The Wolf in the libary: Chapter 1

Story by Forlore on SoFurry

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#1 of The Wolf in the Library

This is the beginning of a story about a fox with his head in the clouds. When he next meets a wolf, things he fantasized about suddenly become very real.

(De-) constructive feedback, ranting or criticism is very much appreciated!!

(Creepy) comments are welcome ^_^


Disclaimer: This is an adult work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Thus; any animal, wolf, fox, anthropomorphic, living, dead or otherwise mentioned in this story are fictional or used in a fictional context.

Chapter 1: A chance meeting?

A red fox sat dreamily in a library chair. His quaint muzzle leant heavily on his right paw; his left roughed the scarlet fur just below his ear. Ever so often he stirred_--_ swiping the floor with his brushed tail, creating hushed noises in the still of the library, like the petting of a soft paintbrush over stretched paper. Moving his left arm, he reached for the pencil he'd dropped behind the book, which he had quite forgotten about.

Yonder, a library clerk moved about, pushing a book cart.

Before the fox, a grey wolf sat hunched. Emanating concentration, his slightly toned shoulder moved in the rhythm of his writing-paw. The fox let out a sigh. Biting his lip, he shifted his position while to his left an Irish buck threw him a sour look_--_ his sigh had carried_--_ interrupting the tranquility clouding the library briefly. A dampened roll of soft plastic wheels halted before his table, and, looming, a shadow enveloped his area whilst a scaly mass obscured the fox's view

'Everything alright-- ...sir?'

_ _

'uhm-ha, I mean, 'sorry, The fox mumbled, snapping back to reality as he jerked his muzzle up at the creature before him.

'Y-yes, 'everything is fine, 'I, uh, 'forgot where I was for a second; 'this book is really interesting--, he managed to stumble before being interjected;

'--Ah, yes, 'the observation of non-verbal communication' the clerk tapped a claw on the cover; 'May I mention, opening it would probably make it an even better read--, 'pray, do not shout when you read beyond the title-- 'carry on, ;the library clerk hissed mockingly at the fox before thrusting his cart, rolling over to another isle to be about business, picking up abandoned books.

A fierce blush spread over the fox's snout, deepening his fur, colouring the white. He restrained from panting, giving a wily look about him. The buck next to him gave a satisfied snort before dipping his head into his own again.

A grey mass appeared before the fox, a fitted leather breech clasping below a lighter coloured belly fur. The wolf wore no top, his fur being quite sufficient for the climate.

'Must be getting a bit hot in here,a hushed chuckle reached the fox's ears. 'Don't mind it dude, the clerk caught me sleeping here once...and other days I also come here to just let my mind wander--

'--Do you even mind?, a low rasp came from their left; the buck strained his neck at now both the wolf and the fox, its eyes flaring.

'--Anyway,continued the wolf; _ this _ isn't really a good place for small talk-- since we hadn't really properly been introduced yet-- ' live across me right?, want to go 'get a drink somewhere?'

The red fox couldn't believe his ears as he heard the wolf talk. ...Indeed, barely two weeks ago a family of grey wolves moved into his neighbourhood, a toned father wolf, curved mother wolf and their son... ...Grey mass currently standing before the fox.

He had noticed the grey wolf the moment he set foot out of the car that'd drove him there. The red fox was splayed out, sunbathing on the grass in front of his home. Opposite to his place lay a fair bit of property, crowned with a sturdy looking house. It had been standing empty for a good year now. A mink family made their abode there before leaving for otherwheres. He had hardly known the Pyrmick family of minks. Mary Pyrmick had come by for tea with his mother once in a while. He didn't know the name of Mary's husband though. He referred to him as Jitter-- if ever he spoke about the minks.

Jitter worked somewhere off town and always took to his car in the morning. The fox had seen him stumble and stalk to his vehicle often.

...Laughing as he watched the mink, he had nicked him Jitter.

The red fox had almost gaped as he saw the magnificent grey wolves, disembarking their vehicle, their grey hued muzzles roving about, tasting the new environment.

He had looked on as a grey wolf, he judged to be about his age, swiveled and looked his way. He took a few steps only to turn when his mother called something back at him. Turning again he walked up to the fox, extending his paw: 'Hey I'm Renn, I just moved here from feywater... nice to meet you--,

_ _

What the fox most vividly remembered, however, was when the grey wolf turned and walked back to his new home, the swaying of the wolf's gray tail, as it brushed his flared flanks... It sure was hot that day, ...and after he got his blood up it was far from comfortable. The rest of that day he had spent fantasizing; sleek grey fur, toned legs, swishing tail...the wolf's rear... as he strolled away to his new abode. _ _

'... are you alright?

A light touch shook him on the shoulder as Renn scanned a worried gaze over the fox.

_'_Oh, Ah, ...What? Yes! No!the fox exclaimed wildly.

'That does it!,the buck said as he stood up and walked over to the library clerk.

'...I-I'd love to go-- sure I'll go-- I'll come for a drink-- yes _'_he said coughing and stammering a the wolf


A brisk wind rolled over their fur as they strolled out of the great library' doors. It was hot outside, ticking 82,40 Fahrenheit on the thermometer. The sun scorched the pavement angrily, withering the few weeds and bold grasses that advanced between the tiles.

The fox turned his flushed muzzle away from the wolf;

'Err, 'sorry about that just now... I, uh, thoughts were drifting...

