The Morning Walk

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It was the third day since Kovu had come to Pride Rock.Over his first two days the young cub spent most of his time with Kiara and the other lioness. He had also got to meet Kiaras brother Kopa. The two of them seemed to get on ok. Simba was sitting on the promontory of the rock looking out to his kingdom.

"What a loverly morning" he said to himself. He loved getting up early and watching the sun rise. It reminded him of his lessons with his father when he was a cub. The great voice of Mufasa explaining the circle of life and the respect that needs to be payed to all animals, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.

Thinking on this, Simba decided to walk to the waterhole for a drink as the heat in the lands was already building. As he headed down the path below the main promontory of Pride Rock, The king heard something behind him. He turned around to find the little brown cub Kovu.

"Good morning" Simba said in a rather surprised tone. Not expecting the son of Scar to be up this early. As Scar had a tendency to sleep in when he was alive.

"Hello your majesty" Kovu said in a nervous voice.

Simba smiled at the cubs respect and padded over to him and layed down to be closer to kovus height. "That is very good manors of yours Kovu, but you can call me Simba, we are family"

"What are you doing" the cub asked with curiosity.

"I am just going for a morning walk like I do every morning" Simba explained. his mane flowing in the breeze.

"Can I come with you, I promise I will be good" Kovu stood up straight and tried his best at looking innocent. Which he was already.

"You can, of course, If you want you can sit on my back while I walk" Simba offered the cub, knowing well that his walks were long and tiring for cubs who had not yet eaten breakfast.

"Yes please" Kovu said shyly, being a bit nervous at the idea, he did not know why. But as Simba turned around. Kovu got up onto him and sat at the back of Simbas mane. With the cub in place, The king started to head to the water hole. He started to think on what discussion he could have with the young cub. Them an idea sparked. Why not talk about something they both cared for... Kiara.

"So Kovu, are you going to be playing with Kiara today?"

The cub sat for a moment, not knowing what to say, as he had not thought about what his day would entail.

"I think I will, she is a nice friend, she cares for me. She is so much nicer than my sister Vitani." The cub went silent thinking that he shoulg not mention his old pride. Simba picked up on this and smiled.

"Kiara is a nice friend, how about Kopa, has he been nice to you, cause he was the only male cub until you came along" Simba exclaimed. He had told his son to be nice to Kovu, but Kopa was the type who could get a bit dominating at times and Simba hoped that he would behave, however Kovu was the larger cub.

"Kopa is nice, he is ok" The cub said in a nervous tone, still thinking he should not have mentioned his sister.

Simba stopped walking as they had reached the water hole. Kovu stayed in the back of the kings mane, he really didnt want to leave Simba, He felt loved and protected when around him. He had never felt that way before. Simba layed down forcing the cub to fall off of him and behind hime. Kovu got up to walk around the huge lion. As he passed Simbas hindquarters, Simba flicked his tali out playfully hitting the cub with the tuft on the end. Kovu just laughed as the fluff tickled him. He then walked up to Simbas face and nuzzled under the kings chin and curled up for a rest. Simba just looked down at him. He was such a good cub, he was well behaved and cute as ever. Simba layed his head back and rolled onto his back so the cub was on his chest. He could feel Kovus claws gently combing through the tip of his mane. Simba just purred and closed his eyes. Slowly in the morning heat. The kind fell into a slumber.

"Hello my king" Nala said bending her head down between Simbas legs and started licking at his sheath.

"oooh Nala. I love your tongue" Simba exclaimed as the pleasure of his mate sucking him off. His levels of euphoria riseing and he felt as if he could float on a cloud. The pleasure had over taken him so much he didnt realise the unrealistc landscape arounf him. Looking down at Nala, He pushed his paw on the back of her head. She started gagging which really set him off.

Meanwhile Kovu sat on Simbas chest. Watching the king moan in his sleep. 'He must be dreaming' thought the young cub. But then a strange scent caught his attention. He turned to see Simbas paw rubbing against a large furry sheath between his legs. Kovu thought it looked like his, just so much bigger. he carefully crawled closer to it when all of a sudden the long pink meaty shaft of the king rose from between Simbas legs. Kovu leaned forward and sniffed at it. The musk assulting his nose. The scent was very assertive for the young cubs sense. 'What is that thing' thought the cub. all of a sudden. Simba tensed up and moaned out loud in his sleep and a jet of white seed spurted onto Kovus face. The cub jumped off Simba in surprise. It smelt funny. He decided he better clean it up, so he licked it up of his nose and lips. It was a weird taste but it was nice. Finally he got rid of all of it and he turned to the king. Simbas cock had retreated to its shealth and the king began to stir in his sleep. He opened his eyes to see Kovu starring at him.

"Are you hungry?" asked Simba.

"uuh yeah" Kovu replied nervously, not wanting to embarrass himslef to the king. He didnt want to have anyone know that he drank something from the kings thing. But he wanted more. He would just have to figure out a way.

Simba picked up Kovu again and they headed back to Pride Rock. The king decided it was time to talk to Kovu about The great circle of life.