Apocalypse, parts 1-8

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a dog-girl....

Part I - Transformation

I awoke on a strange hospital bed that looked like one of those hibernation chambers out of the movie_Aliens_. The room was dark and barren, except for a door with a little red light above it. I was wearing a hospital gown.

I had volunteered for a sleep study in college. Something about studying dreams. I hadn't paid much attention, except to the part where it paid $300 dollars. I really needed the money. So they had me lay down on a bed wired up to a computer with electrodes on my head and gave me a shot of a new sleeping drug, and I was out like a light.

This is not the lab they put me to sleep in in, I thought. Where is the nurse, where are my clothes?

I got up from the weird sciency bed, and stood up. There floor was cold on my bare feet. I walked up to the door and opened it.

Thats when I noticed strange brown hairs growing from my hand. I stared at my hand for a second. What the hell? But I had more pressing matters to attend to, such as: where was I? And where was the staff?

I stepped out into the hallway. It was dark, lit only by an exit sign at the far end of the hall. There where several other door, each with a key-card lock that had a blinking green light on it, except for two doors with bathroom symbols on them. The doors all had signs on them: the one across from me was labeled "Lab".

I looked at the door I had just come out of. It was labeled "Medical".

I walked down the hall, reading the labels: "Supply", "Barracks", "Port", "Control", "Security", "Reception".

I reached the exit door and opened it... stopping short when I saw my hand. It was covered in brown fur....

"What the hell?!"

I stared. The fur was slowly spreading up my arm, actually growing as I watched....

Both my hands where covered in the spreading fur.

I looked down: my feet where furry too.

What is happening to me?! I wondered.

I have to find someone. A doctor or something.

I opened the exit door. Outside was a parking lot, in a forest. Weeds that looked like stalks of wheat grew from cracks in the pavement - pavement which looked like blue plastic. And the cars that where parked in it... I didn't recognize any of the models. Some had solar panels on their roofs, and three had wings!

My world spun for a moment, and I stumbled, catching my balance.

There was a brief moment of silence as I shook my head. Then realization hit me: I'm dreaming. I'm still in the sleep study lab and this is a really vivid dream. It's all part of the experiment!

OK, but how to wake up?

I pinched myself. Ow - that didn't work. Maybe the drugs I was on where keeping me asleep. OK, what next?

Well, why not look around?

All right, I'll head to the "Control" room, I thought.

I walked down the hall, and opened the door. I noticed that the nails on my hand had become claws. What a weird dream....

Inside was a control panel with two chairs in front of it, and a weird Giger-ish looking machine made of tubes and metal boxes. All the lights on the control panel where green, except one that was flashing red.

I walked up to it and examined it. My toenails, which had also become claws, clicked on the floor as I walked.

It had buttons and one large dial labeled "Power". The buttons had labels like "Thorium conveyor" and "Neutron beam". Next to the blinking red light was a readout that said "52 rad/hrs".

I decided not to mess with the machine.

And it occurred to me: someone should be operating this thing. So where the hell are the people?

I scratched my head in confusion, and got another surprise: my ears where pointed, and they where furry!

I tried to wriggle them, and they_moved!_

Oh, that's it, I thought. I have to find a mirror.

So I left the control room and ran straight to the bathroom. It was pretty dark, but I found a light-switch. And I walked up to the sink and looked in the mirror.

I looked like a Hollywood werewolf!

My face, hands, and arms where covered in brown fur, and I even had a little muzzle with a black nose.

Quickly, I took off the hospital gown and looked again: my whole body was covered in brown fur!

Then something hit me on the butt. I twisted around to look, and I had a little tail growing out of my backside. I tried to wag it, and it moved!

I felt dizzy for a second, and put out a clawed hand against the sink to hold myself up. I was turning into a werewolf.

What a weird dream!

Finally steady again, I looked back into the mirror at my naked furry body - and noticed another thing: my breasts looked like they where budding! I stared as I watched them slowly growing, my nipples growing larger as well.

Then I felt my balls retracting up into me.

What's... happening to me?, I wondered.

I remembered hearing that if you look down at your hands in a vivid dream, it empowers you. So I looked down.

My belly and hips (which looked slightly wider) where covered in brown fur, and so was my groin, except for my penis - which had shrunk to half it's size!

Mouth open in shock, I watched as my penis continued to shrink, while my hips grew wider, and my my breasts became A-cups. My testicles felt like they had retreated into my lower belly.

