His eyes were bloodshot, darting from side to side manically, his bestial side becoming more visible as it took over more and more of his mind. But, he was too far gone at this point to even be aware. As his eyes furrowed, a devilish, sadistic urge began to overtake him. He had forgotten his regret, now relishing in converting his friend, in the human's protests as he covered him with jizz. The human would realize he was trying to save him! Save him from the hot, sexy rats! But, aside from saving as many humans as he could -- he cared more about saving his son.

Dave squeaked to the ratty Richard, somehow knowing in his mind how to communicate as a rodent. Richard's darting eyes took focus as he looked at Dave with crazed obedience. The miasma like odor coming from his body routinely kept his thoughts freshly twisted and squeezed of human rationality. Hearing Dave's desire to save his son, Richard's black rodent cock squirt bits of cloudy yellow precum at the thought of saving the teenage boy from the humans. Corrupting those pristine freaks into filthy musk oozing rats that were driven by breeding instinct. He squeaked in compliance with Dave before following his creator with a constantly hard cock. Dave was somewhat relieved Richard seemed to understand what needed to be done.

They left the place a mess of fluids as they made their way down the street, taking the alley ways, Dave thinking to avoid those troublesome packs of humans roaming about so he could find his vermin son more quickly. Wait. What? Dustin's not a rat is he? Dave felt suddenly confused as he tried remember what his son looked like. "He took after me right?" Dave mumbled to himself. If that was the case he'd be a rat right? Dave felt like he was close to remembering when two drunken humans stumbled into the last alleyway the two rats were scurrying through. Those ugly humans are in the way, at least they don't smell too clean, Dave thought.


The two drunk guys had another fruitless night of trying to pick up chicks at the bar, not realizing the monstrous presence lurking along their path. As the rat-beasts who were once Dave and Richard saw the men, they squeaked and chittered in excitement, Dave filling up with a sense of glee about the chance to do some more good -- to save another two humans from the terrifying, sexy rats! The humans barely had time to register what was happening as the two monsters tackled them to the ground, their thick cocks leaking into their backs as they humped and grinded into their rears. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" one of the men cried out, uselessly thrashing about, trying to break free as Dave started clawing away at his clothes. "SAVE HUMAAANS! SAAAVE HUUMANNS FROM RATS!" Dave cried out, his handicapped mind unable to articulate what he was trying to tell them -- that he was trying to help them! Though, he enjoyed their struggles as well. Humans were so stupid, he thought in his new peanut-sized brain -- they didn't realize how lucky they were! They had to be shown how weak they were, how much they needed to be saved! And with that thought, Dave spurted a jet of pre all over the dudes back, the stream marking up his back like a stripe of spotty wet goo.

Greg struggled under Dave crying out in disgust as the splash of precum splattered over his partially exposed back. Dave tore away the weak human's clothes, snickering that the foolish fleshy would think wearing clothes would be better than fur. He rubbed his gnarled fingers over Greg's wet back, letting the human's skin absorb his preseed before ripping out the rear of his worn jeans. His sweaty balls churned as he thoughts twisted in his body's favor. The best way to save humans from rats is to plug their holes. A rat can't get in there if another rat's plugged deep in their ass. No... That can't be right... But humans holes have to be plugged so if I'm going to keep a rat out I've got plow in. Dave couldn't fight through the warped haze anymore, his rationale had already been twisted to suit his body's filthy sexual needs regardless of his want or understanding. Richard on the other hand had been fully corrupted, his mind accepting what his body told him without question. This way of thinking had him lathering his tongue in the other humans hair, soaking the strands in verminous green saliva. He humped the guys sweatpants relentlessly, quickly finding the cleft where the guy's ass was as his feral cock liberally sprinkled precum. Jeff could feel the cock poking right where his hole was and groaned in despair. He could tell the thing above him wasn't human from the filthy animalistic odor encompassing him as he was pinned down. He could feel the damp fur enclosing his body as it shared its grime.

Yellow tendrils of rat breath washed over both of the helpless men's faces as the rat beasts eased their way into their now-exposed rears. Slick, engorged rat cocks slipping inside of them as they cried out in protest through their blackening lips and sharpening teeth. They breathed heavily through their flaring, blackening nostrils as flecks of thickening mucus flew out from upturning noses. Expressions of pure terror on their faces as their cocks tented in what remained of their pants, despite their squirms and protests against the rats.

Greg grunted as his two most front teeth enlarged and bucked into yellow, plaque coated incisors, his hips starting to bounce involuntarily as his anus mutated around the corruptive rodent cock, starting to massage it as the inner walls swelled and coated with tainted ass slime. His pants were stained with precum as he stared out in terror that was slowly twisting into unrivaled pleasure. But he always loved having cocks in his ass anyway...Right? Greg shook his mutating head as his ears increased their radius, pointing slightly as they furred over, a nub now growing over him and Jeff's sweaty ass as they increasingly covered with oily fur. Greg began grunting repeatedly from his bucktoothed mouth as his jaw cracked and moved forward each grunt rising in pitch with each surge of growth from his proto snout, until wild squeaks escaped his grimy lips, nose dripping green mucus as it sniffed around like a true rat's. He looked over to see Jeff moaning out feeble resistance as Ratty Richard plowed his ass. His cock throbbed and ripped through the soaked tatters of his pants as a black bestial cock jutted forth, spraying inhuman precum all over the pavement. Jeff looks so hot getting fucked by that sexy rat. I can't wait until he starts squeaking with me... Greg tried shaking the foreign thoughts away but they clung to him like a stain, warping the integrity of his mind.

