Account of the Great War by Radirr

Story by Bennu on SoFurry

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#13 of Iconoclast reboot

I let this whole Khajiit thing get lost, lots of reasons. This is one piece I did last year and edited since it's Nanowrimo and I felt like I should do some writing related things, it's nothing like the silly sexy stuff in the rest of this series, but there's almost no info on the war, despite being like the whole reason for the plot of Skyrim (but then so much of it was half assed and rushed that's no surprise) and I had been doing work on characters... so I made shit up!

Anyways, no porn, no jokes, just a grumpy Khajiit talking about war.

This one has been told that chronology is important in order to make events clear. I, Radirr, was born in what they call the Fourth Era, in the year 157, the oldest child of the clan mother Ri'Tsanarra of the To'khari clan who live east of Dune. I am Pahmar, like a jaguar, a quadruped. I am not large enough for most to ride, so do not ask where my saddle is.

The first part of the war I was too young to fight so far from home, and we did not think it would be long. We knew of course the Altmer were camping in the deserts here, as they had to get permission to do so, especially with armed Bosmer in their ranks!

None of our clan went then, but quickly word came back that their army had raced north, all the forts fell quickly, and there was much looting to be had. My parents did not want tolet me go, but some of our clan did, including my uncle Zandirr who is well known. The Legions were scattered and surprised in that year, the Dominion was surprised that the belly was so soft, and hurried to import more forces, but they moved no faster than the men whose lands they invaded, and also they had to go a long way. Thus they called us, swift riders, to dash in and slash and claw like sneaky cats. We had stories that Khajiit were sneaking all across the Empire, picking up shiny things and bringing them home. I do not know how much fighting the real armies did. They must have done something for it was a long time to just wander around.

Many friends went with us as we traveled north. We were in high spirits as we came down the slopes into the great valley into the forest of the Niben Valley, that we call Mokapi. That many trees was a great wonder to us desert folk, and somewhat frightening to see them blot out the sky.

We were greeted by the Altmer and Bosmer as kin, and politely inducted into their army. They speak clearly about this chain of command being to keep confusion at bay, and not because we are simple beast folk.

You remember we fought many wars with the wood elves. Dune has seen many battles between us, and our clan has been deeper into their forests than other desert clans. So it was new then to think of those stories we were told as just old things, and now they were friends.

I was assigned to a raiding party, and we were given time to explore the conquered area there near a giant bridge. They had a tale of a unicorn near the shrine of Hircine there. We went to respect him, for we were hunters then. We crossed the big water near there, more than I ever had seen, and went toward Cheydinhal.

We were told to be scary and steal things, and we were ready to do that, but when we got near the city we saw that it was different from the old description, a large Dunmer city was spread out around it, full of Morrowind refugees. We had no sympathy for the dark elves that enslaved our kin, but these were the survivors of the revenge of the lizards.

We thought it bad manners to steal from the poor, as well as impracticalas they would have nothing worth stealing, so turned west and ate our way through the rich farms until we could see the great white city. There were many soldiers there so we went back south to where we crossed the river.

Soon after that they arranged all of us, splitting up according to battle abilities. We assembled on a plain there, near a town around an old Oblivion gate, a great large army of Khaijjit- Pahmar raiders, Dagi wizards,Senche with Cathay and Dagi riders, Suthay and Cathay warriors on foot with blade and claw and bow. Then around us were battlemages, various Altmerwizards and healers and summoners, Bosmerarchers, and so on.

We marched north past ruins of farms until we saw the lake again, and mages were busy casting water walking spells on everyone. The heavy forces marched on to the walls, but I saw many sneakers going into a tunnel there by the water, with dead goblins around. They were clearing a path into the sewers, and by the time we reached the fighting at the walls there were battles deep under the city.

Word was shouted thatthe emperor had fled north, and that the city was broken. We were lined up and told to wait. More shouting by officers, that the gates were all broken but it was difficult to enter, not all of the army had gone north. They were somewhat amazed that there were many men ready to die to keep them out, instead of fleeing like the others. The walls were tall and white and seemed impenetrable, but then the ground shook, we could see little holes in front of them suddenly open and puff up dirt. The battle underground was also against the ground itself, and they had enslaved the goblins to dig many tunnels under this part of the wall.

