The Wolf in the Library: Chapter 2

Story by Forlore on SoFurry

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#2 of The Wolf in the Library

Renn finds himself getting exuberantly attracted to the vulpine' swishy demeanor. In an effort to get more of Matt's tail (and under it), Renn devices every possible moment to break the fox, to make him willingly spread his soul... and his legs.

(De-) constructive feedback, ranting or criticism is very much appreciated!!

(Creepy) comments are welcome ^_^


Disclaimer: _ This is an adult work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Thus; any animal, wolf, fox, anthropomorphic, living, dead or otherwise mentioned in this story are fictional or used in a fictional context. _

_ Chapter 2: Denial? _

The 'true' meaning of a dream... oh it ever eludes to be grasped. That strange feeling, many a fur may have experienced. Waking, not in a fit of panic --nor startled, but having a vague sense of familiarity with the dream. Symbols, interpretations... synonyms of past experiences? A call ringing out through the subconscious... alerting subtly... something that is already known.

It then stays with you at least the first day. And sometimes it carries, to be seemingly triggered by random, sometimes even irrational, things. Shreds of the dreams sometimes come back... sliding... phasing and cloaking... yet still hiding their meaning! They ripple and seethe beneath a thin veil.

...they are not hiding--they were hidden

Is this then true? What is truth?


Vague shadows of other furs. They move about... passing by. Their faces contorted? No... there are no faces, no muzzles,and there is no identity. Only a feeling, yes-- an awareness that they are there.

A feeling you may have as you walk through a busy street. Anonymity in all respect, yet your self-conscious mind goes astray: 'Do they judge me?, 'Do I look weird?, you feel as if you have no purpose, while everyone, all around... they seem to have a goal. They move in purpose, they belonged.

_ _

The elevator's doors appeared now. He had anticipated it somehow, yet he couldn't fully grasp it. But he had to enter. So as the doors opened Matt didn't hesitate as he stepped inside.

Somehow he knew what was coming next. As if he had this off sometime-- a feign lapse of anxiety swirled over his back before ebbing away fleetly. The elevator doors slid closed.

The interior of the elevator appeared blank as Matt looked around. A vague reminiscence of himself was mirrored on the walls. As Matt moved in, the image moved with him.

Is this... me?

Matt's pulse quickened-- he gaped as the image moved again, denying reality. The vague image seemed to turn towards him first, reaching slightly, as if to grasp a fickle notion of him, before turning away.

The interior darkened...and the present silence too, seemed to deepen even with its surroundings. Slowly, steadily, he felt a sickly-sweet churning in the stomach. A faint and fickle perception of the situation as it unfolded-- and grew.

The elevator was falling.

Uncontrolled-- racing, and plummeting downwards. And it seemed to last forever, with no feeling of an end, the place of contact, where it would all just stop. The walls lit up now as the fox went down, its grey-hued walls shimmering-- turning livid and reflecting the emotional turmoil that so heavily laced the fox.

Falling, it was coming closer. It was nearly there.


Matt opened his eyes slowly. Sensations of warmth, of soft and cosy--enveloped his frame. It was his bed. The dream dawned on him, keeping him there for a few more seconds, as he milled over it. Immediately his consciousness went to work: R-renn! He saw the images... He knows!

...They will know_!_

No I can't let that happen, I can't face that.. that.. I can't... I must.

In a sudden burst of scarlet red fur, Matt shot up from his bed. Taking bold steps, he bounded to his pc, reaching to flick the switch. With a soft buzzing sound the machine came to life. Matt strained himself, thoughts racing. Doubt began to grow, like a small seed, a fickle sensation. It drove up in mere seconds as he waited. No! He swiped at the mouse, tracing it determined to his document folder, past his 'private area', a few clicks more.... There!. He hovered over the delete button on his keyboard.

So what if he knows! It's my word against his. This is just a fantasy, something to engulf into, to escape reality. Yes, to have fun. Another resolve hardened. He was in control. This was his folder, his fantasy.

Damn.. fucking.. The fox inwardly cursed at the grey wolf. How dare he just think that I am whatever he thinks that I am! Am I?

Matt slumped in his chair. Laying his head back he stared up into nowhere. As he calmed down more or less, he felt how, persistently, images returned to him... the sensation as he lay panting, next to the wolf.


'A-ack!'the fox yelped as the grey wolf dragged him under the shower. He controlled him. The fox moved obediently, expectantly... he followed. He wanted it to never-ever end. He almost radiated with excitement and a sense of belonging, a sense of security. As if he had given his life over to the wolf. To be at the wolf's bidding...

And he loved it! It just felt right. A flurry of water now bombarded his ears with sound. Splattering, dripping... gushing down and near immediately soaking him. The grey paw holding his upper arm swiveled, it grasped. He was pulled into an embrace as the grey wolf overshadowed him, panting his hot and sultry breath over the fox's muzzle. Matt looked at the wolf, water falling over and around them. Time seemed to make a standstill for a few seconds. The wolf dragged his tongue in a long swipe, from down the fox's nose up over the bridge of his muzzle, matting the already wet scarlet fur.

