Red Stage Tales #2 - Man Time

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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It's hard to become a man when you have a rich, overenthusiastic father riding your ass. Luckily Nightshade has that covered.

Red Stage Tales

2 - Man Time

There is a time in everyone's life where a father gives his son a special gift that signals off what it means being a man. Sometimes it's a passing of a heirloom, other times it's just a boring trip to something a young person wouldn't consider special. Then there are sometimes, there are those times the old man would hire a stripper or anyone under heavy discretion to make that boy be a man fast. That's easy when you're insanely rich. Out on the peirs a wealthy man doesn't see much hope in his son Joseph "getting any" and frankly it's starting to cramp his own credibility among the wild and ambitious life he's in. The man is a billionaire playboy that always gets the ladies no matter what the type but his son doesn't share that kind of life and wants to save it for the "right" woman.

So on the day of his 21st birthday, They visit Amsterdam for the obvious reasons, to find Joseph the hottest women for him to "play" with and money is no object with him. Joseph doesn't really want any of it but if it gets his father to stop pestering him he will do it. But on the condition that he decides where to go. His father agrees but sends out his personal bodyguard to make sure he does it. He's not going to waste it all on hearsay, he wants actual proof. Desperate to find anything around the city known for one part of its seedy needs, just pick any club at random. Luckily for him, he choose the Red Stage. It was dark it was full of sexy babes and everything a typical strip club has. All he has to do is get a VIP and be done with it. The night is filled with many different dancers and as they done their thing, Joseph can't help himself with that bodyguard watching his every move to make sure he gets some pussy. He feels that there is no way out.

That is when someone called out to him. Not by name but it sounded like it and it was an insult. The voice tells of what a loser like him doing in a place like this and before he can react, he is staring into the mean, furry white six-pack of abs. As he looked up past the gigantic bosom, the white cat talked to him and knows saying something insulting would get his attention. Joseph is too shocked that there is a giant cat with boobs talking to her. She offers to give a dance to him but resists because of the idea but she insists because she has a thing for high-rollers and little men trying to avoid nosy bodyguards. Then she offers to help the boy with his little problem. She guided her long, clawed finger up his chin and guides him into the VIP room to get some "serious business" done. The bodyguard is suspicious and slowly follows them.

Inside the room it wasn't what you normally expect. After introductions have passed Nightshade laughs hysterically at Joseph's reason for coming in the first place and tells him that if she had one euro for every man who said that she would... just have a euro. Now that she thinks of it, he is the first person to ever deal with. His father expects him to "get some" but he is saving it for the right kind of woman. Nightshade admires a man who's willing to wait for the right one but warns him not to wait too long or else "she" will pass him by. After learning much as she can from Joseph, Nightshade develops a little plan to help him get him out of this predicament and all he has to do is simply lie and she will do the rest.

Minutes pass and after some hard yells and pounding, Joseph has finally became a Man, walking proudly out the door, the bodyguard looks in and sees Nightshade looking like she has been in a fight with both a weedwhacker and a tornado. As the bodyguard leaves, Nightshade gives the all clear and Joseph comes out with a sense of relief and worry on his face. The white cat stops Joseph from worrying and by the time he is finished with what she has in mind, the old man would be none the wiser. As the magical double touts around with his father. Joseph waits for Night to end her shift and take the boy for a night on the town. Visiting various clubs some stifled from the amount of guys wanting her autograph and all the other joys a guy like him needs. As for what he really wants, Night might have found it as a stranger passed her by and with her strong tail, shoves Joseph into her path tripping them both over. It was slow for him to realize it but the two started to fall for each other. It was good for him because he finally get what he wants. Before Joseph can introduce her to the woman who helped her, she vanishes.

Meanwhile back at the boat, Joseph's father deals with the bright fact that he has became a man and before he could say another word, the fake Joseph's eyes glowed bright and the man stood paralyzed and enthralled as he continues to stare deep into its eyes. The fake Joseph talks in Nightshade's voice informing his father to stop pushing his son into doing idiotic things in being a man even of one of such great wealth. He has found someone and from now on will treat him with respect. He obeys and fake dissolves completely just in time for Joseph and his new girlfriend to meet him. Shaking his head in confusion, he sees Joseph and the girl and is happy that he has found someone. From a distance, Nightshade looks with a smile on her face seeing that her special spells worked well and that idiot wouldn't ruin it for Joseph. Now that her stripper time is over, she reverts back into the strong black cat the world knows and loves and makes a dramatic exit out of sight.

Down somewhere in the strange ethereal forests of the Mystic Underworld, a tree has a full-length poster of Nightshade on it. This is why so many supernaturals are appearing at the club. However, the looming shadow of a mysterious spectre looks at it with furor to see such a "female" use the name death in such a fashion. With his scythe, he slices the poster and the tree down, bursting into blue flames on the way down. As he walks away, he decides that now is the time to show this pretender that this world as only one room for death.