Renn looked at the fox, a grin forming on his muzzle; 'Drifting huh?, 'Happens, '--you know I've seen you a few times in the library when I was there, though I hadn't had the chance to talk to you, aside when we met some time ago... '--my study has been quite unforgiving the past days, Renn added sighing softly.

'Yeah 'Anubis damn me' I nearly got killed this past week; retorted the fox, his tail twitching awkwardly, as he and the wolf walked together over the sidewalk.

In truth the fox had done exactly nothing study-wise. He had been following, almost stalking, the grey wolf that lived across. Past Tuesday, Wednesday ...and Friday he had seen the wolf leave his home, book under paw, 'probably heading for the library, and he had followed, and confirming himself, he sat an isle away from the wolf-- planning ways to start up a conversation... rethinking about it, disregarding himself again and then returning to simply gaze at the wolf's back...

'Hey!, --don't take lord' Anubis name in vain please_..._the wolf cut in growling, his muzzle turned at the fox. Matt flinched at the wolf's growl, blinking in surprise before --stammering, began formulating an apology to the wolf.

'I'm kidding dude_--_ the wolf sneered, poking his elbow at the fox and looking him into the eyes.

'--Uhm...So, 'I haven't been this way yet; 'are there any places to drink this way?' Renn added after quickly giving the fox a once over, smirking inwardly.

_ _'-Huh? Oh! Sorry, no, there aren't any this way-- we should head back and walk past the library, across Welzocker' road.'The fox blushed feverishly at the wolf, _'_downtown there are plenty of places to drink, Matt had to clear his mind now; 'distracting thoughts will someday be his undoing'

As they walked back past the library again, the great wooden doors swung open. The library clerk stumbled out, looking around...

'Hey! You forgot your book!,the clerk, a squint eyed banded lizard, yelled at the pair as he stumbled down the stairs, and, stretching, offered it to the fox.

'Oh, Thanks, sorry for--

'That's quite alright, the buck's calmed. 'Have a good day now, the clerk muttered and retreated back to the library,

'--Anyway, continued the wolf, 'I, uh...forgot your name since we met, I meant to ask you earlier-- 'I'm Renn.

'I'm Mathew-- but you can just call me Matt, he added after a pause


Renn and Matt walked past the road and entered the main street of Kolfecker City. Though city was a big word for it. It did have a centre-- with various shops even: a food mart, a tiny market ring, one shoe store, a few bars --and a cocktail lounge. Aside the centre, Kolfecker City was crowned with the regional library. A great structure... housing rows and rows of dusty books. Matt's mind on the other hand couldn't care less as he raced his thoughts on finding a suitable place; most of the taverns were probably filled now with the scorching weather... 'Let's go to the sinking sun, it's a cocktail lounge near the end of Main street, Matt blurted out at the wolf, the word 'cocktail, ringing in his ears absurdly. Looking the wolf in the eyes, his mind made a back-flip as he pronounced it; they serve all sort of stuff there though, he added quickly, --trailing his speech

'Alright, sounds good! The wolf said with a grin as he looked into the fox's emerald eyes --noticing the blush spreading around his quaint muzzle.

'Get a grip you fool, the fox thought, cursing himself inwardly, as they continued over Main street.

As they approached the building, a large sign --portraying a setting sun in fiery red streaks-- hung before the establishment, greeting them. They moved past the front tables and the bar, filled with other furs, and moved out to the terrace at the back of the sinking sun. A small table with two chairs stood conveniently empty below the shadow of a large parasol. Strewn across the terrace, symbols of setting suns hung and a large, fiery red, setting sun was painted on the right wall while green creepers tangled along cracks in the paint, embedding it. Smiling inwardly, Matt thought it a beautiful little terrace.

Setting themselves, the grey wolf panted lightly, before he snickered at the fox as he remembered the clerk's remark in the library; ' tell me what's so interesting about the book you were pretending to read...'

If the fox's scarlet fur could be anymore, it surely radiated ember now.

'I-it's about 'observing the non-verbal communication... uhm, about reading what somefur says without saying. ''I have read it you know',feeling annoyed by the wolf's smug posture, Matt couldn't help but snap at the wolf,

'heh, alright-- 'what's the most reoccurring theme?,

'--Body language, 'duhh,

Renn laughed; 'you're a sharp one for sure,

...Anyway, I have never chatted with your kind before, over in feywater its wolves galore... and a family of bears near the forest' edge.

_ _ 'Well, I, uhm, have seen grey wolves before '_Matt mused, an image he had google'd on coming to his mind 'when I was on vacation near northmarsh,he quickly added. _'Never talked to one either 'first time for everything right, The fox grinned at the wolf.

'Well good day fella's-- what can I get for you? A badger chirped, suddenly emerging before them. _ _ --Hello, 'I'll have an iced tea, Renn said. '...A lemon soda for me please, the fox tuned in.

'Coming right up, the badger called whilst already strolling away to pick up empty cups from a nearby table.

Returning the grin to Matt, the wolf said; 'Yeah, so, what do you study?

'Psychology, Matt said with a hint of pride.

'really?-- that's cool! 'Do me!'the wolf beamed energetically.

Matt nearly gaped before regaining his composure and tried to clear his fogged mind,

--'D-do what?, he quipped after a pause.

The wolf cocked an eye; Use your psychology on me,-- what else 'Freud'?