'...Down... fox'

The grey mass whispered, controlled, dominant, as if it was exactly the right thing to do. And he complied. It was almost instinctual; an animal was taking over, seizing control over the fox.

The words ringed softly, and a light pressure of the wolf's grey paw enclosed over his muzzle, dragging him slowly down.

Matt went through his knees, his muzzle raised, his green eyes vexed, flashing, trying to look up as the water flowed around. He interlocked with the blazing golden eyes of the wolf, now towering over him.

And he loved it.

He didn't need any other instructions, as he leveled with the wolf's grey hued sheath, it's cock-tip peeking out. With his left paw he straddled the furred flank of the wolf. The fox moved in, chasing the musk, the enticing smell, of the wolf's seed, that still lingered there.

He worshiped the wolf. --Washing would come later.

The fox's muzzle nearly dove in, sliding under, against the sheath, grazing it. Grinding and pressing his nose against the bulge he felt trough the hued fur. He roved his muzzle down. Now determined, he began a steady licking, rhythmically dragging his tongue over the wolf's furred sack.

With a wavering movement, as not to interrupt his lavishing upon his current object of desire, the fox brought his slender right paw up, embracing the wolf's sheath, kneading it lightly. A low and rumbling growl rolled down on him, prompting the fox to perk his ears up at the wolf.


...An overwhelming feeling of power and control nearly short-circuited his mind as he observed how he moved his paw, clasping the fox's muzzle, and lightly dragged him down, towards were he felt was the fox's nature. Were he wanted the fox. As he loosened his grip on the fox's scarlet muzzle, he steadied himself, nearly losing his balance as a spike of uncontrolled lust and relief came with the sensations of the fox's engagement on his pride. It felt good, no, better than good. He felt in control,

This was_his_ fox.

Matt moved up, chasing the scent, the desire. He wanted to ravage and devour what was before him. He wanted to please the grey wolf as he steadily stood, slightly looming over the fox, letting him do as he wanted. As he should, and wanted.

He kept licking up, ever so slightly nipping at the wolf's sheath, emitting more growls and rumbles from the wolf, as he roved closer to his prize. Using his left paw to straddle the wolf's flank, he used his right to clutch the center of the wolf's sheath, aligning it slightly forward, tugging it lightly. He dragged his tongue over the sheath's black rimmed opening, taking his first taste of the wolf's shaft as it throbbed slightly at his touch. He pressed down, lashing his tongue astride the wolf's cock enveloped within.

Prying-- pushing down, he probed the spot where flesh met sheath. Tracing the musk, wolf's scent and his lust... he drove inward, lapping the confines of the wolf's sheath, not relenting, swiveling his devious tongue wetly --leaving no area unexplored. As he pressed his lips over the sheath's opening, he kept his tongue tucked inside while he moved his right paw up to encircle the wolf's balls, sliding gently over them. His left paw gripped the grey fur of the wolf's right flank, keeping him in place.

Renn arched over the fox's scarlet-hued figure as he felt that hot, slippery-wet tongue delve into his sheath, licking along his shaft. He grunted, grabbing for the shower upholstery, near clinging to hold on, against a threshold of raw pleasure that was now surging up.

Straining in his effort to keep a balance he tried to move slightly away from the fox's sweltering tongue. Immediately though, his movements were cut short, the fox's left paw dragging its claws more strongly in the fur on his flank, dragging him back even more--pressing him against his muzzle. The wolf curled his toes in the sensations, growling and whimpering as he loomed over the fox.

Matt longed for it, he wanted so desperately to spill the wolf's seed, to lap it up and take it in. In chorus with the wolf's whimpering the fox whined, dragging his tongue through the confines of the wolf's sheath, enticing it's member to come fully out, so he could press his nose against the wolf's knot... so he could savour it fully.


The thoughts were so livid, so starkly present. He felt how his maw watered as he engulfed in the memories of the shower he had with Renn.

'Anubis... no!,

it was the wolf who made him do it! 'I didn't want it?' - Matt stretched himself on his chair.

Spreading his legs in his effort, he reached down, becoming aware of his raging and throbbing boner. Shrugging at it, he smacked his lips and made to stand. 'Breakfast...' he muttered as he strolled out his room lazily.

Outside it wasn't really hot, or cold. It was just fine-- just pleasant. The late summer sun radiated down upon the trees and the streets. As if basking it one more time, one last comfort before the setting of autumn and the following approach of winter.

New time, new chances, and, of course, some more schooling. Matt didn't care. Or would it be the start of summer vacation instead of the end. He didn't care. There in the midst of summer, when he took the wolf's offer to go for a drink, it was so wonderful, so good. Yet it had shocked his mind. His integrity as a fur-son was slipping. He could feel it, as the falling of the elevator. With his secret now shattered, its contents spilling, flowing for everyone to see.

Or so he imagined.

A low self-esteem does miracles to blowing things out of proportion. Overgeneralising, and belittling experiences-- overshadowing near all other thoughts. Though in Matt's rising despair of the situation, he couldn't grasp at what he had learned so far. It was going to take a while for him to come to terms with... it. First you have to accept yourself, clearly, without having the feeling that it depends on the acceptance of others. For it is you that is, and none other can be as you are.

