Enduring Love Prologue

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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This is kinda painfull to type. But in the end I feel the story needs telling and by ripping these scars off of my heart It will heal me as well. Join me on my journey. This is before I found my current mate. This is before I knew what Love truly was.

Kyle is my name. The events in this story will be hard to type and updates might be sporadic. However I will do my best to tell my story. I hope my story will help you realize that it doesn't matter how hard you fall or how much pain you are in. There is a way out and you can heal your heart and yourself and emerge from the ashes as a stronger person.

Never be afraid to feel or experience. This is my time to relive what happened to me and I hope you enjoy the ride. Cry with me, luagh with me, feel your heart ache as mine once did and feel it soar as mine does now.

I leave you with my favorite quote: Love never fails, it never gives up, and it won't run out on you.