Post Holiday Blues VII

Story by Arktisk Raev on SoFurry

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#2 of Holiday Blues

So after a long while of getting used to work again I've finally gotten Chapter 7 up!

If you don't like M/M or aren't old enough, don't read, all characters are mine, yadda yadda yadda. Figured I should add that part in since I haven't in a while. Or ever I think...

Anyways, enjoy! Let me know how you like/hate it!

PS: THANK YOU KLAUS NIGHTFUR!!! If you have no idea who that is, get out from under your rock and go read his awesome stories!


In spite of the desert-like dryness of my mouth and the dull throbbing of a delayed hangover, I couldn't help but smile when I woke up.

I couldn't explain why I was smiling; there were no arms wrapped around me, no gentle heartbeat felt through a chest pressed to my back. Instead, I heard the tapping of keys. I sat up, holding my head to keep the room from spinning too much, and before long my sight swam back into focus.

Chris was sitting at his computer, clad only in a pair of silky sports shorts that automatically sent my mind to kinky places. From what I could see of his screen, he was either writing a story or, if the textbook sitting before his monitor was any indication, working on homework.

"Afternoon." The wolf said as he swivelled around in his chair. "Sleep well?"

"Y-yeah." I blushed, casting my eyes down to the bed sheets lest our gazes met. "What are you working on?"

"Oh, just some homework from my course." The wolf said as he turned back around. A few clicks later, he turned off the monitor and stood up.

"What course?" I asked, genuinely curious to see what this buff wolf was doing at university.

"Criminology." He said with a look of pride.

I smiled, remembering back to just a few years prior when I was still in Police Foundations, expecting that once I was graduated I could join the military police. Joke was on me though, as it usually was; they had a hiring freeze shortly before I graduated, so it was no longer a viable option for me.

"Very nice." I said, already feeling more comfortable about being naked in his bed. "How long have you been at it?"

"We're heading into our third year in February." Chris said as he sat down on the side of the bed. He moved in quickly to plant a quick kiss on my lips, leaving me more than a little flustered. "Not really looking forward to the workload, but hey, such is life, right?"

"Y-yeah." I replied as he stood up and made his way over to his dresser, beginning to pull out pants and underwear. Looking over at my neatly folded clothing, I cringed when I realized that I didn't have a clean pair of underwear to change into.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time I had gone commando. The only downside was the fact that it was the middle of winter.

My thoughts were interrupted when a small white pair of briefs landed squarely on my muzzle, causing me to let out a startled yelp.

I took the briefs off my nose and looked over at the grinning form of Chris as he pulled down his shorts, giving me a full view of his sheath and hanging orbs.

"Figured you might want a fresh pair of underwear." The black wolf said as he pulled on a pair of blue boxer-briefs, covering up his privates but creating a tantalizing bulge that excited me even more.

"T-thanks." I said appreciatively as I crawled out of bed in order to pull them on.

"So what are you in the mood for supper?" I heard Chris ask from behind me, followed by the rustle of clothes being shuffled around in the open closet.

As I pulled up my pants and began buttoning up my shirt, I realized that I didn't even remember my promise to have dinner with the wolf in the first place. I decided to fall back on my usual response when faced with a friend asking what I wanted to do.

"Doesn't really matter to me." I said as I finished with my shirt. I turned around to see Chris standing there wearing a nice pair of dark jeans with a blue dress shirt and a dark grey sports jacket. "Sushi?"

My last minute change of mind was due in large part to the guilt that suddenly took hold of my mind at the sight of the well-dressed wolf. Here was a guy that wanted to make an effort for a dinner that he had asked for, so the _very_least I could do was not force him make all the decisions.

"Oh man it's been ages since I've had sushi!" My suggestion was clearly well received if his madly wagging tail was any indication. His excitement was so infectious I actually felt a smile spread across my muzzle and my own tail begin swishing back and forth.

"Sushi it is then." I chuckled before we both headed out of the bedroom. We were down the stairs in no time, and I was slightly baffled to notice the clock on the microwave as we passed by the entrance to the kitchen.

Five-thirty in the afternoon? I had slept in before, but _never_this late. Oh well; it had been worth it.

That thought alone perked me up as we reached the front door and began putting our boots on. The previous evening, while emotionally trying, was quickly starting to feel like a distant memory, which I was quite confident I could attribute to Chris and the help and comfort he had provided.

We pulled on our gloves, coats and scarves to defend ourselves from the frigid cold outside; the freak warm spell we had the day before reduced to what seemed like a bitter dream in the face of negative thirty-five Celsius.

The black wolf held the door open for me as I snapped myself back into reality. I idly wondered how my mood seemed to be able to do a complete one-eighty in such a short span of time. Normally it happened in the opposite direction; I'd be having a great day then out of nowhere, someone would say something or I'd see something on the street that just shattered everything.

It was certainly a welcome change.

