Unexpected Love Part 2

Story by danybw on SoFurry

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So this is it. Wth no further introduction. Unexpected Love Part 2! Enjoy! (comments that are dedicated to grammar mistakes and advices are welcomed) This one will be a bit shorter. Sorry!

I almost fell backwards to the strong grip.

"Hey Den" He said but i stood there refusing to turn around. "Thanks for takin that risk for me back at the physics class. You know how angry the teacher can get." He turned me around seeing my burning red face. "Wow you alright?"

"Yeah..... just an alergy." I said with a small smirk.

"Oh... well bye until tomorrow." Evan patted me on the shoulder as he walked away. This short conversation happened in a few seconds.

Did he really fell for that? Thoughts ran through my head. I didn't really pay attention to what i was doing and suddenly i was walking along the usual path to my house. I didn't realise when i got on or off the bus. I stopped for a second. There is a forest near the village. I used to go there when i was little. When i was worried or sad. I went along the old dirty road and sat at the usual spot. I needed some time to relax. I aperently fell asleep.

"Hey... Hey?" I heard a deep voice as i opened my eyes. "Den? You awake bro?"

"B-Brian?" I said rubbing my eyes. We were friends until his parents moved him to the Spanish academy when he was 10. "Wow... Is that you?!"

The red panda took a few steps back and looked at himself. "I think so" He said sticking his tongue out. He was as childish as usual. He had the same old style : some random black jeans and a T-shirt with a skull. His huge tail swinging left and right.

"Man i haven't seen you since so long! What brings you here?" I said , moving to the side leaving place for him to sit down.

He sat down and started talking. Telling me every single little detail , he told me about how it is in his new school and most of all how he missed our village. "And how about you? You seem burried in your thoughts."

"Am ..... b-before couple of months i realised that i was..... well........" I took a deep deep breath. "I am ... gay." I had no problem with telling him because we were like brothers. We grew up together from kindergarden.

"Ok?" He didn't seem to care. "So you have a crush?" I looked at him as if saying_ How did you know?! __ _"Yeah i spend lots of time with the girls from my class." He is usually so careless.

"I don't know what to do." I leaned backwords , laying on my back. Then i looked at my clock. 18:45?! My parents will kill me! I stood up and took my backpack. "Sorry i gotta go!"

Brian looked at me with his sad eyes. "Aw ok. I thought we could chat a bit more." He stood up aswell.

We both separated and went home. I was no more thinking of Evan but of Brian's reaction. I thought we could chat a bit more?! It was weird. I was once again in my own world until i opened the door of my house. My mother looked at me with the most angry face you could ever imagine. Uh-oh..... I am dead....

To be continued