Digimon A Special Bond: Part 1

Story by RikuHeartfire on SoFurry

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Whew, this is a story that I owed a friend for a long...LONG time! xD Sorry for that...when i DO get my tablet, perhaps sooner then you think...hopefully...I may do a manga of this. It's short, just three parts but quite juicy! <3 I can though, work on these stories to finish them that way I can solely work on art.

"Whew, i'm so tired from today..." A young boy by the name of Davis Motomiya, states as he enters his house. After returning home from school and a well played soccer match, the boy wipes his brow and shuts the door behind him. "Mom? Dad? ...Jun?" He yells out only to hear nothing in response. He peeks in from doors hallways, not seeing anyone there. "Mom and dad probably aren't home from work. Jun must be out too." He walked over to the kitchen and spotted a note on the fridgerator door. "Dear Davis, your father and I won't be home until supper. Working late tonight. The numbers are on the bottom in case you need us. Just order take out food until then. Love, mom & dad." Davis raised a brow "Well that explains that! But where is Jun?" He slipped the note onto the counter and went to his room.

After dropping his backpack onto the ground and shutting the door he plops onto his bed, resting his hands behind his head. "My legs are so sore...but that was a real fun match! I hope I can play like that again next time!" He turned over to his computer, remembering his last journey. "Its only been a few months since that final battle with Quartzmon..." He looked to his hand, on the wrist containing the Digivice he obtained a while back. He stuck out his tongue "Even though it was dangerous...it was still kinda fun to do! Wish something like that would happen again. But...not even a call from the others. Guess everything's finally back to normal." He shrugged and sat upwards "Oh well! This means I can focus on my dream of owning my own noodle ca-"

At that moment, he saw a bright green and blue flash that covered his room. He froze before slowly turning around. It was Flamedramon. Davis fell from his bed and pointed a shaking finger at the Digimon male. "Gaah!!? Y-y...you..w-why are you here!? How?!" Flamedramon spoke calmly as he lifted a clawed finger. "Sheesh, I can't even visit your world for once? And what a nice hello from you Davis!" Davis and Flamedramon pressed both of their faces to each other. "But most people OR Digimon don't just sneak up on someone like that!" Flamedramon responded with a sneer. "I'm soo sorry for intruding! Maybe I SHOULD go back?" Davis blinked before he looked to his Digivice. "But...wait a minute, I didn't even...how did you...?" He scratched the back of his head, questioning the problem.

Flamedramon set his hands on his hips and shrugged. "I am as confused as you are. Well, now that i'm here! Might as well stay here until you can figure out how to bring me back!" The lizard male quickly hopped onto Davis's bed, his arms behind his head as his feet were together. "Comfy bed. Especially for you. I could fall asleep..." He yawned loud as Davis flailed about. "H-hey! That's my bed! I fixed it this morning!" Flamedramon stuck out his tongue at the boy "Oh don't worry...you're just gonna mess it up later on!" Davis gritted his teeth before nodding. "Fine fine! You can stay here! But just in this room! Mom and dad would freak if they saw an overly grown lizard man like yourself in the house!" Flamedramon's eye twitched at the statement, but chose to ignore it. "Yeah yeah, don't worry I wont get you in trouble!"

Davis looked about at the Digimon before him only to avert his eyes once more. Flamedramon then opened one of his eyes before he sat upwards. "Say Davis, what's sex?" Davis's jaw dropped at the comment as a deep blush formed on his cheeks. "W...WHAAAT!?!" Flamedramon calmly restated as he swayed his long tail left and right. "What's...sex?' Davis only grew redder as he jumped onto the Digimon, shushing him with his hands. "W-wh...why do YOU want to know that!?" Flamedramon chuckled and pulled the other's hands away with his larger claw. "I was curious! I overheard it from someone else and it got my attention. Also, what is masturbation? It sounds interesting." Davis's cheeks were that like a cherry as he held his head. "S-s-...shush!! D-dont say it like that!!" Flamedramon waited patiently for the other to gather his composure. Davis looked up to the Digimon before shaking his head furiously, he sat down cross legged in front of the other.

"I...it uh...well..." Flamedramon leaned in close, ever more curious. "Yesss...?" Davis pouted before he took a deep breath. "Um...what...what did you want to know first...?" he made a face to the thought of explaining something to his own Digimon. Flamedramon rubbed his chin before he slid off his helmet and armor, appearing 'naked' to the boy. Davis blushed more and looked away. "Well...how about Masturbation?" Davis perked up and hid his face from the Digimon. Flamedramon only tilted his head in confusion. Apparently, decency wasnt common for Digimon. Davis took a deep breath again as he nodded.

