Paradise Part 1

Story by Csarvis on SoFurry

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A college aged kid goes for a needed vacation. On his way he becomes involved with more than he bargained for. Part one of a small story I made as a practice write.This is my first upload of on any website and so obviously my first "published" story. I hope you enjoy it and if you have any critic, let me know. I'm always happy to do anything I can to improve my writing skills. If there is interest and I have time, I will be making part two later.

Sintec stood on the front of the boat as drifted closer to the island ahead. The warm tropical wind swept through the grey lynx's fur. His silvery-blue eyes gazing out. The cruise ship was nothing too fancy, but still upscale to what he was used to. He had been convinced by his friends to travel to the island ahead, Mesathean. He had been working hard the past few months on his studies in college to a point that it was affecting his health. He had been losing sleep, and eating irregularly. Not that he wasn't well fed, his ever so slightly rounded belly displayed that. But, he wasn't eating how he should. The constant hailstorm of essays, tests, and projects wore him down over time. Seeing how he was, his friends told him about this island vacation. He immediately pointed out its cost when he first saw it. A college kid couldn't afford anything like this. Which made him all the more surprised that his friends had chipped in together and paid for the whole thing. He of course tried to refuse, but his friends insisted he go. He had helped them with their classes on many occasions, even when it was inconvenient or down-right detrimental to his schedule. It was because of his friends he was here.

"What am I even going to do?" he wondered. Not that he was ungrateful, but he was just unsure of how to react to his surroundings. For the past five months he had done very little other than study and work, and now that responsibility was temporarily lifted from him. He took a sip from his soda, the fizzing liquid tickling his tongue and throat as it went down. He closed his eyes and breathed in the air, letting the scent fill his nose. He tilted his head down, letting his neck stretch. When he opened his eyes, he saw the light blue, crystal like water. He leaned against the railing and felt his body begin to relax a bit. He sighed as he felt the sun's rays evenly warm his back. His friends had told him to relax. Except for Thomas. "Go out and enjoy yourself. And don't spend the whole trip reading ya book worm. Look for a nice girl or two as well, it'd do you some good."

"Maybe I should take my friend's advice and just relax a while." He thought to himself. "And as for Thomas's suggestion, I think I should hold off on that department. I've got enough right now to keep me occupied."

It wasn't much longer before the ship reached the island. As Sintec stepped off the boat he stared out in awe of his new surroundings. The pictures of the island in the advertisements did little justice. The collection of white sand, palm trees, tropical fauna, and all other parts were even more breath taking in person. He made his way to the hotel at a leisurely pace, letting the ambience of the place seep into his body. He passed by several people on the way, all very friendly. Saying hello and waving as they went by. He saw very quickly the islands eye candy. Shapley and graceful women wearing swimsuits around the island. He caught himself staring at a few particularly fetching young women. He knew it was impolite to gawk in such a manner, but for a very long time, the only females he had been able to pay attention to were his college professors while they were lecturing. He was so busy taking in what the small paradise offered that he almost ran into the doors of the hotel. A very nice, well reviewed place that he would never had dreamed to stay at with his current pay scale. He stepped inside and approached the front desk. The man behind the counter greeted him.

"Hello sir. Are you checking in with a reservation?" he asked politely.

"Oh, yes." Sintec answered. He fumbled around his pockets until he brought out the necessary ID. "I have a reservation here." He handed over the paperwork and ID. The clerk looked over the papers and looked to the computer for a moment.

"Ah yes. There it is. You're in room 417. Quite a nice room really. Do you need help with your luggage?"

"No thank you." He said smiling, "I got it." Sintec took the elevator up to the fourth floor and to room 417. Once he opened the door with the card lock, he set his bags down. The clerk had been right. This room was incredible. Almost a small apartment. It even had a nice balcony outside the bedroom. Windows made up most of the walls, showing the island in all its glory. He flopped down on the bed and laid there for several minutes enjoying the soft bed. He cast a glace out the window walls. The sky was clear with just a few clouds floating lazily by. The waves slowly pushed up the sandy shore then fell back with the small, soft waves of the ocean. The scene from here was well worth the trip. He could look at it for hours. He stood up and opened his luggage. He put on a new shirt and shorts, seeing how was wearing the others for two days now. He grabbed a book and took the elevator down to the lobby.

