Saturday Afternoon -- Window Shopping

Story by RiotousRuse on SoFurry

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#2 of Saturday

So when I write about two characters I really like, it's near to impossible for me to leave them at only one story. Now, of course, my gifting series must continue.

There will be a part three to expand upon the whole crossdressing for Halloween idea here, but I might finally come to a rest there. I've hit my stride again after recovering from losing all that stuff. It was a little inspiring to look through old emails to myself about random ideas. XD

Anyways, enjoy!

"I don't know why we're looking here, Blue. I've never really liked all of what a Halloween store has to offer." He absently touches one of the ten-dollar costumes that couldn't be taken seriously. "Always feels so limited."

I shrug, absently looking through bits and parts just as he is. "I just love the holiday so much. I know what you mean though. Doesn't feel quite right for anyone who takes Halloween seriously." I giggle as I point out a 'Horny Banana' costume.

He doesn't even chuckle as much as scoff. "It's like a store of bad jokes."

I feel a little better as he critiques the selection here. It's not that I want to hate the stuff in here, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks it could afford to be better.

A little idle wandering and very obvious impatience from the folf later, we finally make it to what I secretly had been wanting to see the whole time. "Huh, skirts. Some of these don't look too bad I guess." He tilts his head to the side. "If a bit short..."

I'm quiet for too long I guess, cause he ends up giving me this huge grin that I only catch on the outside of my vision. I was too busy staring... I blush pretty badly before I even dare to meet that eye contact. "What?"

"You like those skirts, don't you?" I emphatically shake my head, trying to explain myself before he stops me again, "No no, I'm serious. No judgement. You like them, don't you?"

I sigh in defeat, tail flomping against the ground. "Yeah, kinda. I've only ever thought about it. One time I stole makeup from my mom..."

"Why? You're plenty adorable without."

I sniffle, not sure how else to continue talking about this. "No, it was for my eyes. It's easy to make them pop out and...stuff."

He chuckles, his smirk afterward leaving him with a fang popping out from his lip. "You might've only tried once, but you seem like you've thought about it a lot." I start blushing again before he continues, "But don't worry about it. I could just tell it was something you like, and it's fun to watch."

I'm quiet for a while, but I don't make any effort to reach for any of them. "Have you ever thought about wearing one of these?" My eyes keep catching the 'Slutty Witch' costume, but I ignore that title. Sure, it looks short, but it's so pretty...

He chuckles again, but this time is a little less comfortable. "Well, I mean...I don't think so. No." I turn and look at him, finally deflecting the focus from myself. His ears pin. "Only a few times, honest!"

A few weeks ago, Ajax told me about this separation in his mind he likes to pretend exists. Since he's a wolf and a fox, he blames anything that he deems too "subby" as his fox side speaking, while his wolf side gets to take credit for everything from his devilish looks to his musculature. I get the feeling your sense of species pride suffers when you don't belong to just one.

I shrug again. "It doesn't bother me, Jax..." I give him his own share of evil smile. "Unless you wanna prove that it's no big deal to you."

His paws fly into the air. "No no no! I didn't mean anything if it felt like I--"

"No, I know. But surely for a big strong wolf like yourself, it's not a huge deal, right? You could slip something on without a second thought." Even as I trace a paw over his arm, he's scowling. "Unless you're not man enough."

"Fine! I will prove I could put one of these on! Uhm. Might need to be a kinda big size though." I catch his almost-blush under his dark fur, and I know I'm in for a good laugh.

And hey, what if he does end up liking it? You can't call me an entirely sadistic boyfriend. Just mostly.

We end up hiding the costume he ends up picking with a lot of other ones, mostly so that the guy manning the fitting room wouldn't bother actually looking at everything we've grabbed. Thankfully he's sitting up at the front of the whole place, and there's a little lobby where all your friends can marvel at whatever you put on and show off.

He checks to see that no one else is around before he goes back there, calling me something derogatory before he ducks behind a curtain. I just end up giggling a lot more than I should. We always give each other hell. It's my assurance that he'll stay with me.