We were ordered down, down, down, rushing into the mole holes we came up in the city. There were no soldiers nearby and we spread out, chasing down the few people walking around, and moving to control the sector. the city is round, a big circle cut into slices with walls and gates dividing the pieces, so we were taking over this piece. We saw the building with the broken roof with a dragon statue, and the Altmer cursed Martin. Later they rushed some demolition experts in who tore down the walls, but couldn't scratch the statue, and this made them angry.

They told us to kill everyone, and we were willing. We did not show mercy to Khajiit who lived there as Imperials. In clan warfare there are only two kinds of fighting, playful scuffles and deadly serious. For hours we broke down doors, orderly going down the rows of houses, and sending in teams, one to cast detect life, the rest to kill whatever they found. This one was with the heavy teams by the great gates waiting to see if they could tunnel into the next sector or we had to break through into it. The defenders still had control of the tops of the walls, and could send word all around quickly, so we were not being sneaky. After a few hours the Khajiit got tired, and allowed to go eat. We had to find our own place as the Bosmer were having the citizens for lunch and even a Pahmar does not eat certain things.

We tried looting but there was nothing good, just scattered coins and food and clothes and calipers, so many calipers. So we were restless while it slowly got quiet in our sector as they ran out of victims. The blood ran deep in the street, it covered my paws as it spilled into the gutters, and the bodies piled high. We saw a few had been spared for torture, or whatever wizards do in their towers.

We moved into the houses to rest. The siege was going slowly so they decided to make use of us when we could use our night eye, and so let the others rest while keeping the enemy awake and exhausted. We felt safe enough. They took their prisoners away so it was very quiet. After nightfall we awoke and stretched.

There was noise from one of the other sectors as they had broken into the underground and houses there, but it was fiercely fought, everyone who could hold a sharp object was fighting there. The good climbers were brought together and climbed the walls, tying rope ladders to the top so the warriors could climb up and start clearing the battlements. I was on the ground of course, and watched as they exploded the gate, and we charged into the melee. The fighters there were tired, and desperately climbing up as we came below, and the warriors above were moving quickly to clear the bowmen there.

Within an hour all resistance was over, and the teams that cleared the other houses were brought in, as they had rested when we did.

This went on the next two days, only now the upper walls were held by our side, and the grunts on the ground just had to break into each sector to clear out the streets so the cleaners could do their jobs. It would have been easier to leave whoever was hiding, but they expectedguerrillafighters in every house, even if they only went in and killed old people and babies. The Bosmers got fat.

Finally the Imperial tower was assaulted. We stormed in the front door and every window in reach. There were many wounded and civilians taking refuge there. The Khajiit ignored them and moved into the upper levels where great treasures were kept. It took a long time to go up all the stairs, the tower is very tall and has many levels. We spent days exploring it, then were ordered out so they could burn things. The Altmer were having fun smashing and going wild so we wandered off into the market but it was already looted by Bosmer.

Finished with our adventure, most of us Khajiit wandered back south of the lake to spend time frolicking and fornicating in the pleasant lands there. We set up several villages in well hidden places and ignored the fighting after that. This is good because the Imperials regrouped and attacked the city, killing most of the Dominion forces inside, not to mention many of their own. The elven flying machines are clever and useful, raining fire down, but Dwemer animunculi and enchanted minotaurs ignoredthem like mosquitoes, they had no ability to fear, and sosmashedinto the ground forces. We could see the fires from our side of the lake. Smell the burning things. Helped the elves retreating back to Valenwood.

Then they told us the war was over, and we should go home. Some Khajiit decided that was their home, lost in ancient times and reclaimed now,but I came back to my clan here.

Listen, child, I am uneasy speaking clearly on this. I have never been hurt by men, for the empire had left here long ago, and I regret causing them to hate us more. That is another long talk though, you merely asked what I remember.

Think of it as you will.