"It's been a while, so I'm not entirely sure if it'd still be open," Chris started as we walked out into the chilly evening air. "But I recall there being a good sushi place right near downtown, just off of Princess Street."

"Lead the way then, my good sir." I said, feeling cheerful enough to add a bit of a British accent to my voice. "I haven't been out too often, so I don't know about any of the restaurants around."

"Well, if you're up for it after tonight, we can start exploring them together." Chris said as he reached down a gloved hand to take a hold of my own. I blushed when he squeezed my hand, but I was able to manage enough courage to squeeze back.

As we got closer to downtown, I noticed that our linked hands were drawing the occasional glance, but I really couldn't care less. I'm not one to hide myself in public, but I was more feeling self-conscious because this was the first time, ever, that I had my hand enveloped by someone else's apart from my parents when I was a kid.

It was a good feeling.

For the first time, after so many years of loneliness and varying degrees of depression, I was finally walking down a sidewalk, hand in hand, with a guy that some would consider a dream. Of course, my mind wasn't completely convinced that it all wasn't a dream, and part of me fretted over how quickly this euphoric feeling would fade, but for now, for once, I could be happy.

We sat down in the restaurant, side by side in a booth by the window, and began perusing over the i-Pad menu. I, as per usual when I visited a sushi restaurant, placed two orders for California Rolls, two orders of Rainbow Rolls, one beef, and one chicken teriyaki.

"Hungry are we?" Chris chuckled as I made my selection and passed him the pad.

"Always." I said with a smile. "Especially when it comes to sushi."

It didn't take long for our orders to arrive, though whether that was because of actual efficient work of the staff or the fact that I truly enjoyed the company I was with making time go by faster, I couldn't tell. Either way, our meal was quiet while we happily stuffed our muzzles. It was getting close to eight by the time that our conversation died down enough for me to actually notice the time.

"I've got to be heading home." I sighed as I checked my phone. "I've got to be up at five-thirty for work."

"Alright," Chris said as he waved down our server. "Let me drive you home at least. If I recall, you live pretty far and I won't have you walking if I can help it."

"I suppose I can live with that." I said with a smile.

We each paid for half the meal, after a small argument ending with me smacking him lightly upside the head for offering to pay for it all himself, then set out for his apartment and the jeep parked in the driveway.

The drive was short, too short for me, but by the time Chris pulled us into my driveway, I felt an unfamiliar squeeze in my stomach that was instantly calmed as the wolf took my hand in his and squeezed.

"Call or text if you need me." He said as he leaned across to kiss me. "I'd very much like to take you out again, maybe Wednesday at my place for supper? You can definitely spend the night if you want to."

"I'll let you know." I said with a blush as I opened the door and stepped out. I waved meekly as he backed out of the driveway, blushing as he blew me a kiss, then turned to get myself inside as fast as I could to escape the cold. It felt strange though; the cold didn't seem quite as prevalent anymore.

I groaned as my alarm clock went off; shattering every semblance of peace and calmness that came with sleep.

'Another week begun.' I thought to myself groggily as I sat up in my bed.

Waking up at seven in the morning wouldn't have been nearly so bad if I had had Jason to wake up with, but the fox was across town already at work so I just had to make due. It certainly didn't help that the last thing I remembered dreaming about was him lying on his stomach on my bed, a pair of lace panties the only thing keeping him modest.

As I tossed aside the sheets, I revealed to myself the tent in my boxers, complete with a damp stain on the bed sheets beside me. I reached down to grab myself and found that the entire front of my crotch was damp with precum and chuckled to myself, the horny part of my mind taking charge as I pulled down the fabric and began squeezing and stroking my large shaft.

'I'll need to get my beautiful fox to milk me as soon as I can,'_My thoughts wandered to the image of Jason bobbing his head up and down in my lap, licking up every drop of pre that oozed from my head.'That'll keep him busy for a good long while.'_

I'd need to have him over for an entire weekend if there was any hope of getting my sex drive stabilized, but I had zero doubt that the fox would shy away from the idea. In fact I was pretty sure he'd insist on helping me out.

In my mind I saw Jason slurping away at my shaft, but I needed something more. My imagination reworked my bedroom so it looked like our kitchen, with my fox standing at the counter wearing nothing but an apron. I wrenched his tail up and pressed myself against his backdoor, the copious amounts of pre I produced making it very easy to slide myself into him, causing the canine to whimper in that delightfully feminine way of his.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and bent him over the counter, slamming myself into him at a pace that made me sweat; the kitchen filling with the wet smacking sounds of our coupling. Several times I let go of his shoulders just to roughly grab a handful of his ass and give it a few playful slaps.

My knot was growing rapidly, tugging at his tight ring with each backward pull and spreading him wider with every forward thrust. The lustful moans and writhing form of Jason told me that he was well and truly ready to become mine again.

