How to Fuck Sonic the Hedghog

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#11 of Chapter 2: The Reign of King Scourge

End of chapter 2

Reemon had finally been stopped once and for all. He was dead in a pool of blood. Veemon walked away from this mess. He couldn't go back to the creatures that broke him once. He found solace within the smiles and the happiness that seemed to be spreading around the towns. He smiled even after what he did and how much he had changed perhaps it was all for the better. His mind was no longer clouded on a dream he would no longer be able to hold on to. Veemon was thinking this time he could finally settle down for real. He was a bit surprised with how many more creatures were openly living here. Even the slums were fixed and refined. Within days those once dreamed future area was created. Veemon found a smaller house to settle down in. He watched the news as so many reports of the end of Reemon were being played. Veemon had taken off the black suit in trade of a simple white t-shirt and jeans. Then a knock was heard. He was laying on the bed and rolled out and walked to the door. He opened it and quickly backed up. Standing there was Angel the pink Alien that was following Reemon. Veemon growled, "What do you want?"

Angel looked down, "You wouldn't understand that Reemon had some sort of spell over me. He was like a vampire and you finally ended that nightmare for me. Even so my body can't deny that I still want him...but then there's you...You match him as much as you can figure."

Veemon crossed his arms, "Do you really think it was going to be that simple."

Angel pleaded, "I can work at being better. But you should know that it was Monodramon that tricked me into leaving Hawaii in the first place. If it weren't for him I wouldn't be in this mess...On the other hand it did give me the chance to meet the real you."

Veemon grunted just a bit, "Yeah real cute...look I don't think this is going to work. I want a creature that doesn't have...baggage."

Angel crossed her arms, "You're living in a dream land then. Everyone has baggage Veemon. After all you were a Mercenary even if it was only for a year. He corrupted you and you don't think that it's baggage. We both deserve a second chance Veemon. We were both played by Monodramon."

Veemon sighed, "What do you want out of life?"

Angel asked, "What?"

Veemon looked at her, "Look I don't really care what Monodramon did to me. I'm not going to go out seeking vengeance or something. I want to live a simple life now."

Angel said, "I just want a simple life too...I have already started trying to get into a singing career. I want nothing more to do with politics and Monodramon's wok."

Veemon looked around a bit feeling an odd tension between them. Angel asked, "Can I come in?"

Veemon stepped aside and moved his hand to show he was inviting her. She walked into the small kitchen. Veemon fiddled his fingers tapping each corresponding left finger to a right one over and over. Veemon stuttered a bit, "Can I get you anything."

Angel shrugged, "Water would be nice."

Veemon open the fridge and grabbed a water bottle and tossed it over. Angel took a sip and relieved, "That sure is refreshing..." She looked around then asked, "Anything good on television these days?"

Veemon looked into the next room, "I better change the channel. I don't need to hear anything more about Reemon now."

They both walked into the room. Veemon went on the bed while Angel sat down on a medium sized chair. Veemon stopped on a show called Gotham. He placed the remote down and Angel studied the show for a while. After a few minutes she glanced over to see Veemon was a still rather intrigued by the growing tension of the show. Angel slowly stood up and slid against the edge of the blue bed. Veemon felt the weight and looked down a bit feeling rather angst about her in the same bed as him. Veemon looked out the window, "Maybe...we should go for a walk. It is a rather nice day today."

Angel smirked holding her possible reply back. Instead she scooted over and Veemon slid off the bed as soon as she did. Veemon rubbed the back of his head, "I think this is happening too fast."

Angel looked at him, "Is it really? We both want the same thing. To settle down with a partner. We can finally live in peace and yet you are the one holding back."

Veemon sighed, "Look I just having a hard time getting over that you were with that thing. I know that it was against your will but still..."

Angel shook her head, "I thought someone like you could get passed that. I'm aware of the creatures you've been with. Mostly, males lately...and I'm willing to look past that. We both have reputations...but this isn't about that. I just wanted to hold your hand and maybe get a kiss out of it. I want to take know...instead of being frozen over by something."

Veemon fiddles with his fingers again, "It's not just remind me of her..."

Angel raised her brow, "Her?"

Veemon sighed coming back up the left edge of the bed, "Gatomon. You first real partner. We went so far together. Even had a kid. She's all grown up now. And I don't want to think of her...Not anymore."