As the vile rat cocks dug even further into the hapless boys' asses, so did those tainted thoughts. Their greymatter shrank and shriveled inside their twisting skulls, anything that wasn't important to them fucking and hunting humans began to fade away as their black, grimy lips began to cleft beneath their twitching, ratty whiskers. Squeaks and chitters of pleasure echoed through the alley as the head of Greg's forearm-thick cock worked its way above the strap of his tearing pants, before forcing the strap down, slapping against his growing belly as his pants exploded into ribbons of fabric.

Both Greg and Jeff were now squeaking in tainted pleasure as their bodies convulsed and changed, thick corded tails pushing out of their furry asses freely as they were fucked as the rat beasts they had mostly become. Orange increasingly crazed eyes stared out as they drooled with the thought of breeding the humanity out of humans, making way for more filthy rats to grow and breed. Swelling balls were churning in tune with the wet thrusts as they filled with virulent vermin seed. Swollen prostates pulsated and urged their corrupted testes on as they clawed at the pavement with bony fingers, shoes tearing and bulging as they were reborn with rodent filth.

With one final thrust, Dave and Richard squeaked and started cumming like firehoses, filling the two former humans to the brim with venomous mutant rodent spooge. Dave groaned, "SAAAVE HUUMAAANSSS!" as Richard yelled "BREED HUUMAAANSSS!" Greg and Jeff squeaked in acceptance of their new ideals as their sweaty balls rose up and volleys of fully mutated cum sprayed over the ground coating the pavement in thick yellow rat batter as the two lost the last of their humanity.

The rats who were once Dave and Richard pulled themselves out from Greg and Jeff's hole, letting loose a torrent of corrupted jizz from their victim's bowels, exciting their corrupted minds as they shot another load onto their new fellow rat minions' backs. Their cocks hardened only seconds after they had shot their loads, as they stroked themselves mindlessly with their gnarled claws.

The new rat creatures stood on their newly digitigrade feet for the first time, their foot-claws clicking against the pavement as they viewed their newly corrupted bodies for the first time -- the rows of erect, perky nipples, the 1.5' long, forearm-thick cocks throbbing from their groins, their flabby, sickly bellies covered in greasy, oily, matted fur... all above those twisted, massive paws, their heels permanently raised... As they saw this, the last remnants of their humanity bubbled up to the surface in horror, their irises shrinking to pinpricks as they squeaked in terror. "RAT. RAT BODY... RAT BODY SO--" they wanted to scream, to shout, to run away, to tear the fur from their bodies in a futile attempt to get their humanity back, but their fear egged on their libido, causing them to orgasm intensely as their eyes rolled into the back of their heads, destroying their last moment of recognition, of how wrong this all was. "SO HOOOOOTTT!!" and with that last torrent of jizz from their deformed cocks -- Greg and Jeff were no more.


Dave was on his way to building a horned up rat pack at this point. The now four sex-crazed filthy wererats, squeaked and rasped in pleasure from their last breeding session and were ready for more. Dave looked over Richard, Greg, and Jeff, their sexy rat bodies turned him on to no end. Were rats really that bad? he thought as the tendrils of corruption sunk further into his shrunken greymatter. "Must save HUUMANS. Save with rrraaat COCK! SAVE WITH COCK!" Dave uttered to his ratty brethren. The others squeaked and nodded in agreement, their humanity burned away under Dave's potent rodent corruption. The former human hadn't realized he had become an alpha rat, which was the only thing keeping the last of his twisted human thoughts intact. But the vermin desires were doing well to corrupt even that. Leading the rats further through the alley, Richard's nose caught an odor so foul it made his mouth water. He followed the scent as if on autopilot, soon finding himself lifting the lid of a garbage bin before throwing half himself inside to get all the delicious grimy leftovers inside. Greg and Jeff squeaked in excitement seeing the meal before them and joined Richard as he gorged on the trashy food. Dave felt compelled to eat the grime himself, but his sliver of humanity started bubbling up, yelling at him to reject that disgusting food and get his rat pack out of there. Dave licked his dirty lips before blinking in confusion. What was he doing again? Finding humans to breed or looking for someone? Dave couldn't remember for a second before a ratty epiphany jogged his memory. I'm supposed to find my son, I've got to save him before the humans get to him, Dave thought. Suddenly he felt panic. There were humans around. He couldn't let them hurt his ratty son or worse... Turn him human. He had to breed any humans he came across to make sure that didn't happen. "SQUEEEEAK! Come help find son. Find HOOMANS!"