But for now, Matt just wanted some peace so he could soothe his mind. So he could relax.

So he could hide.

With a sharp buzzing sound every cloud vanished before his emerald eyes. It raised his fur on end, nearly choking him as he startled. The doorbell went again, heralding the presence of somefur to be let in-- or addressed to_._ 'Damnit ' Matt croaked out as he came up from his chair, leaving his breakfast plate on the lounge table near his seat. While he moved over to the front door he stroked over his exposed fur, doing a quick check over his body before exposing himself to the visitor.

'Good morning, fox,a wide plastered grin was spread over the grey wolf as he stood before the door, hunching dramatically sultry against one of its posts. He stared the fox straight in the eyes.

'had a good night's rest? How are you doing?'Renn added after a brief pause, examining the fox.

'W-wha.. n--yes_,_ Matt stammered perplexed, locking eyes with the wolf. 'A-and you?'he ventured to follow the wolf's greeting. Oh how he had not anticipated this. The grey wolf had said he would be back, back for more he had said assuredly. Those words now swooped through the fox's swaying mind. As if the emotional turmoil weren't enough, now the presumed aggravator arrived to empathically drive his confusion home some more.

_'_Well, can I come in?' 'Your 'furs home yet?'

'Oh, Matt thought briefly before answering: 'Y-yes of course come in, 'No they're still in westmarch,... 'Something happened to my brother, he's been incarcerated'.

Renn moved inside, closing the door behind him, and made to follow the fox. Matt swished before him for a few steps through the hall adjourning to the living room. _'Hot damn.. that tail' _ Renn thought as he stalked the fox. 'I-incarcerated?' he made to stammer after having stolen glances at the fox's rear.

'Yeah, 'nothing very serious I think, 'uhm, 'My dad said there had been some 'work related' problem and my brother was involved. 'He probably has to give some aid in the investigation-- making a testimony or to come forward as a witness' so I'm not really concerned. 'My brother's witty and pretty serious about his work... '

'Although my dad did sound a bit aloof, when I spoke to him on the phone yesterday'.


As reality revived in Matt again, the current situation dawning freshly on him. Matt looked over at the grey wolf, which had now seated itself on the couch, its golden eyes glistening as he looked back at the fox. I--err.. I was just finishing my breakfast? W-what's up? Matt gestured uncomfortably at his plate, not knowing if to smile, to frown or to do nothing. So he just blushed a deep red, radiating his already scarlet fur to crimson proportions.

'Well that's good to hear then, Renn said, again forming a grin on his muzzle as he caught the blushing of the fox. 'You're sexy as ever now' the wolf growled lowly at the fox. Then he winked, and, with a swing, propped his feetpaws upon the low table in front of the couch, eyeing the fox over.

'I thought we'd hang out, 'I felt like coming over' 'I wanted to come over yesterday too but I was asked by my folks to come and visit my grandma, and I hadn't been with my folks for a while, nor in feywater for that matter... So I've spent my day there, sipping tea, catching up about the stuff going about. 'Was nice to visit there again for a while.

'You know one of my old time friends there, Dean, a black-furred Canadian wolf, he turns out to be gay!' 'I was making a stroll around town, trying to meet some of my old friends there, we had a bit of a laugh and he suddenly asked about my sex-life and everything... So I couldn't resist telling him a bit about you... and then that blush on his muzzle! It was the funniest thing!

I had to press him for some answers before he relented to having some feelings for me. 'Then he started hitting on me as well, 'heh..., 'but I drew the line there, 'for_you_; Renn grinned over at the fox

'..Don't worry..' It rang inside the fox's mind. He gaped at the wolf, feeling as if he were blushing even more now, if that could be possible,

'Y-you-- what!? Matt exclaimed after a while. The wolf's tale just rolled so smoothly from him, as if it were natural, as if it were normal...

This was it. A final blow that made to crack the steel walls Matt had built around his straight self-perception. He felt it slipping, tears welling and boiling, and with it a seething sensation through his body.

Oh the mind of the young. How it is fickle yet mobile and pliable. Painting situations... experiences... so beautifully black and white. But the wolf was grey. His mind, rationally, dominating the setting.

Renn perceived the fox's mood now, taken slightly aback first by the fox's outcry, he moved to sit up. 'Jeez, calm down, he said kindly; 'what's with you?' He had to take some control over the situation now, to hue the fox's perception, which was now staring at him unblinking, as if to make up to start a scene.

'That won't do' Renn thought, groping for the mini-Ipaw he had stuffed in his pants the other day. He snapped his fingers; jazzing the fox out of his staring trance 'Do you have a stereo here?' he held the device dangling before him.

'Y-yes, over in the corner is a tap wire,. 'W--wh--

'Ssh, the wolf hissed at the fox, holding a claw at his muzzle. 'Let me put up a little music, it's really nice, Renn moved over to the stereo's wire, plugging his Ipaw in and scrolling quickly to some instrumental pieces he had found some time ago. It was generally calm music, not overly present, though it still would do a great job to distract the fox's mind for the time being.