_ _ Visibly relieved the fox snapped back 'it doesn't work that way, 'mutt'

_ _

'--You mean to say you can't, because you've only read the covers of your study-books yet, the wolf gave a hearty laugh and patted the fox's upper leg, letting it linger on it for a fraction of a second;

Matt froze at the touch, his mind racing again, --trying to push the topic on, he continued 'I can tell you a bit of what I've learned already though, 'for instance, if you've made it so that somefur does a favour for you-- they're very likely to do another whenever you ask them because their mind rationalizes that you must be worth the effort to do favors for, 'else they wouldn't have done the first favour.

_'Zzzzz-gggh,_the wolf croaked,

_'_R-renn?Matt asked questioningly,

'--Oh sorry, I must've dozed off, the wolf said- a wide grin plastering his muzzle.

'Very funny , Matt continued, You know I think I can try some psychology on you, 'You're an overconfident grey wolf, --you're inherently dominant, you have leadership traits and-- the fox's thoughts drifted as images flooded his mind's eye, as he felt his maw starting to gape as he looked at the wolf; Renn was grinning deviantly-- catching the fox's eyes with his.

'One iced tea and one lemon soda!' a small-statured badger stretched his paws and landed the drinks on the wooden table with a satisfying 'Clink!,

'...Saved by the badger,the fox thought inwardly, groping for his drink and muttering thanks, he shifted his posture to confine his stirring loins brought on by the images he inadvertently recalled

'Ptsch, that's just stereotyping,the wolf clicked a claw on the table. 'Doesn't say anything about me at all, he gave the fox a mocking look before winking and dragging the drink towards his muzzle.

Indeed retorted the fox smiling wryly; 'for me to be able to make any true statements about you, I'd have you make a battery of tests which I then score and relay to your peergroup and--

'Okay, 'Okay, --you lost me at tests... 'so it's impossible to say something about somefure, like, on the fly? Renn muttered at the fox.

'--Well, you could do observations on somefur's antics and behaviour... the way somefur uses its speech or intonation, heck' 'How you walk even tells a bit about you as a furson-- only its shallow; the environment or your mood can have an impact on the results of your observations.. 'Subjective views are never really trustful.

_ _The wolf blinked. 'Okay, ...well, I'll leave that to you psychologists then, he took another sip from his iced tea and laid back, basking on the radiant terrace.

'I-I'm only second year yet, so I'm not much of a psychologist-- yet, Matt stammered as he also picked up his drink. 'And what about you, what do you study?

_ _ 'I'm studying to become a teacher in biology, the wolf mumbled as he tipped his cup, finishing his drink in one last gulp,

'That's cool. Matt said, 'I've actually considered teaching as well, 'how came you by it?

'Mostly because I didn't know what else I'd like to do, my dad's been a teacher all his life and I guess I just sort of copy him. 'Plus the added bonus of keeping the seasonal vacations 'forever' is really appealing to me, Renn smirked at the fox.

_ _ '--Understandable, so, you love biology? The fox panicked as he briefly locked eyes with the wolf 'err, I mean, why biology?

Still grinning and trying to keep eye contact with the fox the wolf retorted ,yeah I like biology, anatomy... nerves and all that stuff, really interesting...

_ _ 'N-nerves?,Matt felt as if he were going mad, he had trouble forming words and again images flooded his mind and to his horror he felt a tingle run down his sheath, blood starting to flow- creating a slight pressure in his briefs.

'Yeah, nerves, like the nervous system, its basically your 'telephone' line, --dealing out orders to your muscles... or receiving stimuli like when someone touches you, --you also perceive pleasure via your nerves. looking at him sideways, the wolf cocked a sly brow at the fox,

_ _ 'Ah y-yes, nerves, o-ofcourse.The fox mumbled, looking at the table.

'--I- u-uh, have to go soon, uhm, I, need to err-- d-do some homework before tomorrow, yeah!' Matt said suddenly, still averting his eyes from the wolf, and making to stand up.

The wolf blinked a bit-- racing to think of something to say before whining and putting on his most 'sad puppy eyes, ; 'what, really? Well, I'm practically free for the coming days-- only one live exam left for this period. 'How about I come with you--maybe I can help you with it?

_ _ Taken aback by the sudden proposal and having lost his guard and wits by the conversation with the stunning grey wolf, the fox was at a loss for words,

'Yes-uh, What? No I-- the fox began before being interrupted;

'--Okay cool!, 'I wanted to take a look at your place anyway, 'and great to get to know somefur finally a bit better here, --you know' the wolf exclaimed happily, grabbing one of the fox's paw nearest to him.

The fox froze at the touch, his mind panicking 'Damnit!, 'why can't I think 'straight-- 'and I'm doing a psychology study here, Anubis damn me' He had not anticipated this strong physical reaction to being more close to the grey wolf, 'W-well okay, let's see if you can be of help-- I guess, the fox quipped defeated, slumping his paw into the wolf's as he was dragged back into the seat again

'Sweet!, now... let's see where that badger's off too, --'you wanted to go without paying?, Renn scowled mockingly at the fox

_ _


_ _

It was a little past 3 when the canid duo left the sinking sun-- strolling leisurely past various shops littering Kolfecker' main street, Matt was absent minded, milling inside his head, thinking desperately about something he could do homework-wise.

He, of course, did not have any homework left to be made; his current period consisted of writing a few essays and a live assessment before taking theoretical exams-- hardly worth to study for, being part rehearsal and part application of the rehearsed theory.

He wanted to go home for whole different reasons-- which he could quite forget about for the time being.