Angel padded her chest, "I know that feeling too. My first partner was Stitch. You know that one that was tricked into getting it on with him...well he was my first and I thought he would be my only. But he's gone. And he's never coming back. You might think were different but the reality is our stories are so close together. We've both endured the same pain. And neither of us are going to move on if we keep this up. Look many other creatures won't even give you a chance once they know your reputation. The same goes for me. I don't really believe in destiny but maybe we are meant to be together. You owe it to yourself to try."

Veemon looked down for a moment. That unsure feeling swelled inside for ten seconds witch for him felt way longer in this moment. He sat down at the edge sliding closer to Angel. Even with how determined Angel was she still ended up blushing. Veemon's came patted the bed reaching for her. She extended her hand out as well. They watched television together like this and Veemon let out a little sigh. It was a lot easier than he was thinking. This moment was a lot nicer too. And like that he was finally able to break away from the negative thoughts he had felt. Angel even snuggled even closer. Veemon was able to break a smile and just let this progression happen naturally. They stayed up and watched a bunch of horror films with Angel resting on Veemon's lap. Veemon took a breath of relief. They ended up falling asleep.

Angel had woken up first. She stretched out still on Veemon's lap. She slid off him. Veemon shook his head then opened his eyes to the new day. Angel chuckled a bit, "Well it appears your body is...eager."

Veemon looked down and blushed. He covered his , with a pillow. Veemon said, "Sa...Sorry."

Angel laughed, "Hmm, don't be. I'm glad you've warmed up to me. I could take care of it..."

Veemon slid off the bed still holding the pillow, "I know you're going to that I'm saying no thanks."

Angel shrugged, "Hey, we live simple lives and things are finally calm. I was angry with myself more than anything. Just let me know whenever you're ready."

She went back to the kitchen. Veemon waited until that feeling left which was unusually thing to happen. Veemon thought he'd be stuck like that for sure. There was no darkness there to influence them to do anything bad. Veemon joined her and asked, "How about that walk."

Angel smiled, "Ok."

They went out the park and it was lively. Creatures from Digimon, Pokémon and even other unversed were mingling and getting along. They set on a bench. Veemon looked around, "I can't believe things have changed so much."

Angel said, "As messed up as Monodramon was he finally fixed his problem and with Reemon gone, that means the darkness is gone."

A voice called over, "Dad!"

They both looked over and it was Yill who was along with Kiff. Yill over and Veemon stood up and hugged her. Angel sort of looked on feeling left out. Veemon cried, "I thought I'd never see you again."

Yill removed herself, "How are things going?"

Veemon said, "Just trying to settle down. How's mom."

Yill said, "Still doing recon. She wants to make sure there aren't traces of darkness lurking around. She told us about the weird semi break-up her and Patamon had."

Veemon asked, "They did?"

Yill said, "It has to do with her job. Because she slept with someone else to gain info. And he was mad at her. But I think there trying to fix that now."

Veemon looked away a bit, "I hope those two work it out. If that had been the other way around then I would have had to kick Patamon's butt."

Yill sighed, "I heard he had to break a heart too."

Veemon sighed too, "Well...are you and Kiff still getting along."

Yill said, "Well of course. We've been married off and we've had our fair share of times together since."

Veemon let out a smirk, "Well that's good to here."

Yill looked over at Angel, "Is that your new girlfriend."

Angel stood up, "I don't think he sees us as that yet."

Veemon starched his head, "We ah...are working things out. Taking our time with it."

Yill joked, "So you going back to the straight part of your bisexuality."

Veemon faked a single laugh, "Heh, well I guess."

Yill asked her, "What's you name anyway."

Angel introduced, "My name is Angel."

Yill shook her hand, "My name is Yill and over her is my cousin and lover Kiff."

Yill asked, "You two live together."

Veemon said, "Well technology I guess we do now. It's a small place. But I like small."

Yill said, "Just do me favor and try to make this work. You should be happy dad."

Veemon smiled, "Thanks sweetie."

They hugged each other and Yill said, "Well we should get back. Come visit us anytime, we live in a new and improved cruise ship."

Veemon said, "Well, we could go now. All of us. What do you say Angel?"

Angel said, "Alright."

They all went to the huge cruise ship. It was much cleaner and much more organized. The inside had a sweet smell to it. There were mixed directions of pink and light green. They went into a staff room. Veemon said, "This place is huge."