"Okay...um...Masturbation uh...it...well for guys you take your hand and hold your...penis..." He gestured the rest with his hand as Flamedramon looked to it, blinking. He too, mimicked the gesture. "Like this? What is the point of doing this?" Davis flinched and shook his head. "N-no! Uh...you're suppose to grab 'it' and...stroke up and down..."

It seems the boy was having a hard time explaining this to the other. Flamedramon looked to his hand before to his own groin which was bare. "I think I understand. And by doing that...what then?" Davis facepalmed himself before he rubbed his chin. "Um...okay maybe telling you won't be able to help much. But uh...i...I can uh...show you..." Flamedramon tilted his head to the other's statement as Davis began to get undressed. Though, still embarrassed he kept his underwear on and sat back onto the bed. His cheeks, never returning to their color. Flamedramon looked to the boy, never seeing him in this state before. He grew puzzled at the form of clothing the other wore. "What is that? Do you need to cover your lower area?" Davis fidgeted as he chuckled nervously. "It...it's called underwear...we humans have to wear clothes, eitherwise it would um...be very rude!"

Flamedramon nodded as he took all this new information in. Davis then sighed as he sat onto his knees, sliding off his underwear to show his exposed body to the other. The two sat in silence as Flamedramon couldn't move his eyes away from the boy's nude frame. "Why...is yours out of your body? Are most humans like that?' Davis flinched as he turned even more red.

"I...it...yes!! T-this is how ours is...!" Flamedramon grew closer as he began to slowly move his head to Davis's lower body. The boy sweated from the other's advance. "Ooh! So this is what a penis looks like!" Davis grew more embarrassed as he rubbed his face. "Y...yes! You have one don't you?!" Flamedramon sat upwards as he looked back down to his groin. "Well...I think so. But i've never used it like how you said."

Davis looked to the other as well, biting his lip. "Um...okay so...this is sorta what you do for m-masturbation..." Davis slowly moved his hand along his smooth belly and to his groin, gently grasping his limp member only to stroke it quickly to full length. Flamedramon watched with awareness as he wagged his tail excitingly. "Oh. I see now! So that's how you do it!" Davis stopped and removed his hand as he set them onto his knee. "Y...yeah! Uh...now you try!" Flamedramon then moved his own hand down in the same manner as Davis did, except he did it to Davis rather then himself. The boy flailed and shook his head 'N-no! Not on me! On you!" Flamedramon blinked and nodded. "Oh! My mistake!"

Davis waited patiently as he took in the other's form, not knowing how incredibly attractive the Digimon was. Flamedramon slowly moved his hand down to his bare groin, slowly sliding his finger inside of his slit to coax his length out. "Aah...i-is this how it feels Davis...?" The boy blushed more as he swallowed, nodding he scooted closer. "Yeah that's...that's how it's suppose to feel..."

Almost mezmorized by the other's actions, Davis nervously set his hands on his ankles. "Mm..." He bit his lip as Flamedramon was concentrating on his actions. Rubbing at his chest, his eyes turned to Davis as he gasped, feeling his member slide out halfway. "A-ah! I...I wasn't expecting you to...watch so contently..." He gasped before watching his ally grab his length. The boy seemed to only be focused on one thing: the cock of his Digital buddy. With ease he leaned forward, dragging his tongue along the other's tip. Flamedramon gave a light gasp before he suddenly felt Davis's entire mouth engulf half of his length. "A-Ahhn!! D...Davis...what are you...?" Leaning his head back, he spread his legs so the boy could have easier access. "What am I doing...? I'm...doing this to my Digimon...?" Davis thought, knowing it was wrong but could'nt help himself.

Flamedramon looked to the younger male, grasping his head to force his cock deeper into Davis's throat. With a slight gag, the boy grasped along Flamedramon's thighs to try to steady himself. "Gaggh!?" Davis blushed furiously along his cheeks as his throat was filled with the lizard male's length. "H-he's...I can't handle all of it!" Thinking this, he pulled back up and slowly began to bob his head up and down. Flamedramon groaned and leaned back, quickly feeling his entire member grow erect and leak pre along the other's tongue. Davis shut his eyes as he tried to slide the rest inside of his maw. "Mmf...h-he's so big...! Why...did I never notice?" Flamedramon moaned lightly as he grasped the other's hair. "Aagh...D-Davis...t-that feels amazing...i'm gonna..."

