Unforseen Consequences

Story by Wolfhound_22 on SoFurry

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A curious otter decides to visit a gay BDSM club only to meet an aggressive and dominant bull (this pic: http://www.sofurry.com/view/771663 ) that will change his life forever.

"Unforeseen Consequences"

by, WolfHound Baxton

for, avatar?user=70590&character=0&clevel=2 Silus

Jeffrey moaned softly and squirmed as he awoke. The small brown otter thought last night must be a dream, but his current circumstances proved that it was not. Everything had happened just has he remembered it, though it was a bit of a haze. Here he was in the dungeon with a cold concrete floor, his wrists cuffed to the ceiling by heavy metal shackles and chains. He sat on the cold floor and could feel similar restraints around his legs and hear heavy chains clinking when he moved them, but as dark as it was he couldn't see where they were attached. How had he gotten himself into this mess? He tried to think back to last night. He was out clubbing, thinking he would try out something of a less than conventional taste that intrigued him.

The club had been loud with the sound of deep thumping bass music and of glasses clinking at the bar and people struggling to converse with one another over the din. Also discernible among the noise were the distinct sounds of whips cracking against flesh. Smoke and musk filled the club and the collected energy of numerous excited males gave the place a distinct charge that could make your fur stand on end. Most of the customers wore very little except for leather straps, harnesses, jocks, chaps, or thongs. There were a few packed in cages on one side of the club wearing nothing but chains and collars. A few benches were set up near them for customers to sit on as they took their pick.

Jeffrey flicked his ears for a moment and blinked at the cages before moving over to the bar. He was starting to change his mind about having come here. He kind of stood out from everyone else. He had worn his boots and a leather vest but otherwise he wasn't quite dressed to the same leather standards as the others. He nervously sat down at the bar and motioned for the bartender, summoning a fox wearing a harness, a collar leashed to the bar, and a pair of cuffs

Jeffrey desperately tried to communicate his preferences to the bartender but struggled to raise his naturally timid voice above the din of the club. That was when he noticed it, a huge shadow blocking out the light of the club above him.

Jeffrey looked up to see a tall and masculine bull of nearly seven feet in height. He had short brown fur, except for thick black hair on his head. He wore a leather X harness over his chest and had deep red eyes. His chest, shoulders, arms, back and legs rippled with muscle, all easily visible due to his general lack of clothing but for his harness, a couple leather wrist-guards, straps on his arms, and a jock, chaps, and boots.

"Thirsty huh?," asked the bull in a voice loud enough to be heard over the noise of the club yet calm and confident enough to not seem like he was shouting.

The otter looked into those intense and masculine bovine eyes, entranced as he nodded softly. The musk of this male had an almost hypnotic effect on him.

"Then let me order you a drink, pup," said the bull, taking a seat on the stool next to Jeffrey, communicating with the bartender through only a series of hand signals and gestures with his chin.

The fox sprung into action, going off and seeking the right ingredients for the appropriate cocktail. He had learned to interpret the reactions of the bull from previous visits and, more importantly, had learned to always be quick about his work and never disappoint him when serving him.

The bull smiled as the vulpine bartender set two identical glasses out, one for the bull and one for the otter beside him.

Jeffrey looked nervously at the glass and then up to the bull.

"Thank you," he tried to say, needing to yell to get above the crowd but trying to politely not yell at the same time.

"You're welcome," said the bull with almost comparative effortlessness. "Hmm," he continued after a brief pause. "I don't think I've seen you here before. You can call me Dominus."

"I'm Jeffrey," said the otter, looking up at the big bull nervously. "This is my first time here."

"See anything that catches your interest, waterpup?," asked the bull as he took a sip of his drink.

"I ... I don't really know. I've always had a thing for guys. I guess I was just never adventurous enough to check out this sort of scene before," responded Jeffrey.

"Well you know this is a lot more than just another gay club, pup. We have more intense tastes at this place."

Y.. yeah," said Jeffrey, nervously looking around.

