Family Values: Book 1 - Chapter 2

Story by Kraest on SoFurry

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#2 of Family Values - Book One

Okay, okay, I know I said I was going to upload a chapter every week, but in my defense, I completely forgot.

1 He woke up and looked around. Everything was dark. He had no idea where he was, but he could smell rot and cigarettes. The only thing he could clearly see was the burning ember of a cigarette across the room. He tried to move, but found his arms and legs bound to the chair in which he sat. "I was wonderin' when you was gonna come 'round." grunted a dirty voice. The lights came on. Temporarily blinded, Malice shut his eyes and tried to ask where he was. He found he had a muzzle on and could manage nothing but angry sounding grunts. "You tryin' to get spry wiv me, boy?" the voice demanded, "Cuz if you IS, you gonna be in a whole world o' pain!" Malice heard truth and intent in that voice and fell silent. He opened his eyes and saw that the light was dim, and thanked god for small favours. He looked around the room and saw that it was small and indeed rotten. There was water on the floor that looked as though it had been there for a while. Mildew and dirt coated the damp walls and ceiling. Malice's eyes fell upon a man sitting in a chair tilted back against the opposite wall. The man looked at Malice and smiled a black toothed grin as he threw his cigarette into a pile of butts accumulated from too many visits to this room. He heard the cigarette fizzle out in the moisture of the pile on the wet floor. The man was wearing a grimy leather jacket and filthy jeans. His hair lay over his eyes in filthy locks and was long enough to reach his chin. He looked as though he could be anywhere between twenty and forty years of age. Malice looked down at himself, hoping he was still wearing his shorts and bracelets, thinking of the knife hidden in his back pocket and praying that he would be able to remove the knife with one of his bracelets. What he saw when he looked down was not the dark blue denim he had hoped for, but his own pale brown, fur covered legs. His long hair was no longer in its usual ponytail, but was now hanging in front of his face. He had been stripped of everything. He looked back that the man across the room. The man was hiding something behind his back. Malice tried to toss his hair while he shifted position in the chair, praying that it just looked like he was trying to get more comfortable. "Whatchoo doin', boy?" the man asked, still grinning, "You tryin' ter see what I's got?" Malice remained silent, knowing he could not speak if he wanted to. The man dropped his grin and stated, "I aksed you a question, boy, and I want a fuckin' answer ya little sumbitch!" The man stood up and moved behind Malice with uncanny speed and surprising grace. He put the item he was hiding into the small of Malice's back through the chair. Malice could smell the man's breath, and he wanted to gag. He suppressed this reflex, not wanting to vomit into the muzzle. He wondered for a moment if his pyrokinesis would work. He tried, by rubbing the tips of his thumb and forefinger together. His captor, seeing what he was doing, laughed. His laugh was as slimy as his skin, and Malice felt dirtier just hearing it. "That won't work here. The boss knows all about those little powers of yours and 'e employs a few of you that can stop it from working. Now...I aksed you a fucking question, boy. If there's one thing you learn in our little hoe-down, here, it's that I always expect an answer." He pulled the trigger in the taser. Blood ran down Malice's as his jaw strained against the straps of the muzzle and his scream shook the air.

2 Lukiber stood up and looked around the dingy little kitchen. He had no ideas for a plan yet, but being a quick thinker, he would think of something. 'Ok, Malice has been kidnapped, Beowrok has already killed one of Richard's men and I -- we -- have to get Malice back.' he thought. He grabbed a cigarette from the pack that Beowrok had left on the table. After he lit the cigarette, he left the lighter burning, staring at the flame and trying to think of what to do. He could feel an idea forming somewhere in the back of his mind, he just needed to figure out how to reach out and touch it without scaring it back into hiding. Beowrok walked in and belched. The idea scampered away and went back into hiding. "Mother, FUCK!" Lukiber shouted. Beowrok, taken aback by the seemingly unprovoked rage, took a quick step back toward the door. "So...are we just going to run into Richard's building and just start destroying things?" Beowrok asked cautiously. Lukiber gave him a wilting look and said, "If that's the plan, then we'll need Frydae and Xavier." Beowrok had started looking out the window. At this, he snapped his head back to Lukiber and sneered slightly as he scoffed, "What about him? Do we really need him?" Lukiber sighed. This did not surprise him. He knew that Beowrok found Xavier to be too much trouble and thought he only got in the way. Beowrok also knew that Lukiber kept them around because they had some severe talents that came in handy. "We need them both for this. I know you don't like him, much," Beowrok snorted a little at this, "but we need their skills here. If you want your brother back, you'll put up with him." Beowrok got a sour look. He walked out of the kitchen grumbling under his breath. He had hated Xavier since he had laid his mismatched eyes on him. Frydae, he had gotten used to, him being Lukiber's brother, but Xavier, he could not stand. He had suspicions about Xavier that he could not tell Lukiber. Suspicions, which he knew could mean death for himself, if he were wrong. Instead of voicing his real thoughts about Xavier, he tried lowering Lukiber's opinion of him enough for Lukiber to see the things that he himself saw. "I mean really...he can freeze shit. Big deal. Let's take him camping and he can be in charge of the food! Maybe the next time the air conditioner breaks we can get some use out of him!" Beowrok said, as he walked up the stairs to his room. Lukiber heard this from the kitchen and yelled back, "Can you freeze anything?"