'Now, talk..., Renn stated as he moved over to the fox, which was still standing near the kitchen entry. The wolf reached for a paw and guided the fox to a seat in the lazy chair beneath the window, before sitting down diagonally from him.

A soothing bass slowly rolled from the speakers, a snare drum and Hi-hat softly made an appearance on the track, as a deep voice started a whispered song further enhancing a hushed tone. A few minutes passed as the fox blinked, averting the wolf's piercing, yet warm gaze. Sighing inwardly and swallowing with some effort, the fox then began stammering ''Y-you, I mean' 'I'--

'What do you think of the music? Renn ventured to ask, observing the fox.

Matt turned to look at the wolf, meeting his eyes. 'I-it's nice, I like it,

'See.., the wolf suppressed winking sultry at the fox, as he saw a blush returning to its muzzle.

'It's not that hard to speak your mind!, Renn made a gesture at the fox, 'how are you feeling?,

Matt nearly gaped at the question. The wolf was so inviting, almost soothing. His position was just right, angled to the fox, calmly looking him in the eyes.

'I--' I'm fine... I don't know, Okay?' 'Are we, like, in love?'

'I can't do this-- I'm not gay!' 'what we did was wrong, 'I--

'Hmh, hmh' the wolf interjected. 'Did you like what we did?'

'I--, 'yes.' Matt confessed after a brief pause.

'Okay, 'so... let's put that which we did aside for a moment, we can get back to that later'.

'Tell me what you think about girls, 'how do you feel about them?'

'Uhm...' Matt blinked, reached for his muzzle and scratched alongside it lightly. 'I--' I like girls,

'Hmh, hmh' Renn added after a pause; 'You like girls?'

'Y-yes, Matt started; I mean-- I had a friend... some time ago and we always had a lot of fun.

Something inside the fox's mind made a leap and Matt gave a feigned snarl, contracting his muzzle as realization of what the wolf was doing dawned on him. 'W-wait a minute, Matt exclaimed.

'I-I know what you are doing-- ,that _shit_doesn't apply to me' . The fox glared at the wolf, flashing his green eyes.

'Hah, the wolf exclaimed briefly after the sudden outburst from the fox. 'I thought you wouldn't break that easily,

'W-what's the supposed to mean!, Matt interjected annoyed.

'Whens the last time you had feelings for a girl?' --mmh?' the wolf mock-growled at the fox.

'That is unfair-- I've, I'm... I just don't mingle so good, I mean, I don't care much for socialization...yeah', Matt retorted, the snarl leaving his muzzle, a fresh blush creeping up again.

'Don't you look away from me!' the wolf pressed the fox, feeling some progress made. -and there are no girls on the internet right? 'No sexy wolf girls' 'hmmh?, 'and in your folder I saw so many girls...' 'Just as -I- like them.'

Renn reveled in the look the fox gave him. He drank in those green eyes,

Anubis, he ventured to think; 'this fox is so -- mine.'

In Matt's mind flashes of his dream emerged again, and he knew it was a lie. He had stopped falling now, before this grey hued wolf. Looking into those golden eyes, he could collect his thoughts. He didn't need to hide it now. He accepted--

''L-let's say I like... both, O-okay?' the fox gulped at the wolf. He wanted to shy from its golden gaze, Matt suppressed his wandering mind, which ventured back to the shower. He felt a tingle run through his sheath.

'Feels good to get that off your chest?, the wolf grinned over at the fox, he lowered his gaze, scanning the fox's posture nonchalantly, before returning to fix on the fox's eyes again.

'I like you too, Renn murmured.

The music rolled softly on, now shifting its balance, ever halting--

Smooth drum roll, Hi-hat, double snares-- pause-- smooth drum roll... and so on.

Renn saw the fox's paw-pad move slightly on the rhythm. 'It's from 'Nightmares on Wax' he said.

The wolf narrowed his eyes at the fox.

'So... '

'How about_you_ show me-- how you like me.' Renn flashed his fangs at the fox, giving a playful growl.


Lowering his hind-paws from the table, he slowly spread his legs, while shifting his posture to openly reveal his crotch to the fox. Renn grinned as he noticed how the fox's glance followed the movement of his legs. Snapping his claws in a swift movement, the wolf called the fox back from straying south, 'Hey--up here.' Dipping his muzzle slightly down, towards his package, Renn glanced slyly at the flushed fox.

Matt's mind made a back-flip. He couldn't possibly blush more... --though he felt as if a new color of red was being formed on his muzzle. 'W-what?! He tried to snarl but instead a weird grin plastered his snout. 'I-I was eating breakfast, 'I-I want,' Uhm--'

'Good, 'Eat your breakfast first then--

'You can have a desert after for being such a good fox.' The wolf leant back casually, giving the inside of his thigh a deliberate tapping as he displayed his crotch to the gaping fox.