Groping with his paw now tucked in his pants pocket, he in vain tried to pull his briefs down a notch as they were uncomfortably cutting in-between his sheath and legs.'why the fuck did I put on these briefs, they're way too small, he inwardly cursed.

After walking a brief period thus; a seemingly dried out, but still lush-green canopy-- mercifully shaded their bodies as they pressed on aside a row of oaks planted aside the main street, charming the city's centre to a slightly wilder look. The wolf walked a little in front as otherfurs came passing by on the pavement, also allured by the promise of shade--

Renn swiveled his arms and stretched leisurely, perking up and slightly raising his tail in a strained effort to stretch-- Matt blushed and salivated as he looked ahead, his gaze falling directly on the flared lower back, the wolf's slightly raised tail showing a barely defined change in the greyed hue of the wolf's fur.

'The alleys up ahead cuts a corner to Welzocker' street, right? The wolf yipped as he finished his stretch and, turning on his heels, faced the flushed fox, looking him straight in the eyes.

'Y-yeah, just up ahead turn left, Matt retorted-- quickly averting his eyes as he saw the wolf grin at him.

Past the alley they headed west, turning on Welzocker' street and moving steadily towards one of the side roads, 'Fernshire, it read on a sign as they turned left and walked past the first homes which were neatly placed on both sides of the lane. Tended gardens now and then held sun screens or parasols hiding furs from the relentless sun.

Nearing his home the fox briefly panicked before gathering courage, he broke the silence asking the wolf what he thought so far about the neighbourhood-- seeking neutral terrain on which the conversation wouldn't steer to him.

'I think it quite nice, there's more to do here for sure, different furs-- in my old town we had but a local farmer selling a few meats. Though there isn't as much forest here as we had in feywater-- and we had a body of water nearby with banks shaded by trees, that would've been quite welcome today... the wolf trailed his speech, recalling past memories about his former life.

_ _ 'But I like the company here better though-- you foxes look cute with your scarlet fur and white chests-- he winked at the fox as his tail wagged, slightly fanning his calves.

'--B-body of water--Matt quipped as he blushed and pretended to look into a garden to their left, looking for somefur he'd recognize so he could avert his preoccupied mind. 'uh, there's a swimming pool about 6 miles ride from the library and there's a small forestry nearby with trails-- 'we could go there if you like, he said blurting out again, perking his ears up in overly fashion.

'--err, forgot about your pressing homework already?' the wolf cocked another eye at the fox; 'Oh!, Y-yes, right, I do. The fox flattened his ears and shyly raised his left paw to scratch in his neckfur. Regaining his composure, he added-- _'_The pools probably filled to the brim right now anyway, that wouldn't be much fun anyway..

Suddenly the wolf stopped as the fox stepped a paw or two yet-- before he turned to look at what Renn was doing; 'Were here, right? 'I live across over yonder. The wolf pointed across the street towards a home.

_ _ 'A-ah, yeah, ...heh, that's right here we are!' the fox snickered in an hysteric fit, shrugging.

'You're one silly fox, the wolf grinned as he turned to move up the tiles between a patch of grass strewn with patches of horseradish but neatly mowed otherweres.

He moved up to the door preparing to press the bell, making up to introduce himself to the fox family. 'Err, allow me--Matt mumbled, as he stooped to lift a tile up, revealing a tattered bag containing the key to his abode.

_'_Home alone?,the wolf mentioned enthusiastically as he followed Matt inside, sniffing and tasting the air inside. _'_Y-yeah, my parents are off to westmarch attending a furmeet there for a couple of days, Matt confessed as he threw the keys in a basket standing barely visible on a crude board fixed to a shelf.

'Alright, so, you got any siblings? The wolf added, screening the decorated walls inside the living room; a soft couch stood in the centre directed towards a broad screen hanging from the wall, feathers, carvings and other odd paraphernalia.

_'_I've got one old brother, Raphael, he's already moved out-- he lives in westmarch actually-- he works as the head of a mine there somewhere... my parents are also visiting him.

'Oh? Shouldn't you've come with your parents then?

'Nah, I visit my brother on a regular basis-- and I love the time alone here anyway, He dashed his eyes towards the wolf whom still was eyeing the decorations and before the wolf could hook unto his remark he quickly added 'I-I, uh, would you like something to drink? 'I'll grab something from my fridge upstairs-- I'll be right back, okay? He thanked Anubis for his private fridge, after faking a calm retreat from the living room, he rushed upstairs to his room and frantically started to muffle slightly damp tissues into a sealed box he kept in a dark corner of his room. Sniffing about he caught the smell of his own musk as it perpetuated the room-- he scooted over his desk to draw the curtains to a small window and open it as wide as it could. 'Fuck, Damn, I should've flushed those damn wank tissues yesterday, he thought as he cursed at himself.

On his desk his pc hummed softly, a few piercingly blue leds flickering on and off on the sides of the case. Stooping, he opened his mini-fridge, producing a flask of cooled lemon water from it. Coming downstairs he saw the wolf lying back down on the couch, his pointy ears sticking just out from the far side. 'It's nice and cool in here!, he heard the wolf's remark, as he moved in the kitchen to fetch two tall glasses.

'Way better as outside yeah!, The fox beamed back, as he returned to prop himself in a lazy chair standing beneath the window, diagonally from the reclining wolf. Bending slightly forward, he popped open the flip top of the bottle, releasing an aromatic lemony scent to fill his nostrils. He poured it in the two glasses. '--I hope you don't mind lemon water, Matt quipped, remembering he hadn't heard the wolf's reply to his proposal.

