The Lead Crown: Ch 6b, The Brightest Blossom (Pt 1)

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#49 of The Lead Crown

Welcome to part 1 of Chapter 6 for group B.

Told from Aodhan's point of view, this chapter is all about the deepening feelings he and Aurelie share. Finally, as we now pass into chapter 6, those emotions are met in kind and consummated.

This post is listed as adult due to the adult situation and foreplay, though I have left out any specifically gratuitous interaction-- certainly includable as a future contribution if there's interest in "hunky black wolf sticking it to a twinky cross-dressing cat"... so to speak.

Contributing Readers will have to decide on who else will get this chapter's focus during the night:

a) Keep the 'red border' stories coming! Up next: Rhys and Runs-on-Air! (m/m)

b) Here's an interesting 'red border' story change of pace: Let's take a peek in on Umberto and Brody-- stuff there is just WAITING to happen! (m/m)

c) Stick with the 'red border' stories and let's see the shift of disdain-to-attraction between Tobias and Dr. Brownell! (f/m)

d) You know... Cruff has been out of things for awhile. How about an emotionally touching moment between father and son?

e) Let's take a peek on the discussion that Malcom and the two Bats have at Arnswold Manner.

Votes will be accepted through midnight on Thursday, October 16th. Thanks for reading!

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 6.1b, The Brightest Blossom

Although Aodhan was not surprised that Prince Malcom did not return to the clinic before nightfall he was somewhat disheartened; he had much to discuss with his fellow Tribesman. Granted, neither of them were truly of the Oak Tribe but both had been adopted by the tribe so they could just as easily be family. Regardless, the Prince did not return that evening, and it left the wolf feeling at a loss.

Thankfully, Aurelie's presence helped. His Eyara helped his mind settle in ways nothing else could, and his troubled thoughts fled his mind the moment the cat sat down in his lap, sharing the large arm chair in the Wolf's small guest room. "Dr. Brownell is so gracious for letting us stay here."

Aodhan wrapped his arms around Aurelie, resting his muzzle atop the Cat's head, "She is more like a Tribal healer than she is a University doctor-- she truly does care. The world would be a better place with more like her."

The Wolf wasn't sure if there was something in his tone or if it was his choice of words, but Aurelie must have picked up on one of those secret signals as a Cat only could. His Eyara settled back against his chest, looking up at him, wide, green eyes inquisitive, "Something's on your mind... isn't it, Aodhan?"

Chuckling, he gave the Cat a gentle squeeze, "Nothing that cannot be remedied by your presence, my Eyara... I am just thinking about Malcom Wild-Wolf."

Aurelie squirmed until they were face-to-face with the Cat seated on the wolf's thighs. With arms wrapped around Aodhan's neck, the two locked gazes, "He's another good person... I can see why he and the Doctor get along so well."

Aodhan smiled and leaned forward to softly graze the Cat's lips with his own, "Then you must favor them both by that logic-- you are just as good a person."

His Eyara shivered slightly at the kiss; it was obviously still a new experience for Aurelie, who had never been given the chance to explore an intimate connection with anyone. There was a time that Aodhan had wondered what could have happened between the two of them if he'd not left the Cat's side... strangely, once they had reconnected, it seemed that he was drawing closer to finding out an answer. Smiling, Aurelie let out a happy sigh, "I'm glad that we found one another again, Aodhan... I've missed you."

The Wolf smiled, "And I you, Eyara."

Aodhan slowly stood, but Aurelie made no move to give way. With the cat's arms and legs wrapped around him, the Wolf got up from the chair and a muffled voice came from where his Eyara's muzzle was buried into his neck, "It's getting late, isn't it?"

The Wolf gently caressed the Cat's back, getting a soft purr in response, "It is far past 'getting late' and it is officially late, my Eyara. I know that there has been talk of us leaving tomorrow."

He felt Aurelie's smile against his neck, "And no matter how good the company--"

Aodhan smiled himself; it was a common phrase they parted with every night ages ago when they had both been under the care of the Sisters Divine. The wolf finished the statement, "--the trouble it brings is twice as bad."

Despite having given their goodbyes from days long past, Aurelie didn't bother letting go... and that's when Aodhan felt the firmness between the Cat's legs pressing against his abdomen. His Eyara's breath had quickened, and each one was twice as long inhaling as exhaling-- Aurelie was breathing in his scent? It was an intimate action... considered profane by most clergy, and usually reserved for those only in the closest of relationships. He didn't even hesitate a moment as he buried his nose into the fur of his Eyara's gently sloping shoulder and took in a deep breath of his own.

Aurelie wore all of the perfumes and scents of a woman of the Sisters, and yet the Cat's own aroma was unmistakable. There were so many things about it Aodhan remembered strongly, and more to it that age added with time. Without even thinking, the Wolf slowly laid his Eyara onto the bed, softly nibbling at the loose fur of the Cat's shoulder. Aurelie gasped, back arching with the action, and Aodhan felt the unmistakable poke of the excited feline's less-feminine features. Smiling, the Wolf pulled away, gazing down at his beautiful Eyara, "Don't go tonight. Nothing could be twice as bad as having you here with me tonight will be wonderful."