Reading the fox was easy-- pushing his buttons... it was beautiful. Renn could feel the sway he was draping over the fox; glancing slyly at him, he could've sworn he saw the fox salivate at his form

'O-okay, Matt complied, shivering a little. His heart fluttered and his mind seemed to be bent on spinning his thoughts. He felt as if enchanted-- looking into those radiant eyes of the wolf. They melted his resolve in a split second, crushing his resistance, his denial.

Cautious-- and yet determined, he reached forward for the slice of toast, keeping eye contact with the wolf. He couldn't tear his gaze away. As he made to set his fangs in the toast, he felt his hackles rise as the wolf kept on looking, a sly grin plastered on its muzzle. 'R-renn-- this is really awkward, 'I-I--, Matt started

'Call me master--' the wolf interjected the fox, flashing his eyes at Matt as he noticed the fox's neck fur bristle. He'd gotten thus far and there was no way he was going to let his fox get defiant now.

'Let's see how far I can push this, Renn thought, as he consciously tried to push back an even wider grin.

'You know, I've seen some 'things, on your pc-- 'fox, 'that's your little secret right?' 'You wouldn't want your kin to know-- now, would you?' Seeing the fox's eyes widen at his remark he knew he struck home. 'Hah, 'Okay, 'So-- what would you like after your breakfast?' Renn knew he was pushing towards a limit in the fox, he could almost physically grasp the tension building in their unthinkable conversation. Though he knew this was something that the fox relished in, recalling a bit of the tags the fox used to organize his 'private' folder. Fixing his golden eyes upon the fox's green, he winked.

Registering the wolf's remark, Matt might just as well have been struck silly. He flattened his silk-black ears before lowering his gaze from the wolf's. 'I-I'd like a desert--after breakfast...'

During halted bites and nips from the toast, the fox could feel anticipation building. At first his mind fought over the outrage of Renn blackmailing him over his... things... No, that didn't matter. Being in the presence of this beautiful grey-hued wolf, his whole demeanour bending towards him. It fuelled a wanting, a lust-- Matts sheath stirred at the prospect of...

No! The shred of dignity left in him demanded, he showed none of that. He had some pride still...

Finishing the last bit of toast, Matt licked his clawed paws before stealing a glance at the wolf.

The wolf's golden eyes caught his glance and Matt felt a renewed flush.

'Finished?, 'Good boy, Heh-- Renn grinned at the fox, 'You've got some crumbs on your lips... that toast must have been quite dry, hmh?' The wolf gestured the fox, patting the inside of his lap lightly.

'Come and get something to wash it all down with, littlefox' He grinned toothily at Matt, vulgarly spreading his legs just a bit more.

Matt made to stand up, unable to release eye contact with the wolf.

'Ah!, the wolf clicked his tongue at the fox, giving another toothy grin before adding 'who said you could walk?, 'get on all fours, 'crawl over here-- he gestured between his knees.

Matt scowled at the wolf, but complied to slide himself of his chair instead, gripping the carpet with his claws like a whipped beast; he slowly crawled over towards the still seated wolf. Lust, a deep wanting, actually fueled the fox on a more instinctual level now. He loved the way the wolf commanded him. Oh he wouldn't admit it for his life-- the sheer perverted goal of his crawling dawned on him, as he found himself seated in-between the wolf's legs. He lingered his eyes on the bulge in front of him. He could already smell the wolf, a spicy smell, even as it was still buried beneath the wolf's clothes. Bending his muzzle, he flashed pleading eyes up at the wolf; 'R-re--, a cocked eyebrow, raised by the wolf, reminded him, 'I-I mean, M-master, 'please?' he made an attempt to whimper mockingly.

'I've showered recently... 'don't worry-- 'though I haven't pawed myself since I last saw you, the wolf grinned down at the fox; 'Your desert isn't going to serve itself--, fox' he bent forward a bit, slightly looming over the fox, and reached a paw out to scratch the fox lightly between the ears,

'And keep your paws down, Renn growled lowly,

'--Just your muzzle...,

Matt whimpered up at the wolf, the touch of the wolf's claws ruffling the fur between his ears sending shivers down his spine, he felt humiliated... but... in this seated position, between the wolf's legs, that same feeling he had in the shower came back to him, a belonging feeling, this was his place--he delighted in it.

Scooting slightly forward, the fox probed his muzzle forward cautiously; he kept his eyes steely fixed at the wolf, studying his form as he loomed over him lightly. He pressed his nose just below the wolf's bulge, nudging it, the smell of musk and arousal, the smell of wolf, batted his nostrils.

Renn gave a soft growl of admittance, giving one final scratch at the fox's headfur before removing his paw and scooting down lower, slightly raising his crotch in the process, giving some more room to the fox, and making it more comfortable for himself;

'Good, ...foxy,

Matt ignored the wolf, though was abruptly alarmed as the wolf squirmed in his seat. In an instant his paws were up, clutching the wolf's legs, halting the wolf, were he planning to get away.

'Too late now--, you're mine!' he thought as he rooted deeper for the wolf's scent, pressing his snout over the wolf's bulge, delving around it, chasing its essence. Matt loved it; he'd grow_to love it even more. The wolf on the other paw was actually aware of the fox's apparent obsession... yet even more was he getting off on the manipulative control he thought he could work over the fox. _'He's mine...' he thought, grinning inwardly.