Dave's rotten heart beat quickly in his chest, his shrunken mind filled with anxiety and fear about what could happen to his son without his thick, throbbing cock around to protect him -- he thought about his son's handsome, black lips, those twisted, sharp teeth and the slitted red eyes that he got from his father -- he couldn't let anybody hurt him! And if that meant fucking all the humans in town, then so be it! His thick, throbbing rat-stick dribbled the leftovers of his last load onto the cold concrete, steaming corruptive yellow vapor into the air next to the pieces of garbage that had fallen out of the sides of his animalistic jaws. His monstrous pack followed him through the alleys, their combined scents wafting into the apartments above them, planting the seeds of rodent corruption into dozens of humans as the leftovers of Dave's dying memories guided him in search of the rat-beast that he now imagined to be his son.

Humans resting in their homes in the apartments above soon found the corruptive stench of rat beasts clogging their nostrils as they settled down for the evening. Some even finding themselves horny with a distinct craving for cheese, though none realized it was only the kind to be found under the foreskin of a dirty wererat's cock. Dave's rat pack chittered behind him as they drew closer to his old home. At this point they had gone almost 30 minutes without sex and it was starting get them restless, making them fondle and grope each other to kill the itch until they found more humans or their leader's ratty son. Richard, whose mind was probably the most filthy, kept thinking of sliding his cock into humans fixing them with rodent infection, His cock spurt a jet of pre onto Dave's back at the thought as he trudged along. Dave's snotty nose twitched as he caught a familiar scent. He had reached his neighborhood and saw his house in the distance. Excited and horny, he squeaked in joy, he could save his vermin offspring from the humans lurking in their homes and once his son was safe, his rat pack could build the filthy nest they wanted. His dirty claws clacked against the pavement as he let his 18in cock lead the way, bobbing and splattering musky thick cock venom with every step.

As the group of rodent minions made their way through the city, the steaming drops of pre that they left in their wake served to draw in any unsuspecting humans, the scent wafting up into their sinuses and attacking their brains from the inside as their bodies spasmed and shook, their muscles forcing them down onto their knees as if by some unseen force, unable to stop themselves from sniffing and snorting the tainted scent into their growing muzzles as their cocks hardened and darkened in their stretching, tightening pants. They squeaked in terror as their bodies mutated, sharp rat claws clicking against the pavement as they saw the green, steaming saliva of their new rodent muzzles dripping onto the floor -- just before they were consumed with an insatiable urge to lick up the tasty present left by the marauding rat minions. By the time the sun rose over the horizon, Dave's rat brothers had unwittingly corrupted hundreds of humans, who were now beginning their rampage of rape and corruption throughout the city.

As Richard's vile, steaming pre dribbled down Dave's back, pooling above the base of his flicking tail, the young alpha rat led his loyal minions out of the alleyways, coming onto the street where he once lived as a human -- though his corrupted mind had no recollection of this, new memories of fucking and of tight, twitching assholes having long overwritten his old life. Even though he was the most conscious of the four rat-beasts, even he was beginning to succumb to the aching need within them, the rows of black nipples on his chest twitching with need as his monstrous fuck-stick throbbed into the air... he needed to fuck, he needed to find a human to dominate -- after a long night of fighting his new urges, he had finally succumb to his new programming. His morality was gone forever, all of his guilt over raping humans never coming back -- he needed to fuck, and he needed to fuck NOW! And, as the last of Dave's human mind died with a spurt of his throbbing beast-pole, he saw a man on a bicycle riding towards them, throwing the day's paper onto the manicured lawns that lined the residential street. Little did he know that today would be his last paper route.


Bobby was making his morning route, trying to finish as soon as he could so he could play a new video game he had bought. He didn't notice the rats coming in from the side as he listened to his music. Dave squeaked to rally his minions, as they knocked the paperboy over, Richard flinging away his bike as the four rats converged on the 17 year old boy. He tried yelling, struggling with all his might against those assaulting him. Not noticing what had tackled him was inhuman until he looked up to see the four rat beasts holding him down with sickly black-lipped grins that oozed green saliva. "Oh shit! Please don't kill- mmmph!" Bobby was cut off as a long thick tongue forced itself in his mouth and down his throat, coating everything it touched with green gunk. Bobby coughed and hacked as Dave pulled away with a sick grin. He could already see the human's lips darkening as the other rats scratched at his clothes. Bobby looked in horror at the rodent freaks around him, unable to get the foul taste of rat spit out his mouth as something peculiar drew his attention. A pungent stench was flowing all around him with the rats huddled on him. It was the worst smell ever! Wet dogs would be an upgrade, but with each sniff and twitch of his nose the odor became more attractive. Richard had quickly ripped away the crotch of Bobby's pants and was disappointed seeing the flaccid human cock underneath but he knew how to fix that. With a loud snort, he hocked a big green luggy into his gnarled hand and started rubbing the fleshy cock. It didn't take long for the corruption to set in as he felt the shaft quickly start hardening in his grip. He took utter delight watching it twitch and pulse, lengthening as it spurt increasingly musky precum. The other two rats were licking his hairy leg and a de-shoed foot.

Bobby tried to scream out, to yell out for help, but a warty, pointed tongue fell out of his mouth as he opened it. His vocal cords only able to produce a high-pitched squeak as they began to lengthen and throb in his throat, the ratty saliva beginning to seep through his system. "*SQUEAK* PLEASE STOP! OHHH *SQUEAK* OHH MY GO*cough*DD!" Hearing his new voice terrified the changing boy as he struggled to escape. He kicked his inflating toes against the mutants holding his legs down, his blackening nails dripping with green saliva as he unwittingly caused himself to thrust his darkening cock into Richard's vice-like grip, the friction stretching his demonic member even further as he shot a load of pre all over Richard's hand.