He walked to the beach where there was a small hut. A little tiki bar actually. He sat at one of the tables with an umbrella on it. It'd been some time since he sat down to just read a book for pleasure. He heard some giggling not far off and looked up. Across the platform where all the tables of the tiki-bar area were set. There was a group of girls. All wearing bikinis and looking at him. He smiled politely and gave a small wave. He returned to his book a bit embarrassed. He wasn't normally one to get looks from women. Seeing how a couple of his best friends were the star football players at the college. It also never helped that he was a bit of a nerd, always busy with his studies. Needless to say, he didn't possess great social skills. Only a few minutes later he heard a voice behind him.

"Uh, excuse me? I.....I ah,......." The voice was sweet and melodic. When he looked up from his book and at the source of the voice, he felt his face become very warm. He prayed that his fur hid his reddening face. Before him was probably the most beautiful female he had ever seen. A white tiger, with stunning bright blue eyes, and long black hair. She wore a bikini that matched her eye color almost perfectly, her figure lithe and curvy. She had a soft smile across her muzzle, and her body language was rather timid. He looked dumbfounded for a very short few seconds, then replied, "Y-yes. Can I help you?"

She replied in a soft voice, "I was wondering if that seat was taken." She pointed to the chair across from him.

"Oh no, go ahead." He said. She sat down as he closed his book. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked, becoming steadily more relaxed.

"No thank you. I was wondering if you'd like to go down to the beach with me." She asked.

"Sure, that sounds like fun." He said. "I'm Sintec." He extended his hand. She shook it, looking a little calmer.

"My name is Corona." She stopped shaking his hand, but did not let go. She rose out of her chair. "Would you like to go now?" she asked.

He stood up and she led him away from the table, toward the group of girls. One of which looked at Corona. "I told you it wasn't that difficult. And you got a cute one too." She said, eyeing over Sintec.

"Sintec." Corona looked back at him again, "These are my friends: Cassandras, Alex, Christy, and Fizz."

He bowed his head a little as he addressed the group, "A pleasure to meet you."

"Oooh. And so polite too." Said who he was guessing was Cassandra, a sandy blonde furred wolf. Corona still holding his hand spoke up, "Well, are we going yet?"

"Yes." Said one of the other girls. They all pressed themselves around him as they walked to the beach. Having spent so much time around his friends, who happened to be taller than him, it felt good to be a good couple of inches taller than his present company. Except for the sandy blonde wolf. And he was right, it was Cassandra. She stood more than three inches taller than Sintec. Still though, being surrounded by so many gorgeous women was a major boost to his confidence. They laughed and played all the way down to the beach. They pulled him by both his hands toward the water. The first few splashes felt cold as the water soaked into his fur, but quickly felt warm as he was tackled on both sides by the group, forcing him off balance into the water. The group played around in the shallow area of the water for some good length of time. At one point, Sintec felt a sharp pain on the end of his short tail and let out a small scream of surprise. He reached behind a pulled at the source of discomfort. Clutched in his fingers was a small crab, a clump of grey fur in one of its pincers. He brought it up to eye level, and narrowed his eyes, "Why you little -"

He stopped as he heard fits of giggling. The girls were all giggling and laughing. He smiled himself, realizing the humor they saw. He merely tossed the crab a few feet away into the water, and resumed what he had been doing before. At one point, Corona pulled him further into the water, to a deeper part, then disappeared beneath its surface. He went under too, and looked around. He didn't see her for a few moments, and felt a pair of arms wrap around his body from behind. He turned his head and saw Corona holding him. They both surfaced for air, and before he could say anything she dove back under. The others by now had joined them, swimming around, disorienting Sintec trying to keep up with all of them. At one point he couldn't find any of them. He surfaced for air again. None of them were in sight. Once more he submerged and scanned over the area. He was surprised when he found himself face to face with Corona. He didn't have time to react as she put her hands on both sides of his face and pulled him closer. He was pleasantly shocked as she locked her lips onto his and held it there. She held him there, longer than he thought he could hold his breath. When she finally stopped, they both rose to the surface, panting for air. She gave him a playful look, as did her friends. It was a couple of hours before they went back to the shore. Corona climbed on top of his back as he began to get out of the water. They laughed as she piggy backed him. Soon, Fizz jumped on too. Then Christy, Alex, and finally Cassandra.

