Life as a Pet Chapter 1

Story by KarRuptAssassin on SoFurry

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#1 of Life as a Pet

This is the story about a boy named Sebastyn who lived within a largely Matriarch society, controlled by Misandrists of a more erotic variety, and how he fits in, including the struggles of being a pet. WIP but will upload whenever I get the chance.

Chapter 1

I pant as I run faster, my dark cloak swishing on my legs as I run from Officer Calley Davis of the Special Slave Containment Unit, or the SSCU. The year is 2034 and I am a runaway slave. In 2016, World War III was fought between two sides, the women, and the men. Feminists had risen to such a power that they decided to fight for control and they won, forcing men into slavery as Misandrists made all of earth into a Matriarch society.

I was born in 2018, just after the law was passed when I was bought by a woman named Cassandra. From a young age, I had learned to please her, and was severely punished when disobeying. Cassandra had... particular tastes, and after a large amount of genetic research, I was genetically modified as a baby. I had black and white furry cat ears, and a long red tail. My tail and ears were made extremely sensitive and when touched, they made me squirm with pleasure.

I turn a corner and quickly sprint down a dark alley when I hear the familiar, menacingly infamous click and hum of a halo. A halo was a device created for uppity slaves, kept from being used on females as they were meant for the men only, referred to as a device for 'swine'. My eyes widen and I turn another corner, running into a dead end before turning back to run, only to see Officer Calley there, halo in hand. My eyes widen in fear as I stare at it, backing into the wall. "N-No! D-Don't do it!" I yell at her, trying to cover my ears where the earpieces of the halo would go in.

Officer Calley walks slower, a hand coming up at me as the other slowly raises the halo "It's alright Seb, I know you're scared, but I'm here to help... You know what you are and always must be, this is your life, there's no running from it..." she says, walking towards me a little faster.

I quickly make a break for it and sprint around her and back through the dark alley and out onto the street. "He's on the run again! We're heading southeast on Hazel Street!" She yells into her comm as I tear down the street, people ducking into doorways and the curb as to get out of my way as I ran. All around me, women walk with their pets, leashes connected to a collar on each man and boy alike.

I quickly turn and head around a corner as Officer Calley starts to catch up on me. I attempt to run faster, my backpack bouncing against my back, legs pumping against the ground when I'm suddenly tackled from the right side by a SSCU officer hiding in a side alley, feeling as if I was being hit by a ton of bricks, head jarring from the sudden stop. I cry out in pain as we land, the other woman on top of me as I struggle. "Get off of me!" I shriek, sobbing as I try to push her off.

Both officers grab an arm and quickly flip me over onto my stomach and cut the straps of my stolen backpack off as I struggle. The newer officer, a dark redhead, medium built and fairly light, quickly pulls my arms behind my back and wraps black arm binders around them, electromagnets clicking into place and locking my arms together behind me in a V formation, painfully pulling my arms back.

I sob loudly at the prospect of being caught and the pain now spreading throughout my body as a result of the black leather arm binder holding my arms forcefully behind my aching physique, the women quickly clicking brown leather cuffs around my ankles, each with 4 loops. Officer Calley stands up and clicks a button on her comm before smiling at the officer kneeling next to me, locking the two cuffs at my feet together with a thick chain. "Good job cadet... Nice tackle." She says, panting as her cruiser pulls up at the curb, mere inches from my face.

They pick me up and slam me onto the hood of the car, making me yelp in pain again as I look up and around at my surroundings. All around me, people are staring, several women talking to their young pets and using me as an example as to what would happen if they were to attempt to run from what they were. I hear the click and hum of another halo and immediately start struggling again, attempting to free myself from the women about to silence me with the wicked contraption within Calley's clenched fist. "No! Don't put that f-fucking thing on me!" I yell, trying to twist around as more people start to stare, watching as I am held down by both officers to try and stop my thrashing.

Officer Calley quickly curls her gloved fingers in my thick brown hair, yanking up then slamming my head down again, forehead first into the steel of the car hood. I buckle and mewl out in pain, quickly becoming disoriented from the shock of the impact, eyes blurry from tears and stomach becoming even more queasy than it already was. Calley quickly takes advantage of my disorientation and clicks the ear pieces of the halo into place, my vision immediately going white for a moment before fading back to normal, brain losing control of my body as each earpiece emits a high frequency pitch that was suited to the neko race. My head falls onto its side, where I can see quite a large amount of pairs of eyes staring at my immobilized body, watching me with disgust as if I was just some kind of animal, not even one that was human, and they would be right, as I was just a slave, not to be treated as a human being.