Things started heating up more now. The fox's mouth watered as he roved his muzzle about, still chasing after the scents, delving in the wolf's crotch... he nudged at the wolf's inner leg, trying to pry his snout in-between the wolf's leg and the protruding bulge. Whining a soft chorus of protest he ventured a nip at the wolf's inner leg through the fabric of his pants, making the wolf slightly jump in his lazy posture. Looking up guiltily at the wolf, he saw a mock-scowl and two golden eyes piercingly staring at him; 'Okay... okay, 'you can use your paws...' Renn said grinning down at the fox,

He didn't need to be told twice as both his blackened paws shot up, leaving their clutch on the wolf's legs. Buttons popped open and as the wolf's bulge gained more room, it expanded visibly through its underwear. Matt hooked his paws on the wolf's pants now, dragging them down, briefs and all, aided by a slight raise of the wolf's hips. 'A-ack!' 'E-eager are we?' Renn murmured as the fox tore down the barricade and almost immediately set his muzzle back to roaming the now freed sheath. The scent of wolf was much stronger now, and he loved it... circling around the sheath he inhaled sharply over it, emitting a contempt groan from the wolf. The wolf's red tip was already poking out of its black-rimmed sheath opening.

Matt circled down towards the wolf balls-- nudging his muzzle pointedly in the furred scrotum, he gripped the wolf's sheath with his right paw, encircling it strongly-- halting the shaft from slipping out more. Delving below it, he began an insisted licking at the wolf's balls, lavishing over them, even so daring to venture a little more south, wetly probing at the wolf's perineum.

Though he would have his tongue under the wolf's tail sometime-- sometime soon... he needed something else now, and he moved up, pressing his left paw to push the wolf's legs apart some more. The fox zoned in on the wolf's tip, gripping with his right paw at the wolf's shaft through the sheath, trapping it stiffly, he gave an experimental sniff at the wolf tip, and exuberantly he wafted his hot breath over it, before pressing his lips against it, kissing it slightly first, before settling to suck on it with a rising zeal. A wet 'Schluurrp--, perversely reached up at the wolf as he blushed and bent forward, looking at the scarlet figure between his knees, its black ears swiveled back indulgently.

Renn moved himself up for a bit, still looking down at the fox, he gave a yelp as the fox squeezed down on his shaft, keeping it from escaping from his sheath. 'F-fox--, he started but was cut short in exasperation as the fox engulfed his tip again, fervently sucking down on it, then slacking back a little, roving his slippery tongue over the sheath's rim, pressing down sharply for an opening-- as the fox had done in the showers, though the wolf was much more aroused already... so his tongue didn't get very far in. Still he chased after the tastes in the wolf's sheath, licking lewdly around the wolf's tip before flashing his green eyes up towards the wolf and delving down again, squeezing the wolf's shaft and sucking mercilessly on the tip while starting a soft kneading of the wolf's upper right leg with his left paw.

Renn nearly yelped out at the fox's administrations, he hunched over the fox as an extraordinary wave of pleasure crashed from the tip of his shaft, down over it before racing through his loins. The wolf wasn't expecting this to feel so good. Panting deftly, he tried to wriggle back-- away from the fox's hot muzzle, it's slippery-wet tongue pressing against and inside his sheath. The fox anticipated the wolf's movement though--, following him deeper into the couch on which the wolf was seated, causing the couch's springs to creak loudly from the added weight of the fox as Matt pressed his upper body weight on the wolf's thighs, keeping his forceful attack on the wolf's cock-tip.

The wolf further leaned over the fox now, cradling the scarlet fur on the fox's back, gripping into it with both his paws as he gasped out-- wet slurping sounds emanated from below him, and he felt yet another piercing pleasure spike rise from the sensitive tip.

'squeeze, slurp, delve tongue inside-- rinse-repeat, the fox gave a sharp growl as the wolf wriggled in his seat, thinking he might again try to get away, the wolf froze in his seat at this sound, adhering to the fox in surprise.

Satisfied the wolf stopped wriggling, Matt dove in again, now loosening his grip on the wolf's sheath a little, allowing more of the wolf's cock to slip free from it confines. He enclosed the wolf's shaft as it slid free more and more, to be wetly engulfed in the fox's muzzle, Matt felt how the wolf already began spraying some pre, it splashed on his tongue in irregular squirts, giving the fox a good appetizer of the wolf's seed. The wolf gasped out again; 'F-fuck, foxy-- that's it'

'I-I didn't know you--, the wolf managed a laugh before yipping out as the fox gripped its left paw over his already forming knot, squeezing down on it.

Engulfing the wolf completely, he let the shaft slid free completely, the knot already forming-- he squeezing on it again, burying every inch of the wolf's shaft in his muzzle. Keeping him like that for a few seconds, he wriggled his tongue below the shaft inside his muzzle, adding a new layer of pleasure for the wolf and creating a muffled squelching noise. Matt moved his left paw down from the wolf's furred flank it had been gripping for a while now, where it was trying to pull the wolf towards him, he instead used it to cup the wolf's balls, giving it an experimental squeeze which emitted another yelp from the wolf. -Oh he wanted some 'deserts' now, as he hungrily moved up, trailing his tongue along the wolf's shaft, before attacking the wolf's tip again, sucking on it again, making the wolf shiver in its seat.