_ _ 'that's fine, thanks, the wolf remarked, scoping up his glass to take a sip from the cool drink. The flavour sooth and prickly, aromatic lemon scent tantalizingly raising his spirits; '--What's with all the feathers and stuff?, he said as he pointed a claw towards the walls.

'Oh, 'my parents 'Err, traveled to some land in the east before I was born... these are the trophies they carried back with them, I guess, Recalling the story of one particular ivory carving of Anubis he explained some history about his parents having joined some digging crew as amateur archaeologists when they were there. 'So they actually digged that piece up from Anubis knows' where and smuggled it with them, never telling their superiors they found it.

_ _'--Thieves and bandits, the wolf remarked jokingly. 'but really, looks awesome, --like I'm in some sort of dark wizards lair,

'Anyhow, he said between gulps, finishing his drink; 'Show me your room!, let's see if we can nail this homework of yours, he sat upright on the couch, flicking his tongue over his nose to clean the prickly lemon taste off and peered over to where the fox was sitting, his feet propped up on the table, showing his green eyes just over his knees. 'uhm, o-okay,he blushed as the wolf stood up and picked up the glasses, asserting himself to bring them to the kitchen.

Matt sulked as he vainly tried to climb out of the chair, hoping the smells in his room had ebbed a little

'Kitchens neat!, he heard the wolf bark as he walked towards the small intersection between the kitchen and the living room, a staircase stood in a small hallway, hooking up and turning sharply right. 'this way, he hesitantly called and ascended upstairs and towards his room.

The wolf followed him in step and entering Matt's room, he perked up, roving his muzzle this way and that, tasting the air. 'Well, well, he grinned, facing the fox,

'Y-yes?, Matt began before being cut off-- 'You play guitar too?, that's awesome, the wolf beamed as he groped for an acoustic guitar straddling the wall to his right. Sighing inwardly, the fox retorted, 'yeah, 'Though I'm not that much of a player for it, I can play...say, uhm, a few instrumental pieces from 'Furtellica,

'Exactly what I can manage as well, the wolf laughed as he placed the guitar back to where it had stood. 'So... what homework do you-- Oh! The wolf yipped as he moved over to the shiny pc standing of the fox's desk, he trailed a claw over the case,

'That's one awesome case!, 'you do any games?,

'T-thanks, yeah! I play a bit of Skyfur now and then.. and League of Furs too,

_ _ 'Cool, 'I know those, the wolf remarked, placing himself on the desk-chair and pivoted about, looking the room over. 'So, uh, what homework do you have?,

As the wolf had stood before his desk, looking over his pc, his rump was stuck out, a slightly raised tail in its enthusiasm-- the fox had almost lost its gaze looking at the wolf's backside, his loins stirring, defining a slight bulge on the front of his pants.

As Renn turned he gave the fox a quick look over, propping up his elbows on the chair's arms and stretching his legs, crossed his feet, and smirked rudely at the fox -- giving a wink.

'Uhk, Err, I uh, I'll get the books from downstairs, the fox panicked as he recalled leaving his study in the drawers downstairs, where he had been, half watching t.v. writing one of his essays on the couch. He turned, flushed and fiery red, and walked out towards the stairs. The wolf looked on as the fox moved out, 'Damn he has one cute butt..., he thought as he saw the fox move out of sight downstairs.

Turning on the chair, he quickly groped with his paw for the mouse, clicked one time and the serene black screen lid up, revealing its content as the owner had abandoned it.


Stalking upstairs again, the fox mocked and whined at his straining sheath, the tight briefs where now praised upon for preventing his cock to slip out and becoming too... rigid... 'We can rehearse the rehearsal a bit I guess, he sighed as he walked up to his room and found that the wolf was turned, gazing at the screen.

Matt snapped dead still in his tracks, dropping his books on the ground, 'W-was my pc still on?, 'Did I click my folders away?,thoughts were now raising in his mind as he saw one ear of the wolf had swiveled and was pointing his direction.

'--My, oh-my!, does your mother know that you look at these images? The wolf said panting briskly, not turning to look at the fox, but still scanning over the screen--clicking now and then.

Matt gaped, every single hair on his scarlet coat standing upright, 'this isn't happening..., this isn't happening..., he thought, not responding to the wolf's inquiry.

Renn turned now to lock eyes with Matt, moving aside so the screen became visible to the room; wolves in various positions, some with foxes, some alone, some with multiple wolves, lewdly visible even from where the fox stood, every image depicted a wolf or a fox, straining, while another had it's muzzle tucked right under tail.

'That's some kinky stuff!,the wolf growled lowly as he now spread his legs, and Matt noticed a now clearly visible bulge in the wolf's pants.

His pulse racing-- Matt panicked and choked an apology before blushing feverishly and casting his eyes down, averting the wolf's gaze.

Of course. He was home alone, --his parents gone and no expected visitors-- he had just the greatest time, leaving his room on standby, to immerse himself into the fantasy whenever he returned.

...Now it was the wolf's time to blush, trying to quickly figure a way to clear the awkwardness he himself created, and, standing up, he raised his paws open and quipped at the fox; 'calm down, heh, I did not expect that...-Uhm, 'b-but I'm not grossed out or anything, I've got quite a stash my--err, self, --if you know what I mean, ;he stirred, grinning, taking one step in the direction of the fox.