I stare up at the dark sky, unable to move but seeing and feeling everything; the watching eyes, the oh so slight breeze blowing through the city streets, the sharp, crisp chill of the air on my bare hands and arms where the binder didn't cover everything. She then picks me up, carrying me bride style, the rugged officer exoskeleton doing all of the heavy lifting as she carries my bound limp body around and into the waiting cruiser. She then climbs into the driver's seat as the other officer joins her in the passenger seat beside her. They then quickly pull away from the curb, lights and sirens blaring as I feel every pair of eyes staring at me from the sidewalk.


After only a few minutes of driving, she pulls up at the station and parks her car. They then pull me inside, feet dragging and head lowered as I hang between the two officers, and push me down into a chair before removing the halo, allowing me to move again. I quickly take a deep breath, as if I had been unable to breathe for the entirety of the time with the halo on my head, before tilting my head down, shifting uncomfortably in the seat as I squirm, the officers running a sample of DNA from the halo that it had collected during my time with it on. "Hmm~" The young cadet says as she peers over the shoulder of Officer Calley, both staring at my file. "It appears he's been missing for a good month... and there's a large reward out for his capture... Oh.... And it's Cassandra..." They purr mischievously, smirking as they look over at me before Officer Calley picks up the phone and makes a call.

I struggle and squirm in the chair, growling at the two of them and attempting as much as I can to pull my arms from the restraints holding them together as the officer speaks to my owner, my body becoming even more and more tense with fear. Quite soon, she nods, thanks the person on the phone, and hangs up. "Well, It looks like we're going to get extra if we deliver this little slut to its owner.." They both smile and walk around me again, grabbing me by my arms. I cry out in pain as my arms are pulled up, wrenching them to a position that could very easily dislocate them.

"P-Please don't bring me back to her!" I sob, squirming between them, my cheeks a furious shade of red as other people watch, many of them in the same situation as I. "I .. I don't want to go back to her! Please don't bring me back, I.. I'll do anything!"

Calley appears to be pondering this for a moment before she has the cadet place me back in the chair, holding me down before I can do anything about it. "Anything~?" he asks, looking down at me with a domineering look, a malicious smirk creeping across her face as she looks down at me, learning against her desk, arms crossed. I quickly nod, face a furious shade of red, tears still running down my cheeks.

She coos and wipes the tears off my cheeks with her hand, oh so gently taking my cheek in her hand "Well then we might be able to work out something..." she purrs, her tone of voice not giving me the best feeling in my gut however it was the only possible thing I could think of at the moment. "Cadet" she says, looking up at the other woman holding me down. "Bring him to the 8th interrogation room, would you?"

The cadet quickly nods, "Yes ma'am." She replies, quickly forcing me up and pulling me, quite forcefully, to the interrogation room that she had been instructed to, her speed, whether it be from excitement or the will to do what she had been commanded, I did not know. However, I was quickly pulled and tossed about in our trek, almost falling three times before we even made it around the 4 corners to the room.

Upon arrival, I was quickly thrown in, both officers following afterwards, shutting the doors behind them. Calley takes my arms and quickly undoes the arm binder upon them, the cadet undoing the cuffs on my legs. I turn to face them obediently, sniffling slightly as I wait for orders, knowing that full cooperation would lead to me getting out.

"Now, slut, you will do everything that we tell you to do and you will do it without reluctance, or else my partner here will give you a good whip with her riding crop, is that clear?" the officer asks, looking down at me with the commandeering look of a drill sergeant.

I glare at them, growling as I attempt to wriggle my way out of the bindings I was locked within, unable to easily get out of the tight leather. A quick whip to my thigh makes me squeak aloud, dropping my attempt at being uppity, mewling softly as I feel blood begin to drip from the cut on my thigh, the two officers smirking downwards at me. "That's a good kitty~" Officer Calley purrs, taking my chin in her hand tightly. "It isn't against the law for us to beat you, and your mistress definitely wont mind seeing you all fucked up.. in fact, I know she enjoys it. Now if you want to get out of here without losing a pint of blood, I suggest you do what we tell you, kitty.