...And I'm sure the sex isn't hurting my case.

I watch as his paws dance from the foot clearance under the curtain, and I'm not sure if I end up laughing or getting turned on first. He just has such big paws...

I'm so hypnotized that I somehow miss when those paws come closer as he leaves the booth to come yell at me about his dress. "So...what do you think?"

My eyes drift up slowly, catching just how short of a skirt he'd happened upon before I actually get to his eyes. "Ah...well."

He smiles, already blushing and sweeping his ears. "Well?"

"You've picked just about the shortest skirt they've got here, I think." His blush intensifies a little, and he backs up a bit and tugs at the bottom of the outfit.

"I'd hoped it wouldn't be a big deal, but I guess it is pretty short..." When he's further back, I can get a better look at him. Despite knowing how muscled he is normally, his appearance isn't overwhelmingly manly under the skirt. Without me knowing personally how strong he really is, he could maybe pass off as someone really tall. "But you still didn't answer my question."

I grin at the folf. "Well you're kinda showing off, Jax."

He whines and pulls at the bottom frills again. "Shut up!"

"...That said though, you look very pretty."

He sighs and starts backing up towards the changing room again. "Can we leave this as a you thing, maybe?"

I stick my tongue out at him. "Fine. For now."

We ended up leaving the store empty-handed, but I'm certain we had more respect for one another by the end of it.

Whenever Jax drives, he always looks like he's purposely flexing his arms, because he definitely doesn't look like he normally has that big of arms. "If I got you something online, would you wear it for Halloween?"

I'm quiet for a little while, if for no other reason than slight confusion. I mean, sure, we've gone from not even had explored a kink to all over it, but would he really spend money on me on this short of notice? "Where would we be going?"

He shrugs. "There's a few parties over that weekend, and most of them are on Friday, of course." He sneaks a look over at me, noticing my hesitation. "Or, I mean, it could be just for the two of us to enjoy. I like either idea."

I roll my eyes. Of course he does. He wouldn't have to go through all the effort that I'm sure he now appreciates after that little visit to the store. The question isn't really whether or not we'll have a hell of a time, because I'm sure we will no matter what we do. I'm more unsure of how he'd present me to other people. Or how I'd actually look. "Would I be your girlfriend?"

Another look over at me, probably to see if I'm serious or not. "Oh." He looks back to the road, passing the halfway mark for getting us back to campus. "I hadn't really thought about that."

It's quiet in the car for nearly long enough for me to reach over to the radio and start something just so the silence wasn't so deafening. "Well, you've been with me and you've heard everything I've had to say about our dynamic. We've talked about us, Blue. A lot. Is it enough for you to be comfortable with it in the first place?"

I wouldn't really be a guy if I was in a skirt anymore. I wouldn't really be Jax's boyfriend. I wouldn't even have to be his girlfriend, but I hope that I wouldn't catch extra attention if I went as his friend instead.

....And of course I would.

This isn't a question about us as a relationship. Not even us as a gay relationship. It's about me and some get-up that puts me in better contact with my girly features.

We slide into one of few endangered parking spots just as I come to the end of my thought train. He turns off the car and faces me, still looking just as patient as the first day he realized I'd be a piece of work. "I...I think I could do it. As long as there's not tons of drunk people."

He nods. "Yeah, I imagine the alcohol would only further convince them you aren't what you really are. Hm..." He thinks for a little while before starting to get out of the car. "Well, I'm sure I can come up with something. You just relax and figure out where the borders, okay?"

I get out of the car to follow him, walking close to him and almost on his arm. I'd like to think I've made some progress with this whole thing. My insecurity with being with him probably has more to do with my thoughts about the future rather than the here-and-now.

I was already a disappointment to my dad when I didn't really care too much about doing the military and then college, and I can't imagine he'd respond well to me putting on a skirt and having sex with a man. Of another species.

Sergals have this crazy species pride thing going on that I don't care too much for. But that's for another day.