Bobby squeaked and cried out in terror as he saw what his captors were doing to his body, bending his stretching neck forward to see his feet and legs sprouting a thick coat of grimy, greasy fur, his new yellow precum dripping from Richard's gnarled claws as his pubes began to thicken into a tuft of brown rat-fur. "NOOO!! I HUMAN! NOT RAT MONSTER!!!! PLEASE-stphtht" his protests betraying that his mind was beginning to shrink and die out before he was interrupted by Dave grabbing his stretching rat skull and forcing him into another lewd kiss.

Dave pressed his torso against Bobby's, holding the boy down against the ground tightly as Jeff and Greg pushed the boy's legs backwards, bending his knees with such force, that it was as though they were manipulating the body of an action figure. They overpowered his struggles, pushing his legs up into the air, giving them easier access to start clawing at the seat of the boy's pants, stretching out the hole that his changing cock hung from, revealing the boy's virgin, still-human pucker.

Bobby writhed and thrashed wildly as he slung drool and precum, trying to resist his changing body as well as the virulent filthy rat beasts. WHY this make ME so so SOOO HARD!? WHY RATS make ME HARD...? Cuz me LIKE RATS!? MMMmm... FILTHY FUCK RATS... Bobby convulsed as his brain was soaked in vermin filth. His words a combination of stutters and squeaks now as his faceplate cracked and pushed forward, his nose twitching as it pointed and darkened, tip oozing foul green snot. Yellow bucktoothed teeth pushed out as his dark lips were slobbering with green drool. Dave squeaked to Richard to get out his way as he made his way around to where his other two rats were holding the brimming new rat's legs up in place. He knelt and put the tip of his black cock against Bobby's pristine human pucker. He snickered as he smeared thick yellow tinted precum over the tight hole, feeling the hair of the boy's ass thickening into dirty brown fur. "IS THAAAT RATCOCK!? SQUEEEEAK! PLEEEEEASE NO RATCOCK! ME NO BE HUMAN NO MOOORE with RATCOCK..." Bobby yelled in twisted pleas. His mind had all but collapse, clinging to the notion that he was anything close to human at this point. His body wanted it, and so did he not so deep down.

Bobby's conflicting thoughts were interrupted as Richard violently grabbed the sides of the forming rat boy's muzzle , forcing the terrified boy's face forward before invading Bobby's mouth with his purple, tongue. Richard's leaking green saliva lathering up into a foam as his monstrous tongue traced the boys black, slimy lips. The changing human's eyes trembled in terror as he saw Richard's staring at him menacingly, an evil grin stretching across the beast's warty face as his rapist jammed that slick, pointed tongue into his throat. The creature forced him into a corruptive kiss before straddling Bobby's torso, aiming his bulbous rat ass atop the growing veiny rat cock that begged for attention. As Dave began burrowing his massive, engorged cock into the boy's leaking, needy hole, Bobby's nose twitched wildly in terror. The boy's newly verminous hole was so ripe with corruption it literally steamed with wet musk, providing easy lubrication for Dave to shove his thick length into the boy with a lustful squeak.

Bobby shuddered and trembled with a mix of terror, resistance, and lust as he thrashed about against the monsters holding his changing body down. As his virgin hole was used for the first time, the boy screamed out with muffled squeaks of terror, that unfortunately could barely be heard above Richard's tongue slurping in the boy's new muzzle. The boy's teeth sharpened and discolored with each thrust of the beast's tongue against his, his eyes still human as he began to sob, feeling so helpless. RATS ARE MEAN, MAKE ME SOO harrd, SOO HORNY!! ME GET THEM BACK! ME PUT HUMANCOCK IN RAT HOLE!! His thoughts barely made sense anymore, a horrible mixture of protest and pleasure as he felt Richard's used, wet hole begin to slide down his black, 16" length -- each throbbing vein pressing against the creature's anal walls as the boy's twisting mind filled with a need for revenge, not realizing that it was just his new rodent reprogramming corrupting his mind.

The boy never had a chance to begin with. There was no going back, and even if he didn't want to admit it yet, his body didn't want to be human again. As Bobby's new wormy tail began to sprout above his abused hole, Dave had worked his way all the way to the hilt, filling Bobby's insides with corrupted rat-pole as the boy's still-human eyes rolled into the back of his head. And as he felt those hot spurts of pre splash against his guts from Dave's meaty tool, he shuddered and shook in pleasure, his prostate getting pressed down like a button as his thighs, belly and hips thickened and inflated from his insides getting displaced by the rat's massive tool... RATS HARD. HARD GOOD. NEED COCK IN HOLE. RATS MAKE BOBBY HARD. HARD GOOD. COCKS GOOD! His mind was so consumed with pleasure, he couldn't think anymore, his education and intellect draining away with each spurt of pre that he shot into Richard's plump ass.