Letting these words sink in for a moment, Matt regained his posture a bit and --encouraged by the wolf, he slapped a trembling paw on his side, 'you shouldn't just touch somefurs stuff like that,he mumbled, while trying to growl annoyed. The wolf met his gaze and grinned again, showing white fangs,'Ptsch, it's like you were asking for someone to find out, 'with a directory search tool and everything here, he laughed sneeringly and pointed at the screen. 'That one's really hot by the way, he said as he pointed to an image of a fox laying on his knees, his fluffy chest down and his muzzle turned to the viewer in an exasperated look. A wolf was portrayed behind the fox, holding one leg, and lapping with tilted muzzle under the fox's tail. Small words were written by the wolf's muzzle reading 'Slurp', 'Lick, both character were obviously male, sporting erections.

Matt's jaw nearly dropped as he felt he could just about sink straight trough the floor as a fit of panic took his mind again.

_ _ 'So--, since you've dropped your books-- how about we try some of the poses in these images? 'We can do your homework later.. ;the wolf asserted, grinning lewdly at the fox, sticking out the tip of his tongue in a teasing manner.

'W-what?! No! I'm not gay! And--

_ _ '--And all the images here depict females right?, the wolf smugly added, 'this one here's definitely a female, he pointed at another image depicting a wolf straddling a fox that was laying on its back with its legs up, the fox's cock pointing down and spraying its muzzle under white globs, while the wolf was lapping away between the fox's spread legs.

Matt curled his tail in mixed shame and growing arousal, as he saw the wolf's gaze fixated on the depicted scenes, his tongue lolling slightly. 'That's some_naughty stuff,_ ;the wolf joked while turning to look the fox in the eyes.

Matt couldn't fathom the situation and turned away starting to shuffle towards the exit, 'Where'r you going?!_, ;_the wolf barked. He rushed forward, grabbing the fox by its scruff and pinned him against the wall. He only stood slightly taller than the fox, yet the wolf was defined with definite broader shoulder muscles. As he pinned the fox, he enveloped its more lithe frame. He brushed his muzzle against the side of the fox's head and breathed softly against the bridge of the fox's muzzle. As he gazed again in the fox's emerald eyes, he saw panic and hurt reflected, 'stop being so shy, ;he whispered as he held the fox's paws confined against the wall.

He drew his tongue and trailed it over the fox's muzzle, and, pointing down after, pressed his lips and pointy nose against Matt's-- coaxing his lips open.

Stricken dumb first by the sudden onset of the wolf, the fox was frozen in its grip pinned against the wall in his room. Feeling the brush of the wolf's tongue against his lips he relented --slacking his jaw to join the wolf into the kiss. Sloppy licks and the raking of teeth ensued for a moment as Matt felt himself heating up more and more, being pressed against the wall, --pinned down, the wolf now trailing his paw over the fox's thighs... He gave a muffled whine as one of the wolf's paws dropped to rest between his legs, while its searching paws snuck slyly up to cup the fox's trough the fabric of his pants.

'--You are really, '--slurp--, hot,Renn said in between licks, lapping vigorously inside the fox's muzzle as they shared their passionate kiss. Matt whined again, moving under the wolf's ministrations, feeling the paw on his crotch rubbing softly, his scarlet tail, stiff at first, now franticly wriggled, it's tip brushing against the wall where they stood.

The wolf released the fox's lips, a trail of saliva snapping as he pulled the fox towards himself, his paw still cupping the fox, he moved the other behind the fox to cup its rear, ducking his muzzle under the fox's to press it deep in the fox's bristling neck fur, digging it around.

Matt bucked his hips as the wolf's paw on his rear roved, one pad slipping under his tail to press between his cheeks, 'Ack!, he half cried, half moaned out as the wolf bit down on his scruff. '_I want you-- now,_ the wolf panted as he shuffled back, gripping the fox still and moved towards the cosy looking bed that stood in the corner of the room. The bed had a mix of light and dark green blankets and pillows adorning it.

Finally releasing the fox, he dropped him on the bed and stood for a moment haggardly, his eyes blazing yellow as if he were eyeing live prey; 'take your pants off!, he yelped as Matt crawled over the bed, startled by the wolf, his erection strained painfully now against his briefs and pants, tight as they were, uncontrolled lust fired through his frame as he laid there, panting dazedly from the intense kiss he shared with the wolf just now.

With a playful growl the wolf pounced the fox, trapping him by his pants. He dragged the fox back to him, clawing --he managed to drag the fox's pants halfway down. Groping at the briefs next, he pinned the fox down against the bed, and retracting them with pants and all from the scarlet legs --throwing them away savagely.

The wolf leaned over Matt as he was lay with his legs lightly drewn up, half on his belly, --his back pinned down by the wolf and his foxhood straining wildly beneath him. He clawed for the bed's cover as the wolf bent down to lick sideways over his muzzle.

'W-wait, wha--t, 'aren't you taking your pants off too?' ;he moaned, as the wolf slipped his paw around the fox, encircling his erection and squeezing it lightly.

'Maybe later_,_ Renn growled as he again licked over the fox's muzzle, matting the scarlet fur --still pleasantly tasting the lemony aroma.

Releasing the fox's stiff meat, he pressed one paw down on the fox's shoulders using the other to further bend the scarlet knees and further press them beneath the fox until he made the fox take on the exact pose as on the image which was still proudly displayed on the screen in all its glory. Looking up at the screen for a moment, Renn checked the fox's pose again; wriggling, he slipped his own grey knees between the fox's legs, prying them open, allowing the fox's tail to slip between its thighs in an instinctual effort to hide its modesty.