Yill said, "Thanks. I'm just glad it's just me and Kiff and no more of that drama. I can't deal with that anymore."

Veemon smiled, "I know what you mean. I'll take living in peace even if I still have to adjust a bit."

Yill said, "You two could stay here. We don't mind. There are plenty of rooms for whenever you're ready."

Veemon said, "Thanks, But I think I prefer my...our small house. Plus you don't need me around anymore. You can take care of yourself from the looks of it. But I won't just get out of your life completely and that is a promise."

Yill said, "Thanks dad. That's all I've wanted for so long."

They made their way back to the top deck and Veemon left with Angel as they went back to now they shared house. Angel moved some of her stuff in to start her singing career they both sat on different sides of the bed. Angel said, "It must be nice to have a kid that loves you like that."

Veemon rubbed the back of his head, "I'm surprised she even wanted to say hi. I wasn't exactly the best parent in the world. For the most part she made it on her own."

Angel said, "Well I don't know then, it sounds like you did something right. I'm not a parent but I think over baring a kid is wrong. And so is just leaving all together. It's all about the right balance and I think you figured that out even if it seemed like a mistake."

Veemon blushed a bit, "Huh, I never saw it that way before. I guess I did do a good job after all."

Angel teased a bit, "You know you have the opportunity to be a father all over again..."

Veemon paused almost getting the wrong idea at first by her suggestive eyes gave it away. Veemon's blush was hot red, "Oh...well...I suppose...I mean maybe."

Angel continued in her soothing voice, "You seem to get rather flustered whenever I bring up sex."

Veemon tried to compose himself, "It's not think about it. I know what seemed weird to hear but I'm really trying to wait."

Angel looked around, "Wait for what...another disaster to strike...Oh my god."

Veemon waved his hands, "What! No, I didn't mean it like that."

Angel stood up from the bed and said, "No it is. It's because it was the drama that made the love making part so easy. After Gatomon sex was just a thrill ride and not that everything has settled down you don't remember how it feels to let things just be simple. Look...I love you..."

Angel froze and it finally hit her. The reason she was fighting so hard was because she was in love.

Veemon asked, "What? You love me? But you barely even know me."

Angel sat back down and sighed, "Are you that much different than Reemon... You might have not known this but even though he was a dark monster there was a part of him that was...nice..."

Angel actually started crying, "It was like he was wearing a mask...No; it was like he himself was trying to escape the darkness. But it was like he didn't know how. He couldn't understand love fully even when it was right in front of him. In the end I think he was scared of what he was doing. I think he kind of wanted you to put an end to him. And I see all of him in you. The real Reemon, the one that tried to escape. And I fell and love with him. And you and him are one and the same. So yes, it's true."

Veemon pressed his hands against the bed the scooted closer then he slid and hugged her. Veemon said, "Its ok, just let it out."

She was still crying more than being in a moment. It was almost as if she didn't even realize what Veemon was doing. At least for a few minutes. She overcame the sadness and her eyes sparkled with a passion. She turned her head away from it previously being on his chest. And she gazed up at his red eyes. He broke the hug a bit and now he was staring right back at her. She waited a moment letting it sink in. She leaned in and he was still lost in her gorgeous eyes and he finally looked down to see her lips touching his finally sharing their first kiss. He was shocked for a moment but she restrained from pushing to far too fast. Instead she waited for him to close his eyes and sort of push back the kiss her way. His hands still wrapped around her back holding this passion. They rolled over as Veemon got horny and Angel used a finger jester to call him over. He wrestled her down and pressed his shaft against her clit. Angel moaned, "I can feel you're warmth." They embarrassed in kissed some more this time Veemon was the one in dominance. Angel wanted so badly to have sex his shaft was just getting her all wet and ready. He started to push inside. Veemon moaned, "Ahhhhh."

Angel clawed against the bed. She felt his warmth escape and she leaned up seeing him kiss down her chest and then working down his tongue against her clit. Angel moaned, "Hurry, Veemon, please just go."

Veemon licked inside her tasting her juices that were flooding out. He was in the mood and was more then willing to get back up and press his dick after tasting her delicious juice. He just went buck wild the moment he push in once humping like crazy loosing all control over himself. Veemon's mind rushed as he moaned, "I love you too Angel!"