I squeezed down on my knot with my free hand and my whole body seized up as my balls emptied themselves over my chest and abs. Rope after rope gushed forth from my cock as I continued to stroke it in an attempt to coax every last drop of my seed out of me.

As I lay on my bed panting in the afterglow of climax, a knock came from my door. "What's up?" I said, without sparing even the briefest of moments to consider the state I was in.

Garret popped his head into my room, looking quite pleased with himself before stepping in fully, clad only in briefs. They hugged every curve and bulge of his package perfectly, and I suddenly found myself getting aroused once again.

"I see you're starting the week off strong." He chuckled as he walked over to my bedside.

"You can help start it stronger." I said with a wink as I sat up on the edge of the bed.

The puma laughed as he dragged a finger up between my pecs, collecting some of my seed then popping the digit into his muzzle. The move caught me off guard. Sure we were close, but Garret and Melissa were an item now, so they wouldn't be doing any of the things they used to anymore, not that either of them necessarily needed another partner at this point.

"Don't sweat it." He winked back at me before turning towards the door, giving me a great view of his ass. "Mel knows about us and she's cool with it provided she gets the majority of my time. Maybe once we get ourselves settled I'll help you out again."

"Anyways, I'm off to class. Do you mind taking the garbage out?"

"Not a problem." I said as I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Those two were more comfortable with each other and with their relationship than I had thought. It was good to see my friends not take such a staunch approach to physical relations since I had always been of the mind that, so long as all parties are okay with it, sex is just a form of recreation and stress relief between people who cared about each other.

If Garret was serious about continuing to help each other with physical relief, I'd definitely need to talk to Jason about it. The fox had already been through a rough time with relationships, so there was certainly the chance that he might not be quite as open, but I found myself unable to care; if he wanted me all to himself, he'd have me just like I'd have him.

I opted out of showering with Garret, in spite of the tremendous temptation to do just that, and jumped in after he was done. I washed the cum from my fur, but quickly found myself painting the shower wall with a second load as the horny district of my mind worked up a scene with myself claiming my fox from behind while Garret fed him his ebony shaft from the front.

Sighing happily at my second orgasm of the day, I finished cleaning myself up and turned the shower off, pulling aside the curtain only to have my heart suddenly seize up and a yelp escape my muzzle.

Standing at the bathroom sink was Melissa. The wolf wore nothing but a light t-shirt that was _just_long enough to cover her ass, and even though her muzzle was full of toothpaste and her hair was wild and unkempt, she still looked gorgeous.

"Hey Chriph." She said, smiling past the brush in the mirror as she worked. Her eyes took a full tour of my exposed body, giving me a wink when they were done appraising what I had on display.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I said as I reached for my towel and hurriedly wrapped it around my waist. Normally I wasn't bashful, but the idea of my best friend's girlfriend eyeing me up in the bathroom like that felt too alien.

She leaned forward and spit, exposing a small portion of her ass that made me truly crave Jason's presence.

"Sorry about that." She chuckled as she headed for the door. "I've been living with the same three girls for two years now, this is nothing."

"No problem just... just warn me next time." I finally calmed down enough that I could see the situation for the humourous encounter it was and couldn't stop myself from laughing. Had it really been Jason in her place, I definitely would have been balls deep in him by now.

She left the room with a laugh of her own, promising she'd give me plenty of warning next time before I began drying myself off. I had a psychology class in an hour and I still needed to have breakfast, so I walked briskly back to my room and paused in front of my dresser. I washed Jason's black boxer briefs the night before, grimacing at the thought of him having given himself to someone else the night he had left himself out in the cold. They were neatly folded on top of my dresser and I had to fight down the urge to jerk off a third time as I pictured how the fabric would cling to his body like a glove.

'No. Bad wolf.' I mentally chastised myself as I pulled on a pair of boxers and fairly tight jeans. I put on a plain t-shirt and covered it with an ash grey sweater. 'Breakfast, classes, then_fantasy land.'_

I had to admit though, I needed to keep track of that 'bad wolf' idea...

I soared through breakfast and met up with Mel at the front door before heading out to our respective classes. Hers unfortunately took her in the opposite direction as mine so we said our goodbyes at the end of the driveway and went on our separate ways.

As I walked I couldn't keep Jason from entering my mind. In spite of spending a week talking to him before actually meeting him, I still didn't know much about him, or where he even worked. For some reason I took his effeminate nature and mannerisms to mean that he likely worked as a barista or a waiter, both of which I could easily see him doing. I was tempted to text him and find out, but he could either be busy, and I certainly didn't want to interrupt or distract him. I knew how hectic a restaurant waiter shift could get.

The thought of being able to question him and find out more about his personal and professional lives kept a smile on my muzzle in spite of the bitter mid-February cold, and it kept me distracted enough that I didn't even notice a familiar tigress walking down the opposite side of the street, or even the fact that in spite of all of my distracting thoughts, my brain went on autopilot and led me to the lecture hall I'd be stuck in for most of the day.