Matt swivelled his muzzle to look at the wolf portrayed behind him, he felt extremely vulnerable with his raised and naked rear, laying on his chest --his fists clenching the bedding, 'W-what are you doing-- he managed to mewl out before trailing his speech as he felt a rush of air over his exposed rear, the wolf pressed his snout under the fox's tail, pushing it aside, and panted hotly over his exposed flesh,

He could hear the wolf's nostrils flaring as he sniffed and twitched his wet nose over the fox's most private area, growling soflty, the wolf managed to press his wet nose straight onto the fox's puckered flesh, eliciting a sharp yip from the fox. A rush of musk and an almost spicy smell battered his nostrils as the wolf probed about-- he dragged his nose over the fox's spread flesh, wetly licking inside one of the fox's white furred cheeks. Continuing this for a moment, he listened to the fox's whimpering.

'Yea-- keep making those noises, he growled at the fox. Roving down, he lowered his muzzle, and, extracting his tongue, started a bathing of licks upon the back of the fox's furred sack, _'Y-yargh!,_he heard the fox quip as he licked over the fox's balls, slathering towards his perineum and dipping down again with wet, sloppy licks.

Dampened slurping sounds, like the way Matt produced as he groomed himself, came flying in his ears as he felt streaks of pleasure racket through his body. --A feeling of humiliation, lust and pleasure mingled as he lay face down, butt up, getting a tongue bath from a hot grey wolf he had fantasized about doing it too, not receiving from. He clawed at the green covers as the wolf's velvet tongue roved again over his perineum, and cried aloud as he suddenly felt the wolf's paw again, squeezing over his meat while at the same time the wolf started attacking his exposed tailstar, probing it with his wet nose, lewdly slurping over his flesh,

The wolf halted his admonishment to perk up and grin at the exasperated look on the fox's muzzle as he strained his muzzle to the left, _'_Feeling it any like in your pictures?,he said panting sultry and grinning in between,

_ 'U-urgh,_the fox managed before he moaned again in response to the wolf.

Redoubling his efforts, the wolf straddled one leg of the fox, clasping it, while with his other paw he slowly stroked the turgid foxhood below, twisting his palm over the fox's cock-tip- causing the fox to jerk back in response to the heavy stimuli.

Tilting his head, the wolf began a deliberate lapping. Directing his tongue, he wetly dragged it over the fox's pink flesh and extorted a plethora of diverse quips and yelps from Matt, as his nerves send waves of pleasure-filled information, telling of a velvety wet appendage slathering and ravaging his backside.

Spurred on by the various sounds the fox produced under his relentless tongue-- he continued his lavishing for a while, trying to place more force behind his licking,--wanting to breach the still clenching flesh, which now glistened, coated in saliva. He sharply whined suddenly as he became aware of the enormous erection straining uncomfortable in his own pants.

Removing his grip on the fox's meat and leg, he forced the fox on its side, legs curled up towards his fluffy chest. Renn shuffled on the spree, wriggling himself free from his confines and exposed his wolfhood to the room, musk emanating from it.

The smell of wolf reached the fox's nostrils as he lay dazed and trembling from the sensations, feeling saliva trickling down from under his tail.

As Matt lay panting, he felt strangely violated --and extremely horny-- his cock pulsed lewdly and strained against his belly. Shifting, Matt propped himself up on his elbow and looked over at the wolf;

_'_T-that was amaz-- 'Ack!,he attempted, panting, before Renn pounced him again. Hovering dominantly over the fox, he groped for Matts paws, in an effort to restrain him. He growled lowly before dipping his head down, pressing first against Matt's turned stomach before he wetly licked at Matt's cock. 'were--,- ,not-- done 'yet, ;he growled at the fox in between licks.

_ _He shifted his weight over the fox, pressing himself up against him, grinding his wolfhood between the fox's upper legs,

'I-i-i don't know-- if I'm r-ready for-- t-that, Matt said in a trembling voice, staring wildly at the dominant wolf, hovering still over him and eyeing him lustfully,

'Ready for what?,Renn retorted as he grabbed the fox's legs and shifting his body, laying Matt flat on his back. He brought the scarlet legs up high, supporting a portion of the fox's weight with his own knees and chest while the soft bed creaked a loud protest under the canines.

'w-what--,Matt began before Renn reached a paw down to clamp around the fox's muzzle, tugging it lightly, 'Who said you could talk!,he whispered in a growled-- husky tone. he groped with his other paw at the fox's shaft, aiming the tip straight for Matt's muzzle.

_'U-urgh!,_Matt made a muffled exclaimation as a few drops of his own pre-cum flew on his nose. Renn released the fox's muzzle from his grip and rubbed the drops over the fox's sensitive nose, 'That's it--, you naughty fox!, '--get a taste, because I hope you'll get a lot more soon, He grinned down at the fox, seeing a fierce blush spreading straight through its scarlet muzzle fur.

Feeling utterly humiliated by the wolf, he finally submitted completely. Matt tried vainly to wriggle out of the wolf's grip, giving a feint of resistance as the wolf dipped its muzzle to press it against the back of the fox's sack; he kept eye contact with the fox as he started to slowly and pressingly lick over the fox's balls, grazing his teeth lightly over Matt's perineum. The paw he had over fox's rigid meat now slipped lower, enclosing the fox's pliable knot that was just beginning to form at the base of his cock.

