Unexpected Love Part 3

Story by danybw on SoFurry

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So i am switching things a bit! (You'll see) Anywho ^_^ Enjoy Part 3!

Brian's Past

I was an only child. My parents never thought about me. My "childhood" was just me running from the critics. I learned to hide my pain behind a fake smile. Then ... I met Denis. He was always positive. He cared about me. He suported me. We used to play together only and around him i was myself. He was my guardian angel. My father and mother never liked his parents. They even once grounded me so i can't see him. I was happy when he was beside me. Until my parents moved me to the Spanish academy. I was angry at them and even until today i only say "Hi" or "Goodbye" to them. Den wasn't with me to defend me so i was bullied routinely. Everyday.... it got harder and harder for me to keep the fake happy expression. By that time i was sure that i was all alone ... but i kept standing. Fighting to be who i want to be. Everytime those that tried to bring me down failed because i had one reason to live. Den.... If he only knew what he was for me. But i was scared. Scared that the only reason for me to smile will disapear. I somehow made my parents to move back to the old house. When we arrived i couldn't wait to see him again. When i saw him in the forest. I was worried when i saw him with closed eyes. Good thing he was only asleep. We talked and when he told me about his sexuality. Damn... i was more than happy. I asked him if he had a crush because i wanted to know if i had any chance. I wanted to tell him about how i felt but i wasn't as brave as he was. When he left i started walking my way home.

_**Brian's point of view


Why am i such a coward?! Why can't i tell him?! What's wrong with me?!_

At this time sadness and regret were flowing through my mind. I reached the front door of my house. It was locked but i wasn't suprised. My parent's are usually working at this hour. I took the key that was well hidden behind a bush and unlocked the front door. I quickly got up to my room , slamming the door open from the anger i have gathered and sat down on my chair with my head burried in my hands.I turned around , booting up my old computer so i can listen to some music. I had one of those old school chat boxes installed. I always check them if there are any left messages or if someone is online. To my suprise Dendilion24 (Denis) was online. I hesitated for a moment and then i started tiping.

Brian666: What was the rush for?

A bit of time passed until i got a respond

_Dendilion24: hey sry for that i was late

Brian666: Np bro! i bet your parents got mad

Dendilion24: let's say that my ears are still ringing from all the screaming

Brian666: haha anyway tell me bout ur crush???_

_Dendilion24: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah how bout no?

Brian666: cmon pls!_

Dendilion24: he is a tall husky that's all

I felt sick when i read his last message.

_Dendilion24: yo b you there?

Brian666 logged off_ I turned off the computer and jumped in my bed. My pillow already wet in tears.

To be continued