"You alright, Blue? Thinking too hard again? You blushed a little and I didn't even get to say anything yet." His smirk blurs from behind my scowl.

I'd clearly zoned out long enough for us to get to the staircase in his dorm building. I guess if nothing else, he woke me out of my stupor before I did something really dumb like falling down a bunch of stairs.

I roll my eyes. "You just wish you thought as much as I do." I push a little past him to start up the staircase, my tail smacking him in the face.

"Oh no you don't! Get back here!" He blindly grabs for my tail, but I hold it high as I start running up the stairs, hoping he can't catch me.

He probably can.

I can hear him growling so close behind me that I'm surprised he doesn't end up picking me up, but then I decide that maybe he doesn't want to accidentally hurt me. "I hope you know you can't get into my door without me!"

Oh. Damn. I get to the top of the stairs at his floor before spinning around and praying that a good puppy-dog face will save me.

Ending up flat on my back ten seconds later with an angry folf on top of me reminds me that you can't use a puppy-dog face on a canine. "So this is the part where you let me go and we forget that I accidentally hit you with my tail, right?"

His snarl clears up a bit and he stands up. I breathe a sigh of relief, misinterpreting his "mercy." Instead, he just walks over and kicks the door shut before turning on me again.Uh oh...

If there's one thing Jax is good at for no good reason, it's getting my heart going. He jumps onto me again (still taking care to land so he doesn't kill me), pinning my shoulders by his paws, still wearing a pretty intimidating expression. "No, this is the part where you very quickly figure out some way to make it up to me."

I bite my lip. "Well I mean there's plenty ways. Uhm... I have to move though."

He shakes his head slowly. "I don't think so. Can't let you run off."

Damn folf. He knows what my first answer is. So instead, I lean up into his "scary" face and kiss him. Just once at first. It's enough to get him to loosen up a bit. He takes it into his own paws soon enough, using his leverage over me to continue to drive deeper and deeper. My back might as well have melded into the bed.

When he pulls away, he starts licking and nipping at my neck. "Can't get this idea of you out of my head. I'm going to end up buying something for you and pouncing you right after you put it on."

His paws leave my shoulders and finally let me move a bit again, but I'm mostly squirming against him anyways. Eventually he's let up enough for me to try to do something myself, and my first answer is to dive under him.

He stops me pretty quickly (before I even get to undo a button!), and moves to rest on the bed. "If you're going to go that way, then you're the one hunched over me."

I almost get that damn button undone before his paws knock mine away again. "No no, you're enjoying this too. Get your own pants off and turn around."

Of course, we started here with me "suggesting" a way out, but now he can't resist just ordering me around. I turn around as I toss my clothes away, sitting on my knees and only slowly tugging my pants down, and I can almost see his desire bubble over. This has got to be why he asked for us to do stuff more often than just the weekends...

Anyways, I take my time, making sure that he has plenty of time to see me from this angle while it lasts. It might've been the look I tossed over my shoulder, or it might've been the time he's been waiting, or it could've even been the view itself, but finally he growls and beckons me over again.

I shuck the act (and my pants) and crawl over him again, sharing a few kisses with him while I finally unbutton his own captivity. I can't imagine why he'd stop me so many time, because once I get that zipper down, I almost recoil from how fast his cock flops out.

It's hard to kiss a panting dog, and I kinda killed it when I gasped anyways, but he just ends up wearing this confident smirk. "Well? You heard me last time. Turn around, Blue."

I'm not sure how much to trust the folf with my lower body, seeing as how he has teased and tortured me on numerous occasions in the past. He kisses my nose one last time, licking his lips in what I could only call a very anticipatory (and hot) way.

I think Jax only wears underwear to bug me and make things take longer than they need, and of course my first few minutes are entirely dedicated to trying to get his pants down and his boxers with them. "Sometimes I swear you're just trying to make things--unf!"

The folf, with all his somewhat surprising strength, draws me up closer than I thought he would, tugging my tail up and resting me high on his chest. "Harder? That'd be the goal, yes."