I stared, spreading my legs slightly to get a better view. And as I watched, over the next few minutes, my penis shrank all the way up into my groin. I parted the fur of my groin to stare: my empty ball-sack was becoming the lips of a new pussy, and my penis was becoming a clitoris.

"No!", I shouted, my voice cracking like a teen-agers.

I wasn't just turning into a werewolf, I was turning into a girl werewolf!

Well, I looked more like a dog than a wolf, actually. A brown dog....

Then I felt an opening form between the lips of my new pussy, and it drew up into my body, becoming my new vagina. Then I almost doubled over as I felt it blossom open at its top to form my new womb, as my testicles became ovaries.

Managing to stand back up, I stared at my reflection in the mirror as my hips grew wider, and my breasts grew past A-cups into B's. My muzzle grew longer, and my tongue could feel sharp teeth in my mouth. My tail grew out.

Then finally, the changes stopped.

I noticed that my heart was hammering, and my breath was coming in short gasps.

I put a clawed furry hand to my left breast and lifted it. It was warm, and soft, and fluidly bouncy.

I spread my legs a little and put my fingers between my legs. Soft, fuzzy female vaginal lips. I parted them with my fingers and found the hole of my new vagina....

"What... the... hell?!", I shouted - and it came out in a girls voice.

I had turned into a dog-girl!

Part II - Exploration

I had to find someone to explain to me just the hell was going on.

I sighed. Maybe someone was in the reception room? Not wanting to scare anyone, and conscious of how naked I was, I put the hospital gown back on and left the bathroom.

The hallway didn't seem anywhere near as dark as it had been before. It occurred to me that I must have the night vision of a dog....

Curious, I sniffed the air: dog-scent, with an underlying girl smell, floor wax, and anti-septic.

I walked down the hall, suddenly conscious of the way my new hips shifted with each step I took, my tail swinging, my nails clicking on the floor.

I opened the door to the reception room. Inside was a small desk with a computer monitor and keyboard - but no mouse - and several chairs. There was also another door against the far wall.

I sat down in the chair, careful to wrap my new tail around my hips, and touched the power button on the monitor. It lit up instantly, and in 3D!

On the monitor was a picture of an Angel holding a DNA strand like it was a bolt of lightning. A column of icons appeared on the left side. On the upper right corner was a few more icons - a letter, a signal bar, a speaker, the time and date, a name, and a gear.

I stared at the date-time. It said 3:15 5/13/2317.


I stared at the icons for a second: One of them must be a browser. I reached out and touched the icon of the Earth.

A window popped up, with a dialog box reading: No internet connection. Reason: signal noise.


One icon was a document. I clicked that one. A window opened full of document icons with a search bar on top.

I touched the first document. It opened into an article labeled "Di-genetics and the Future". I started reading. The document was about splicing the DNA of two different animals together to create a hybrid....

I touched the next document, and the next. They where all about di-genetics, and detailed various laboratory experiments.

With a growing sense of dread, I typed my name into the search bar. A document popped up.

Subject: Sam Davidson

Status: Declared legally dead 5/1/2019. Cryogenically frozen. Resurrected for di-genetics experiment.

I stared. There was more. A lot more. But I couldn't get past the headlines. Declared legally dead._Six years after the sleep experiment I had volunteered for._Resurrected for di-genetics experiment.

Slowly it sank in. They had experimented on me.

I had died, been frozen, and been brought back. In 2317.

As an experiment.

Part III - the Lab

I just didn't know what to do. I sat there and stared at the screen for a few minutes, almost hyperventilating. Slowly, I started to get a hold of myself again.

OK, this wasn't a dream. I had woken up in some kind of lab in the future - and had been turned into a dog-girl!

Suddenly angry, I began to read the rest of my file, and it confirmed what I already knew - they had taken the DNA from a female dog (according to this, a mutant dog that regenerated and was resistant to radiation!) and spliced it with mine, believing that the regeneration effect would transform me....

Somebody was going to pay for this. But where where they? The lab was empty.

But there must be a clue behind one of these doors, I thought. Something that might tell me more.

So I went back out into the hall. The room across from the reception was labeled "Security", so I opened that door.

This room contained a wall of monitors, with a desk and chair in front of it. The monitors depicted other rooms, and the parking lot. One of them showed bunk-beds, another the bathrooms, one some kind of chemistry lab, and one was just a picture of a large gold sphere.

I left and tried the room labeled "Barracks". It was full of bunk-beds and lockers. The lockers all had key-card locks on them, and the light on the locks was red. I tried one anyway, and sure enough it was locked.