_'Let's get this over with.'_I thought, already looking forward to be done with class so I could bother my fox again.

With a quiet grumble I grabbed my phone and silenced the alarm. It was still dark out, but that was normal for this time of year. Even if it wasn't winter it would still be dark this early in the morning.

Beyond that first grumble I didn't make a sound as I pulled myself out of my warm bed; the cool air in my room doing wonders to shock my body into wakefulness as per usual before I made my way out into the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. After standing in the relative cold air of the dark empty house, the scalding water of the shower woke me up fully, sending shivers of pleasure through my entire body as the cold was washed away.

Five minutes later I was done and brushing my teeth while also making sure my fur looked presentable all over before moving back to my room to pull on a pair of light blue underwear that did little to hide much. I took a moment to savour the feeling of being clothed, but only barely; it made me feel sexy, and it was generally the only way I could ever feel that. At least that's how it was until Chris came into the picture.

Just the thought of that wolf with his arms wrapped around me, our naked bodies pressed firmly together and the added allure of grinding against each other was enough to stretch the front of my underwear.

_'No time for that unfortunately.'_I sighed to myself as I pulled on an olive green t-shirt and my black, brown and green squared pants. The relish pattern of camo was really fading, but that was to be expected since I've worn these pants since I first joined seven years ago. My tunic went on next and I breathed in a calming lungful of air. Seven years...

Three years ago I had applied to transfer to the Regular Forces as a meteorology technician or an ammo technician; I would either blow stuff up, which everyone loves, or study the weather and basically be a glorified army weatherman, which was what I personally loved. Three years of not hearing a single word about the entire affair and all I could do was sit back and wait. A cold fear suddenly took hold of me...

_'What if I start dating Chris, then I get transferred?'_I thought to myself as I climbed into my car and set my mug of tea into the cup holder. My morning routine having been so ingrained in my mind that I didn't even notice myself eating breakfast or checking my e-mails.

In all honesty, I had thought about this before, many times. Not knowing when my transfer would go through, if at all, was one of the main reasons that I hadn't bothered with anything beyond a one-night stand. What happened with Chris though... That had happened rather suddenly, and he had made me forget about the uncertainty in my life enough that the fear felt brand new.

'Should I stop things now before they get too serious? If I get transferred, there's no telling where I'll end up, and I'd need to pretty much move across the country just to attend the training school for Met Tech's at least...'

The thoughts made the drive in to work seem to pass by much faster, as if my body was racing to get my attention occupied with my job instead of letting my brain go into overdrive and lead to some anxiety attack. As I parked my car and began walking towards the training school, I did my best to focus more on what I had at that moment; A wolf who was into me, a great place to work while I waited for life to kick off, and amazing people to work with. That alone was enough to make me smile again.

"Jason! You got laid this weekend didn't you?" The boisterous voice of Sergeant Wilcox snapped me out of my somewhat peaceful reverie as I entered the operations office.

"W-what?" I asked, taken aback by the suddenness of the remark. It was still far too early in the morning for me to properly prepare and initiate any more of a coherent response.

"You've got a bounce in your step!" The portly equine was reclining in the chair behind his desk, his hands linked together behind his head. "Not only that, you've got quite the shit-eating grin on your muzzle! Normally it's impossible to get you to even talk this early in the morning. So tell me, what's his name?"

I sighed as I slipped between our cubicles to sit at my own desk. These were great people, but boy did they ever enjoy taking me out of my comfort zone.

"Who says it was a 'he'?" Major McPhearson's voice drifted out to us from the open door to her office to the left of our cubicles, followed by the previously unheard sounds of typing.

"Seriously ma'am? You need to get in on this too?" I chuckled in mock exasperation. It was usually best to just play along with stuff like this, but it also legitimately got me into better spirits.

"You two are like my personal soap opera." Came her reply. "Of course I'm going to get in on it!"

"So go on, spit it out!" Wilcox said. "Unless that isn't the way you do things in the bedroom."

The brown and white horse could be vulgar sometimes, but his cheerful demeanour and the fact that he'd do anything to help those he considered friends proved that under his perceived offensiveness, there was a heart of gold. Considering how many warzones the man had been in, it always surprised me that he was always so upbeat.

"I don't spit and tell, thank you very much." I chuckled as I booted up my computer and logged on, mentally preparing myself for a fresh week of answering e-mails and organizing courses for the school. "Besides, knowing that it bugs you this much to not know is kind of entertaining."

"You used to be cool, man." The sergeant said with indignity before turning back to his computer to begin work.

"No I didn't." I replied with a grin, earning a chuckle from the horse.

The day progressed much as it did every other day, except this time around I found myself checking my phone for new messages a _lot_more often. Luckily for me, there was only one course in house and thanks to a lot of planning ahead, neither myself nor Sergeant Wilcox were particularly rushed or overburdened with work. In short, it was a great start to the week.