I quickly nod, face pale as I realize that they were going to use me in any way that they pleased while I was in their possession. "Y-Yes ma'am.." I stutter in nervousness and anxiety, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Good. Now strip." She barks, her partner moving the table and chairs into the corner of the room to give them more room. I quickly blush a severe shade of red and begin to strip, taking off the dirty black sweatshirt and underlying holed black t-shirt. After pulling both of these over my head, revealing my slightly toned muscles, rather thin stomach, and dirty skin, I pull off my jeans and red boxers, even my socks and shoes, and pile them all on the table where she had put my sweatshirt and shirt. I then stand there before here, my hands covering my nether regions as she moves around me, inspecting my body. "You're filthy. Cadet, bring me a bucket of water and a sponge. Make it cold water." She commands her partner, looking up to her for a quick second before looking back at me, the cadet quickly scurrying off.

In no time, she returns back just as quickly as she left, carrying a cold bucket of water with a car wash sponge floating it. The officer picks up the sponge, soaks it in water, and throws it at me, the cold sponge bouncing off my chest and making me yelp quietly before I catch it and hold it to me, squeezing water all over myself and uncovering my crotch, my face darkening in embarrassment. "Good." The officer purrs, walking around me. "Clean yourself quickly, I don't have all the time in the world." She says with a quick bark, making me squeak in fright and quickly do as she says, washing myself over quickly with the frigidly cold water.

When I finish not only two minutes later, the officer quickly pulls a chair over, pulls her pants and panties off, places them on the chair, sits down on them, and then quickly grabs me by my hair, pulls me onto my knees, and stuffs my face right into her crotch, all within a matter of seconds, all to quick for me to fight back in any possible way. "Lick, boy. Cadet, if you would like, you have the pleasure of playing with his tight asshole. No using any strap ons though, hes to be broken by his mistress, not us." She commands, the last part making me squirm as I realize I was being set up. I was still going to be brought back to her, and I was being used for the pleasure of these two before then.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain on my left thigh, making me jump and sob out in pain, quickly rubbing at it. "What did we say about fighting? Get back to work, slut, or we'll make it ten times worse." She growls, her left hand pinching my left ear between her nails and pinching hard. The feeling made me cry out in pain once more, my body shivering as I quickly set to work licking at the officer's shaven, clean slit, going as slowly as possible so I could think of a way to get away and when that would be the best time. I purr loudly as my tongue gently rolls around the swollen lips of her slit, gently pushing the tip inside of it to take a quick taste of her juices, tongue dragging from the bottom to the top of her slit, flicking at her clit.

I groan silently to myself in displeasure as I swirl my tongue around, trying to give her as much pleasure as I can, arms planted on the ground to hold myself up, hair still tangled in her hand. Closing my eyes I push my tongue into her, gently writhing around and flicking at every sensitive spot within her, face a furious shade of red from embarrassment as I service her.

A sudden feeling on my ass makes me shiver in a sudden pleasure and bend my back, raising my ass as I feel the cadet rubbing at the base of my tail, her tongue gently flicking at my anus, teasing it and toying with it as her right hand gently teases at my thigh, nails gently scratching up the skin to the balls and then gently teasing the soft orbs with the tips of her nails, tongue pushing into me as she rubs my tail with force.

The feelings alone are enough to make any good man go insane, my body bucking already in pleasure, audibly moaning into the officer's pussy, now actually trying to pleasure her more and more with my tongue. She pushes my head harder into her crotch, my nose being forced to take in more and more of her aroma, the smell of her perfume mixed with deodorant and the sweat from the chase earlier,

The cadet at my rear soon begins to stroke me with her soft hand, her hand gently stroking up and down upon the genetically modified shaft, gently rubbing and toying with it. My cock, after having been modified by Cassandra for the rider's pleasure, would stimulate the person riding me more than it would stimulate myself, making it much harder for me to get off. The cadet purrs happily as she rubs at it, looking up at the officer over my ass "Mmmm" she purrs, rubbing at my tail still. "I want to ride this bad boy... Mind sitting on him instead~?" she asks, gently nipping at my ass, making me shiver.

The officer smirks as she nods quickly, the woman quickly pushing me off of her, the cadet using the momentum to quickly spin me around and force me onto my back before I can say anything about it. She then quickly pushes my legs down and straddles me, pushing herself down onto my shaft, making the two of us moan out in loud, my own being muffled by the dripping pussy that is quickly lowered on my open mouth, my tongue pushing into her immediately as my face gets pushed into her nice toned ass.

I mewl out in pleasure into her pussy, still lapping at it eagerly as the cadet both bounces and grinds upon my cock, playing with her breasts as she does. I use my hands to rub both of their clits, licking at the officer to make her cum as quickly as possible, knowing for a fact that the cadet was going to cum soon as well.