Nothing to see here.

I tried "Supply", but that turned out to be a glorified janitors closet. I could smell all the cleaning supplies, even through their bottles and cans, though - that was a surprise. I guess my new doggy nose worked really well.

Next I tried "Port". I opened that door. Inside was a large golden sphere, about 20 feet across, floating about a foot off the ground. Other than that, the room was empty.

Nothing to see here, I guess.

That left one door I hadn't checked, the one in the back of the reception room. I headed back to reception to try it.

It opened into a rather luxurious office. There was a book shelf with books and a bronze bust of someone I didn't recognize on it, a truly huge desk, and a very comfortable looking chair.

I went to the book shelf and examined the books. Most where about business and accounting, how to screw people over, leadership, stuff like that. But one was different - it had a picture of a wickedly armed probe-looking robot on the cover and a title that read "A Brief History of World War IV".

World War IV? Light reading. I took it. I'll read you later, I thought, and went over to the desk to rummage through the drawers.

Pens, pencils, papers, and a red magnetic key-card. Score!

I took the card and went back to the barracks. I walked up to one of the lockers and keyed it. It opened. It was full of mens clothes.

One by one I opened all of the lockers. Some held womens clothes, and I found a few sets of keys too, no doubt to some of the vehicles in the parking lot.

Part IV - Self Time

By now I was horribly thirsty, so I decided to head for the restroom and drink from a sink. Sure enough, the water still worked, and after letting it run for awhile, I started to lap from it like a dog.

Then I went back into the barracks. This time, I found a light-switch and turned the lights on. I sat down on a bed, and opened up the book.

It was about a war fought between the mutants and Inheritors (with a capital I, whatever those where) of the American Union (which had green flag covered with almost a hundred stars) and the humans of the Caliphate of Europe (which had a red flag with a circle of stars around a crescent moon).

I skimmed through it for about an hour. It seemed the war had been fought mostly by robots, with each side trying to exterminate the other sides population. Finally, it had gone nuclear, and ended in a cease-fire.

It was pretty depressing, from just what I had skimmed.

But by then, I needed to pee from all the water I had drunk, so I got up and headed for the restrooms. After a brief moment of confusion, I choose the ladies room, and went into a stall. I pulled up my hospital gown, sat down, and let go of my bladder. Urine sluiced out of me, quite a different feeling, really, than what I was used too. Done, I dried myself off with some toilet paper, got up and flushed.

Well, that was an experience, I thought. And that made me wonder: what would it feel like to stick something up my vagina?

I was really curious.

Grinning, I walked into the supply closet and looked for something with a handle that would do. I chose a plastic toilet brush, and took it back to the barracks.

There, I took off my hospital gown and laid down on the bed with my plastic brush. How to start?

I know, I'll play with my tits! I thought with a grin. So I stared rubbing them and caressing them until they grew warm and my nipples came erect. I had huge nipples, and when they got hard they felt almost like little fingertips poking out.

Next, I put a hand down between my legs and tried to find my clitoris. There, the little button between my pussy lips, near the top....

Heart racing, I starting to gently rub it, sending little jolts of pleasure into my brain....

I kept rubbing gently, sending bolt after bolt of pleasure though my body, moaning quietly as as the sensation grew almost unbearable, and I felt my vagina grow warm and my pussy wet, and suddenly I realized that I needed to be penetrated as I arched my hips and moaned....

I laid back and caught my breath for a few moments. That was intense, I thought, but now for the real deal....

I reached over for the brush, spread my legs, put my knees in the air, and guided the plastic handle between my hips. I found the wet opening of my vagina between my pussy lips, sending tingles through my body, and I pushed.

My wet flesh parted electrically, and I could feel the tip of it in me! I pushed it in deeper, and in it slid, delightful sexual friction making me see stars for a moment. So I kept pushing it in until it was all the way in me....

Oh God this is awesome!

I could feel the whole length of it inside me, and I clenched my vagina around it. Then I grabbed it by the brush and started to slide slide it in and out....

"Unh... unh... unh... ", I moaned with each stroke as it slid back and forth inside me, each motion sending a little wave of pleasure into my skull.

So this was what female sex was like....

I kept going at it, each stroke generating more sensation than the last, a red ball of pleasure building in my pussy until after about ten minutes of squirming and moaning I couldn't take it anymore and I_came_.