Releasing the wolf's shaft from his scalding lips, he raised his left paw, jutting it sharply against the wolf's chest while pressing his muzzle further into the arched form of the wolf, which loomed over him in a sway of ecstasy. Turning his quaint muzzle, the fox nipped sharply at the wolf's stomach, eliciting a moaned-out yelp from the wolf.

'M-move forward a little-- and lay back-- b-bitch, Matt growled up at the wolf, digging the claws of his left paw in the wolf's chest, pressing against it. Perceiving this last word from the fox buried in his hunched form, Renn suddenly became aware of his squirming as the fox was almost expertly pressing his buttons. W-what-- uhhg!, he managed to growl in surprise before crying out as the fox squeezed down on his knot hard while nipping at his grey furred stomach again.

Complying swiftly, the wolf scooted slightly forward and leant back, keep his paws stiffly on the fox's shoulders as if making to hold on for dear life. He whined at the fox as he saw its green eyes flashing up at him, pinning him down further with a stare.

Looking, still slightly up, at the now flushed wolf, its golden eyes livid as his tongue stuck scarcely out of its greyed muzzle. Matt kneaded the wolf's knot, pressing his snout down against the base of its shaft, dragging his tongue agonizingly slowly up towards the tip. Enveloping the wolf's now prostrate form he had kept his left paw laying on the wolf's chest as he made another pass over its shaft. He clawed at the fur, dragging his paw a little lower, trailing he wolf's chest before settling in a slow rotating motion around the wolf's right nipple, scraping a claw over it every so often, making the wolf pant loudly as he stared bewildered at the fox.

Passing again over the wolf's shaft he halted at its tip, rapidly passing his tongue over it while squeezing down on the knot in a more kneading motion. Pinching the wolf's nipple between two fingers, he dragged his paw slowly up and down, before abruptly engulfing the wolf completely.

'Schlick- schlick--,

'A-a-ah! 'F-fox!, Renn gasped, bashing his hindpaws at the low coffeetable as he strained his legs up,

'I-I'm... g-gonna!,

Matt swivelled his ears forward, hearing the wolf's pleading, upping the ante, tugging and gripping fervently at the wolf's knot-- 'Schlick- schlurp--,

_'Y-youch!,_the wolf cried out as he gripped at the couch, painfully straining his legs as an incredible wave of pleasure wrecked over his pinned down frame. Matt kept his left paw pressed deep into the wolf´s chest fur while still tormenting the wolf's nipple. Keeping a steady pressure on the wolf's knot, he slowly halted the movement of his muzzle, dragging the wolf's shaft wetly back out of his muzzle a bit, keeping only the wolf´s tip locked tightly between his devouring lips, sucking on it vigorously.

Rope after rope of sticky wolf seed battered against the back of his throat, draping and gliding over his tongue as he kept Renn pinned down writhing in his orgasm, swallowing the first load, collecting the other.


Straining his neck in an effort, his orgasm enthralling the core of his body, Renn watched the fox, as he took his seed. A good 20 seconds passed as Renn broke into a full tongue-out panting watching the base of his cock twitch and pulse lewdly as it disappeared within the fox's wet embrace. Closing his eyes tightly, he uttered a silent howl-- the image of the fox's quaint muzzle latched onto his... He straightened his neck again, opening his eyes to again look at the fox, to be met with those flashing green eyes, grinning up at him as the muzzle below kept him still inside.

Matt looked up at the wolf as he strained his neck and pointed his nose up in such a wolf-like manner that it made him shiver all over. He had seen an alike depiction in his-- 'collection of images. When the wolf lowered his muzzle again, their eyes were locked in a near phantasmal state. The near-teary golden eyes of the wolf pleading in his ecstasy.

'right where I want you, Matt grinned inwardly, nursing on the sensitive tip still imprisoned in his lips. The taste of wolf lay heavily on his pallet, as he kept to savour and swirl his tongue around it.

Yipping loudly, Renn lurched forward, gripping one of the fox's satin black ears-- 'Y-you c-can stop now, ...'Ack!, the wolf whimpered again before digging his claws into the couch below him, releasing the fox's ear in a frantic jerk, as an sharp, short-circuiting, pleasure spike--near bordering on pain, raced over his frame.

The fox on the other paw wasn't planning on letting the wolf go, he kept the wolf pinched between his lips, as he quickly moved his left paw to restrain at least one of the wolf's paws-- before grazing his sharp front teeth lightly over the wolf's cock-tip. Renn jerked a full body spasm as he felt the teeth graze him slightly, jutting his hips up in a reflex, and nearly causing damage to himself.

He squirmed distraughtly, eyes blazing wide now, as he watched the fox slid some more of his oversensitive shaft back into its maw, while keeping its emerald eyes pinned on the wolf.