As Jeffrey was looking towards the floor where several of the leather-clad males were dancing, Dominus reached forward with his right hand, holding an odd small black flask that he had held in a pouch on his belt and dripped a few drops of white fluid into Jeffrey's drink, pulling the flask back and replacing it again in his belt in what was one quick, practiced and well-timed motion.

"Don't be ashamed of your inner desires, boy," said the bull in a seductive voice. "Enjoy your drink. I think you'll like it."

The otter nodded and grasped his webbed paw around the cup, pulling it up slowly and giving a sniff before taking a cautious sip, shaking his head and making a somewhat disturbed face.

The bull laughed at this. "Not used to drinking are you huh?"

"No," said Jeffrey, his eyes finding it difficult not to wander over the bull's physical features that were on display.

The bull, for his part, noticed this interest but didn't mind. In fact he relished the attention and admiration.

"How old are you, boy?," the bull asked curiously but firmly.

"Twenty-one," said the otter, taking another sip and making another nasty face.

"Well, at least I'm not corrupting you with pleasures you shouldn't have ... yet.", said Dominus. "But if you plan to drink you should drink more often ... get used to the taste."

"Yes, sir," said Jeffrey again as he took another sip. It didn't seem so bad this time and he found the bull even more alluring now.

Dominus took another sip and continued to watch, noticing how much more enamored the otter was becoming with him as he continued to drink. It seemed as if he was expecting what was going to happen and nodded lightly in approval as Jeffrey cast more glances over his powerful rippling muscles.

"Like what you see?,"

"Y... yes, Sir," said Jeffrey once more, blushing nervously.

"Well then why continue to hang out here? ... when we finish our drinks we should go back to my place. I have so much I can show you."

"Yes, Sir...," said Jeffrey, admiring the bull with wide eyes. He felt comfortable all of a sudden. He felt safe and well looked-after in the presence of this massive specimen of a male. Much different from only moments ago when he was completely nervous. It was an almost unnatural change. What could be responsible for it?

Jeffrey shook his head a bit. He didn't remember much more after that aside from some broken mental images here and there. A strong musky smell, powerful muscles, and most of all a big giant bovine dick. Then it was just here, the dungeon. How did he end up here? Surely he couldn't have volunteered to be locked up here. Or could he have? He remembered how completely under the spell of the bull he had been. There's no telling what he might have submitted himself to.

Suddenly a glimmer of light appeared at the far end of Jeffrey's vision as a door slowly opened with a loud creak. Silhouetted against the light was the form of a large and powerful bull. Jeffrey groaned, suddenly squirming in fear and sniffing some. He was afraid, but allured at the same time.

A switch flicked and a light came on, illuminating the concrete dungeon with the dim light of a single bulb suspended from the ceiling. Jeffrey squinted his eyes and groaned. Even this light was too much for him after spending what was likely many hours shut up here in utter darkness.

"I hope you had a nice sleep, boy," said the bull.

The otter groaned, squirming uncomfortable in his chains as he looked at the large male.

"Wh.. where am I?," he asked somewhat woozily and confused.

"You're in your new home, boy," said the bull, wandering in closer. He was still dressed in the leathers he had on when he was in the club the night before.

The otter groaned and pulled on his chains a bit. He didn't remember much from last night except meeting this guy and drinking at him with the bar. That was probably what happened. He wasn't used to drinking and probably had a bit much. Indeed, he did feel somewhat sick.

"Uhh... I know we probably had a lot of fun last night but I'm serious, I really really need to get home now."

The bull shook his head and moved forward more into the light, his muscles rippling as he walked and he put his huge hands on his hips, his brush-tipped tail flicking as he walked.

"Didn't you hear me boy?," he asked. "You are home... well not necessarily here. If you're well-behaved we could probably upgrade your quarters substantially."

"I ... what!?," said Jeffrey, still somewhat confused.

"Well yes, we did have a lot of fun last night. In fact, you signed a slave contract for three years with me and received my brand of ownership on your left ass-cheek, so yes. You're home now."