It felt like I was floating. Pleasure poured through my body as I arched my back and made a low howling sounds, the brush sticking out of my pussy. I saw stars and white light, I couldn't feel my hands or feet or tail-tip....

It lasted for about ten or fifteen seconds....

Then I was laying there, panting, tongue lolling like a dogs, trying to catch my breathe.

"Oh God... fuck!", I managed incoherently.

It was good to be a dog-girl. I had never had so much fun masturbating.

So I laid there, the brush in my pussy, catching my breath as the sensation slowly faded. Finally, I pulled it out of me, and got up on the bed.

And I wondered what I should do next.

Part V - On the Road

I need to get dressed, I thought.

I knew I needed a bra, and some panties, but I left that for last. Having a tail, I decided to go with a skirt, and I found several nice shirts in the lockers of the barracks.

The bra that fit me turned out to be a "B43", whatever that meant. And it was nice that womens panties don't come up to your tail-bone, so I was able to get fully dressed.

I skipped on the socks and shoes - nothing would fit my foot-paws.

The skirt I chose didn't have pockets, but there was a purse in the lockers - with keys in it, and a bunch of other stuff (tampons, make-up, a pen, an address book...), so I took it.

Heh, they still use pens and paper in the future....

I also found a backpack, and stuffed it full of spare clothes.

I left the lab and walked into the parking lot. It was evening, and insects and bird sounds filled the air: my ears swiveled to track them. And the whole world smelled of greenery and plastic. I took a deep breath: the plastic smell was coming from the ground - instead of asphalt the parkinglot was covered with blue plastic.

I headed towards the cars.

One set of keys opened a van. It had solar panels on the roof, and when I turned the ignition key, it turned out to be a hybrid: no engine start-up. The 3D control panels came to life, and I was able to figure out that it had an ethanol generator (no oil in the future?) under the hood to power something called a "graphene battery". It had four-wheel drive, too. And the readout said the battery was fully charged.

In the back of the van was a tool box, but I didn't recognize any of the tools in it. Not even a common wrench, though their was some stuff that looked like it might be usable as a wrench.

Oh, well. Maybe I could find a use for them later, but for now I needed to get on the road and figure just what the hell was going on in the big wide world.

So I went back to the drivers seat, sat in the very comfy chair, and curled my tail around my hips.

Here goes.

Feeling lucky, I put the van in reverse, backed out, and drove out of the parking lot.

The weird plastic road was in almost perfect shape, except for long cracks and fissures from which grew stalks of wheat. In fact, other than trees and some grass, wheat seemed to be the predominate plant life.

After about five minutes I came to the end of the road - it intersected with a highway. A sign next to the road say "Highway 199". I decided to head right, and turned the van.

As I drove down the highway, I passed several other side roads and driveways. Some ended in houses with collapsed roofs, or even houses that where completely destroyed, as if crushed by a tornado.

Then I came up to a traffic jam. The road was clogged with blown out vehicles. The all looked like they had been bombed, and burned. Perhaps fortunately, they where also rusted out, so whatever happened must have happened a long time ago. Unable to get through, I got out of the van for a closer look.

I made my way through the maze of cars, and noticed skeleton after skeleton, some of which where children. Also, they all had penetration damage to their roofs. Whoever had wiped them out had done it from above.

I'd seen enough. I got back into my van and turned around.

I drove for what must have been thirty minutes, passing up burned out house after house, and the occasional wrecked car on the side of the road, until I noticed lights up ahead in the fading gloom.

By now it was almost dark, and the electric light of civilization was obvious.

Then the headlights on the van came on by themselves. I didn't seem to need them, though. Dogs, it seemed, could see pretty well in the dark.

I came across a large, hand lettered sign that read "Rivertown, pop. 1520 - Humans Welcome!"

Well that's good news, I thought. I drove past the sign and into the town.

Part VI - Civilization

The roadside was lined with farmhouses that looked like they came from the 1850's. Some had glass windows, but most didn't. Firelight and candlelight flickered from the windows. Chickens and dogs roamed the yards, in the distance there where cows.

I kept heading towards the electricity.

After a minute, real buildings started to appear, some where brick or stucco and stone, and electric lights lit the way. Side streets appeared. It was really a town.

Also, I could smell water - and sure enough, in the distance was a river with a big bridge crossing it.

Then I saw my first neon-type sign, only it looked like a flat-panel LED type sign. It flashed between an animated image of a man drinking a beer a words that read "Harolds' Tavern".

I thought of my years of playing role-playing games, and decided to try the tavern to get some information. So I pulled the van up and parked it between some horses that where tied to posts. Mine seemed to be the only vehicle here.