He placed his hands above her shoulders. His legs and hips were just going nuts as he drove in and out of her like a wild beast. Angel moaned, "Fuck yessssss!"

She lifted her legs wrapping around him, she closed her eyes having an orgasm before him. He would soon pump his semen inside her. And after that the rest of the night was spent making out until they passed out.

After Veemon's intimate night passed. The next day was a bright and hopeful day to finally restore peace with only one thread to take care of and that was Scourge. Sonic had finally reestablished all his connections and relationships and had gotten his life back on track. The toughest was getting Tails to be his friends again. Tails was no longer just the small innocent flying fox, Tails had a hard time dealing with it being Scourge to be the one to deceive him. In being in the inner workings with Monodramon also added to his questioning. Tails was still very smart even if he had one outburst of pure rage. Still he knew that the love of his life was nothing more than a spy. He had him question what he wanted out of a relationship. Tails sat on a tall building watching other creatures that seemed much happier than he was. It looked as if everyone was already coupled together. One thing Tails figured was he was never going to trust another fox again. He thought back on everything he had been through before he met Fiona. Every flashback that played in his head was alongside Sonic. In a way he had never really been alone. Sonic was like a big brother and sort of had an attractive energy side. Tails shook his head. Tails spoke to himself, "I can't be attracted to Sonic could I?"

Tails flew down to a building. The building was a poll of attractions where people and creatures voted the top couples they wanted to see together. This was based on other fan-fics and personal agendas. He found a vote for himself and Sonic. It was tied with Sonic and Sally at the moment. He looked along from greatest to least. At the end was the bottom and he looked up feeling the rage as he saw Scourge with Blackgatomon with only two votes. Only they had picked themselves and no one else they stood a chance and yet the relationship held up longer than any other. He just looked down and headed back to the one with him and Sonic. Tails asked, "Could I be attracted to Sonic?"

This pondering only seem to lean closer to yes rather than no. With the mix up between him and Scourge finally cleared he could easily see him being friends with Sonic again. But could he push if further and would he want to and would Sonic accept Tails? These questions raced in Tails mind as well. The last question being the most of thought after all Sonic seemed to just want Sally. Tails sighed, the more he thought about the more reason he thought this could somehow work. Tails even blushed a bit at the thought of it. Tails sat down placing his hand on his chin and pondered some more. 'Sonic would never see me that way...Could he?"

And it was in the moment when Tails began to concoct a plan to get with Sonic. Tails stood up and felt surer about his attraction. The more and more he thought about being with Sonic the more his plan came together.

Tails left sure of his plan coming together. The first part was to find Sonic which wasn't so hard with him being the one leading the resistance against Scourge. The problem was that Sally was with that. Tails already prebuilt a course that of course only he and Sonic could accomplish. Tails flew down and Sonic stood up. The group was in a forest and it was midday. Sonic asked, "Tails."

Tails looked down, "Sonic, I'm sorry I lashed out at you and nearly tried to kill you but I know that it was Scourge the one that was tricking me. And I'm here to join and help you get to him."

Sonic nodded, "That's great. Then let's all get going."

Tails stopped him, "Wait it's not that simple. The terrain to get to him is almost a deathtrap. We can't risk this entire resistance however with my flying and your speed we should be able to bypass all the can be like the old days."

Sonic said, "Alright...fine we go, just me and you. After all were more than enough to handle Scourge."

Sally said, "Be careful."

Sonic kissed on the cheek which somewhat deterred Tails for a moment. But Tails determination did not fade completely. Sonic and Tails went off to reach the first part. A long rail system that would work against Sonic's speed. Sonic smirked, "This looks like a piece of cake."

Sonic dashed on and actually started really well in progress. The path was long however which was what Tails was counting on. Sonic would soon be stuck in place running against this moving rail. Tails flew and went to pick him up. Tails hosted Sonic up just a bit. Sonic was heavy and Tails used both hands to keep Sonic in the air. Tails was straining a lot harder than he used too. Tails joked a bit, "Geese Sonic I think you gained some weight."

Sonic replied directly to the joke, "Must be all those chilly dogs."

Tails barely managed to get them all the way across. Tails shook out his arms, "I don't think I can do that again anytime soon."

Sonic looked ahead, "This part looks like it's more meant for me anyway."

