The Lead Crown, Ch 5.6 Thaddius

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#44 of The Lead Crown

It is time once again to look in on the Heirs of Lehsunia. This is Thaddius' post, and discusses some of the more private moments in his life. Here we get to see the Prince Regent relaxing, and enjoying the company and council of his best friend and mentor, Brother Maynard.

There are no votes tied with these Heir posts, but keep an eye out for a VERY important Journal for character contributions--- and character "level ups"! Thanks for reading!

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 5.6 Thaddius

There was something comforting-- something CLEANSING about the Torture Chamber. Thaddius had never spent any great amount of time there, either as a pup or as a man until Brother Maynard had insisted on helping him with his castigation. Aside from the Prince Regent himself the room had held no wrong-doers in over twenty years, which meant that it was both quiet and suited for his sessions of contrition to God.

Thoroughly exhausted from the old Priest's most recent aid, Thaddius splayed out limply on the wooden table where he rested, not even paying attention to the chains that held him in place. He was naked and cold, but content. He felt a touch of pain beneath his tail but, as Brother Maynard had told him time and time again, that simply proved that God was willing to forgive him-- he was able to be saved as long as he felt the wrongness of his desires... The Prince Regent was assured that was the case, even if the feel of the warm fluids dripping from his abused opening had the opposite effect.

Brother Maynard remained within Thaddius' view, his aging but still very much desirable body enough to make the Prince Regent quiver for more. No-- he reminded himself, the Priest was handsome and in good shape... that was an acceptable thought, but to be mesmerized by the curve of his hip, and to linger on the smooth muscle beneath his graying fur, and to stare longingly at the full, thick sheath hanging tantalizingly between his-- Thaddius sighed, "Father... I fear sometimes that what you do for me makes little difference."

Brother Maynard turned to regard the Wolf, making it even more difficult for the Prince Regent to think appropriately, "That is not true, my son... and you know it. What we do here is God's work, and, despite what your mind may tell you, the indication that your body does not react inappropriately is proof that it makes a difference. Do not lose faith, Thaddius."

The Wolf let out another sigh, but bit back any response. He shivered slightly as more of the Priest's seed escaped from beneath his tail and trickled down his leg. Brother Maynard was, if nothing else, productive... and it showed. No-- he reminded himself, such was not the right thoughts for the moment. He swallowed the hesitation in his throat when he realized that the Dog was very much correct; despite the thoughts in his mind, his own sheath didn't even quiver, "I'm sorry, Father... I should not be so easily swayed. You're right, of course."

The Dog smiled, and turned back to the small bowl of steaming water and the washing cloth beside it, "Of course I'm right, Thaddius... and you are both wise and reasonable for being able to see it."

Despite the Priest's focus on cleanliness for being reasons other than the Wolf's personal enjoyment, Thaddius couldn't help but watch his benefactor clean up. Brother Maynard's attention to detail and meticulous grooming was an art form all itself. The Dog fastidiously used the damp cloth to smooth out all of his fur, washing away the sin of what the two had done. Once his limbs were given their due, he went back to the water dish, taking off his funny, cog-shaped ring so he could dip both paws into the water with the cloth and fully soak it before he got started on the true filth of their time together.

Thaddius watched with rapt interest as the Dog skillfully withdrew his sheath, carefully cleaning the member within. If the Priest's words true, that moment had to have been it; despite how much the Wolf reveled in the show, his own flesh didn't so much as stir. Brother Maynard truly knew how to put his mind at ease. "Thank you again, Father."

The Priest turned to regard him, smiling that warm, comforting smile, "You are very welcome, my son. I am always here for you... you know that."

Silence prevailed as the Wolf remained splayed out on the table, wrists and ankles shackled in place so he couldn't move... not that he was interested in doing so. There was a degree of calm euphoria about spending time with Brother Maynard, relaxing and enjoying the late hours of the night when they didn't have to be Future-King and Future-Advisor... where they could be 'Supplicant' and 'Priest', 'Son' and 'Father', or, as Thaddius most preferred it, "Just... Themselves'.

Granted, the Prince Regent never was sure just how much of 'themselves' either of them were, but however much was there was nice-- Thaddius certainly felt the break on stress from the press of the castle and subjects, and Brother Maynard certainly seemed to enjoy the opportunity to assist him with his troubles. The Wolf was gladdened and relieved to know that there was at least one person who was looking out for his welfare in both body and soul. By the time his musings wound to an end, the freshly dressed Priest was finally loosening his shackles. "We are done with your prayers for tonight, your Highness."

The formal tone in Brother Maynard's voice was as much ceremony as it was indication that they were, once again, on official terms. The Priest moved to collect the wash bowl and cloth and presented it to the Prince Regent. "Thank you, Brother Maynard... I'm certain I can handle things from here."

The Dog smiled and inclined his head, "I am sure you can, your Highness. When you are done, please join me in your ante-chamber where I will have your evening tea ready."