My focus disintegrates when he takes a wide swipe with his tongue, making me push back into his muzzle greedily. The sound I make is pretty close to indescribable, but it was pretty desperate.

When I open my eyes again, I'm surprised to find his hard wolfhood still waiting for some reason. It'd almost felt like I'd time traveled for my recovery time, and it also makes me realize there's no way in hell I'll finish him before he finishes me.

I hear him chuckle as he adjusts me again, spreading my ass and taking another general stroke, being so luxurious as to lick the back of my balls this time. Honestly he probably wouldn't even mind what I do as long as I'm enjoying myself, but my obsessive personality doesn't know when to quit.

Every time he goes for a huge distraction to me, I resolve to simply wrap my paws around his cock and squeeze for life, decently confident I won't hurt him that way, and that I'll actually do the opposite.

Meanwhile, my own leaky member rests trapped someplace on his chest, throbbing with every stimulation to my rim. My voice runs almost hoarse in a few seconds flat, and my flushed cheeks have certainly never felt this warm before.

I'm surprised (when I finally look) to actually see his knot start to form, and while I know he could still be a ways off, it gives me something more to try to focus some attention on. Jax catches on too soon, and with my first squeeze, he hunkers even closer to my rear and instead shoves his tongue inside me.

I almost squeal, and his own deep rumblings start vibrating me like I'm sitting the wrong way in a massage chair. I absently try to lick at his tip, catching pre and only causing more for as long as I resolve to squeeze his knot rather than move.

With another lap to my insides, Jax finds what I know he was looking for, and I feel the heat all up and down my body, ears to toes, several times over like a wave of pleasure. I don't know if I gasped or moaned first, but it all ended as me breathing heavily, and I'm sure the folf can feel just how close I am to losing it all right now.

I don't even have the composure to commit to more of my half-effort reciprocation anymore, completely lost to the man and his magic tongue. He decides to not leave me hanging. He licks over my prostate again and again and again, driving me absolutely crazy, but also making me clench hard and orgasm harder all over his chest.

I'm out of commission for a while after that, but I feel his tongue retreat, a series of chuckling, and some soft paws roam my sides. I could cuddle this side of him for years at this point.

"Blue, hon? You alright? I forgot how sensitive you are back here." He pats my butt tenderly, laughing again. I mumble something in response, still riding sparks of endorphins that made me a promise that they wouldn't leave for a while yet. "If you aren't going to wrap up down there, then I'll have to myself, you lazy sergal. What's it going to be?"

It finally spurs me into admittedly slow action, but I get up and set myself over him again, this time facing the right away. It's hard to miss his white-stained and matted fur, and it makes me blush all over again. Damn folf gets me going.

Carefully, I lower my still-damp backside down into contact with his still-pulsing cock, grinding back against it slowly while I kiss the folf again. I couldn't just waste all of his effort back there after all, but I'm still not up for actually riding him.

He seems already excited enough for the new arrangement to work out, and his heavy breaths coming through our kiss tell me that in spite of my horrible focus just now, I still managed to get him somewhat close.

It's sometimes a thrilling experience to be almost-penetrated over and over, something akin to sitting at the top of a roller coaster hill. Just as I feel his knot continue to swell, I decide the folf has earned at least something for everything he's done so far, so at the top of a grind, I angle myself and drop down on his thick wolfhood, sheathing it inside me just as he breaks the kiss and groans deep in his throat.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ready for a round two after all that, but instead I surrender myself to his strong hug as he pulses inside me over and over.

It's probably not even the morning anymore, but hell. Who has things to do on a Saturday just-past-noon?

Now, as always, I don't really edit these shorts too much. It's more for the weekly content/practice idea. I promise, on the horizon, more stuff to finish out or expand on my other stories up here. I won't say I'm distractable, but I try to give every story its time to be.

Leave a vote if you liked it, a fave if you loved it (;D), or a watch if you wanna see more! Thanks!