Ahead were more vintage Sonic cliché's like the bouncing mechanisms and the loops. Tails said, "Wait we should take a break and go together."

Sonic said, "No way, I can't let Scourge get away with everything he's done."

Tails hunched over, "You need me Sonic. You don't know what this guy is going to have in store. You have to think of your safety. You have to make it back for Sally's sake."

Sonic looked like he was still ready to run as he spoke, "There is no time to worry about safety."

Sonic was about to step into the dash then Tails grabbed Sonic's arm. Sonic looked back as Tails asked, "What about me? You're just going to leave me here. I thought we were a team. And yet you're willing to abandon after I was willing to give you a second chance. What kind of friend are you?"

Sonic stopped and sighed, "Agh, I guess you're right..."

Tails sat down on a chunk of rubble. Sonic sat on the other side on another chunk. Tails waited a moment than asked, "So you were will to go when I mentioned Sally..."

Sonic looked up and asked, "Well that's what she would have wanted me to do."

Tails looked up as well, "Yet you stop for me. Are you sure were friends?"

Sonic stood up, "I stopped didn't I?"

Tails adjusted himself a bit almost curling in a complete ball, "That's not what I mean...I'm asking you if were more than just friends."

Sonic gawked back, "What?"

Tails blushed a bit, "After everything we've been through...I've thought about where we were as friends...and well I can't hide it that I've become attracted to you at some point in our adventures together. We've spent more time together then you have with Sally. And well I've even had dreams...Dreams were you and me well you know..."

Sonic brow just lifted, "Wait are you talking about..."

Tails curled out just a bit, "'ve thought about it....with you...And the thought doesn't scare me and much as I thought it would. Maybe it's just love and maybe that's just how love works."

Sonic backed up a bit, "Whoa are you saying that you love me?"

Tails stood up showing that he had gotten a,, then spoke, "Yes, I am. I'm in love with you Sonic."

Sonic shook his head almost in disbelief, "But Sally..."

Tails spoke up, "Is what you feel for her really even that strong? I mean with been through so much more Sonic. And I care about you more and I know more about you. What I feel is way more might feel the same way I had to tell you before we faced off with Scourge just in case."

Sonic looked down, "To be honest, I don't know how to feel about this. Tails...I always saw you as a younger brother. And Sally well..."

Tails rushed up, "Before you finish that sentence, I want to at try this..."

Sonic looked at Tails asking, "What...?"

Tails rushed up and planted a kiss right on Sonic's lips. Tails pushed Sonic down against the rubble foundling Sonic's crouch. Sonic tried to roll away but Tails made sure to stay on his chest. He pushed more kissed able to fondle him long enough to get him erect. It was harder for Sonic to remain strong as Tails gripped Sonic's shaft. He pulled with quit a grip making Sonic grit his teeth. He turned his head to the side. Tails shifted his body now facing the luscious blue cock. He opened his mouth and took it in. Sonic tried to push Tail's from his butt. Tails used his tails to keep him from tumbling over. Tails was able to work the cock long enough for Sonic to start giving into this scene. Sonic closed his eyes figuring there was no chance of escape so he might as well except his fate. And Tails was good at this and Sonic started moaning as Tails continued to on. Sonic gave pressed his hands on Tails rump he was actually blushing after looking at Tails' cute ass for so long. Sonic muttered, "I can!"

He had an orgasm. Tails nudged his self almost all off Sonic. His rump now pushed against Sonic's still erect cock. Tails moaned, "Sonic, it's up to you if you want to keep going..."

He felt a movement then the push as Sonic was still aroused and wanting to get out of this state of mind. Tails grabbed his shaft feeling aroused as well. Tails moaned, "Ahhhhh, Sonic."

Sonic leaned in and kissed Tails a bit and started to work a fast pace. Tails matched his speed as they worked together to reach their next climax together. They were tired out and Tails muttered, "I love you Sonic."

They both stood up from the rubble. They went on ahead overcoming the rest of the course with much more ease. They finally reached the junkyard. They went ahead a garbage mountain they looked up the stairs trash pile where Scourge was waiting. Scourge stood up, "I was waiting a long time for this. stole my identity and you tried to stop me from accomplishing one of the greatest feet of all time. I am the longest reigned king of this generation with the entire world as mind castle. No one even comes close to my record. But I digress this isn't about my reign, this is about you two getting revenge after I tricked you into fighting each other. You should be thanking me after all I seem to also be the one who has brought you two here together as a couple..."