Jeffrey blinked. He was shocked to think he could do something like that. After all, he was straight, or so he said. Last night was just a thing; an experiment. How could he have willingly signed himself over to this bull. Of course, he had no intention of going through with it. Such things couldn't be technically legal after all."

"Nnng...," said the otter, looking up at the powerful bull. Now he realized that the discomfort he felt under the left part of his rear was likely far more than just the result of his intolerable sleeping position. "But, I'm not like that, not at all. In fact I'm straight!"

But, even as Jeffrey protested, his cock betrayed him, swelling up and pointing directly at the masculine form before him, showing that some part deep inside of him, a part that was likely unlocked last night, enjoyed and longed to be under the rule of someone like this.

"The little guy don't lie, boy," said the bull, lifting up one of his shiny boots and bringing it down lightly on that rock-hard shaft of the otter's teasing it gently as his tail gave another swat.

The boy moaned a bit, closing his eyes. He tried to forget about how turned on he was by the situation. These urges were the ones that drove him to seek out the club to begin with. Something about being here, shackled and collared and under the control of a powerful male made him rock-hard, intensely horny and irrational. In any other case, he might object more forcefully. For while he spoke words of offense and objection, his actions showed that he couldn't possibly mean them entirely as he humped lightly against the dominant bull's boot. The otter yipped gently, panting as he thrust upward. His little ears swiveled down to his head as well as they could while he did so.

The bull reached for the pouch on his belt again, pulling out a nice big cigar and lighter and lighting up while he let the boy hump against his boot. The smell of male musk and the heavy scent of a fine cigar drove this part of the pup wild. And here he was now, knowing what it was like to be dominated and controlled. His dick twitched as a little droplet of pre formed on the tip of it. The bull reached down to rub at his other pouch now with his free hand, holding his cigar in the other. He took a deep breath and relaxed, blowing a long column of smoke as he groaned and fetched his massive bovine dick from the jock that was only barely constraining it, pulling it to the side as he rubbed over that thick meat. He gave the otter a slightly more forceful little push with his boot now.

"Open your eyes boy, and look at it! Don't tell me you don't want this huh slave?"

The otter looked up and nodded as he saw that throbbing hunk of literal beef before him, the bull's paw quickly running over his flesh as pre ran in little dribbles down to and landed on the otter's belly.

Something happened to the boy as soon as the droplets hit him. Something in him clicked and became more submissive now. His dick hardened up further against the boot and he began to hump against it more vigorously, groaning with lust as he did.

The bull continued to pant, blowing smoke from his cigar as he did, still rubbing his boot over Jeffrey's cock, giving his own a firm squeeze as he pumped harder. Soon he brought himself close, going over the edge and covering the small otter's body with a bucket of bovine jizz.

The otter gasped as soon as the cum touched him, squirming in lustful delight as he continued to hump with more vigor now, bringing himself to the edge and punctuating his thrusts with light little yelps.

The bull just moaned and closed his eyes, rubbing his dick gently and getting his seed all over it until the otter finally came on his boot. Then he reached down, grabbing Jeffrey by his collar and pulling him up to his knees, shoving his face into his crotch.

"Good boys get their daddy clean after he makes a mess," said the bull.

Jeffrey dutifully set about his work, nuzzling at that musky crotch and taking in all its scent before licking over the bull's cum, mmrrring softly as he did. Even after he had shot, he was still into it. There was something about the taste of the bull, something electric in his cum, even more than his scent, that just turned the otter on.

Even as Jeffrey licked, the bull wiped his softening dick back and forth over his eager muzzle, wiping him off like he was using a cleaning rag.

Later that day, the bull came by Jeffrey's dungeon again. The otter had had some time to "recover" from his experience and was once again coming back to his rebellious thoughts. Why? Why did he continue to submit to this man even after being kidnapped, used, and humiliated in the worst way? What was it about him that was so irresistable?

"Feeding time, slave," said the bull. He held a long leather leash in his hand and entered the room slowly, approaching the place where Jeffrey was chained up.

