The One Without a friend Ch. 1

Story by legologo1313 on SoFurry

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This is my first story and I hope that you like it. PS. I will continue it if i get good reviews.

The one without a friend

Chapter 1

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Chris awoke suddenly, flailing my arms around trying desperately to hit the alarm going off beside his bed. After about 30 seconds of this his hand made a connection with the snooze button, and the beeping ceased. Chris just sat there wondering why his alarm had gone off, it was summer vacation and he should have been sleeping in right now, just like any other normal Monday. He sat there for a few minutes in the dark of his room thinking slowly. After about 10 minutes he realized why he was up, and the thought hit him like a punch in the face. It was the first day of school. Chris smiled wildly at this, and got out of bed to get ready for the day. He looked at the clock on the wall noticed that it said 6:00 AM. This gave him 2 hours before school started. He opened his closet door to look at what he could wear. After about 30 second he decided on a pair of kaki shorts, along with a blue striped shirt. Before he stepped out of room he looked around just to try and remember it. After all he had only been living there for about 3 months. It was kind of small and in it, were a bed, desk, TV, and two racks's containing various games, and music. It was pretty basic but it worked well for Chris. He sighed as he thought back on the summer. It probably could have gone better, but he didn't care much. He spent most of it either on his computer, reading, or going to football practice. He slowly walked out of his room and made his way into his sister's room. She was 11 years long, and by anyone's standards, beautiful. He looked at her sleeping and, without warning shook her violently until she woke up.

(From this point on the story will be told from Chris's point of view.)

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" She screamed.

"Waking your sorry butt up." I said hotly. "It's the first day of school."

"Well why did you shake me so much?" she asked.

"Because it was way more fun, then politely asking you to get up." I said simply

"Whatever, just get out of my room so I can change." She said

"Okay." I said with a slight grin on my face." As I walking out I heard her mumbling under her breath, but didn't care about it. Waking up my other sister Ava was much the same. IT involved a lot of yelling on her side, and a lot of laughing on my side. I walked into the kitchen to get my breakfast. It consisted of Cereal. I sighed at the poor breakfast and wished that my parents were up to cook breakfast. After I finished the bowl the first sister walked out.

"Morning Kylie." I said.

"Yeah, and thank you for the wonderful awaking." The sarcasm in her voice could have been lethal.

"Your welcome." I said. She looked at me and grunted in annoyance. Before she could go off on me my other sister walked in. Before I could mouth a greeting she exploded on me.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" She said. "GOD, WHY CAN'T YOU WAKE ME UP LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!?" Even though she was 5 years younger than me I still cowered in fear. She was one of the strongest people I knew.

"Sorry Ava, I was just trying to have a little fun." I said apologetically. She was still fuming but looked like she was beginning to calm down.

"Fine but don't do it again." She said.

"Okay" I said. I didn't feel like angering her today. We all started to get ready for the day in silence. It felt pretty sad because of the silence. After everything was ready I went to the bathroom to clean myself up. When I looked into the mirror, I saw a 13 year old Husky. I had pure white fur all around my body. I saw a kid who was kind and friendly, but past that there was a secret that nobody knew. Something that I had been hiding from my family for years. I am Gay. That was the one thing about me that people didn't notice. If you looked at me without getting to know me you would see your average 13 year old husky, who played on the football team, and had the brain of a high school kid. No one ever suspected that I was Gay and I liked it that way. I just wasn't ready to tell anyone yet; for fear that they would hate me. I straightened my hair out with a comb on the counter and walked out of the bathroom, and went outside to get on the bus. The bus arrived, and my sister and I got on. When we were on the bus I got myself situated and put my headphones on and started listening to Daft Punk. The first thing that came on was Technologic. It wasn't my favorite but it was okay. The bus ride was short, and ended quickly without much interaction with the others on the bus. As the bus pulled into the school I pulled my schedule out of my pocket and checked it to see what classes I had. 1st was football. I got off the bus and grabbed my football bag and got prepared for the day ahead. Walking towards the field house, I sighed. I really didn't want to play. I recalled that fateful day with my father. His guilt tripped me for a solid hour about playing, until I gave in and said yes. Now, moving back to the past, I had just stepped into the field house. There were so many other furs there. I found it hard to grasp just how many there were. There were Bulls, Wolfs, Cats, Lynx's, Bear's, and just about any other species of animal you could think of. I looked through all of them and found the one person that I had had a crush on since on since I got here. His name was Josh, and he was a beautiful dark blue dragon. While most of his scales were blue there was a small black stripe going down his back. He was one of the most beautiful furs I had ever met, and I really wanted to become friends (or maybe more) with him. As I got myself prepared for practice that morning, I couldn't help but to look at his defined muscles, and pretty much buff body. I really liked the way he looked, and could never get him out of my mind. All of these thoughts were going through my mind as I went on the field. After about 45 minutes of practicing we went inside to get ready for the day. Once again this gave me a chance to see Josh shirtless. Looking at his defined muscles and strong body sent a slight shiver down my spine. I noticed the small bulge growing in my pants.

'Not now.' I though in frustration. I could not have this happening right before school started. As I was walking out of the door to go to class I heard an all too familiar voice calling for me.

"Hey Chris." Josh said, excitedly. "How was practice?"

