HASW: El Bacon vs Travis 'Slasher' Kristof!

Story by Seon Cruz on SoFurry

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#1 of HASW Leauge

// El. Bacon vs Travis. Wrestling. Match I made for a some art that I had scene. Thought i'd be able to fill in some of the blanks of that matches progression and so.... I took a crack at scrawling it down! Hope Ya like it. Comment away~ <3 Filler spot, for no, so friends to care to read it can before posting it to FA later.. Maybe.. ;.;

DING!! DING!! That starting bell's sound off giving life to the echoes of a stampede. An oddly timed mixture of paws and hooves make themselves known against the canvas as those two masked entities rushed at each other, drumming build up ending with a loud clapping sound as fingers lock and chests slam into each other with a matching slap, bare pink flesh contrasting against cream colored fur as that each body tried to ignore that sting spreading throughout their own pectorals. The struggle was suddenly so real, the as those feet shift and play against each other for the proper footing as those bare-paw guards they both wore tests their rivaling battle stances

"Nnnnsss... How about we make this easy, yah? Lay down now and ya won't have to deal with the pack's barbs about how you got worked over by a fine specimen of swine, Slasher!" He forced that offer on forward, tailoring his proposal with a burst from those swelling biceps, darker rose clad bracers about his arms thrusting themselves with a matching step of aggression from El Bacon. He was taking ground. More and more of it his now. Chest to chest and paw locked as the pig showed he could hold his own, lighter signs of moisture showing on that furless body. Doted beads of sweat on his back that strained to overpower the wolf before him with need. He wanted this win.

"RRrrrggh... Not gonna happen. 'Pack' Or no 'Pack', I'mma take you down a peg, Pig!" The lupine expresses through that undercurrent of a growl that hangs in his chest and throat. His legs finally lock into gaining purchase against the ground below as those legs, strong yet taxed by that rivals advances suffer below. He needed more leverage, that rolling growl intensifying as he takes one last pawstep backwards, back tight above the clinging waist line of those blue shorts as he poured more of his power into those arms. One step back, two steps forward as he thrusts out that shoulder, the lupine treating his own shoulder like the spade of a shovel as he rose upward into that pig's gut in that initial dig. The raspy sound of air deflating from El Bacon as the canine showed off that power he had, fingers still twined together as that 2nd footfall left the swine clear off his hindlegs, legs kicking about as he squirmed atop that rocky bulk the canine called a shoulder.

Travis 'Slasher' Kristof was in full control of that weight now, those heavy footsteps that helped to shake the ring, adding more to that soundtrack of the match as the canine clutched to that wrestlers handshake the pair still had. Tossing that heftiness directly behind him, that dark fur arching violently to dump the pig up and over in that first slam of the match. That midsection was compressed between the lupine and the unforgiving canvas below as that planted back bathed itself in that stinging pain that would spread, painting itself known against that pink skin. More reddish now for certain after that, the wolf was sure of it as they finally separated grips. Lupine left to roll to his side, then up to his feet once again as El Bacon's legs wallow as about. He tried to cope with the echoes of the slam, piglet's teeth made clenched. Travis couldn't help but wag at that sight.

"Awwr... And This little piggy..." He trails off as that black and yellow bracer went fishing for the boar's arm, latching onto it. Lending that 'helping' hand as his other arm curled across, trying to lock a bicep up under that slack-jaw muzzle of Bacon, reflexive gag coaxed out from that fighter clad in dark pink as he stumbles forward, seemingly still trying to find his balance after being hauled on up.

"Dammit... On your.. Feet.. Grrrr..." That limb nearly locked in, that first flex of the wolfen beast's demands met with dense sounding -Thud- as the pig launched his skull back. Hard. That pink, mask clad cannonball nailing it's target as a closed mouth moan was beaten out of the beast right then. His face wincing sharply, eyes closing tightly at that thick, smothering ache that engulfed the front of his muzzle so quickly. That impact makes his legs wobble. The daze was obvious as that limb he attempted to choke with grew much more gentle in it's advances. The pig no stranger to it, one arm up to grasp and wrap that length closely to his own chest, wearing it across the slabs of cut muscle on his toned upper body like a strip of armor as he cocked his free hand. Another ruthless thrust backwards that a dagger hollowed out the insides of the wolf un-flexed belly behind El Bacon that was made to cough out that precious air. Mouth bursting open with that mixture of thick strands of saliva that leap out from past the canine's lips as that sharpness crashed through those formerly rounded belly that taunted with it's muscles.

