The Outlander 2 22

Story by Sandy_Brushtail on SoFurry

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#23 of The Outlander

Book 2 Chapter 22


The next morning the entire abbey was assembled out on the lawn to bid farewell to the group of warriors. They all had knapsacks filled with provisions from the abbey kitchens. Mattimeo intended on only taking his sword and the gauntlets from his suit of armour, he knelt in front of Martin as he bade a tearful farewell to his son. "I'll be gone for quite some time. Now you be good for your mother while I'm away," "Will you be away long?" asked Martin. "A few seasons at least, son." Martin then embraced his father tightly. "Do you remember the story of when Luke left Martin the warrior to fight Vilu Daskar? Well, this is basically the same thing." Martin then broke down in tears, "But Luke never returned," he sobbed. "Listen to me son, I promise on the grave of your grandfather, I shall come back." The warrior of Redwall then embraced Tess, "You be careful out there," she said. "I intend to. Don't worry I've got Sandokhan and Wataru to help me and they're both exceptional warriors." Elmtail had gathered his bow and a quiver of arrows, however Sam Squirrel was protesting his friends' departure. "I don't see why I can't come to Jima with you," said Sam. "Sam you're the most senior member of the Mossflower Patrol. You have to stay behind and what if this abbey was attacked whilst I, Mattimeo and the others were gone? You would have to organise the abbey's defence," Elmtail replied. The two friends then shook paws. "Just come back alive," said Sam. Most of the dibbuns were crowded around Sandokhan most of them trying to make him stay, "Now you lot, you knew I had to go home sooner or later. Besides Tin-Jin's staying here for a while you can bother him," the abbey infants all bowed at the fox politely. "Sandy! Sandy!" The fox looked up and saw Sister Stephanie running across the lawn with a book under her arm. "Here," she said pressing the book into the foxs' paws. "This is the story of Luke the warrior, Martins' father. Tim made me promise to get it to you before you left." Sandokhan returned a smile as he stuffed it into his knapsack. The mousemaid and fox then embraced, "I'll never forget you. Thank you so much... for everything." Sandokhan stroked her ears tenderly. "You are the most sweetest creature I have ever known," the fox whispered into her ear, before kissing her on her brow. "Goodbye, my goddess of mercy," he added. Stephanie held him even tighter before she gave him one last deep, warm kiss. " samurai," she added. Among the well-wishers were Francis Vole and his wife with Ivy. The fox addressed them next, "Francis, Topaz it was nice meeting you." He then knelt down in front of Ivy, "Ivy, is that your name?" The young volemaid nodded, "You might already know, but my name's Sandokhan. Now what I'm going to do might seem a little strange at first, but I promise not to hurt you, all right?" Ivy nodded again. "I saved you and your family that day because you cried out," the fox explained. Ivy went wide eyed and shook her head vigorously. "Yes you did, with your mind. Now Ivy I want you close your eyes," said Sandokhan. When Ivy closed her eyes Sandokhan drummed his claws lightly along the nape of Ivys' neck. "Ivy, I want you imagine a river in your mind, serene and calm. Now imagine all the bad things in your life as pebbles in your paw. Now cast them into the river. Watch the ripples slowly ebb away as all your fears are carried off by the current." Ivy then shuddered and fainted into Topaz's arms. "Ivy! Will she be all right, Mr. Sandokhan?" "Don't worry she'll recover in a few seconds and she should be able to speak now," the fox explained. "Come off it. It'll take a miracle to make her talk," Francis scoffed. Ivy had now opened her eyes, Sandokhan then presented her with a parting gift. A gold prayer bell on a necklace of wooden beads. "For you Ivy. This is the most precious thing you can ever own, this is a prayer bell of Tin-Jins' order. I only know of two beasts at Redwall special enough to own one and one of them is you." Ivy took the bell with a tembling paw as the fox rose to his footpaws and addressed Mattimeo and the others. "I think it's time we made our leave, Tsuzuku isn't going to wait forever." The band of creatures, Mattimeo, Sandokhan, Wataru, Elmtail and Cheek all waved goodbye. "We will never forget you Sandokhan," said Abbot Sedge. "You all will be in my heart, always," said Sandokhan allowing himself one last glimpse at the inhabitants of Redwall Abbey. Ivy's lips began to tremble and the words flowed from her mouth. "Oh don't go, stay here with me," she said. Francis turned to his wife, "Well, I've met some real oddballs in my time, but that fox - IVY, YOU SPOKE!" Tess was fighting hard to stop the veil of tears staining her eyes. She felt a large, blunt paw on her shoulder. She turned around to see Auma giving her a comforting smile. "Don't worry, he'll be fine." "He will come back. He took his sword with him."