As his writhing, trembling hands twisted and warped into ratty claws, matching his digitigrade feet, Richard pulled his leaking, green-slobbering tongue from Bobby's mouth... But as the sinister creature stared at the nearly fully transformed boy with a devilish glint, Bobby saw his monstrous reflection in the glint of Richard's bestial eyes -- breaking his stupor as he saw his newly warty, twisted face for the first time, causing the nearly complete rat creature to cry out "NOOO! BOBBY FACE SOOO UGLY! RATCOCK TAKE HUMAN AWAAAY!!! MEEE NO WANT BE RAAAAT!!!" He thrashed his claws against the pavement, his whiskers and nose twitching in fear as his screams and squeaks awoke many of the street's residents -- including Dave's son, who had stayed over at his neighbor's house after his dad had gone missing.


Dave's son Dustin was the first to come out of a house along with Theodore and Rachel, whose house he had stay at. Theodore saw some weird group pinning down what he guessed to be the paperboy from the bike lying not too far off that was stacked with newspapers. He called out to get them to stop, the 15 year old Dustin not too far behind along with Rachel. Dave looked up and shuddered as he came into Bobby's now mutated hole, filling the ratboy with his potent spunk. Bobby squeaked loudly as his eyes rolled up and the sclera turned a filthy veined yellow. His balls bulged and lifted before his huge rat cock blast waves of fully corrupted rodent cum into Richard's ass. His eyes rolled back in with red iris and slitted pupils, the demonic rat corruption having seared away what was left of his mind along with his now purely rodent beast body.

Dave made eye contact with Theodore and hissed before looking over at Dustin. His vile slitted eyes blinked to give a glimmer of their old selves before Dave's cursed rat beast body imposed its will over him. It was a human. A human he felt he was looking for... But that can't be right. He was looking for his son, but the ratling born in his image was nowhere in sight. He squeaked loudly in anger as he rose up.

"WHERE MY RATLING HOOOMUUNS! GIVE MEE SON! HE NEEED BE SAFE! HE NEED RATCOCK! TELL WHERE or GET MY COCK! GET MY STINK!" Dave was babbling lustcrazed nonsense at this point. He was so caught up looking for his son that was a ratbeast in his mind, he didn't notice the fact that the boy was right there.

Richard was quick to act on his leader's instincts and pulled himself from Bobby's cock with a wet SCHLURP, ass leaking yellow cum as he dashed and tackled Theodore, humping the human wildly as his cock sprayed ratty cock cream all over the middle aged man's chest and face, pinning him down as he licked and nibbled the man's ear. Dave moved past the two and grabbed Dustin as Rachel tried to call him back to her.

Unbeknownst to the human woman, the thick, viscous scent of the five virulent rat-beasts was curling through the air, dooming any human unfortunate enough to breath it in to a lifetime of dim-witted corruption. Even if she and the young boy managed to escape, they would lose their humanity in a matter of minutes, though that didn't stop her from trying to run inside -- at least, until her body collapsed to the floor, convulsing and thrashing as the foul rodent musk filled her nostrils, her muscles tensing and stretching as her nose twitched on her terrified face. As thick muscles bulged over her changing body, she could only watch in paralyzed horror as her husband was bent over and stripped by the rat creature holding him down, his black lips leaking green saliva onto the ground as he squeaked in terror. She was so shocked by the sight before her mixed with the screams of her husband echoing into her enlarging ears, that she barely registered the gang of rats that were dragging Dustin through the front yard.

The teenager thrashed and yelled, fighting with all his strength against the monsters rubbing their hard lengths over his body, covering him in tainted pre. "NO! NOOO! GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU FREAKS!!" Dustin cried out, punching and scratching at the rat creatures before they grabbed him by the arms and legs, throwing him to the ground before he felt Dave's greasy, furry jizz-covered body straddling his torso. The rat-juices soaked through the poor boys shirt, causing the skin underneath to tingle and itch as thick, greasy fur began to sprout along his body, his mutation now beginning. The irony of the situation was lost on Dave, that he'd escaped from the original rat to try and save his son, only to be so corrupted and verminous that he wouldn't even recognize him when the chance came. "YOU GIVE ME SSSON! WHERE ME RATLING!!?? TELL OR GET COCK!! GET STINK!!" Dave shouted, spraying green spit everywhere as he lurched forward towards the poor boy's face. The boy tried to pull his head away from the creature, the 7' tall, huge-cocked fuckbeast bearing no resemblance to the father who he once loved, but it was no use.

Dustin thrashed against Dave and the other rats, not noticing the change starting to sink into from Dave's contagious vermin filth. Dustin had tears in his eyes as he realized from the huge cock bouncing against his chest what the rat's had planned. He tried screaming again as Dave muffled his cries with his thick purple warty tongue. The inhuman tongue flopped around in the teenager's mouth, coating it with tainted saliva before sliding down into his throat. Dustin shuddered and gagged as he felt this big disgusting tongue push into his throat. It was so nasty. He could feel the slimy tongue leaving its green phlegm all over the inside of his throat, and it made him convulse in horrified disgust. Though his resistance was replaced by confusion as he felt his cock start to harden.