He had reached his capacity. Once he put his feet on the dry sand he collapsed with all of them on his back or arms. The whole group just lay there, enjoying their time. Sintec tried to get up, but the group pressed their weight on him a little more, playfully opining him on his abdomen on the beach.

"Oh no." he said while laughing, "Strength and resolve..........fading. HE finally let his body relax, with the comfortable weight on his back. Though soon, a cluster of shadows fell over him. He turned his gaze up, but the small fraction of the sun the figures above didn't cover obscured his view. Then a voice said, "Well girls, it seems you found yourselves a new victim." The group quickly got up, allowing Sintec to move again. Before stood a group of older women, probably in their 30's. The three bore a striking resemblance to Fizz, Christy, and Cassandra.

"Hi mom." Said three of the girls. Just as he thought. A fox. Sharing similar fur patterns to Fizz, looked down at him. All three of them stood taller than him. "I hope our girls haven't been causing you too much harm?"

"Not at all. It's been very pleasant." He replied, rising to his feet. The second, he didn't even need to guess. Sandy blonde fur and at least a foot and a half taller than him. Cassandra's mom. "Oh, you are cute!" she exclaimed, and hugged him. His head was level with her rather sizable chest as she squeezed him close. He was almost sure his fur could no longer hide the redness of his face now. When she released, the dark wolf looked at him with a smile. Christy's mom. "It's so nice to see our girls being around such a polite young man. Much better than before."

"Before?" asked Sintec.

"Oh, they didn't tell you?" wondered the tall, light furred wolf.

"No, we didn't say a thing about it." Said Cassandra, her tone serious now. "We thought it was for the best to just forget about it."

"Forgive me, but I'm a little confused. What happened?" he asked, then quickly added, "Though, it's none of my business. I apologize if I'm intruding on something."

"No, it's alright." Said Corona. "We can tell him, right?" she asked Cassandra.

"I guess so." She looked at Sintec. "Me and Corona recently got out of a very bad relationship with a couple of jerks. It wasn't a peaceful end either."

"I'm sorry to hear that. But, I'm curious. How did a two girls like you end up with someone like that? You both seem so nice." Sintec honestly was curious.

"Looking back, I really don't know. Not sure what we saw in those two to begin with." Said Cassandra. "But we came her to relax and get away from that." Her tone relaxed and a smile formed on her face.

Cassandra's mother spoke up, "We were coming to have lunch with our daughters. Did you want to come?"

"I don't want to impose or anything." He said.

"Nonsense! I'm sure we'd all love for you to join us."

"Alright then. Thank you, Miss..?

"The light furred wolf shook his hand, "Mrs. Sauls. And this here is Mrs. Hatch." She pointed to Fizz's mother. "And that's Mrs. Wrints". Christy's mother.

He followed the group down the sidewalk, silently listening to the chatter between them. Soon though, he heard Corona gasp.

"It's him!" she seemed scared. Sintec looked around for who she was talking about as Cassandra spoke up.

"No freaking way. Why is that son of a bitch here?"

"Who?" asked Sintec.

"Him. And great, he has friends with him." She pointed his attention down the sidewalk parallel on the other side of the street. A group of three large, males. Significantly bigger than Sintec in both height and muscle mass. The group approached them, and Cassandra put herself in front of Corona defensively. Sintec saw the girls around him tense up. A mixture of fear and anger surged through them.

When close, the one in the center spoke. "There you are!"

"Get away from us you fucking creeps!" said Cassandra.

Corona spoke up next, obviously terrified. "Just leave us alone. We want nothing to do with you, Brent."