I turned off the keys, got out, and locked the van. I put my keys into the purse I had taken.

I walked to the tavern.

Music and electric light spilled out the front swinging doors. I walked in, and was startled.

Most of the patrons where mutants, and they where big. About eight feet tall, and with various mutant morphism: one had two heads, another four arms, some had over-sized limbs or gross dis-figurations, and one of the pole-dancers on the stage sported a long pink tail. And there where animal people, like me! Cat people, dog people, mouse and rat people, rabbit people....

I sat down at the bar. _What should I ask the bartender?_I thought....

Then he came up to me, a four armed mutant in leather with a woolen shirt.

"What'll it be, miss?"

"Depends", I replied. "What do use for money around here?" I was the best answer I could think of.

He laughed. "Well, we don't take script, ma'am. Just gold, copper, silver, and iron."

I nodded. "I have some tools in my van. Is there some place I could sell them?"

"Sure. Trader Smiths, or you could go across the river to the Junkmaster - he'll probably give you a better deal on tools."

"Thanks", I told him, and he moved off.

Then someone sat down beside me. He was a big German Shepard looking dog-man. He put out his hand and said "Greg!"

I stared for a second, then shook his hand. "Sam...antha...."

"Care to dance, Samantha?", he asked.

I thought for a moment. Maybe I could learn something from him....


He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. We started to dance.

I tried all my old dance moves, but we where clearly out of sync. He took my hand and spun me around, laying me back at the end of the song. I almost fell.

He laughed and said "Let's get some drinks."

"I don't have any money", was my reply.

"It's OK, I'm paying."

He led me to a table and we sat down. He signaled a waitress.

"What brings you to Riverside, Samantha?"

"I'm just passing through."

"So you're a stranger here. I could tell by the way you dance", he smiled.

A human-looking waitress showed up. "Moonshine for two", he said, and handed her some iron coins.

My mind whirled. What to ask?

"Tell me about this place", I asked.

"Oh, Riverside has been around since before World War 3. It's mostly mutants now, and uplifted animals. We mostly just fish, and harvest the Monsanto."


"You know, the super-wheat. Stuff grows everywhere. You can't stop it. Invades your garden, everything. Nothing kills it."

Ah. The wheat that was growing through the cracks in the road that was everywhere.

The waitress returned with our drinks. They literally stank of alcohol. I gazed at mine dubiously.

He downed his. I sipped mine. Damn, but it was strong.

Part VII - Beside the River

We made small talk. He made his money fishing on the river, where he had his cabin. "No electricity, but no bills either!"

I told him I was a traveler.

"So your like a gypsy? Can you sing?"

"Well, I can play the guitar."

He smiled at that. "I'll bet you can sing pretty well."

I finished my drink. "Want another?", he asked.

"No thanks." I was kind of dizzy.

My stomach grumbled.

"But I could use some food."

"I have fish and bread at home", he said. "Come stay the night at my place, traveler."

Is he trying to get to come home with him? I thought.

My stomach grumbled again.

Bah, I can take care of myself. Still, I wondered if he wanted to have sex with me....

"OK", I replied.

So we left the tavern, and I showed him to my van. He was impressed. "Where did you get a working van?"

"I found it."

I unlocked the door for him and we got in. I took the keys out of my purse and started it up.

"So where do you live?"

"It's not far."

He gave me directions and I followed them, to a river-side road lined with cabins. We pulled up in front of his.

It looked like something from the 1850's, wooden planks and nails, no glass windows just shutters.

I parked, and we went in. It was a small one room cabin with a straw-filled mattress bed, a table, a small cabinet, and four chairs. On the table was a jug and some bread, and a cutting board. Fishing tackle and net stood against the wall. There was a fireplace with a grill over it and embers glowing in it, and an iron skillet, poker, and a stack of wood next to it. And a wooden box with water in it.

The place smelled like him - like male dog - and fish.


"Let me put some fish on the fire", he said.

He took a rather large trout out of the water-filled wooden box and laid on the table, then pulled out pairing and scaling knives from his belt. I watched as he prepared the fish expertly on a cutting board, and put it in the frying pan along with some fat from a jar in the cabinet.

"Pour something to drink", he said. "There's cups in the cabinet."

I found a pair of cups and poured from the jug. The smell of moonshine filled the air.

He tossed some wood on the fire and stirred it with the poker, then put the strips of fish in the skillet and set it on the grill over the fire.

