The party [PART 5]

Story by LunaticLens on SoFurry

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#5 of The party!

Shit starts brewing in this chapter.

Took me a little longer to write.

Also i switched the way i write because Moocat2289 told me how to write dialogue (Thanks for the tip!~)

and i thank you all for your support that you've shown! :)

It was early in the morning,

Luna, who had been calmed by the larger cat,

woke up noticing that Joe was still sleeping,

and wanted to go exploring the house he slept in.

He didn't really see much of it, maybe just a peek there or there.

Standing up from the king-size bed and getting into his bunny-slippers,

he silently waddled out the door and closed the door very slowly.

Walking around wasn't the easiest thing to do, the house was ,

well mentioned by Vincent,

flooded with garbage. He went trough a phew rooms that seemed to be for guests,

as they were quite normally arranged with, quite dusty, furniture.

The house had 3 floors, one being the attic.

He wanted to go exploring the attic, before hearing the footsteps of the leopard coming closer.

He turned around to see that Joe had ,indeed,

woken up and somehow found him in the house.

"Oh, good morning." came from the wolf.

"G'mornin' Loonie, um.. what are you doing?" the leopard said giggling.

"Oh, nothing, just a little exploring and-" the wolf got interrupted by the large-build cat.

"Oh so you went exploring a little?W-what did you find?" the cat asked awkwardly

"Nothing, just alot of garbage, dust and a phew guest-rooms." the wolf said, walking down the stairs. "Oh, also i mean alot of dust. You don't clean too much, i see."

The larger cat chuckled a little. "Yeah.. Im sorry. I never found time to do so."

"Would you mind if i clean a little?" the wolf asked.

"Do you really want to...?" the leopard asked.

"Yeah! Now that i live with you, i want to help!

Give me a phew old clothes of yours that you don't mind getting dirty, and i'll be your maid!" the wolf said enthusiastic.

"Ok, come down with me,i give you a sweatshirt and pants." the leopard said.

The wolf had been given a big suit made out of cotton.

He simply had put it over the clothes he had on.

"Do you have a phew brooms, a mop with soap and bucket, and so on?"

"I think i should have that somewhere. I go search for them."

The wolf gave a smile and then began to get the garbage out of the house.

Bag by bag disappeared and went on a big pile infront of the house, leaving it with more space than ever. Of course that wasn't easy; some walls had been damaged from the sogginess of some bags, leaving disgusting spots of brown and green.

Half of the house was clean, before the wolf was sweating like a pig.

He was wearing 2 layers of clothing and worked like it was no business.

He was worn-out from the work he had done and sat on the couch in the living-room.

He was gasping for air and water- but mostly for sleep.

He lied down and lost consciousness.

Joe, meanwhile still searched for a broom and a mop.

"God dangit, i had one of those." the leopard swore.

He went upstairs to see what the wolf was doing because it was so quiet.

As he went through rooms he eventually arrived at the living-room, noticing the curled up wolf. He gave him a soft bump with his muzzle and then went got dressed to buy the things Luna had requested.

He went out and closed the door with a small sound.

Getting into his car and driving off, he thought about many things.

Was Luna really happy with him?

What if Luna leaves him?

What would his friends think about him?

He was getting anxious thinking about what he should or shouldn't do.

Arriving at the shop, he noticed the cat at the checkstand.

She was somebody he used to know since high-school, she was his ex.

He did forget her name though.

Going through the store ,searching for the broom and mop, he didn't quite feel well talking to somebody he dumped a phew years ago.

Finally finding the utensils he was heading towards the checkstand, hoping she'd be gone by now. But sadly this wasn't this case. Finally arriving, his heartbeat increased drastically.

He gave the siamese cat the utensils for her to scan in.

"Welco-" The cat immediately stopped talking and starred at the leopard for a second.

"Joe..?" The cat angrily asked. "Joe is that you?"

"Um.. Eh.. Um. Yeah..." The leopard said awkwardly.

"Finaly we can talk." the cat said.

"Yeah, but please, not now. There are way too many people here." Joe said, trying to avoid a conversation.

The cat gave a short sigh and scanned the things Joe bought for Luna in. "That'd be 13'89."

The nervous leopard handed over the money and was given exchange.

The cat grabbed a speaker and asked for someone to take over the cash-register. "Ok. You, my friend, are coming with me." pointing at the door.

As they both went outside the cat took out a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket, beginning to smoke.

"So..." Joe whispered.

"You know..." the cat began "...i was quite lucky to get someone like you in high-school.

It's sad were over now, you look pretty fucking good." the cat said blowing out a cloud of smoke into the leopard's face.

"Look, im very sorry for dumping you..-"

"Oh, so NOW you're sorry." the cat began to raise her voice. "NOW you're sorry for putting me through my worst fucking phase of my life!"

Joe was silent.

"NOW you're sorry for, making me suicidal!" the cat screeched, but then lowered her voice again. "But now i guess you're a real douchebag, dumping a girl after 2 years."

"Look.." Joe began to speak. "Im sorry. I couldn't possibly care for a girlfriend and my grades at the same time. It came out that..." Joe lost his voice.

"That what?" the cat asked.

"That.. That im gay."

"Oh, you're a faggot now? Well now im happy that you dumped me." the cat hissed.

"HEY! DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING SAY THAT!" the leopard said, raising his voice immensely.

"Oh whatcha wanna do? Scratch me with your hello-kitty nails?" the cat mauled.

Joe then grabbed the cat by her neck and lifted her up.

"PUT ME DOWN ASSHOLE." The cat screamed.

Joe put the cat back on her feet slowly and began to stare at her, lowering his voice:"Im sorry..What...did you call me?"

The cat got scared and began to speak:"Uh... UM... Nothing...Y-you can go now..I dont want to speak anymore..."

Joe grabbed the things he bought and headed to his car, putting the stuff onto the backseat and drove home.

He opened the door with his keys, forgetting that the wolf slept, and banged the door shut.

"Uh...H-hello?" The wolf asked.

"Oh my god. Im so sorry Loonie, i forgot you were sleeping." the leopard excused.

"Ahaha! It's ok." the wolf said, hugging the muscular one.

"I got the things you asked for." the leopard purred, laying his head on the wolf's.

"Oh great!~" the wolf cheerful said. "Tomorrow i can get the house done. Im way too exhausted to do so now. Hahaha!"

The leopard went silent and pushed the wolf away from him gently.

"What's the matter?" the wolf asked.

The leopard didn't say anything and went into his room, locking the door behind him.

The leopard got changed into a rather small outfit; a sweatshirt that wasn't longer than his abdomen and pants that looked like shorts.

He went out and got suprized by the wold waiting infront of the door.

"Please...Tell me what happened."

"I-It's ok. Please leave me alone for a second."

"Oh..Ok..." the wolf said, going into the living room.

The leopard was obviously pissed. Luna wasn't quite sure what to do, so he just spend time quietly on the couch, thinking about what could've happend.

He heard the leopard walking into the kitchen and saw him taking 2 six-packs with him.

But he didn't go out, he was about to drink them by himself. The wolf was painfully worried about him...