Soon, however, was an understatement. Almost a minute after she started to bounce and grind on my shaft, she came hard onto me, her walls tightening around it as her nails scratch at my chest, making me wince but otherwise not react so that I wouldn't be punished yet again. The officer moans out in pleasure, arching her back as her own thighs tighten around my head, holding it in place with a steal-tight grip as she then came right onto my face and into my open mouth, both of them letting loose their female cum on my body.

I lay beneath them for several moments, panting in exhaustion, dripping with sweat and horny beyond all belief even though I knew for a fact that I would not get release. Both of the officers crawl off of me, leaving me there panting yet. The cadet goes about cleaning me off with the sponge, teasing my rock hard cock before the officer smirks down at me, fully clothed now. "Cadet, get him gift wrapped for his mistress, we have a slut to deliver."

I continue to blush a furious shade of red, wanting nothing but to escape being unable to despite anything that I had been capable of thinking of. The cadet helps me up onto my feet and quickly binds my arms behind me in an arm restraint, legs quickly becoming bound once again. She binds my arms to my legs with a long, pre-measured piece of rope that would allow me to continue to stand but would pull my arms back more and force me to stand up straighter. She then hugs me from behind, arms wrapping around me seductively, breasts on either side of my head as she gently ties a ball gag on me, purring at my whimpering. "Don't worry, slut, I'll be back to play with you later~" she purrs, gently giving me a few teasing strokes before she clips the halo onto me suddenly before I can realize it and before I know I'm locked up, leaning up against the cadet.

They pull me outside and quickly place me in the back of the cruiser, the soft material of the back seat feeling cool against my skin as I sit on it, naked. They then quickly pull off again and after what seems like hours, they finally pull up to my owner's home and pull me out of the car, simply carrying me between the two of them to the door, my body hanging between the two of theirs.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as my mistress's butler answers the door. He is dressed in a simple tuxedo, however, there is no crotch, so his caged prick is hanging rather closely to my face. He looks down at me before opening the door wider and letting them through before walking up the stairs, not saying a word. The women drag me inside and drop me, where I naturally fall onto my knees and sit there, waiting for the inexplicable. They then remove the halo, where I quickly take a deep breath through my nose once again, quickly finding myself incapable of really struggling much, as the halo's side-effects where that of being unable to control your nervous system very well for a few moments afterwards.

My head droops and my tail flicks on the ground, my ears twitching as they pick up the sound of heels clicking in the hallway at the top of the stairs. Officer Calley puts her phone away and takes a tight hold of my shoulders, making me wince in pain as I see Cassandra start to make her way down the stairs. Today, she is wearing an elegant red dress, black heels, and gold earrings. Her black hair falls in curls over her shoulders. She smirks as she sees me, walks up, and hands a small package to Officer Calley. "Thank you for your help..." she says, grabbing me by my white hair, her nails digging into the skin and making me cry out in pain.

The officers nod and leave, Cassandra quickly tugging me towards a room off to the left that she liked to refer to as the playroom, a rather large and elegant room filled with all kinds of sexual toys and restraints, as well as stocks, cages, binding tables, and just about every toy imaginable. She quickly pulls me up and onto one of her restraint tables, the tech actually somewhat amazing as it unbinds my arms and removes the rope from behind me, quickly pushing my arms up above my head, legs finding themselves bound down to the table by my leg restraints., spreading them.

I squirm as the table keeps me bound, Cassandra having easy access to my genetically altered cock. A thick knot is at the base of it, nubs going up and down the shaft of the 6in flaccid shaft. She smirks and gently touches the knot, making me gasp and squirm, my cock starting to become erect. "Just as I remember it... Now, what did you think you were doing running away with *my* cock..." She says, wrapping her hand around my shaft as the other gently rubs my knot between her thumb and pointer finger. I groan and quickly become fully erect, my cock standing up at 9 inches. She smirks and releases it, chuckling as I squirm and whine. "My my.. I turned you into quite the little slut, didn't I?"

I blush furiously and squirm even more, her nail tapping the ballgag within my mouth teasingly "Mmm the police are making good use of the gags I gave them, aren't they?" she purrs, chuckling lightly. My body quivers in fear upon the table as she turns my head and inspects the tattoo of ownership she tattooed into me when I was 8. "Looks like it's time for a touchup.." she says, strapping my head down so I'm looking sideways, the tattoo easily accessible. I try to plead through the gag but she just rubs my knot, making me moan loudly and shudder with pleasure.