Before he could start panicking at this realization, he was cut off by Bobby suddenly ripping off his right shoe and sock before lathering his sole and toes with slimy green spit, making them swell and absorb the slime before starting to give off their own vile sweaty stench that fumed off his clawed toes. Dave pulled back as Dustin's face started to crack forward and his upper lip grew a cleft as plaque coated buckteeth pushed out over his blackened bottom lip. Dustin squeaked in terror, then squeaking more in fear of hearing the inhuman sound escaping his throat. As the dark grey fur dusted the boy's cheeks and his face pushed into a ratty muzzle, he started looking more familiar to Dave. Maybe if he fucked the human he could find out who he was. The thought had his cock jet a spurt of precum onto Dustin's muzzle. The powerful odor drilling deep into his mind, to start planting false memories. The boy moaned in pleasure, even letting out an involuntary snicker as the rat tongue massaged his foot. He squeaked again, this time in pleasure. What were these rats doing to him? He continued his struggled as he felt Dave rip away his shorts, tearing a huge hole in his boxers in the process.

The boy's semi hard, still-human cock flopped out of the hole his beastly dad ripped out as greasy, slimy paw-pads began forming on the bottom of his twisting feet. The changing boy chuckled and giggled despite his terror from the ticklish feeling of Bobby's long, ratty tongue lapping against his newly sensitive, clawed toes. Yellow pre dripped from Dustin's cracking, stretching face as the vile liquids trickled down the top of his muzzle, running down the length of his growing whiskers before falling onto his chest. The sight snapped the boy out of his stupor as his long, monstrous tongue fell out of his mouth, terrifying him even further "OOOH NOOOO! MY HUUUMAN FAAACE! *SQUEAK* IT GONE! DON'T MAKE ME RAT, PLEEEASE!" The changing boy pleaded as fur began growing up his leg, helpless as Jeff and Greg hocked up thick phlegmy loogies onto the boy's flaccid length, both of their bony paw-hands kneading the vile liquids into his groin, causing his body to shudder in lust as his tongue inadvertently began lapping up his dad's pre from his face.

As his flesh became even more sensitive, lust beginning to bubble and grow in his groin, he couldn't help but thrust his pelvis up into their advances, squeaking in terror as he tried to fight the new urges bubbling through his body, each terrified squeak driving his horror even further. OH NO! THEY GIVE RAT DICK NOW! MAKE ME HARD AND HORNY! HARD AND HORNY MAAKE HUMAN GONE! the boy thought in terror, his mind already beginning to corrupt as his ears began to grow into large circles on the side of his head -- the slurping sounds of Bobby's tongue and the wet slap of his dad's cock against his body sounding so much louder. Hearing his corruption, knowing that he was helpless to stop himself from losing his humanity -- it filled him with terror, but a growing part of him found it so arousing as his cock-flesh thickened and darkened, growing fully hard as Jeff and Greg began licking and teasing his growing, lengthening member.

Dave squeaked and cackled gleefully at seeing the human change -- his mind now completely gone, he existed now for only one purpose: to spread corruption and ratty bodies for the rest of his life -- and with his new, child-like mind, he couldn't imagine being anything else. As he grinned victoriously over the human beneath him's changing body, he thrusted his cock into the boy's ratty muzzle, nearly causing Dustin's still-human eyes to pop out of his animalistic head as his father thrusted his monstrous cock deep into the boy's throat, distending it and causing him to gag as the thick fuck-juices dribbled down his gullet.

Dustin gave a muffled squeak around the ratty cock his father was pushing down his muzzle. The taste of the feral cock on his tongue was starting to entice his taste buds, and Dustin couldn't stop himself from licking and guiding the cock further. It was like his tongue was under the rat's control! But as the taste imprinted on his brain, his thoughts twisted and tainted further, mind regressing as his eyes rolled up in irresistible pleasure. At this point Jeff was sitting on top of Greg, deepthroating and slobbering all over Dustin's mutating cock, feeling the spurting rod lengthening further into his esophagus as it became empowered with corruptive verminous lust. Greg busied himself with lathering the growing rat boy's swollen balls with thick saliva as they filled rapidly with the cursed seed of a corrupt rat beast. Dustin's rolled back eyes turned veiny as the whites turned a sickly yellow.

RATCOCK BAD, BUT RATCOCK TASTE SOOOO GOOD! ME LIKE RATCOCK, BUT RATCOCK BAD FOR HUMAN. WHAT ME DO...? ME BE RAT! ME BE HOT SEXY RAT! The polluted thoughts had Dustin's body convulsing, including his throat, which massaged Dave's huge beast cock into a vile orgasm. He moaned as he unloaded a flood of semen into the new fuck rat's belly, the sheer amount causing the rat boy's stomach to distend as it developed a healthy layer of rat fat. The former human squeaked wildly around the cock in his throat as he felt a thick corded tail push out the tip of his spine inch by inch into a fat hairless rat tail. The sensations dancing across his body had Dustin's steamy hot balls churn in Greg's mouth as he started cumming wildly into Jeff's throat, the yellow infectious cum giving the thirsty rodent a gallon of fresh creamy rat batter.

Richard was busy humping Theodore and spraying the infected human's growing rat muzzle with thick infectious precum. He could tell even in his sex craze that he'd be coming soon. A scared squeak escaped Theodore's black lips as his tongue swelled tasting the rat's precum.