Both Sonic and Tails gasped. Blackgatomon came out as well standing alongside him. Scourge smirked, "It must have been nice to feel the feeling of love one last time. You two aren't that bad a match too. So I guess it is a shame that I have to kill you."

Sonic face was rage bent as he nearly growled, "That's not going to happen...'

Scourge asked, "And what do you think you have against me...?"

Scourge only paused briefly and then began to pace a bit, "It can't be speed because we are a match a speed. And it surely isn't fighting because I am a far superior fighter. Sonic you don't deserve to live in this world and as my last act as King Scourge I will purge you and kill you once and for all."

Sonic rushed up first using his speed. Sonic ran right into a perfectly timed boot right to the face. Sonic already feeling like he was beaten up for a longer period of time Scourge smirked, "Kneel loser. And accept your fate."

Scourge lifted his foot and Tails flew up and distracted Scourge allowing Sonic to roll out of the way. Sonic almost rolled down the stairs but got up instead. Sonic went for another quick strike. Sonic was planning to go for a quick kick right back. Sonic dashed and Scourge stopped him with his elbow and a gust of wind admitted from the collision. Scourge picked up and small object from his black jeans with his right hand. He came in and attacked Sonic while the gust stopped. Sonic looked down at the shiv sticking out of his neck. Blood poured down as Sonic dropped down again. Sonic was a bloody mess. Tails cried, "NO!"

He flew in and Fiona came out of nowhere and pinned him down. Tails was forced to watch on as Scourge picked up the nearly lifeless hedgehog up turned him around and snapped his neck. Scourge looked down at the corpse and spat down at it. He raised his hands placing them on his crown as he picked it off his head and placed it on the chair. He took out a lighter as Blackgatomon poured flammable oil on the junk mountain. Fiona took Tails prisoner. They got outside first and were joined by Blackgatomon. Scourge made some distance then threw a lighter he took out and the fire spread. Scourge went to a motorcycle he customized to matched his black flame jacket. Blackgatomon got on the back holding onto him. Fiona asked, "What about him?"

Scourge shrugged, "Heh...let him go. He isn't going to anywhere and he won't even bother trying to get back because he knows better."

Fiona tossed Tails against the garbage. Fiona left in another motorcycle. Tails looked at the mountain that was on fire. Tears escaped his eyes. He looked back seeing Scourge and the others were long gone. Tails walked over to a trash pile and picked up a working phone. He put in a number he wiped his face and said, "The last little bump has finally been smoothed over."

He got a response, "Then it's time," Monodramon responded over the phone.

Tails smirked and even started to laugh. He made his way to small shake. He went inside and it was an elevator he pressed to go to the lowest floor. As the elevator went down tiny little mechanicals hands came down putting a suit on Tails. He got to the last floor and made it to an office room much like the other one. It had a similar set up with all the screens. And there was a button there that said project sentinels. He pushed it and sat down and got ready to enjoy the show.

Just as a moment of peace looked like it was finally realized the sentinels showed up and starting driving both creatures and humans right back to the sewers. Gatomon watched on living in a one of the highest clock towers in the world. She saw the sentinels and she dashed her way to the sewer. She made it to a brown tunnel. She walked down to a platform that had a nice basic table supply set up. Gatomon sat down she watched on making sure all the creatures were unharmed. She saw Veemon coming in with Angel. She rushed down to where they were. Gatomon saw Angel then looked at Veemon briefly made it.

Gatomon let out a sigh of relief, "I'm glad you made it."

Angel said, "Everything happened the way you said it would...that was some great Intel."

Veemon asked, "You're a spy too?"

Angel nodded, "Yeah."

Veemon smirked, "That is so cool."

Gatomon said, "You don't seem too surprised."

Veemon shrugged, "I had a sneaking suspicion when we saw Yill. You must had known Angel was with me already."

Gatomon asked, "And you're happy with her?"

Veemon shrugged again, "Well I think Angel is well aware of my deal. So I'm little naughty from time to time if she can deal with that then yeah I'm happy."

Gatomon turned around, "What about me?"

Veemon said, "Come on, you might have your doubts about me but we both know you moved on. You have Patamon. And I first I was just foolish but now I know better."