Out on the path heading north towards the River Moss, the party halted to linger and look back. The top of the walls, abbey roof and bell tower could still be seen clearly above the treeline. "Take a good look everybeast, It'll be the last glimpse of Redwall we'll get for a very long time," said Mattimeo. "Mattimeo, how long will it take Flugg and his shrews to ferry us to the coast?" Sandokhan asked. "Should take little more than a few hours. I just hope Watarus' brother is still there when we arrive." "Don't worry Matty. My brother always keeps his word," said Wataru reassuringly. It was getting near midday when the party reached the bridge further northward up the path. There they all paused for a light lunch, nothing fancy just oat bread with mature cheese. "How long will it take us to get to Jima?" Elmtail enquired. "It took me about two and a half seasons to get from Jima to Mossflower. But that was because my ship was sailing against tidal currents. So when we set sail we should be travelling with the current so I really don't know," said Sandokhan. Just then they heard the sound of oars dipping in and out of the water. They all peered over the side of the bridge and saw several GUOSIM shrew boats travelling down the river. Flugg caught sight of Mattimeo and waved to him. Within short order, the band of warriors were sailing west towards Salamandastron. The grassy banks and tree line of Mossflower wood soon thinned out and then disappeared, levelling out into plains before turning into shifting sands and scrub. The great mountain stronghold of the badger lords loomed on the horizon. On the south bank, the shrew-boats were waved into mooring by Long Patrol hares. Mattimeo had told Flugg of their task and soon enough the Log-a-log gathered his shrews together. Flugg held the black stone in his paw as he spoke to the tribe, "Members of the GUOSIM. You have all heard the tale Wataru and Sandokhan related to us. There is evil abroad in a foreign land and their numbers are too small to defeat it. They have asked us to sail east with them and bring peace to their country." There were some murmurs of disagreement but still a vote was taken. Many of the shrews agreed to travel but the rest decided to remain behind. Their escort lead them across the shifting sands around Salamandastron until they caught sight of ship off the coast. "The Heart of the Ocean," Wataru declared. "I say, you chaps. Wait for me!" They recognized the voice of George Stag Hare, who was huffing and puffing trying to keep up. The hares saluted smartly as George doubled over trying to catch his breath. "Oh, at ease chaps! I've been trying to catch you bods before you left. His Lordship has granted me a temporary leave of absence, don't cha know. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to accompany you to this Mumbo-land or whatever it's called." "Jima... and yes you may come along. We need more fighters for our cause," said Wataru. When they arrived at the tide line, several rowing boats were ready to take them to the ship. The Long Patrol offered the use of their row boats for the shrews. In short order Wataru was reunited with his brother and introductions were made all around. "It's nice to meet you all. It'll be good to have extra hands on board." Tsuzuku then turned to Sandokhan, "We're just taking on the last of the supplies. The navigators of this region have been thorough in charting these waters, according to one chart if we set a course south-south west we should come across what they call the Roaringburn. A strong tidal current that'll carry the ship and we'll clear the headland of Southsward Domain in a matter of days. Then it should be easy to find the ocean currents that lead east." "As soon as those supplies are aboard get ready to cast off. We need to leave as soon as possible," said Sandokhan. The fox then stood in front of the band of fighters he'd gathered, "And now, for your training." After the last of the food and fresh water were on board, The Heart of the Ocean hauled anchor and cast off with both shrew and otter alike contributing to the dilly-dally on deck. Down in the hold Sandokhan had plans, he observed Mattimeo's sword skill for some time and it had occurred to the fox many times that the Redwall warrior was in need of some advanced instruction.

The Outlander 3 38

**38** On the open seas the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. With the massive tides of the world pulling against the small vessel, their progress back to Mossflower was at times painfully sluggish. When the spring was coming...

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The Outlander 3 37

**37** Ritsuko refused to leave Sandokhans' side, over the course of the night she helped heal Sandokhans' injuries whilst Mattimeo and the others prepared the casualties for burial. Sandokhan was the most bereaved by the death of his friend, but...

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The Outlander 3 36

**36** The army of Jima now gathered at the front door, Gash went wild with rage and started stabbing at it with his sword. Wataru and George had to restrain him and drag him off. "Let me go! ROYGEL! I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! I WANT VENGEANCE, YOU...

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