He noticed the vile taste morph into something his pallet found delectable, and a tear escaped his eye as he realized what was happening to him. Good or bad, he was more changed than he thought though, as the brown fur growing down his chest to his itching crotch just about went unnoticed. "Stoooop! Please! SQUEEAK! I want to be HUUMAN!" Theodore yelled as he was roughly pinned down and molested. He could tell something was wrong as he felt his skull crack and shift, his brain shrinking inside as its chambers began altering to something far more animal, the greymatter starting to soak in vermin corruption as he writhed against the beast on top of him. His hands were pushing into the beast's sides sinking in it's sweaty fur and fat, coating his fingers in foul wet musk. He squeaked as he felt them suddenly pop and thicken, growing long and gnarled as thick blackened claws curled from his fingernails. The area was filling with contagious musk as that could be smelled houses down, starting the corruption of the humans nearby who were already roused from the ruckus outside. They didn't notice their noses pointing and twitching as it honed in on the raunchy alluring scent.

Dustin had lost his humanity in body and mind completely now as his eyes rolled in red and slitted, he squeaked in rapture as Dave pulled his cock from the new rat's throat. Dustin slurped the jet black cock one last time as it exited his mouth, and gave a loud wet burp after, that regurgitated a mouthful of yellow cum from his lips, leaving him feeling nice, dumb, and full. "MMMMM.... RATCOCK GOOOOOD...." Dustin says with a stupid grin.

Dave's feral eyes saw the ratling as his own now. The familiarity undeniable to his mutated brain. "FOUND MY RATLING! THERE YOU BE. ME SO HAPPY, SKREEEE! ME FUCK HOOMANS CELEBRATE!" said Dave in twisted joy. Dustin squeaked with his vermin father, happy he was safe with his mischief to find more humans to fuck. The rats pulled apart, looking around in filthy sex-crazed hunger to spread their corrupted need.

Theo was fighting desperately to resist the growing sex filth in his mind, but he couldn't deny the increasing tastiness of the splashes of precum coating his growing muzzle. The event driving him to try a taste from the source. It was only a matter of time before his humanity broke down and gave in fully to the dominant rat DNA recalibrating his body and mind. His thoughts of his wife, Rachel, were the only thing keeping him resistant at this point. Though he was too distracted to know what she was going through, herself.

Rachel screamed and squeaked as her body changed just inside the house, the door still open to let her hear the rampant debauchery going on outside. Sweaty gray fur tore through the seams of her blouse as her muscles twitched and grew. Drool hung from her growing muzzle as her nose sniffed against her will in desire for the transformative stink flowing around, not realizing a great deal of it was coming from her own body at this point. Her breasts expanded under her blouse, filling with corrupted vermin milk as her nipples stretched and blackened, the thumb sized tips leaving wet spots on her short sleeve shirt. With a terrified but lustful moan she felt her clit swell, pressing against her tearing panties as it surged with a will of its own. "No god! Please no! SKREEE!" Rachel yelled as a visible tent lifted her long skirt. She could feel her clit mutating into a throbbing cock as it sent waves of unwanted pleasure through her body. The thick veiny shaft tore through her strained undergarment as it soaked her skirt with precum. The pleasure was searing her brain, soaking it in vermin masculinity as her eyes rolled up,

"Uggghh... Sooo HORNY! CAN'T...CAN'T FIGHT COCK...." she said through growing buckteeth, her hand shaking as it reached for the stained tent in her crotch. Her fingers popped and twitched as they grew long and gnarled with her nails curling into black claws. Her body shuddered as she grasped her newly grown ratcock through her skirt, a hiss escaping her blackened lips as she began stroking it, loving the friction of the cloth against her foreskinned tip. Her pussy thickened and swelled, corrupted honey pouring from her opening as it turned a juicy jet black as her slit expanded rapidly before with a wet plop, two big black balls dropped from her cunt just under her cock, dripping cunt juices and sweat. "FUUUCK! SKREEEEEE!" she screeched as her pussy slid further back behind her new churning ball sack, ratty vaginal broth flowing down her thighs and over the floor. Her legs twitched and kicked in untamed pleasure, feeling her cunt grow corrupted with vermin infection as sweaty gray fur crawled down her thighs while her toes curled and swoll. The greasy fur stopped just at her ankles as her feet stretched and thick claws pushed from her toenails.

At this point Rachel was wildly thrusting into both of her ratty paws, gripping and stroking the two foot shaft with nary a hint of resistance as the corruption boiled away her humanity. Her mind warped and regressed with every stroke, filling with twisted inhuman lust and a corrupted sense of being. She was more than woman, more than a man... She was... Her mind hung on the thought for a second as she tore away the front of her skirt to let her throbbing cock free, spraying precum about as it wobbled in her grasp. She was a RAT! A big balled, big breasted rat herm, and with those new thoughts of hir existence shi squeaked in orgasm, spraying the floor and ajar door with pints of yellow fully corrupted rat cum. Shi looked up, and panted wildly as shi got on hir hands and knees, watching a human that shi instinctively knew shi owned be humped by Richard. Hir red slitted eyes boiled with lusty rage. Why was he not rat? Why he human?! she thought as hir mind regressed further while a thick corded tail forced its way out hir big furry ass, ripping a hole through the tattered remains of skirt hanging from hir backside. Shi couldn't remember being human, shi only knew being a horny dumb rat herm, and a dominant one at that.