'G-give me a little b-break-- 'O-okay?' Renn whined at the fox, his own black ears laid back flat against his skull. The fox responded by sinking his muzzle deeper over the wolf's shaft, tightening his grip on the wolf's right paw.



A clear, sharp, noise pierced though the lewd sucking noises still produced by the fox.

Abruptly both the fox and the wolf perked up, both bewildered and alarmed--

a sharp 'Rat-ta-tat, was heard and a muffled voice from behind the front door called out; '--Everything alright in there?, squeaking slowly, Matt heard the front door's handle being pressed down, and a slight swooshing sound as the door was opened a bit. A voice rang though the hall, echoing itself, 'Everything alright in there?, 'Hello?--

The couch wasn't immediately visible from the front door, though if the unknown fur moved into the hallway, he-- or she'd have a wonderful view of the prostrate wolf, sporting a saliva-glistened erection.

'H-hey?!, Matt blurted out- pushing himself up from his position between the wolf's legs, and quickly wiping his muzzle, he moved to peek around the corner into the hallway. A short, pudgy poodle stood there, a weird look on its face as it tasted the air, it nose swiveling about,

'S-sorry, can I help you? Matt quipped, stepping himself in the hallway, keeping distance from the poodles roving nose. 'I said-- is everything alright? I heard yelping and--

'E-everything is fine!, Matt stammered, a fierce blush spreading over his snout, 'I-I was just-- 'Uhh, 'Crying out my frustration!, I spilled my drink on my-- 'Uhm, 'Father's carpet-- 'yeah,

'Nobody-- uh, 'is hurt or anything, ...'hehehe, Matt laughed nervously. He felt a trickle of wolf cum, which had clung onto his chin, slide slowly down-- quickly he moved a paw up to wipe it off.

'If y-you don't mind, Matt stammered, 'I better clean it up quick-- uh, 'before it seeps any more into it, he waved sharply and made to turn away from the hallway entrance.

'Wait a bit-- the poodle said, with a clearly annoyed ring in its voice, 'I've got some mail here-- a letter addressed to-- he held It up for a second, addressed to a Mathew Ferris Noonan?

'Y-yeah that's me, Matt retorted embarrassedly, 'Just-- I mean, 'you can drop it there, -thanks,

'Well fine, the poodle exclaimed in a short bark, dropping the mail on the floor and turned away closing the door with an audible smack.

The fox gaped and stared at the door-- fearing the damn poodle would come back again-- suppressing a delayed panic-reaction, and made to turn towards where the wolf was laying, panting. Scanning the room briefly, he found no sign of the grey figure on the couch, and gazing confusedly, he took a few steps inside the living room, 'Renn?, 'Wh-- the fox managed before he caught a grey blur from the corner of his eye. Yet too late as It darted towards him in a flurry, gripping his waist. With a horrendous strength, brought from the momentum, it pushed him toppling over-- to sprawl on the floor.

Recovering his wits, Matt looked up, to find two golden eyes blazing down on him. The wolf sat portrayed on his chest, saddling his arms-- pinning them against his body. The wolf's cock still emerged from Its sheath, now semi-hard, it dangled over the fox's muzzle, smearing a mixture of saliva and cum over it. The wolf grasped his cock, helping to create even more of a mess on the sides of the fox's snout, wiping himself more or less clean.

'Y-you better stop when I tell you, 'N-next time, the wolf stammered flushing a fiery red beneath its grey hued muzzle. He straddled the fox, looking him into his eyes. 'T-thanks-- I-I loved that...

Satisfied he had subdued Matt again, Renn made to stand up, helping the fox as well. He grinned at Matt, before remembering his place again, he switched his grinning to growl lowly at the fox.

Renn tucked his still semi-erect cock back into his pants, eyeing the fox's still protruding bulge as they stood for a moment, observing one another. 'H-hey uhm, Renn made to assert himself, I actually didn't mean to stay for very long... 'I--, he looked Matt briefly in the eyes again, before slightly lowering his eyes and seeing the still matted fur on the fox's muzzle. He grinned. 'Good 'fox, 'heh--,

'Listen, I asked my folks if you could come over for dinner tonight!, 'they'd love to meet you,

'my mum's making a special treat as well!, Renn moved forward in a flash, embracing the fox, and quickly slipped his paw down to squeeze the fox's butt sharply. 'Be there at '8, 'Okay?, 'And take a shower before-- 'Unless you like embarrassing yourself-- 'and wash yourself everywhere he growled. He turned to walk to the corner of the room to briefly swoop his Ipaw from the tapwire. The playlist had actually ran out as he gave it a quick check.

Waving at the gaping fox, he moved-- walking towards the front door. 'Don't be late, he quipped before vanishing behind it.

Matt remained standing for a minute, wrapping his mind around what just all happened. He smacked his lips, still tasting the wolf, before moving to pick up the mail. Returning to the living room, he looked at the clock, 'It's 3 p.m. already?, Matt gasped, shrugged, then trailed towards the kitchen to grab something to drink-- his mind already bending towards tonight... _'The bastard didn't even ask me-- he demanded...,_he thought annoyed.

To be continued...