"Afternoon hot stuff =)" My phone vibrated in my pocket with the new text message. Once I noticed it was from Chris, my heart fluttered in my chest.

_"Afternoon yourself! How's it going?"_I replied.

"Not much. Just got on break from class, figured I'd see how you were doing and inquire if you'd be available for supper sometime this week?" I blushed at the thought of sharing another meal with the wolf, but it was a great feeling.

_"I'm up for it! Where and when?"_This was the first time I recalled feeling truly excited for a second get together with someone, especially after it started off in such a rough way.

_"My place, six o'clock. Saaaay... Wednesday?"_Ouch... I'd have to get through two days of work. Normally when I was looking forward to something, time stretched on forever.

"Sounds good to me =)" My fingers were actually trembling slightly as I punched in the words.

"Great! See you then, hun!"

I sat back in my chair with a contented sigh and a smile on my muzzle; a smile that vanished when I noticed that both Sergeant Wilcox and Major McPhearson were resting their arms on the wall of my work station that faced the front of the office.

"Not a bloody word." I tried to sound threatening, but it only made them laugh. The heavy blush on my face likely didn't help things.

"Our Corporal is in love!" Wilcox said once his booming laugh dissipated. "Will you tell us about him now?"

"Or her." McPhearson added with a grin. The lynx was the Deputy Commandant for the training school, and she took her work only as seriously as she needed to; the rest of the time she was cracking jokes with the rest of the lower ranks. "You're damn near glowing, Jason, don't deny it."

"Fiiiiine." I groaned, still unable to suppress the my blush. "I started talking to him online and we spent a lot of the weekend together. I'm going to his place for dinner on Wednesday."

"Hah! Pay up, ma'am!" Wilcox threw his arms up in victory.

"Damnit..." She sighed as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her wallet, fishing around for a five dollar bill before handing it to the sergeant.

"This is revenge for something isn't it?" I rubbed my temples, but in spite of my act, I still couldn't keep a smile from splitting my muzzle. "What did I do? Send you a rude e-mail? Kicked your dog? Kicked your kid?"

"Oh it's just a bit of fun, corporal." McPhearson chuckled before retreating back into her office. "But if you want, you can count it as revenge for the rubber rat you left in my office last month."

"That was all him!" I pointed to the sergeant, who only laughed more as he sat at his desk.

Oh, I'd get back at these two, that was for certain. I was already plotting.

My phone vibrated in my pocket again, making my heart skip a little as I pulled it out, expecting to see my message icon flashing. What I got instead was a sudden twisting feeling in my gut; one that was far too familiar yet still just as intense as the first time I felt it. In the icon bar along the top of the screen, I saw the three letters of a message app that I had exclusively used to talk to the one person in my life that made me feel simultaneously happily cheerful and miserably pained.


Mark Winters was the guy I had fallen for over the summer; the one I had just missed actually dating because I didn't share my feelings for him soon enough. He was the one that I worried and longed for so much that the pain of not being able to hold him in my arms drove me to drag an exacto-knife across my arm several times. I had never felt nearly as lonely as I did when he first told me that he was dating a guy he met while in another city.

It had been three days since we had last spoken, and thanks to Chris, I had thought I had moved on from the sensation of longing, but seeing that icon on my phone brought back every memory of our day-long conversations where we learned a novel's worth of information about each other. Unfortunately it also brought back the memory of that night he told me he was feeling lonely and needed someone to hold him; the night I told him he should get his new friend to fill the gap.

I never knew if what I had felt for Mark was actual love or just childish infatuation, but the immensely powerful self-loathing part of me told me that there was no chance what I was feeling could be a positive thing; especially when it was directed at someone I hadn't even gotten the chance to meet in person.

Swiping my finger over the icon, I brought up the message window.

"Hey hun! How was your weekend?" Read the message sitting next to the picture of a beautifully feminine tiger. God just seeing him made me forget nearly everything that had happened during the weekend, and I found myself resting precariously between happy calm conversation and pitiful self-depreciation, as I always seemed to be.

"Weekend was decent. You?" I typed back. If I had told him about Chris, he likely would have congratulated me and said something along the lines of, 'that's wonderful!', but such praise would likely just remind me of how much of an idiot I was to follow my feelings when it came to Mark, throwing everything I was presently feeling towards Chris into doubt.

I wish I could let these feelings go, but if the pain that came from making myself bleed wasn't enough to deter me, I didn't know what would help.

"Ugh, dealing with idiots on Tumblr." He responded. "Apparently posting a picture of two transwomen naked with each other makes me transphobic. I've posted pictures of two guys and two girls and one of each before though!"

"People are just idiots. You might as well not bother paying attention to them." I could definitely identify with the 'idiot' part.