"That's it, stop moving my little slut..." she says, strapping down my waist and elbows so I couldn't move in the slightest. My jade eyes quickly scan the wall in front of me, not calming me in the slightest as it is full of sexual toys and restraints. I shut my eyes tightly as I hear the familiar buzz of the needle. She pets my hair, making me purr quietly "Shhh, I know you hate needles, but I need to touch up your tattoo..." She then starts to tattoo my neck, making me bite down on the gag and sob into it in pain as she pets my hair, allowing me a miniscule of comfort. I bite harder onto the gag as she does the largest part of the ownership tattoo, the body of the spider of her mark. I wonder as to why she is being so nice as she re-does my tattoo, having just ran away from her.

She finishes the tattoo and blows on it before apply a thin clear plastic wrap to preserve the tattoo. She then tapes it around my neck and looks down at me. "Now that that's done... Let's deal with how to punish you for running..." She says, turning around. My eyes grow wide and I squirm and buck in the table, unable to move as the restraints hold me in place. She grabs the tip of my tail and I instantly lock up. "Ah~ This was a good addition..." she says under her breath, applying a small rubber clamp to keep me frozen. She then grabs a riding crop and gently rubs it up my leg, making me shudder and my heart pound with fear.

She then gently pulls the small loop around my knot and pulls my cock up towards my face, making me groan in pain. Then she grabs some yarn and ties it to my balls and cock, the string separating my testicals while also keeping them pushed out, so they are unable to retract back into my body. She removes the clamp on my tail and giggles as my tail wraps around her wrist. She simply brushes it off and walks back, lightly dragging the riding crop up my leg, making me shudder as goose bumps rise on my skin.

She lifts the crop and lightly brings it down on my thigh, making me struggle as fear shocks through me. I squirm on the table as she chuckles down at me. After a few moments of my squirming, I stop, glaring up at her, only for her to quickly bring the whip down on the inside of my thigh. I scream in pain through the gag as tears start to well in my eyes from the lingering, stinging pain where the crop had struck.

"Oh you remember this, don't you...~?" she asks, walking around the table and lightly waving the crop as she drags it up my body, "You shouldn't have run away my little slut, I warned you what would happen.." As soon as she says that, I pale with fear and look up at her, trembling on the table, my head still trapped on its side.

She brings the crop down on the bottom of my foot, making me cry out in pain and jump within the restraints of the table before she quickly brings it down again on my other foot, making me scream again and squirm. "Are you going to behave?" she asks, bringing the crop down on my outer thigh, making me scream and sob into the gag. I nod the best as I can, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Good... There will be much, much more, later~" She says, starting to undo the straps when she stops and wraps a thick steel collar around my neck with a click. It starts to beep and pulls tighter around my neck. I cough and gag as I try to get air before it loosens up slightly and allows me to breathe, but stays tightly wound around my neck.

Cassandra then undoes the rest of the straps holding me down as well as the large red ball gag as one of her many guards walks into the room, carrying a very painful looking shotgun designed to shoot bean bags. She takes a few steps back and points at the ground with her riding crop. "Kneel" she commands, looking at me fiercely as I turn and stand in front of her, glaring as my tail starts to wrap around a blade on the other side of the table.

However, before I can move, Cassandra moves forward and whips me on the back of as knee with the crop, making me cry out loudly in pain and drop onto one knee. I growl at her as she repeats the command "Kneel."

I move to stand and she whips the back of my other knee, making me scream in pain and fall onto both knees and fall forward, supporting myself on both arms. I mutter something under my breath and she whips me on the back, making me cry out and arch my back "What was that, pet?!" She asks, furious.

"N-N-Nothing.. M-Mistress..." I choke out, trying to hold back sobs. All up my back, the searing pain radiates and moves, continuing to grow.

"Good..." she says, attaching a leash to the collar and pulls me towards the cage in the corner of the room, where the bed that had been there had been taken out and instead within the cage was a very thin blanket. She opens the door and pushes me inside before unclipping the leash and locking the door of the cage with a thick padlock that I couldn't unlatch or break. "Goodnight, slut~" She says, walking towards the door before whispering something in the guards ear.

The guard smirks and clips her shotgun to a holster on her back and walks over to me and sits in the chair next to me, legs crossing on top of the cage, giving me a nice view of her ass within the tight pants.. "I get to watch you tonight..." she says, smirking, "and Miss Cassandra has been ever so nice to allow me to do whatever I want with you in the morning, so get some sleep kid, its going to be a long morning."

I pale in fear at the guard and pull the blanket up, trying to hide beneath it and forget somehow in order to get some sleep. After an hour of tossing and turning on the cold hard wood floor, I finally slip into a restless slumber.