Thaddius nodded thankfully to the Priest, who showed himself out. The Wolf smiled to himself as he washed, mimicking the actions that Brother Maynard had used himself. While the Prince Regent was nowhere near as skilled at personal grooming as the Priest, he found joy in the simple imitation. The Wolf had grown up with people bathing, brushing, and dressing him, but Brother Maynard had always encouraged him to learn to be at least independent enough to do so for himself; the Priest was so thoughtful that way.

It took the Prince Regent a lot longer to clean his member than the Priest had taken with his own; whether that was due to the Dog having practice, or due to the fact that the Wolf was completed covered with his own release didn't really matter-- it was frustrating either way. It was more proof to Thaddius that Brother Maynard was right: it was just another small sign of God's punishment for his actions... to give over to spilling his seed by having another man inside him-- even if Brother Maynard WAS particularly good at it-- was shameful and wrong.

Finally, however, it was done, and the Prince Regent was able to put the filthy washing cloth back into the murky water. He took it all and tossed it into the single brazier that provided light for the room, as per Brother Maynard's standard instructions. Although the water dimmed the fire, it would soon recover and burn all of the unclean tools. From that point, Thaddius was able to redress, and did so with eagerness-- starting, of course, with his red undergarments.

Finally dressed, the Wolf let out a contented sigh and headed for the exit to the room, careful to close and lock the metal bars behind him before taking the key and placing it into his vest pocket. Thaddius smiled to himself as he ascended the stairs, thinking fondly of the night's next event. "Mmm... tea."

Tea was a relatively new ritual for him. Originally not one to enjoy the herbal beverage, the Wolf owed his preference for the drink, much like all of the other positive things in his life, to Brother Maynard. Thaddius used to have horrible night terrors, an uncomfortable wheeze in his voice, a tremble in his paws, and a number of other maladies that simply seemed to have no cure. However, once the Dog all but forced him to a special blend of herbs, all of that seemed to be improved. The Wolf was able to sleep through the night, the wheeze and trembling fits had completely disappeared, and life was that much better.

Although Thaddius did not know the contents of the tea, he found the taste not at all unpleasant, and the effects to be well worth the courage it took to try it. Brother Maynard told him once that all contents were from holy plants-- flowers and blooms with name such as as "Heaven's-Light", "Angel's Trumpets", "Euphoriac" and "Halo-Poppy". Although the Prince Reagent once recalled having heard that Angel's Trumpets were poisonous, the Dog reassured him that only large concentrations of the flower were harmful, and the Priest only used seeds and leaves.

With pleasant thoughts playing through his mind, the Wolf entered his ante-chamber and found Brother Maynard waiting for him, seated at a small, two person table, with a service already set out. As usual, the Priest had a small cup of freshly brewed tea waiting in Thaddius' spot while he himself sipped from a cup that came from the tea pot situated in the center of the table. Once the Wolf finished his cup, the Dog always invited him to have another from the joint supply, but the Prince Regent was perfectly content with one.

That was just another thing Thaddius enjoyed about Brother Maynard. The Priest was willing to sit with the Prince Regent, joining him for tea even though the Dog had to go through the trouble of preparing two batches since he didn't need the medicinal variety that Thaddius required. The Wolf contemplated accepting an offer this time for a second cup of the Priest offered it-- Brother Maynard was so good to him... the least he could do would be to humor the Dog by taking a mug from the less-pleasant, communal tea pot.

As Thaddius sat down, the Priest slid a small plate full of tea biscuits toward him, "I wish to speak about some of the concerns you've raised recently..."

The Prince Regent's ears raised and he sat up that much straighter. FINALLY! After exerting himself with enough patience he was finally rewarded with an answer to some of his questions. He folded his paws eagerly in his lap, but the edge of his forearm caught his tea cup and spilled the contents. The happiness immediately left; Brother Maynard HATED spilled tea. Letting out a sigh, Thaddius simply explained, "Bullocks."

If the Priest was bothered by the loss of the drink he hid it wall. Calmly standing, Brother Maynard walked around the table and rested a paw on the Prince Regent's shoulder, "Wait here and I will get you another."

The Wolf nodded obediently, smiling at the calm demeanor of his friend and mentor. All in all, the evening was turning out quite well, and Thaddius felt blessed. Bother Maynard was finally going to talk to him about everything he'd been missing; The Wolf's mind was, for once, calm and collected; the castle was quiet and relaxing; even the fact that he had knocked over his tea didn't seem to be putting a halt to the night's positive outlook.

Thaddius began whistling quietly to himself, toe tapping out a beat as he took a napkin and began to carefully clean up the mess he had made. In times past the Wolf had been told not to tend to such things... that someone else would handle it, but Brother Maynard had helped provide him a sense of independence, and for that he was grateful. The Prince Reagent paused in his cleaning when his attention settled on a beatle that had been at the periphery of the spilled tea. It lay on its back, legs up in the air.

The Wolf raised an eyebrow and gently brushed at the dead insect with his napkin. His chuckle turned into a full-bellied laugh when he realized it must have been scalded to death. Frankly, Thaddius didn't find the tea to be THAT hot, but he just sighed in good humor as he swept the bug off of the table; apparently some ignorant creatures didn't know how to identify danger fast enough to save themselves.