The Outlander 2 19

Story by Sandy_Brushtail on SoFurry

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#20 of The Outlander

Book 2 Chapter 19


The day of the jubilee feast had arrived. The Abbot, Mattimeo and Sandokhan had gathered at the main gate to welcome the visitors. They had already greeted a number of woodlanders, dormice, squirrels and river otters to name just a few. The gallous George Stag Hare had returned from another of his 'sampling' missions in the abbey kitchens. He spoke between mouthfuls of apple turnover, "I say you chaps, mmm, it was jolly nice of you to invite a newly promoted bod like myself, umph!" "You're welcome George. Consider this feast as a celebration of your promotion as well," said Mattimeo. George was still a bit uneasy around Sandokhan, "But still, murph, ah, I find it a bit odd you've got a fox as one of your greeters, wot!" "I know it may seem a bit strange, but this fox saved my sons' life," Mattimeo replied. George then ate the rest of his turnover in one big mouthfull, "Well off to the cellars for samplin. Toodle-pip all!" Sandokhan was flabbergasted at the speed George demolished his snack, "I've heard of a bottomless stomach before, but a bottomless beast?" The Abbot shook his head wearily, "Flop eared food-bin, just like his uncle!" Mattimeo face filled with happiness when he greeted the next group of creatures, "Flugg!" "Matty!" The Log-a-log of the GUOSIM and the Redwall warrior hugged each other. "It's so good to see you again. How's the tribe?" "Oh same as always, Matty. How's the family?" "Martin got kidnapped a couple of weeks ago. If it wasn't for this beast here, he would've been killed," said Mattimeo, put a paw on Sandokhan's shoulder. "A fox!" Flugg drew his short sword but Mattimeo quelled the situation, "Flugg, put that away. I know that foxes are known for being dishonest, but I trust him." Flugg reluctantly returned his weapon to its' scabbard and shook the foxs' paw, "Flugg. I am the Log-a-log of the GUOSIM and you are?" "I'm Sandokhan of Mochizuki," the fox replied. "Where are the rest of your shrews Flugg? Will they be along later?" Mattimeo asked. "Some are watching over our camp on the banks of the river, the others will be along shortly." Then Sandokhan heard a familiar voice, "Sandokhan!" "Francis!" Both fox and dormouse shook paws heartily, "good to see you." "How are you settling in?" "Just fine. Everybeast here still seems to be a bit uneasy with me but they're opening their hearts slowly," replied Sandokhan. The fox felt somebeast tugging at his habit, he looked down at the young dormouse Ivy. The fox knelt down in front of her and ruffled her ears before giving her some candied chestnuts. "Such a sweet child. I feel so sorry for her," said Sandokhan. "Don't let it get in the way of a good time. I can't wait until tonight," said Francis, rubbing his paws together. There was some commotion from the abbey pond as a group of dibbuns were doing last minute rehearsals for the ply they were going to perform. They decided to portray a legend from Jima, "The Legend of the Dragon Kings." There had been many squabbles over which one would play who, but Sandokhan decided it'd be best if he assigned the parts.

As the sun turned orange and began to sink below the horizon, abbey-dwellers and guests alike started to take their seats. A large bonfire was at the centre of the massive circle of benches and tables. Sandokhan sat in-between Ivy and Sister Stephanie as the starters were brought out. An array of salads, quiches and flans. The dibbuns as always wanted the sweetest things first, but some of the dibbuns were too busy trying to remember their parts for the play they wanted to perform for the feast. George Stag Hare was already on his third helping of woodland quiche when Jube Stump banged the table with his tankard. "Now if everybeast's glass is full, I'd like to propose a toast. To Abbot Sedge and Redwall Abbey. To your second year as Abbot and for many more to follow. CHEERS!" "CHEERS!" Everybeast then drank deeply from their beakers, tankards and goblets. As empty dishes were being cleared away from the tables, Sandokhan looked around at all the creatures conversing and merrily talking to each other. He had never experienced hospitality like this before. As Stephanie topped up his tankard of October ale, Abbot Sedge rose from his chair and asked for silence. "Thank you one and all. I am so very pleased to announce that the pond of our abbey has bestowed us a grayling after so many seasons." There was much excited murmurs from everybeast as the main course and centrepiece was paraded to the Abbot's table. Sedge took a long smell of the rich aroma from the roast grayling, "Ahh! Grayling ala Redwall. One of Friar Hugos' most famous recipes if I'm not mistaken. Now if you would all bow your heads for the grace." Everybeast did as they were asked as the Abbot of Redwall spread his paws over the fish and intoned;

"Fur and whisker, tooth and claw, All who enter by our door. Nuts and herbs, leaves and fruits, Berries, tubers, leaves and roots. Silver fish your life we take Only for a meal to make."

