Phil and James: Breaking the Surface

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#15 of Phil and James

Chapter 15

The kit stumbled as his buoyancy vest was pulled over his shoulders by the stronger male, who held him firmly in place, beginning to tighten all the straps. "A perfect fit."

James wagged in response, looking over the red and black article covering his torso and feeling the medium-sized yellow tank on his back. "So cool!" The pair stopped for a moment to listen to the rapid slapping noise coming from the kit's excited tail striking the gravel beneath their boots. Phil smirked and gently pulled a hood over the kit's head, threading his ears into the slits at the top, before sliding the mask onto his face.

James took a couple of breaths, each one causing the regulator to hiss softly, as the leopard wrapped a weight belt around his slender waist and tightened it, before going to equip his own gear. "*Hsss* Murr" the kit cooed. It all felt so right to him. Phil tested his own mask with satisfaction, before padding over to the kit. Kneeling in front of him, he unzipped his crotch zipper and slid a key into the lock, freeing James' sheath, which immediately began to stiffen with a soft "Hsssyerf.". Phil tossed it aside and zipped his boy back up, before leaning in and pressing his mask-tip against James' own--the rough approximation of an Eskimo kiss--and finally guiding the unsteady pup to the shore.

The two sat down a few feet into the water and began donning their fins as the kit felt his sheath strain against the rubber. Phil pressed a button on his mask, before leaning over to flick a similar switch on the boy's mask. "Alright. *Hsss* This'll let us talk while we're underwater."

"Ok, sir." replied the kit as his uncle helped him to his feet and placed the inflator in his gloved paw, before grabbing his own.

"*Hsss* So. This is your auto-inflator. The grey button adds air so you can float. *Hsss* The red button removes air so you can sink. *Hsss* We wanna float now, so press the grey button." James nodded and complied, feeling the vest expand and tighten around him, a look of surprise playing across his eyes--the only part his uncle could see. Smiling and inflating his own, Phil murred softly at the sound of his pet's breaths. "Good pup. Now we're gunna swim out a few feet."

The fox responded "*Hsss* Yes, sir." and slowly side-stepped towards the center of the pond, until he could no longer feel the bottom.

Phil continued walking for a short while after that, but soon found that he, too, was floating. "Alright, sweetie. *Hsss* Now what do we do?"

The weekends of studying slowly came back to the young boy as he replied, a little too loudly "Descend while equalizing!"

Phil snickered and ruffled the boy's hooded head "That's a good boy." The pair raised their inflators up and slowly let a bit of air out, causing them to sink, each pressing their mask tight against their face, the silicone knobs blocking their nostrils as they equalized.

James looked up in awe as his breaths floated lazily to the surface, before kneeling on the muddy ground with his uncle.

"Pretty sweet, huh?" Phil envied the kit; everything was so new and exciting to him. James nodded and slowly pushed off, swimming in playful circles around his master, who waited for the perfect moment before grabbing his leg and pulling him in, causing the kit to squeal excitedly. Phil pulled him close and embraced him gently, cupping the boy's bulging groin. "*Hsss* I know somewhere we can take care of that."

The submissive grunted, hissed, and sighed, before taking his place at Phil's side as the two swam, stopping to look at the various marine life. "Cool!"

"That's nothing. You should see the fish in the ocean. *Hsss* Maybe I'll take you sometime." Phil smiled and carried on, his love close at his left, guiding him towards the submerged picnic table 15 feet under the surface. "*Hsss* Here we are."

"Where's 'here', sir?" His question went unanswered as Phil began to slowly remove the kit's vest, holding it under one arm and carrying to kit with the other, setting him onto the table in a sitting position, and placing the gear underneath. He then kneeled down and began to caress the boy's slender thighs, eliciting soft murrs and another long stream of bubbles.

"*Hsss* I'm proud of you, boy. You've been patient. Ready for your reward?"