"Ha-Ha! Where's the muscle in that gut, Wolf? You might need to run some of that off it looks like!" The curly tailed fighter quipped, showing off his own footwork for a moment as he danced forward. One spin as he left from supporting the bulk of the wolf's mass on that elbow, both paws up for that arm he had before snatching it to send the canine running for the ropes across with an irish whip. Flung fighter turning, breathlessly bounding... "Nnnnngh..." Grit teeth from Travis as those red and white ropes burn at his back before being sent off again. His irregular steps more focused now as he picked up that speed. The pig didn't back down though, ready to ensnare and bring that puppy down hard again, bent forward with his arms out and toes digging into the canvas. Primed. Travis was not going to get around that swine. Locked and loaded to a fault.

Those last steps of the beast's pounding against the ground as with that last one, he took flight. His body left to turn in midair as El Bacon rose up in turn to field that flying wolf. Travis wasn't the lightest of wolves. But he put enough power into those legs to get up, higher and higher still as the pig's arms were still left out stretched for a catch to his threadbare chest. It could have been a cross body if the pig was more gifted in the height department. Instead, being cleared... Then, snatched?! Those arms clamp themselves downward around that farmbred left arm, hugging it to his chest in turn with those legs that fasten on around that outstretched right arm. It all happened so fast as that load became instantly to much for those standing legs to support, ripped clean off his feet so quickly he nearly suffered whiplash.

WHAM!!! World turned upside down fiercely as his upper back blossomed in pure misery. Legs up in the air. Hanging over his own stout belly as he struggled to stay conscious after that car crash, the ring left spinning with him still in it. "Uuuuhhhh..." Those draped over limbs would twitch every now and again as those arms wriggle about, unsure of what he was even lying on after that fall. That wolf landing on his side along with, panting heavy from that air maneuver as he shifted to keep that boy wedged down between himself and the canvas, legs moving to pin that one arm down as those subtle attempts to squirm away were left unable to move that wolfen weight. Curly tail'd rival's attempts at keeping air even taxed with how he rested, slowed wheezing to get breaths past the weight of himself on his neck with his rump up for all to see.

"I'm not done with you yet... Everyone knows pigs are only good for one things, El. Bacon. And..." He lets those words hang in the air as this paws go to work, still the master in control of the one arm. He'd pull at it...twisting.. wedging it close. Then wrenching it into that cruel cross-arm lock as that count slowly rose itself on upwards to the number -Four- on the Jumbotron above . That low, anguished groan the pig lets out erupted into a frantic series of whines and whimpers and whinnies, legs kicking with need as he couldn't do a thing to protect his arms from the pressure of that lock. Those counts were hellish as those cries went unanswered, limbs so tied up that he couldn't actually tap out against the mats, or at least he couldn't think to... "AAAAH-I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE!!" flooding squeals bleeding from the outcries of that downed wrestler as the count ticked it's way from upwards past -Seven- It was over. That hold's tension stiff...then relax, making that crippled fighter sink more into his neck, slumping there as Travis eased that suffering he was dragging El Bacon through.

Nine... -Ten- And finally, that buzzer the porker was left praying for finally sounding off, vibrating the air with that massive sound that shook the air. The wolf freeing himself now. Those legs unravel. Those arms release. Turning, that body dumped itself to the ground as those muscles the hog quite obviously had were left shaken by that landing. Travis on his way to standing to tall, on his hind legs one against as he threw his hands up into the air. One arm came to beat at that sore chest of his before saluting with his fist back up toward the skies once again! "You can't beat the 'Slasher Fang!!'"