There was loud and heartfelt 'Amen' from all before the fish was portioned out amongst all the guests. George took just one bite and already handed out praises to the chefs, "Mmmm! I do declare this is the most finest dish I've ever tasted. Mmumffff!" Sandokhan was inclined to agree, not even honey and lemon grass carp tasted this exquisite. After the greyling came the deserts and so many of them. Pear and apple quarters glazed liberally with honey, tarts, summer fruit trifles and pies and fresh fruit with generous helpings of meadow cream. Then it was time for the entertainment. A group of six dibbuns paraded in front of the Abbots' table dressed in flowing robes and carved dragon masks. "For your entrainment, we would like to preferm, under the disection of Mr. Sandykoon, the Legin of the Four Kings. Thank you." There was a round of light applause from all as the play started. After many rounds of trifles and tarts, the play reached the final scene. The dragon kings had followed the cow demon Shiyu to his realm and had challenged him to a contest and won. The mouse infant Ploppy knelt down on the ground with his paws behind his back, giving the impression they were severed off. While the otter pup Caps stood over him with a wooden katana Sandokhan had made for the play. "Prepare ter die," said Caps dramatically, his voice muffled from under his wooden mask. "Wait," said Ploppy. "Our agreement said you're not allowed to kill me. If you do, I'm telling!" "You're stupid. If'n you deaded, you won't tell anybeast anythin' matey." Sandokhan clapped his brow with his paw, "I knew this would happen," the fox whispered to Stephanie. "They're making up lines again!" "Die," shouted Caps as he pretended to cut through Ploppys' neck. The infant mouse then started wailing in his melodramatic death throes before lying down on the grass. Caps then addressed the audience, "I 'ave deaded the demon Shee-oo. Now I take Lady Tishino back to the eastern mountain to live with me forever." "Hoi! What about us?" said the squirrel infant Oakpaw who played the Red Dragon of the southern seas. "Oh you can all live with me an' we'll all eat candied chessernuts together!" Everybeast applauded loudly as all the actors took off their masks and bowed to the crowd. George was giving them a standing ovation, "Bravo! I say, what a spirited performance, wot!" Stephanie applauded enthusiastically as she shook with mirth, "Hehe, very good." She then noticed Sandokhan shaking his head, "What's the matter Sandy?" "I think my culture has just been insulted." "Sandy, that's not fair! The dibbuns put their hearts and souls into that play and I thought it was really good," said Stephanie defending the dibbuns' acting. "Well, I thought Martins' performance as the Emperor was the only good acting in it." "All right if you can do any better you'll have no problem reciting a poem or singing something," said Stephanie. The good sister then stood up and called out, "Father Abbot, I think it'd be a good idea if the newest addition to our abbey sang a song." "What a excellent idea. Sandokhan, if you'd be so kind to grace us all," said the Abbot. Very reluctantly the fox rose from his seat and stood before the Abbot. "Er, what would you like me to sing?" "Something... uplifting," the Abbot suggested. The fox paused for a brief moment thinking of something. "I will sing a treasured ballad of my homeland but I don't know how to sing it in your tongue," Said Sandokhan. "Then sing it in Jimanese," said Tim Churchmouse. Sandokhan happily obliged, the stones of Redwall Abbey that mild autumn evening thrummed to the echoing notes of the fox's' clear baritone voice. Nobeast present at the feast had a single clue what the fox was singing about. But they wanted to think it was something so beautiful it couldn't be expressed in words and it made all their hearts ache.

The Outlander 3 38

**38** On the open seas the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. With the massive tides of the world pulling against the small vessel, their progress back to Mossflower was at times painfully sluggish. When the spring was coming...

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The Outlander 3 37

**37** Ritsuko refused to leave Sandokhans' side, over the course of the night she helped heal Sandokhans' injuries whilst Mattimeo and the others prepared the casualties for burial. Sandokhan was the most bereaved by the death of his friend, but...

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The Outlander 3 36

**36** The army of Jima now gathered at the front door, Gash went wild with rage and started stabbing at it with his sword. Wataru and George had to restrain him and drag him off. "Let me go! ROYGEL! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! I WANT VENGEANCE, YOU...

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