The otter hmphed a bit and turned his head away.

"What's the matter, pup?," asked the bull. "Aren't you hungry? You haven't eaten anything since you got here. You must be."

"No, I'm not...," said Jeffrey.

"I don't believe it," responded the bull. "And now, after all the trouble I've gone through to prepare your lunch, you're going to eat it."

"I don't think so," said Jeffrey.

"Oh... but I insist," said the bull as he approached, towering over the smaller being as he held the leash out and began to leash up his collar. "And if you continue to resist... well that's what funnels are for."

The otter grunted and tried to thrash as the bull undid his shackles, releasing him from the ceiling.

Dominus responded with a quick slap to the face.

"Silence, bitch!," he said, snarling a bit.

Jeffrey yipped and held a paw to his face and panted some until Dominus gave a little yank on his leash.


Jeffrey scrambled up to his feet to follow behind the bull but only found a heavy hand pressing down on his head as the bull huffed lowly. "Down... when you're around me you don't stand boy, got it!?"

"But I ... but..."

"No buts!," said Dominus. "I give the orders around here and I expect you to obey them unless you want punished.

The otter gulped as his head turned a bit and he caught sight of the rack of fearsome looking impliments on a nearby wall: a whip, a paddle, and some kind of bed with wires hooked up to it. It didn't look like something he would want to experience though. Finally Jeffrey nodded with a gulp and took his place on the floor, following after Dominus on his paws and knees as the bull walked him out of the room and up towards the kitchen.

There, in the kitchen was a shiny metal doggie bowl on the floor with the letters "Mutt" written on it.

"There, that's where you'll be eating your food, slave."

Jeffrey shook his head, blushing some and then trying to walk away, only to find a rough hand grabbing his head and yanking him back in the direction of the bowl with a grunt and a growl.

"Unless you want to starve... which I'm pretty sure you don't.

"Jeffrey whimpered a bit before reluctantly surrendering. Indeed, he was hungry. He crawled over to the bowl and looked up at the bull. "This doesn't mean I agree... you're going to be hearing from some lawyers for sure when I get out of here. I.... mmfff!"

The otter blinked. A firm grasped hand had suddenly taken hold of his muzzle and he crossed his eyes on the constraining fingers.

"I think you talk too much, slave." Said the bull. "Your mouth is good for only a few things, and yapping isn't one of them. Talk out of turn and without permission again and I'll be forced to muzzle you and make you go without food. Is that what you want now?"

Jeffrey just blinked, but Dominus didn't allow him the dignity of a true response, just shaking his head from side to side in his grip, thereby forcing him to respond "no."

"I didn't think so," said Dominus. "Now let's get your food ready."

Dominus tied Jeffrey's leash to the handle of a nearby cabinet before moving over to the stove and grabbing a pot of something he had been cooking earlier along with a spoon. Coming back over to the doggie bowl he leaned down and spooned three generous heaps of a whitish-beige goo with little grains of something in it into his new pet's bowl.

"There you go slave," said Dominus. "Lunch is served."

The otter turned his nose up at it and mmfed.

"You expect me to eat that crap!?," he protested.

"Its slave food... its what you get from now on." The bull snickered as he watched the otter curl his lips and peer at the slop in the dish with disgust.

The otter grumbled a bit more and leaned down to sniff it, wrinkling his nose. He was about to pull back and try to stand up when he gasped, feeling that heavy boot on the back of his neck slowly pushing him down until his muzzle was smooshed into the mass of goopy slop in his bowl.

The otter groaned and squirmed as he was pushed into his bowl, but he becan go lick it up, blushing as he did as he was told and ran his tongue along the bowl.

... suddenly everything didn't seem so bad. Boy was hungry. Boy should eat. It was as simple as that. The stuff wasn't quite as bad as he expected it to be either. After all it was quite nice... and he so enjoyed being pushed under the boot of a dominant male. He certainly did. Once again his dick was betraying him. Growing so huge as he was pushed into the bowl by the bull's boot, enjoying his place under him as he licked up his lunch. It was so odd. As soon as his tongue touched the food it was like his mood completely changed. Perhaps the bull was using drugs and there was something in the food. However it was accomplished, the otter was slowly being turned into a compliant slave and he loved it.