Davis blushed and widened his eyes at the other's comment. "H-he's going...to do THAT?! I should slow down..." With that he began to slowly slide his tongue along the underside of the male's cock. He moved his head back all the way up to suckle at Flamedramon's tip furiously. Before long, the lizard Digimon arched his back and curled his claws along his feet before giving a light cry. "Nnh...a-aaah! Davis!!" Flamedramon gave a loud moan as he bucked his hips against Davis's face before shooting copious amounts of semen directly into the boy's throat. Davis gulped a bit down before he pulled away with a gasp, leaning back as he shielded himself from the other's constant eruption of his seed. The white substance splattered along the younger boy's groin and chest before subsiding. Flamedramon panted heavily and set his claw along his stomach. "Haah....huff...D-Davis...i'm sorry...I didn't mean to do that...What...was that?"

Davis wiped his mouth as his cheeks were beet red, unknown on how to tell the other on what happened. Davis scooted over and gently pressed his finger along Flamedramon's tip. "Um...y-you just came. The white stuff is called Semen. Or um...cum...it's a naughtier word to call it." Flamedramon set his fingers along his still hardened tip, feeling his seed along them. "Cum...?" he licked along his fingers, blushing slightly. "It...it tastes funny..." Flamedramon then turned to Davis and leaned forward. "What does yours taste like? May I?"

Davis gasped and turned a deeper shade of red as he tried to scoot back from the male. "W-what...? I...um...y-you can't! Well...you have to stimulate it out...first..." He rubbed at his cheek, unsure of how to explain most of these things to the Digimon. Flamedramon seemed confused at this as he tilted his head. "Stimulate...? Ah! I see!" He then lifted up Davis's legs, quickly finding his small rump hole. Davis was taken back by the sudden action as he blushed furiously. "W-w-wait! Don't lick there! F-Flamedra-" His words turned to cries of pleasure as he felt that slick, wet tongue slide inside easily. Davis was breathless from this, only to arch his back the next moment. "A-aaah...W-...where did you...?" Flamedramon stopped and blinked, staring at the other between his legs. "I...just figured it would help you shoot it out faster! With that, he returned to shoving his tongue in deeper inside of Davis, who quivered.

"Ooh...aaah! It's so...wet and weird..." Davis exclaimed as Flamedramon then pulled away, his tongue still out. "Should I...lick something else?" Davis was slightly groggy still from the rimming before he gasped once more, feeling his member licked so expertly by the Digimon's tongue. "Aah!? Nnnngh..." he grabbed Flamedramon's head who quickly slipped Davis's length inside of his mouth. The lizard blinked some before he began to bob his head up and down. Davis's eyes shut as he groaned in pleasure.

"His mouth is amazing...w-why didn't he tell me he could do this before...?" Davis thought, slightly trying to stay focused on the other's pleasurable acts. "Why isn't he cumming yet...? Do I need to stimulate him more...? I know!" Flamedramon blushed some as he wagged his long tail lightly. Flamedramon slowly moved the tip of his tail towards Davis's rump. He steadied himself to prepare his plan, then plunged his tip straight inside of Davis's boy hole. "Aaaaagh!! Nnngh!! F-F...Flamedramon!" Davis cried out in bliss as he clenched his hole along the other's tail. Flamedramon blushed at the other's cry, only to slide his tail inside further, all the while swirling his tongue around the boy's cock and sliding the rest down his throat.

This proved too much for Davis as he grasped his bedsheets and moaned out loud. Flamedramon's eyes widened as he was suddenly met with the boy's semen flowing straight down his throat. He gulped down the liquids of Davis before he popped his head free, licking his mouth as the boy panted heavily and spasmed. "You...taste so good!" Davis turned red at the comment as he weakly sat up, his member spurting out what was left of his seed. Flamedramon licked hs lips again before leaning in close to the boy "I...I want more..." He moved his head down to drag his tongue along the boy's length, coaxing a throb out of it. Davis gasped before grabbing the Digimon's head to prevent him from doing any more. "W-wait! Flamedramon!"

The lizard Digimon blinked and looked up at the other in a curious manner. "I...um...I have another idea! Let's go...there." Flamedramon blushed and rubbed at his neck. "Okay Davis! We can meet everyone else an-" He was shushed as the boy's hands covered his mouth. "N-no! We can't tell everyone else! It...it isnt right! But..." He looked away, snickering. "We can tell the other Digimon's though...just...no humans! I can't call my friends to do this stuff with!" Flamedramon nodded in understanding as he grinned. "Okay! I get it!" Davis hopped off his bed and looked back to Flamedramon, who got a great glance at the new boy's backside. He blushed furiously and nodded back in response. "Alright. Then let's go!"