Gatomon said, "So you wouldn't want to go at it again?"

Veemon smirked, "Well I didn't say that did I?"

Gatomon smirked as well, "You really live up to the slut title well. And Angel doesn't mind."

Angel said, "I'm a bit adventuress myself. Who knows maybe me and you can have a go sometime."

Veemon eyes became glazed with excitement, "Whoa...I would so love to watch that."

The three of them walked kept walking and Gatomon bumped into Patamon.

Gatomon backed up a bit then said, "Well this sure is something..."

Patamon looked up, "'re ok."

Gatomon sighed, "Of course I am. And you're not looking too bad with the new body and being with Tsukaimon and all that.'

Patamon's mouth dropped, "You knew about that..."

Gatomon said, "I'm a spy. It's my job to find out these kind of things. Just like how I figured out Monodramon would use Tails to drive off Scourge once and for all and now we have another problem on our hands."

Patamon said, "Umm, Gatomon do you think we could talk in private about this."

Gatomon looked to her sides, "Angel is my partner so she can handle whatever you have to say."

Then everyone looked at Veemon and he shrugged as he spoke, "Hey I'm digging this spy info and plus I have to know whether or not you two are going to patch up so I'm not going anywhere."

Gatomon said, "Well were all cool here so what is on your mind."

Patamon said, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I thought it was over but I went too far. But I really hurt me."

Gatomon crossed her arm, "You're going to have to get used to me being a spy. And that job includes getting intel by any means necessary so yes I suck Impmon's,, get over it or you're never going to be able to get used to it."

Patamon asked, "How many more creatures are you going to do that too?"

Gatomon answered honestly, "As many as it takes. We still have some evil left over so that means my job isn't over. And I might have to it again."

Veemon interjected himself into this, "Look Patamon I can handle Angel being a spy. And even Gatomon and I loved her first. But things do change. It can't be a greedy little kid anymore. This is about something greater than just us and this petty little drama you think you have."

Patamon asked, "And how can you trust Angel...?"

Veemon shrugged, "As long as she comes back I know things will be fine. Same thing goes for me being a slut. We both do things but as long as we can come back were fine. You and Gatomon are both here right now in this moment and she is right in front of you so just let whatever insecurity you have go kiss her and just have sex already."

Gatomon said, "He's right. As long as I come back you'll know that I still have feelings for you. And the job part is just a thing I do. So it's up to you whether or not you want me. And if you do take me now and let me know..."

Patamon leaned in and kissed her.

Angel said, "We should go now."

Veemon crossed his arms, "I don't know...I kind of want to watch them."

Angel pulled him ahead, "Come on 'Pervert.'"

Patamon took Gatomon down against the rusty brown floor but it didn't matter to them where they were located. Because now Patamon knew for sure that things were finally fixed even with this new chaos the ensued above. Gatomon laid on the flat surface as Patamon made his way over her. He tipped his cock against her clit and started to push in. She raised her legs as he pushed further in trapping him in this love. Patamon really went to work wanting to fill Gatomon with his love and even a possible second child with her. She seemed to want this as well not letting him escape. He never wanted to as he humped with a force he wouldn't be able to do prior. Gatomon was pleased with his new form and so was he as he was able to please her with much more ease. Gatomon meowed, "I love Patamon!"

Patamon moaned, "And I still love you!"

They both had an orgasm together.

Angel took Veemon to a room littered with creatures. It was a nice opening and there were several passages. Veemon and Angel were above on higher platform looking down at the others. Veemon placed his hand on the rather cold steel bar. And meeting with his hand was her hand. She snuggled and Veemon went behind Angel. Angel whispered, "You should have told them I was pregnant."

Veemon looked up then kissed Angel on the neck, "I think they'll get the memo love..."

They kissed again sharing their love with each other and sort of with the audience that couldn't see them for the most part.

Monodramon was now in China. He made his way into a facility he had trapped Veemon in. Monodramon went into a strange jail room filled with black substance as the bar. He went to the only cell in the room. Inside was Stitch. Monodramon smirked, "Well then, I wonder what kind of drama you'll add to the party. Perhaps it will to get revenge for Veemon for leaving you even though that was Reemon. Or better yet you'll just see Veemon and Angel together and that will fill you with the proper rage. Then you will remove that eye sore from existence. After all you are my ace in the whole."

The End of Season two.