"Well aren't you going to thank me, slave?", asked Dominus.

"Th... thank you Sir," replied Jeffrey as he continued, humping lightly against the floor as he did. He enjoyed his food very much. He would certailny be a better boy now.

Some hours later, the time came to prepare for bed. Dominus, the bull, attached a leash to his boy's collar and gave him a tug, leading him up to his bedroom. The bull's bedroom was rather conventional in most respects except that his bed was furnished with attachment points for restraints as well as chains and shackles hanging from the ceiling. A drawer of his dresser was also set aside for sex toys and punishment impliments.

"Since you've been such a good boy for me," said Dominus. "I've decided that you are to be allowed to spend the night in my bed tonight. It's quite an honor for a slave. Continue to impress me with good behavior and you may receive a permanent upgrade to your quarters as well.

"Yes Sir," said the otter, looking up eagerly and worshipfully at the muscled figure of his bull owner. His resistance had been broken, but he still needed to be properly trained in order to serve the bull as the perfect slave.

The bull gave a pull on the leash and peered down at the smaller fur, pushing him up against his leg and then grabbing at the back of his head, pushing his muzzle into that musky bulging crotch of his. "Give it a sniff boy. Memorize that musk, because you'll be smelling it a lot from now on.

The otter lowered his tiny ears and took in the scent, pressing his muzzle into the bulge of the bull's thong, suspended from his belt and hugging his fuzzy leg tightly.

"Now listen to me while you take in the scent," said Dominus.

Jeffrey nodded, his ruddery tail twitching a bit.

"You're going to take my seed every night. My cum is your food. Its what makes you a good boy. Understand?"

The otter nodded a little. "uh... uhhuh... I mean.. yes Sir!," he said, not sure what was being meant.

"My cum was in your drink the other night. It was in your food today. It will be in every meal you take from now on. It makes you a good boy."

"Uh... I don't.. understand," said the otter confusedly as he looked up, rudder twitching across the floor. He had gone from being an independent otter, only somewhat curious, to signing his life over to a leather Master. What could have possibly coerced him to do that? Was it possible that it was true and that he had been controlled this way?

"Y.. .you're drugging me??," said the otter, pulling back from the bull's crotch but still holding onto the muscular fuzzy leg for an ironic comfort.

"No, boy," said the bull. "You're drugging yourself on my spunk. Its a gift I had and knew about ever since I was young and in school. Nobody can resist it. Anyone who tastes it is compelled to obey me. If you keep tasting it, and you know you want to, you become my slave. You want it don't you boy?"

The otter looked up at that manly figure towering over him. His chin bobbed up and down in an almost involuntary nod. "y.. yes Sir," I want it."

One of the bull's hands came down and gave the otter's little ear a pinch. "You call me Master, boy... Master."

"Yes Master," said the otter, looking up at the bull who slowly released his grip on his ear.

"That's what I thought I heard from you," said Dominus. "Now you had my cum last night. You had it today, and you're going to have it tonight. The only difference is now you know what you're taking. And you won't resist.

"Yes Master," said the otter, looking up at the dominant bull worshipfully and then nosing again at that bulge more eagerly, it beginning to swell beneath the fabric.

The bull groaned and grabbed at the back of his toy's head roughly, pulling his belt down and exposing his dick and balls that were concealed beneath his bulge.

Jeffrey pushed his muzzle into it and licked, but he really had no choice as that powerful hand on the back of his head was guiding him to it, pushing his nose against that dick.

"I got a tasty fish for you, otter," said the bull. "It's a big one... so open up wide."

Jeffrey cracked his muzzle a little bit, sneaking his tongue out and rubbing it over the tip of that huge bovine member, wiggling it around as it swelled up at his attentions.