"I know! I'm an idiot for arguing with them because it's impossible to win. Feel free to smack me upside the head."

I have friends who I'd gladly suggest just that as a course of action, but not Mark.

"I'd never hit you." I said. My insides churned again as I realized that the message likely made me sound too infatuated; I liked Mark, but I definitely didn't want to come off as an obsessive creeper.

"I deserve it though. I think I might have deserved it when my bf did it." My insecurities suddenly vanished, replaced by a burning worry.

"What the hell do you mean you deserved to have your boyfriend hit you?" I asked, truly wishing I could hold the tiger after strangling the bastard that would dare to hurt someone I held dear.

"We got into an argument because he doesn't like that I'm still friends with some of my exes." While getting to know him, I grew to respect the fact that Mark was mature enough to be able to maintain friendships even after a failed attempt at a relationship. It was a trait that was woefully rare these days. "He got angry and kind of grabbed my arms and shoved me against a wall."

My fingers were trembling, though I wasn't sure if it was anger or fear that someone I cared about was in a relationship like that.

"That's not right Mark. He's got no right to do anything like that to you. There's a clear difference between dominant fun in the bedroom and abusive behaviour in the relationship itself. I know it's none of my business, but you've got to cut him loose." I said, only slightly convinced that I was suggesting this for his own good. Some deep, dark part of my mind was hopeful that if Mark became single, I'd get the chance to show him how much I cared. At the very least I'd be able to give him more comfort than I was able to give through text.

"It was a one-time thing though." He replied. "I mean, I can understand where he's coming from..."

"Don't you dare start thinking like that." I snapped, wishing I could convey the distaste I held for the situation. "He's got ZERO right to get mad at you just because he doesn't like the fact that you're friends with your exes. If he cares about you, he'd trust you; he'd know that you're not the type to cheat on someone no matter what your history is. If he asks you to stop seeing a friend, I'm sorry, but that's one of the first events to occur in an abusive relationship."

"I guess..." Was all the tiger sent back. I knew he could get pretty emotional pretty fast, so I instantly felt guilty for telling him what I did, but the protective instinct I felt towards him overran any doubt that I should continue. I didn't want him to stay with a potentially abusive partner, but the guy had made Mark happy when he was going through a rough time, and the last thing I wanted was for the tiger to be miserable.

"Look, Mark, if you care about him, then talk to him about this. Tell him that you won't abandon a friend just because he doesn't trust you enough. Shoving you is _not_acceptable, and it's a warning sign if ever I've heard of one." It hurt like hell to tell him to talk to his boyfriend about it, but I figured I'd likely cause more damage than I would have ever intended if I pushed him to actually break up with the guy.

"If you don't take my word for it, then talk to your mom about this. You mentioned she was in an abusive relationship before, so she'd have a better idea of what's going on than I ever will. I care about you more than I have any right to, and the thought of someone abusing you makes my blood boil."

Several minutes passed with no response, so in spite of the fact that I was still very much worked up over the unexpected direction of the conversation, I placed my phone back in my pocket and turned myself back to my work. It must have been an expression I wore or just an aura I gave off, but Sergeant Wilcox didn't say a word to me, asking who it was I had just been texting for the past twenty minutes; the equine quietly typed away at his station. Through my peripherals I caught glimpses of him casting a glance my way, but we had been working together long enough that he knew where my boundaries were.

Five minutes before I left my station for the day, nearly two hours after my conversation with Mark, I got another double vibration from my phone, signalling a new message from the tiger.

"Thanks." It said. The display showed that he was already typing again, so I took the chance to bid farewell to everyone before heading down the long hallway flanked by classrooms on either side, heading for the exit.

"I talked to my mom, and she basically said the same thing, only she tried to get me to leave him entirely. I'm going to talk to my bf about it tonight at dinner. I'm okay with giving second chances, but a third chance? No thank you. I'll tell him if it happens again I'm done."

I sighed in relief, which only lasted a moment before that dark part of my psyche began attacking me again. 'He'd rather take a second chance with a guy that shoved him against a wall than give you a try.'

"I'm glad to hear it." I lied. Mark was a sweet guy; passive, friendly, open and he was a believer in second chances, which I fully respected even if I wasn't quite so forgiving. It was part of what made the tiger so attractive. "Please, don't hesitate to message me if you need to talk... I know I'm the last person you should be talking to about relationship stuff but I want to help if I can."

"I really like talking to you about everything!" He responded as I sat down in my car. The fact that he liked talking to me made everything seem that much worse. "I'm just a little too emotional about stuff. I haven't cried this hard in a long time."

"I'll be here if you need me." I said before putting away my phone and beginning my short drive back home.

I didn't care if I needed to stop talking to Mark to keep myself from being so depressed; he was a friend and I wasn't about to just give up on trying to be a positive part of his life. If it meant I had to feel like crap just to help the tiger through a rough patch, I could live with that. I could count on one hand the number of people I'd be willing to suffer like that for.