"It was okay." I said, with a slight sigh. I thought about how nice he had been to

Me when I moved in and was just starting to get settled in football. He showed me the ropes. Taught me how to lift weights, taught me what we did on what plays. He was a really good guy once you get to know him. I saw that he was about to press me for more information so I forced a quick smile, and took off at a sprint towards my next class. I checked my schedule again to see what I had 2nd, it was History with Coach Jones, my football coach. I thought that it was great to have a football coach as a teacher. As I walked into his class I noticed some pretty interesting furs there. The teacher himself was a Boar, but he was nice enough. He could be pretty annoying at times though. Moving on to the class mates there, were plenty. I counted about 30 in all. I think that just about everyone in there was a different species. I sat myself down in one of the small chairs in the back. It smelled strongly of toothpaste for some reason, but I didn't mind it. When the bell rang everyone scrambled to find a good seat, and by the end of it I was sitting next to a male puma, and a female doe. As we were getting ourselves settled in, Coach Jones announced that this was going to be our permanent seating chart for the semester. I couldn't complain too much though, because I didn't know anyone there. After about 20 minutes of Coach babbling on about the wonder of history, I was hit in the head with a small, wadded up piece of paper. I looked to see who had thrown it, and it was that doe from before. I looked at her and she mouthed.

"Well, are you going to open it?" She said this with an aggressive tone, like if I didn't open it I was going to be in some serious trouble. I slowly opened it to see what was inside. While I was unfolding it something fell out. It was grimy, crinkly, torn, dollar bill. I finished unfolding the paper, to read the inside. The paper said.

"Hey new kid. How about you come to the bathroom and let me show you some thing."

All I could do was stare at the note dumbfounded. This was way too sudden. Hell, I was an 8thgrader, and this was not what an 8th grader should be doing, and I didn't even like girls. I looked at her, shook my head, and threw the dollar and the note back at her. She looked really pissed off but didn't say anything. The rest of the class went by with out much happening, beside the fact that I was able to become friends with the puma from earlier. His name was Tyler, and he was actually pretty good looking, but I still had a major crush on Josh. As the class ended and I was walking out of the door that doe followed me out into the hall way.

"What the hell was that about?" She said angrily. "What the hell do you mean you don't want a piece of this body?" "Are you gay of something?" Oh shit, I was only 2 hours into school, and people were already questioning me. In about 3 seconds, I had to decide to lie, or let the whole school know my secret. It was now or never.

"Yes." I said flatly. She looked at me like she was ready to kill someone.

"By the end of today everyone is going to know about you, you fucking fag." The words she said didn't really faze me, but that didn't stop them from hurting me. I was mostly just scared about what the rest of the school would think. I shunned away the bad thoughts and tried to focus on the positives. I had already made on friend, and the day was going okay so far. Besides the whole Fag thing. I checked my schedule to see what I had next. It was science. I went to my locker to get my stuff, but while I was there some cheetah came up to me without me noticing.

"Hey, you gay?" He said. He sounded a little angry, and his presence was a little scary.

"Yes." I said, just wanting the conversation to end.

"Why are you on the football team then?" "Fags should not play football. It gives the sport a bad rep."

"Because, asshole, I wanted to play some goddamn football." I was almost yelling by now but none noticed.

"Whatever just watches your back, faggot?" He said with a slight growl. It really did scare me because he probably could do a lot of damage to me. After this I had to practically run to science. The bell rang just as I stepped through the door. Looking at my classmates, I noticed that I had that same doe as before. As I was walking in she saw me and gave me the finger. I noticed, but didn't pay any attention to it. If she was going to be an ass, I wouldn't let it show that it bothered me. After the class started and the teacher started to take role, I counted down the people in this class. My name was said at the very end because my last name was Youngblood. It started with a 'Y'. As she said my name the same cheetah form before piped up and said,

"Watch out, guys. He might try to suck your dick." The other student's in the classroom sniggered as if this was the funniest joke in the world. I raised my hand.

"Yes Mr. Youngblood. What do you want?" She said sternly.

"Can I make an announcement to the class?" I said

"All right, just make it quick," "I want to get started with today's lesson." She said. I slowly made my way to the front of the class, already starting to think this was a bad idea. It was too late now though. I had finally made my way to the front of the class. Everyone was staring at me like I was something to be treated with disgust. I slowly opened my mouth and spoke with the strongest voice I could muster.

"All right, you jerk." The teacher was looking now. Good. "Yes, I am gay, yes I like men, so can you jerks just shut your mouths and leave me alone." I said it with a little more force then meant, but it still was able to vividly get the point across. Some student looked shocked, while some looked at me with pure and utter hatred. If someone, could really kill you by looking at you. It would have been that doe. She really looked angry, as if someone had taken away her one true love. I looked at the teacher and she stared back at me. She got out of her chair, and walked to front of the room. The next words she uttered would probably result in me hating science for the rest of my life.

"I will not have some fag in my classroom!" "There a fucking disgrace to the world, and I think that you should just march you sorry ass down to the principle and tell him why I will not teach you!" After these words were said all I could do was just stare at her. Not cry, but just stare. Slowly, without showing any signs of emotion, I walked over to my desk, got my stuff, and walked out. There was a lot of students that gasped, and some broke out into a mean hysterical laughing fit. As I was walking out I slammed the door so hard that some of the screws fell out. The sudden action caused all of the laughing to stop. I slowly walked to the principles office; ready to tare someone's fucking face off.