A shameful, disheartened blush came immediately to Aurelie as the Cat's ears folded, and the green eyes no longer met the Wolf's gaze. Aurelie spoke quietly, words slowly trailing off the further the sentence continued. "I... I would like to, Aodhan... but... I.. I can't-- we can't... I... because... I mean... if I did..."

Aodhan gently reached down to take hold of one of the Cat's soft, delicate paws and brought it up to his muzzle to kiss the back, "If you did...?"

The blush intensified, "Something... might........ happen."

The Wolf remained comforting, but a faint impish smile somehow crept into his muzzle and a hint of chiding tone to his voice, "...might?"

Aurelie quivered beneath him, the firmness beneath the Cat's clothing getting even harder, "...oh sweet Heavens above... I... don't know what's happening."

Aodhan leaned over his Eyara, gently caressing the side of the Cat's muzzle with his free paw, "I do.... and it's alright, Aurelie... there's nothing to be worried about. Yes... if you stay the night something WILL happen... but only if you want it to."

The Cat's purring intensified and the paw against Aurelie's face felt the pressure of his Eyara pressing fully into it. Despite the unmistakable intent of the action, Aurelie's words were not as certain. "I... don't know what I want, Aodhan."

The Wolf kept his paw against his beloved's cheek and let go of the Cat's, "Then just stay with me tonight... if anything happens that you do not approve of then it will stop-- you have my word, Eyara."

True fear gleamed for a moment in Aurelie's eyes but, in the end, it was replaced with a glint created by the same things Aodhan was feeling, and the Cat nodded silently, swallowing once before managing to whimper out, "Okay..."

The Wolf's free paw slid up the side of Aurelie's stocking-covered thigh. He drew his claws lightly across the fabric causing the Cat beneath him to squirm slightly. Aurelie gasped breathlessly as Aodhan undid the hook from the clasp and slowly, ever-so-purposefully eased the stocking down his Eyara's leg, stopping only when it was at the Cat's knee. Adjusting his position, he held himself up with that paw and brought his second down, trailing it along each and every curve of his Eyara's body. He whispered softly, "You're so beautiful."

The Cat looked to him, tears glinting amidst the green pools that were Aurelie's eyes, "I love you, Aodhan."

It was not the first time he had heard the Cat say those words, but it was far different hearing it at such a time than it was when they were so young many many years in the past. Something about the earnest, open way his Eyara said them made him feel as though he had died and was reborn all within a split second... and it was followed up with the locking of their muzzles, but not before the Wolf was able to return them, "And I love you, my Eyara."

His second paw hitched up beneath the Cat's dress and had the second stocking clasp undone, and it too joined the first around Aurelie's knees. Unlike the long stockings worn by some of the Tribes, those of Lehsunia were actually a set, much like trousers the men wore, only soft and frilly for women to wear beneath their dresses; only once the Wolf had both clasps undone was he able to take them off of Aurelie and, as they slid to the ground, it took little time for Aodhan's loincloth to join them.

As the Wolf reached for the string bodice of Aurelie's robe he met his first hint of resistance from the Cat. Aurelie reached up and covered the cloth across where the bodice rested, "I... I'm... not comfortable... with... that."

Aodhan nodded calmly, smiling reassuringly to his Eyara, "Then it will stay where it is."

Aurelie smiled weakly-- thankfully... and surrendered once again to the Wolf. Aodhan obediently left the top of the Cat's robe in place and gently slid a paw up beneath it; his Eyara shivered, letting out a strong moan the moment it encountered what he sought. Despite appearing female in all ways, the Cat was very male in at least one aspect, and Aodhan had no qualms about making sure his Eyara enjoyed their time together.

Gasping, Aurelie quivered all over, "A... Aodhan..."

The Wolf nuzzled the Cat's neck, "My Eyara... you are so beautiful... so perfect."

Shaky paws found their way to Aodhan's free one, and slowly took hold of it. The Wolf was surprised when it was guided back to Aurelie's chest, and he tentatively worked his claws against the fabric of the Cat's bodice. His Eyara let out a sound that was almost a yowl mixed with a groan, and the Aurelie's hips thrust upward into his other paw's grip. Moments later, the Wolf had his upper paw slipped beneath the robe, gently caressing and cupping the Feline's male chest; Aurelie's embarrassment forgotten, the Cat surrendered completely.

It wasn't much longer before the robe joined the rest of the clothes on the floor and, moments later, Aodhan joined his Eyara in the bed. There were many more places the Wolf chose to touch his lover that night, and not a one was met with any resistance. Malcom did finally return to the Doctor's home in the early morning, but the two had already since fallen asleep, Aodhan's friend-- lover-- Eyara in his arms.