My phone buzzed again as I backed into my driveway, so after I parked and turned off my car, I pulled out my phone.

A bright blush rushed to my face when I saw that the text had been from the horse I had met on the weekend. Whether it was because I was far too easy to arouse or because the lustful part of my mind wanted to try to distract me from my pain, I felt myself harden nearly instantly.

"Hey. Wanna get 2gether again? Need a hot ass tonight." It said.

I pushed open the door to my house, relieved that my housemate was still away on exercise halfway across the country. My boots came off before I rushed up to my room, pulling off my tunic, shirt, and pants once I was sitting on the edge of my bed. The afternoon sun was shining directly into my room, filtered by the large red curtains I had almost permanently drawn over the windows to give my entire room a red glow. It was warm as hell, as it was usually the warmest room in the house because of its constant exposure to sunlight, but that only made me hornier.

"Can't, I've got work in the morning." I replied to the text. My earlier conversation was completely forgotten as I pictured myself back at the horses apartment, acting like his cum dump once again. That's when it hit me.

I didn't know what stage of a relationship we were at currently, but the fact that Chris seemed eager to date me made me chastise myself. Old habits die hard; the fact that I was getting so worked up over a stranger that I didn't need to spend too much time with and who knew exactly how he wanted to just use me was proof enough of that.

Chris wanted something serious though, and if the past few months were any indication at all, something serious was exactly what I wanted, what I needed.

Surely the texts from this guy were a perfectly innocent way to blow off steam though? I mean, it wasn't like I was about to go out and let him fuck me again, not now that Chris was in the picture. Speaking of pictures...

A file popped up in our message window. It was hard to make out what the picture was of, but I had a feeling of what it could be, and sure enough, once I tapped on the photo, the full screen made my entire body ache to be ravaged.

It was a photo of the horse lying on a bed on his back. From the vantage point, the picture was dominated by his sleek abs and by the massive erection he was holding up one handed. My lust was now in an all-out war with my morals; I _really_wanted to be riding that slab of meat. I reached into my tight underwear and squeezed my foxhood, imagining my muzzle wrapped around the length of the horses cock.

Another picture quickly followed the first. This one was of him on his knees on the bed, but other than the tantalizing 'v' shape of his abdomen, the only thing I could see was his fat shaft hanging down; the blood pumping into it being unable to lift it higher because of its sheer size, and the pair of heavy orbs that had filled me to bursting with hot seed a few nights before. Thinking back to that night only served to get me more riled up as I was reminded of the fact that I had been spit roasted by two complete strangers.

I was now lying on my back, my underwear hanging off of one ankle as I pumped my hand up and down my shaft. The lustful part of me had won out, and all other worries had been pushed out of my mind to be replaced with the imagery of myself at the horses place, bent over a countertop with his strong hands gripping my hips roughly as he plowed into me again and again. His ursine roommate was there too, masturbating as he watched our coupling, which only lasted for another few, hard thrusts before I felt my insides flooded with hot horse spunk.

"Bring him over here." The bear grunted as his hand slid up and down his dripping length.

The horse pulled out of me roughly, making me whimper as I felt a flood of cum rush down my inner thighs from my tailhole. He grabbed me by the hips and walked me over to the bear who had hoisted himself onto the counter; the perfect height for me to bury my muzzle in his crotch. My equine handler stopped me in front of the bear, who took a hold of the back of my head and gently, but forcefully, pulled down so I could slide his throbbing meat between my lips.

He kept pulling until I hit my gagging point, but he only paused for a brief moment before shoving me further down onto his shaft, causing tears to stream from my eyes as I fought the urge to vomit or pull back. Only when my nose was pressed firmly into the thick patch of fur at the base of his cock did he stop to just hold me there. Evidently my attempts at swallowing and coughing were causing him no small amount of pleasure as a growl escaped his throat.

That's when I felt a familiar blunt head press against my already abused ass.

The amount of cum that he had pumped into me made his re-entry a breeze, but it still made me groan and writhe as I was stuffed fully from both ends; saliva and precum dribbling out from the corners of my muzzle and sticky seed continuing to run down my legs. The bear let go of my head, which I took as an invitation to take a break so I wouldn't end up passing out.

I pulled my head back with a sharp gasp, the pained throbbing in my throat feeling more like a mark of pride at having swallowed a full eight inches of bear dick. I rubbed my throat and licked my dripping lips as the horse began to truly fuck me once again, filling the kitchen with the sounds of wet smacking and slurping as he forced his way in and out of me. He delivered a sharp smack to my ass which made me yelp, but it served as a reminder that I was there to provide pleasure, and presently I was only doing that for one of my hosts.