3 Frydae sat at the kitchen table looking at the group of demons. His horns were much larger than Lukiber's, even though he was two years younger, and they wrapped around his ears like a ram's horns. His fur was darker and, while Lukiber had no markings, Frydae had a black, upside down cross pattern on the bridge of his muzzle. Lukiber had told them of Malice's kidnapping. As Lukiber predicted, Frydae was all for going to Richards' building and tearing it down, piece by piece. Unfortunately, this was not the way Lukiber wanted do things. So far, the plan was that they would sneak into Richards' building, Xavier would shoot an ice ball at the fuse boxes, and Frydae would shoot fire at the ice on the way, melting it and shorting the buildings power. From here, the two of them would go to the back door, usually used for removing waste products, break the locks, and get inside. "As soon as you get in," said Lukiber, "you'll contact Beowrok and me, and we'll join you inside. From there, we'll get up to Richards' office and try to get some info out of him." Xavier had already found a flaw, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, you really think that he's going to be sitting in his office when the entire building decides to take a shit?" he looked around at the group. "When we blow the power, everything goes, even the generator and the emergency lights. He's going to be out looking for a source of the problem, or at least have a few security thugs on it. Now, I've seen those guys around that building before, and those fuckers are big. They're gonna be an issue when the shit starts to roll, dont'cha think?" "Such a little ray of sunshine, aren't you?" sneered Beowrok. "Lukiber says it'll work, and I think it will." Xavier and Beowrok kept at it while Lukiber brooded over this new look at the plan. Frydae looked at his brother and said, "If we can just get into the power box outside, I can cut the power to the locks. If I do that, it shouldn't make any noise. I've seen those doors and it looks like a simple electromagnetic lock. When they lock and unlock, it should be totally silent." This seemed to brighten Lukiber's mood a little bit. He clapped a hand on Frydae's shoulder and looked at Xavier and Beowrok, who were still arguing. "At least I'm not only here because Lukiber is my fuck buddy!" Beowrok shouted. "Well, that's funny, because according to him, that's the only reason we have this little clique here, is because you and him had a little fling a few years ago and decided you were better as just friends. And at least I stayed with him for more than a week!" Xavier argued. Lukiber looked shocked at what his best friend and his boyfriend were saying. Raising his hand, his eyes blazing, Beowrok and Xavier lifted into the air and flew into the wall, not hard enough to hurt, but just enough to cut their bickering. "While you two were having a jealousy contest, Frydae and I revised the plan. You two are going to work together on this one, and if you don't, you're likely to get Malice killed." he said, eyes still blazing. "Are you going to listen and cooperate or just wag your tongues at each other and claim to be my favourite all day?" Frydae watched his brother and waited patiently as he told them the new plan, thinking to himself that he wished people would fight like that over him.

4 Lukiber, still fuming over Xavier and Beowrok's show in the kitchen, went into his room and began to gear up. He grabbed his camouflage pants that looked like street clothes, but were perfect for excursions like this; his gas mask, because Richards had used gas on demons in this city before; and a necklace with a copper flame on it that had been given to him by his human foster parents when he was young. They had told him that it was in the blanket in which they found him. He carried it as a good luck charm, and it had yet to fail him. He looked over his bed to the table where he kept the picture of his foster family; mother, father, brother and sister, said, "Wish me luck, dad." and walked out. He found Beowrok sitting in his bedroom, the next room over, with his head in his hands. Lukiber sat down next to him and said, "We'll get him back, Rocky. If it takes my life, I'll make sure that you get your brother back." Beowrok looked into Lukiber's eyes, searching them. He found no faults. After a few seconds, he looked back down, studying the carpet again. Blood and vomit stains from too many nights of fighting and not making it all the way to his bed greeted him. So did the memories of Lukiber caring for him and nursing his wounds. What seemed like a thousand nights of pain mixed with comfort and quiet promises of everything turning out all right welled up until he could not take any more. Slowly turning to look back at Lukiber, he said, "It's not just my brother I want back." With that, he got up, walked across the room and closed the door. "I know you're with Xavier, but please, let me have something I've wanted for a very long time. Let me..." and with his sentence fading quickly, he leaned over and Lukiber found himself caught in a passionate kiss that he wholeheartedly returned. Wholeheartedly until he realized what he was doing, anyway. Lukiber pulled away quickly, looking violated. Beowrok looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry. When Xavier and I were arguing, I realized just how much I still feel for you. I didn't mean to kiss you, I really just wanted to talk, but I just-" Lukiber cut him off, "Acted without thinking, I know. You do that a lot." He still looked violated, but behind the violation, he looked almost pleased. "This doesn't leave this room, you hear me? This stays right here between the two of us. If you tell Xavier or Frydae, I'll make sure that you regret it." Lukiber said, although almost hoping that he would tell. He enjoyed the little bit of Beowrok that he had missed so much. When everyone was ready and in the foyer, Lukiber did a quick recap of the plan as he hoped it would go. "Basically," said Lukiber, "Frydae, you'll fix the doors, and we'll run in like madmen, destroying shit until we get to Richards. Basically." he smiled as he said it, but it was with a little more lustre than the other demons were accustomed.