The bull groaned softly but wasn't quite satisfied. He wanted more. He gave his otter toy an extremely light little smack on the cheek. "Open up slave!... I wan't my dick sucked, not teased... so take it in."

"Jeffrey opened up wider. It was a new experience for him, but he instinctively knew he must obey, and his own smaller dick was telling him that he had to as well, swelling up against one of the shiny boots the bull was wearing.

Jeffrey started to buck himself back and forth against the Master's boot, greatly amusing the bull who held his head on his dick.

"This is new for you isn't it boy?" he said, looking down into the otter's eyes. "First time sucking a duck and you're so excited you can't control yourself... well that's fine. I like my bitches to get off on my feet... when they're allowed to get off that is.

The otter nodded a bit, continuing to slurp on the bull's dick as it pushed lightly in and out of his muzzle.

Dominus the bull continued to hump the otter's muzzle, holding his leash with one paw and his head with the other as he took his face.

Jeffrey panted through his nose, trying to take it all as the bull shoved it in, the tip poking in the otter's throat. Jeffrey gagged and tried to pull off, but found the bull's heavy hand restraining him and keeping him down.

"Take it, boy," insisted the bull. "Relax your throat. You're going to need to get used to this."

The otter nodded a bit, doing his best tor relax and take it as the bull pulled out slowly, giving him a second to breathe before pushing back down again, filling that throat up with his thick bovine beef. Finally he pulled back a bit so as not to choke the boy.

"Mmm... you're getting me close bitch, " said Dominus after several minutes of oral pleasure. "Are you ready to take my seed from the tap?"

Jeffrey nodded. It was somehow beyond his power to refuse. He knew in himself for some reason that he must have the bull's cum.

After a couple quick thrusts, Dominus groaned loudly in sexual ecstasy, grabbing both hands roughly behind the otter's head and thrusting forward quickly as he emptied his heavy, sweaty balls into the boy's throat. "Oooh... that's it slave," he said. "Swallow it whole."

Jeffrey did just that. He swallowed eagerly, every last drip finding its way into his stomach. A look of bliss and peace came into the otter's eyes as he looked up at the bull, gently licking his tongue over the dick in his maw to clean it.

Jeffrey smiled as he brought breakfast in for his Master, a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast. He wouldn't have his until later, a simple slop of oatmeal in his slave bowl, mixed with a certain special ingredient, but he was happy with his existence. What fulfilled him most was pleasing his owner, which he did with great joy in his heart. He was happily marked with the signs of his new station, a slave brand burned into his chestfur and a pair of leg shackles that kept him from running ... not that he'd ever want to truly run away, but they were a pleasant reminder of his status.

Master Dominus nodded approvingly at the food that had been brought before him. He gave his fingers a snap and pointed under the table. "You have some work to do before you can earn your own breakfast, slave. You know what to do."

"Yes, Master!," shouted Jeffrey eagerly as he knelt down eagerly, nuzzling his muzzle in between the bull's legs, sniffing eagerly for the dominant male's musk.

Dominus reached under the table and unzipped his pants, spreading his legs out a bit and relaxing as he cut a piece of egg off with his fork. The bull smiled in pleasure as he began to eat his breakfast. He knew what had happened to his new slave.

Ever since the first time he had been with another, Dominus had become aware that his cum had strange properties. Whoever it touched would suddenly become more susceptible to his will. Whoever swallowed it was affected more profoundly and the effect only increased over time, even if the other didn't know what was happening to him.

This was what he had been doing to Jeffrey ever since that moment he'd met him in the bar. His food and drink had always been laced with a bit of the bull's cum. It was still a regular ingredient in his slave food and, of course, the otter got it every time he sucked the bull's dick.

The effect it had was to only bring him more and more powerfully under the bull's spell. As far as Dominus could tell, there was no end to how much a slave could be attracted to him this way. He reached down to give his boy's head a gentle pet, squirming at the pleasant feel of having his dick sucked while he ate a bite of delicious bacon.

It looked like this was going to be a long and wonderful relationship ...