He squeezed rhythmically, dragging his agile tongue a bit higher, towards the fox's straining tailhole which trembled and quivered in anticipation and pleasure spasms,

'D-don't stop,Matt croaked as the wolf pressed his lips on the fox's pink hued flesh, --another spurt of pre landing just below the fox's muzzle this time.

'I'll decide whether to stop or start, Renn growled, blowing air onto the fox's saliva coated hole, cooling it, adding another layer of pleasure to the surplus of sensations that were wrecking the fox's lithe frame.

Jerking his muzzle back, Matt uttered a silent howl as the wolf started licking again,

Deliberately making a fuss of slurping noises, Renn ran his tongue dancing over the fox's quivering flesh, encircling it, draping over it, before he dipped in and set more pressure behind his licks.--Immediately he felt a difference in this pose. The way the fox's leg were bent, his sphincter ani externus-muscle could now not withstand the pressure of his slippery tongue, saliva drenching and lubricating the fox's tailstar, the wolf murred victoriously as he felt the fox giving a light struggle the moment his nimble tongue made an advance on the fox's innermost private area.

'Nn-gh, the fox gasped, trying in vain to buck his hips, the wolf's clasp on his knot squeezing every often was fast driving the fox's mind crazy. When he felt the wolf's tongue starting to press wetly against his strained pucker, he tried to clench but it wasn't working-- he felt the wolf winning terrain, its slippery tongue wriggling first past his opening, then deeper... melting the fox's flesh aside with every stroke it made.

Matt moved his muzzle up, straining to stare at the wolf above him, as he locked with the fiery golden eyes of the grey wolf he felt its tongue spear even deeper inside him, lapping now at his inner walls wetly.

Renn looked down on the fox as he continued pressing his licks. Having now breached the flesh of its prey he now murred ever so often, raising his muzzle to lap and gnaw hungrily at one of the fox's cheeks spread out before him. He locked his eyes with the flashing green eyes of the fox as he pressed for a deliberate slow lick as deep as he could probe, watching as the fox's muzzle distorted and moaned in a stifled cry.

Finding a rhythm, the wolf lapped and slobbered away at the fox's most private area, squeezing its now fully formed knot, he roamed with his remaining free paw, testing if he could pinch a nipple, but failed, and, roving up, cupped the fox's balls instead lightly squeezing them.

Enjoying his now complete domination over the fox, he felt how his captive started a frantic squirming as he placed his lips over the fox's hole, 'french kissing the fox's tailstar with obscene squelching noises, he stopped his rhythmic squeezing of the fox's knot and instead squeezed down hard, keeping the pressure applied.

'Ngh-- a-a-ah!, Matt cried out-- his body tingling all over, waves of pleasure from his orgasm washed over him as he felt his balls contracting stiffly against his body,

Renn felt how the fox's tailhole also started a spasm of contractions, the fox's sack rigidly clamped to his body and while keeping his lips sealed over the fox's hole, he aimed Matt's cock straight at his muzzle.

Ropes of sticky fox cum landed over, under and in his maw as Matt couldn't shut it, overpowered by the intense orgasm, panting like he hadn't panted before, his orgasm rolled on and on, all the while the looming wolf kept lapping and slavering over his hole, and squeezing his sack and cock mercilessly,

When Matt's orgasm had faded and his cock only jerked lewdly, no more spilling seed--, the wolf released it's grip, and, with a deliberate slurping, withdrew his tongue from the fox. He scooted from under the fox, letting him fall flat on his back before crouching over his body. He straddled the fox's sides with both his knees. Leaning over the fox, the wolf held himself up with one paw, while with his other he squeezed his own neglected knot, rhythmically stroking for a while-- he let out a sharp yelp and, arched his back, spurting his sticky wolf seed all over the fox's chest and chin, coating the already matted fur even more.

'T-that's a good f-fox, He exclaimed with a growl and, grinning, let himself fall next to the fox, bathing in the afterglow.

Matt opened his eyes, a low rumble coming from his stomach as he blinked a few times. A feeling of intense satisfaction and peace inhibited his mind as he regained his senses. The smell of deep musk and seed battered his nostrils as he became aware of a lightly snoring wolf lying next to him. Raising himself, he felt his chest and muzzle, dried up seed adhered and stuck clumps of his fur together.

Looking over at the wolf he shot an annoyed glance.

Panic and surprise washed over him when he saw two golden eyes staring back at his gaze, a grin plastered muzzle below; '_You're messy as _fuck, fox!,the wolf laughed, 'So... did your pictures live up to your expectations?, Renn raised himself as well and sat beside the fox, laying one paw on its upper leg, _'_You moaned like a girl at least, he joked on, squeezing the fox's upper leg.

'I-I can't believe you made me... cum all over myself, he stammered finding it difficult to look the wolf straight in the eyes,

Renn just looked and grinned.

'I'll make you do a lot of different things before long,he whispered menacingly, and, snickering, he stood up, extending a paw to the fox. 'let's take a shower and eat something.. 'Eating you has made me quite hungry.., The fox couldn't help but stifle a laugh and he accepted the paw only to be drawn into the wolf's hold again.

'_I wasn't joking you know, we're not done yet for tonight,he huskily whispered in the fox's ear. Matt blushed feverishly as he let himself be lead by the wolf through his door, _'_The shower's over at the left-- Ack!,_ he quipped as the wolf dragged him inside.

To be continued...