He took his cup of moonshine and downed it like a pro. I sipped mine, finishing it much after him. He poured me another.

"Sing me a song, traveler."

"A song?"

"I want to hear your singing voice" he grinned.

I though for a moment, and sang "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves" for him. Half way through he started to make low howling sounds, trying to accompany me.

I finished my second cup of moonshine. By now, I was starting to get pretty drunk.

He refilled our cups.

"Let's dance while the fish cooks", he said, smiling at me.

I smiled back, slightly tipsy. "OK".

And so he took my hands in his, and started to show me some local moves.

We danced against each other. Maybe it was the alcohol, but his warm body in the cool night air was exciting to be against. He held my waist as we danced, and we rubbed hips a few times, sending tingles through me. Finally, he touched his damp nose to mine and kissed me.

Without thinking, I kissed him back.

His scent was warm, male, and exciting. Our tails where waging. Finally, he stopped and said "The fish is ready". I could smell it too.

We stopped long enough to have dinner and more drinks. By now I was pretty drunk, and I was starting to have amorous thoughts. I wondered what it would be like to have sex with him, and if he was trying to seduce me.

After eating, we went back to dancing. Soon, he was kissing me, and I was was kissing him back, somewhat drunkenly. Then he cupped my breasts while we where kissing, and warmth flooded through my body and into my breasts as my nipples came erect....

"Mmmm...", I moaned.

And he moved a hand under my skirt and cupped my groin. Tingles and warmth filled the space between my thighs. I gasped.


"What?", he smiled. And he started to lift my shirt up.

I didn't know what to do, so I lifted my arms and let him take my shirt off.

Standing there in my blouse and bra, I thought: You are so going to get laid. And I didn't care.

He reached behind me and undid my bra, tossing it aside.

So I took his shirt off.

Then he unbelted his pants, and started taking off his trousers.

I unbuttoned my skirt, and took off my panties.

We stood there, drunker than skunks, staring at each others' nude bodies.

Part VIII - Getting Laid

He took me by the hand, and led me to his bed. I laid down, and beckoned him over to join me. He got on the bed with me, and I spread my legs, looking up at him as he got between my thighs.

The tip of his penis was poking out of his sheath, a big red rocket....

Here it comes. I'm gonna' get laid!

I remembered masturbating in the lab, and what that had felt like, and I shivered and giggled.

He climbed atop me and kissed me. My breath was coming in short grasps, my nipples where so hard they felt like two little fingertips poking up. I fondled my breasts and moaned.

He grasped me by the waist and moved his erection to my hot pussy. I felt his tip part my lips, and then he slid his cock into me, electrically parting my flesh, and I gasped. Then with a push of his hips, he pushed it all the way into me, and I moaned as his hot, heavy, long rod filled my vagina....

It felt so good inside me, filling me....

Then he kissed me again, and started thrusting.

Pleasure washed through me with each thrust, and I moaned and squirmed beneath him. I could feel his balls bounce against my cunt as he pounded into me, his cock sliding back and forth inside me, my breasts bouncing and swaying....

Oh God he's fucking me....

And it felt so good.

A red knot of burning pleasure was building in my pussy, and I stated to call out "Unh... uhn... uhn..." with each stroke. And in a few minutes, the sensation in my pussy had become unbearable as I squirmed and moaned beneath him, and I couldn't stop myself from_cumming_....

A massive wave of pleasure rolled through my body, and I felt like I was floating. I saw stars and bright lights behind my eyes, and I couldn't feel my hands or feet or tail-tip. I howled "Arroooo!" as the sensation spread throughout me from my pussy. It lasted about ten or fifteen seconds....

"Liked that, did you?", asked Greg, kissing me again.

"Oh God yes!", I breathed. "Do it again!"

He kept fucking me until I was moaning and squirming beneath him again, and that familiar sensation of the unstoppable need to orgasm came again, and I cummed a second time, howling in ecstasy again....

A minute later he was making low growling sounds, and suddenly he looked at me and whispered "I'm going to spill my seed!", and he stopped thrusting, laid his head beside mine, and pushed his penis as far as it would go up into me.

I could feel his rod pulsing inside my vagina as he shot his sperm into my womb.

Then he heaved a great sigh, and rested atop me.

We rested like that for a few minutes. I could feel his penis grow flaccid inside me.

Then he got up off of me, pulling out, leaving an empty feeling in my vagina where he had been....

He laid down beside me, and I curled up against him, and we slept.