"SKREEEEE! No HOOMAN! ALL RAT! ALL RAT!" Rachel screeched in twisted glory as greenish drool dripped from her bucktoothed muzzle. Shi scrambled over to Richard and Theo, knocking Richard off Theo as he squeaked in surprise. He had just reached the tipping point when shi bowled him over, and the moment he landed on his back, his cock starting spraying verminus cum in the air like a fountain, raining cummy yellow drops on the three of them as he squeaked and convulsed.

"Oh god! Rachel?!" Theo nearly squeaked seeing the hulking rat herm in his wife's tattered clothes. Shi wildly tore away his pants, grinning wickedly at his semi hard cock, bits of hir saliva splattering his flesh before shi flipped him over onto his belly to expose his slightly hairy ass. The beast of a rat herm gripped his ass in hir claws and spread his cheeks to get access to his hairy pucker.

"Please Rachel! SKREEE! Don't! I know you're in there! Please!" Theo screamed as Rachel slid hir dripping rat cock between his cheeks. His screams devolved into a resistant squeak as shi started pushing hir nearly two foot cock into him, feeling his pucker swell around hir black shaft as it darkened and absorbed hir viscous precum.

"MY RAT! NOT HOOMAN! MY FILTHY RAT BITCH!" Rachel yelled as shi started thrusting wildly, hir constant stream of precum keeping Theo's insides well lubed. Theo scratched at the ground with increasingly filthy claws as he tried to escape. His back popped as his spine extended, a line of fur crawling down his vertebrae as his chest hair thickened into sweaty brown fur. Drool hung from his muzzle as his body twitched and shuddered under the assault of rat cock invading his insides. The pain had quickly vanished at this point, and with each powered piston into his prostate, Theo squeaked in ecstasy. He could feel the humanity draining from his body and the growing rat inside him welcomed it. His thoughts going dim and hazy as the rat herm that was his former wife plowed into his ass repeatedly. Every slam into his prostate had his spine crack and extend as a thick corded tail began pushing its way out above his increasingly furry buttcheeks, spreading them so the invading cock could have easier access.

"SKREEEE! FUCK! COCK FEEL GOOD! NEED...! SKREEEEE!" Theo yelled as his mind warped and degraded, corrupted pleasure overwhelming all rational human thought while his own cock throbbed underneath him, growing to nearly a foot and a half as it regrew a thick jet black foreskin, dripping and spurting tainted precum into the grass underneath him. His eyes rolled up as the whites yellowed, his ass now bouncing back into Rachel's thrusts as he became rat in body and mind. His body was hot with filthy ecstasy, steamy sweat rising from him and Rachel's bodies like fumes as shi thrust once more into his squishy prostate and her grapefruit sized balls unloaded, painted his insides with venomous rodent cream.

"MY RAT! MY FUCK RAT SLUT!" Rachel declared as shi claimed her former husband's body with each surge of her cum inside him. Theo's body shuddered as it welcomed the corrupted load, his sweaty brown fur standing on end as his own heavy balls rose up and his bestial rat cock sprayed the ground with pints of tainted vermin spooge. His eyes rolled back in red with dark slits, obviously having given in to the rat completely.

The rat beasts completed their twisted orgy on the front lawn of Theo and Rachel's home as some of the neighbors came outside with whiskered noses twitching at the pervasive musk flowing around. Their bodies rocked with lust as a some came out rubbing their hard cocks before eyeing the beasts a couple doors down. Some tried going back into their homes in horror, others sat and watched the lusty display as they masturbated faster, and even more found themselves trudging over to the beasts almost in a trance, wanting to give their bodies to the foul rodents, warping minds desiring the corruption for themselves, not knowing it had already spread to them.

On the street, a sewer lid rumbled before being slid out of place, grimy black claws poking free before pulling up a large rat monster. He looked at the corruption before him, enjoying how much it had spread from the seed he had planted. It was the rat that had started it all, though he seemed larger and even more corrupted than before if that were possible. Stroking his huge cock he stepped towards Dave's growing mischief ready to assimilate it into his own.

"Found you my horny rat. Did you find the ratling you were looking for?" He said as Dave instinctively deferred to him, and nodded like some retarded child.

"Good. Time to finish what I started then. Too bad you left so soon, looks like you and your mischief's minds have gone off the deep end. Don't worry you won't miss them anyway, especially once my demonic seed sprouts in all of you," he grins with corrupted glee, as his eyes glowed a crimson red. He stroked his cock faster as the horny rat beasts watched in awe, his balls churning and rising before, he let out a loud screech, and shot torrents of glowing yellow demonic vermin seed into the air to rain down on all the rats within range. All the those within earshot of his powerful squeak came on the spot, spraying their own corrupted yellow cum as the weak whispers of human souls that were trapped in their rat bodies were contaminated and twisted into demonic vermin essence, leaving nothing left to be purified as they all squeaked in rapture.

"Now the master truly has an army of loyal filthy rats to take this human world by his grimy, ratty paws!"