The center one, a large black wolf, and apparently the ring leader of the three almost laughed. "You think you can just ditch us like that?" He leaned in closer, "Sugar, let me explain something to you. It's not that easy."

Cassandra's mom got in front, the other two mothers close behind. Though they were severely outmatched in terms of strength. "I suggest you get away from our daughters right now you creeps."

"Not gonna happen." He said, reaching his hand out to grab at them. Sintec quickly stepped forward and grabbed his hand, stopping it. Then he said in a deep voice, "I think you should leave."

"And just who the hell are you?" he said, outraged.

"Someone you should listen to." His fur bristled and he bared his fangs. "I don't know much about what's going on, but it's obvious that the ladies wish to be left alone. So you should leave. NOW." It wasn't a question. He said it inn a voice that did not seem his own. Inside, he was panicking. The three before him were huge. They could easily chew him up and spit him out if they wanted to. Yet, he kept himself calm and cool on the outside.

"And what's keeping me from just kicking your puny ass around and then taking these bitches with me? What are you going to do?" said Brent.

"Think about what you have to lose." Said Sintec, looking defiantly into the wolfs eyes. "A big dude like you beating me up? That's expected. BUT.......Me beating the hell out of all three of you? That's quite unexpected, not to mention completely humiliating. And I can assure you, that's what would happen."

"And you think you can beat me? Beat us?" he said, amusement plastered on his face.

"Let me get this through your obviously thick skull." Said Sintec. The amusement faded from Brent's face. "You stand to lose a hell of a lot more than I do. And you will lose. Do you want to risk that, really?" His voice was unwavering, his gaze steely. "Leave. Now."

The two glared at each other for a minute. Then Brent and his allies backed down.

"This isn't over punk. Not by a long shot." He warned, turning and walking away, his two goons following. When they were a distance away, the group cheered him. He hid his relief that they bought his bluff.

"My my. Cute AND brave." Said one of the mothers. He was too mentally relieved to tell which had said it.

All the younger girls went up and hugged him. "Thank you." Said Corona.

"It was nothing." He said modestly.

"Are you kidding? I've never seen anyone tell off Brent Myers before." Said Alex.

"Wait. Brent Myers?" asked Sintec, scared by the mention of the name.

"Yeah. The guy you just told off? What's wrong?" asked Cassandra. He couldn't hide his fear. He knew that name. He hadn't recognized the face, but he knew the name. "Excuse me a moment." He said reaching for his cell phone, "I need to make a quick call."

"Oh, all right." Said Mrs. Sauls. "Meet us over by the restraunt near the hotel when you're done."

Sintec nodded and dialed a number as they walked off. The phone rang a couple of times. "Come on. Come on, pick up." He muttered under his breath. Finally he heard a voice.


"Thomas!" his best friend, who happened to be the colleges star football player. "It's me. You got a minute?"

"Yeah. Is something wrong? You sound worried."

"You remember telling me about that football player, Brent Myers?"

"That piece of shit that broke my linebackers arm? Yeah, how could I forget?"

"What did he look like?"

"Big, black furred wolf. Maybe 6' 7". Yellow eyes. What's this all about buddy?"

"Well, over here I met a girl, well a group of girls actually-" he stopped as his friend interrupted

"Yeah little buddy! Good job! I knew you had it in you!"

"Yeah but, their Brent Myers ex-girlfriends and I just told him off while I was trying to protect them." There was a moment of utter silence. "Hello? Thomas?"

"Holy shit dude. When I said to have fun, I did not mean paint a giant target on your ass."

"I called to see if you could tell me anything about him."

"Yeah, he's DANGEROUS. Also he's very violent. What did happened EXACTLY? Tell me."

Sintec told about all that had happened with his encounter with Brent. It only took a couple of seconds to give the whole story. When finished, Thomas sighed loudly, "God damn dude. I don't even - I don't even know. But, he's not one to just walk away like that."

"Well what should I do?"

"Just watch your ass, and be careful. Look, I'm coming over there soon as I can. You can expect me here within a day or so."