I took in a breath and lowered my head to the bears cock again, sliding half of it into my muzzle and running my tongue over every bump and vein I could find before pressing myself down even more, trying to take it all in once again to please my hosts. I was an inch away from completely enveloping the throbbing shaft entirely, but unlike before, I had control of myself, and I just couldn't supress the urge to back away to keep from gagging. The bear sensed this though, and was all too happy to grab the back of my head again and thrust his hips upwards.

For the next few minutes, my entire world was rapture. My vision was taken up entirely by the crotch and toned stomach of the bear fucking my muzzle, my hearing was drowned out with the wet smacks and pleasured grunts of almost feral breeding, and my nose could only smell the sweat of sex.

The horse came first, squeezing my hips hard as he forced his cock fully into me once again. His large sack rested flush against my own as he continued to grind and thrust, as if trying to force more of himself into my sorely abused tailhole. His cock spasmed and unleashed another flood of cum that made me feel as if my stomach was bulging from the volume.

"FUCK!" He shouted as his body tensed with the climax. He was holding me so tightly I could almost feel the bruises on my hips already.

His climax, as it had on the weekend, triggered the bears own orgasm, and he treated it much the same. He pushed my head down as far as it could go and began letting loose a torrent of cum directly down my throat. Like his roommate, he didn't seem content that his entire shaft was as far inside me as it could get, so he continued to grind forwards and push against the back of my head in a vain attempt to fill me even more.

That's when I snapped back to reality.

I was in my own room, lying naked in my own bed with my hand wrapped tightly around my wet seven inches. The first rope of cum landed high on my chest, a personal record, while the proceeding shots landed gradually lower and lower until a small stream of jizz was running over my fingers.

My breathing was heavy, as if I had just run a small marathon, and I could swear I was seeing stars as I began to come down from my orgasm. With my clean hand I picked up my cellphone, noticing that my weekend tryst had sent another photo, one of both himself and his roommate standing in their bathroom with erections hanging teasingly between their legs.

"How bout now?" Was the text that followed.

"You make saying no _really_difficult, but I can't." I replied, adding a frowning face to prove that I was honestly disappointed.

"Will get you next time then." The text had a note of finality, as if a predator had lost interest in its prey and had decided to move on to better hunting grounds. That's when I noticed another text that had arrived while I was busy in my fantasy world.

"How was your day, cutie?" I could almost feel my heart beat out of my chest at the text from Chris.

"Started off good enough, didn't end well though." I said simply, sighing to myself as I idly licked my fingers clean. "How about yours?"

"Boring classes. What went wrong?" He was quick to redirect the topic back to me. I growled to myself, not wanting to spoil what little enjoyment I had just gotten out of my fantasy, but also not wanting to hurt the wolf by telling him that the guy I liked had messaged me again.

"Personal stuff. It's nothing a good supper can't fix." I said, hoping that that would be the end of it.

"Even through text you're a bad liar. Want me to come over?" Came the reply.

Before I even had a chance to think about how I could say 'no', my fingers decided to type in 'yes'. I caught myself just before they moved on to the 'send' button. I felt truly wretched for doing so, but again, old habits die hard. The less someone knew about how pathetic I was, the more likely they'd be to stay around. In Chris's case, I had a feeling he'd stay around anyways, but I didn't want to make him worry about me; he had school to focus on after all. I deleted my message and started again.

"Nah, like I said, it's no big deal. I'll see you on Wednesday anyways." I said, not wanting to think about how I could be making him worry even more. "What's the plan for then, anyways?"

"Be at my place for around six. Bring anything you'd like to drink because all I've got is a bottle of wine." Even through text I got the feeling that Chris was skeptical about my claim to being alright.

"Sounds good." I added a smiley face in an attempt to assuage his worries, but knowing the wolf, it wouldn't work.

"Bring your work clothes too. I'd like it if you stayed overnight." The smiley face was returned, so at least he seemed to be in a good mood about everything.

"If you're okay with me waking up at six in the morning lol." I'd have his arms around me again, sooner than I was expecting, but I wasn't about to complain. The idea of a regular partner, a boyfriend, scared me worse than going to meet him in the first place. At least with one-night stands or string-free arrangements like I apparently could have with the as yet unnamed horse and bear, my emotional state didn't factor in; I'd get my physical comfort, they'd get their lust sated, and that was that.

"That's fine with me." Chris though... What he seemed to want was a real relationship. I remembered thinking about this before, but suddenly the idea of sharing my feelings and thoughts with someone else just seemed like too much to handle, especially after the last incident with Mark. I hadn't even shared my issues with my family, and we were closely knit!

The sarcastic side of me came through and decided that it would, at the very least, be an interesting experiment. I wouldn't be trying this for myself, that was for sure; too much risk of damaging my already shattered emotional psyche. I would, however, try for Chris. He had been through so much more than me. He had been broken by a _real_relationship, not just one he thought he had, so I'd be trying solely for him. I wanted to help fix him, and if he thought I was good enough to keep around, well, that definitely had the chance of doing me some good as well.