"What about your homecoming game?"

"Forget the game. There'll be another one sometime. But if he does something to you, I can't exactly replace a best friend. Stay with a group when you can, and try to stay in public."

"You really think he'll try something?"

"I know he will. And by the time you have a legitimate reason to call the cops on him, it might be too late. Just be careful, I'll be there soon." And with that he hung up. Sintec quickly realized how bad his situation was, and felt his stomach lurch. He rapidly began rationalizing his position. "OK. As long as I keep my distance and stay in sight of others I should be fine." He relaxed himself and made his way to the restraunt where the girls were.

He arrived just as they were ordering drinks.

"Hello Sintec. Is everything all right?" asked Corona. She scotched over so he could sit by her.

"Yeah. I was just calling a friend about something. He's dealt with Brent Myers before."

"He has?"

"Yeah. Brent broke one of his team mate's arms once. HE just told me to be careful around him." He didn't want to worry any of them. So he tried to play cool and keep himself composed. Christy's mom spoke, "I don't know why you girls ever got caught up with him in the first place."

"It was a mistake that I regret. That WE regret."

"Let's not worry about him now. We're here to have fun and relax. Can we just do that?" asked Corona, clearly not wanting to stay on this subject. The conversation quickly carried over to new subjects all through lunch. The group spent the rest of the day about the island. Sightseeing, shopping, and playing, with no sign of Brent anywhere. When night fell, the island became a whole new kind of breath taking. Torches lit up the pathways and building entrances. Shows started in the entertainment centers, and all was enjoyable. At one point, the girls invited him to the hot tub in the hotel. While everyone else was at one of the shows, or in the city area deeper inland, they had the place to themselves. Sintec slowly sank down into the hot water, letting his body adjust to it. He sat down between Corona and Cassandra. The mothers went off into the city where they were staying at. Sintec was a little worried by this. If Brent tried anything, they wouldn't be here to help. But those thoughts were pushed away as he felt two pairs of hands rubbing his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" he asked switching his gaze from Corona and Cassandra as they massaged his shoulders.

"Comforting our guardian." Giggled Corona, her left hand moving to the base of his neck. He gave a small grunt as she applied pressure to a point at his shoulder. He did nothing to object as they two rubbed his neck, back, and shoulders. He felt his muscles begin to relax, more than they had done in a long time. His body would sometimes quiver when one of the hands would press it's fingertips down harder, kneading any tension from his body. From time to time a moan or grunt would escape him, causing Corona or Cassandra to snicker and smile. He had to feign off sleep as they persisted for an extended period of time. Finally, they relented and he felt himself being pulled back until his head rested on Corona's soft chest. They stayed and chatted for what must have been over an hour, until one of the hotel workers told them the pool area was closed. They went to the room that the girls were staying at and watched a movie. When it was over, he told them goodnight and proceeded to the door.

"What room are you staying in?" asked Corona, as he was going out the door.

"I'm in room 417. Why?"

"Oh, just wondering." She said, closing the door behind him. He took the elevator up to the fourth floor and went into his room. He took a shower to get the smell of bleached water out of his fur and dropped to the bed. He picked up the TV remote to flip through some channels before falling asleep when he heard a knock at his door. Worried that Brent had tracked him, he peered through the peep hole in the door. In front of his door stood Corona. He unlocked the door and opened it.

"Corona? Is something wrong?"

"No." she replied. She had the same soft smile on her lips, but a certain glint in her eyes Sintec didn't recognize. "May I come in?"

He stepped aside to let her through. When he closed the door and locked he turned to her. "Are you worried th- mmnm!" he was surprised when she pressed her lips up against his. She held his lips captive for several moments before finally releasing. She pressed her hands against his chest and gave a gentle push.

"Corona, what are you- mnmm!" She stopped him again as she kissed him. His ankles made contact with the bed and fell onto it. He was about to speak when her finger touched against his muzzle, shushing him. She positioned herself over him, no longer needing to silence his lips. Her fur felt so soft and her touch so warm. That night, for both of them, it truly was paradise.