Lessons in Jahaliyan Manners - 1

Story by Gentry on SoFurry

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#7 of Jahaliya

Working with the ever wonderful teachers in the beautiful land of Jahaliya.

Lessons in Jahaliyan Manners

Swimming up from the places where one dreams, Prince Ryoga's tight abs rolled as he exhaled in pleasure. He woke up from a truly restful sleep to find the covers thrown off of the bed and his wife's glittering eyes flutter open as she slid his morning arousal into her mouth.

His head went back and his eyes closed as he felt her lips meet his body.. The Goddess had blessed their union if Jasmine still hungered after the night that passed.

"Good morning," he chuckled. He was hoarse from the previous night's antics. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

Jasmine teased the head of his cock with her tongue, lovingly enveloping it with her lips before popping it back out. The wet noise was stopped by the amount of cloth in the room.

"Always.I awoke early and had an urge I needed to satisfy. You were still asleep, but your body was awakened by the warmth." She kissed the top of his cock again before licking another long stroke up the underside. "This feels absolutely enthralling. You're enjoying yourself as well, I hope."

He was about to agree with her, but she shoved his shaft back inside, hungrily eating up inch after inch. The sudden plunge caused him to sink back into the sheets and his hips to thrust forward. Jasmine had grabbed the base of him and caught the thrust, avoiding a gag and massaging the growing knot. If Ryoga had not known any better, he could have sworn that she had practiced this.

With blowjobs though, especially the morning kind, it was best to just relax and enjoy. He put his arms behind his head as she bobbed on top of him. Long, swirling movements coupled by varying degrees of suction curled his toes. She looked up and caught his eyes. Those smoky orbs held his for a moment and he almost came right then. She pulled away though with a wink and settled down, fondling his aching sac.

"What do you want right now, my prince?" Jasmine smiled and curled around. Her body was angled enticingly toward him and he could see every curve in the dim light. Only his princess could be fucked so entirely for a night and look so clean the next day.

He adjusted himself and thrust his maleness into her paw. "I need to start my duties for the day, but don't think for a moment that I would give this up. Please--continue, you've almost got me there."

Jasmine eagerly swallowed his shaft again and started a rhythm. Wet smacking sounds filled the air with her enthusiasm. Ryoga groaned and braced himself against the bed, and just let go. His seed fountained into Jasmine's muzzle until she coughed and gagged from the potent prince. The ecstasy grappled with him before leaving the wolf drained on the sheets.

Jasmine cleaned the ample seed from her face and slid off the bed, walking over to her wardrobe. She glanced at the embers of the fire and rsemembered her culling.

"What plans do you have for the morning, my prince?" She glanced toward the bed. Half of her face was illuminated by the soft light..

Recovering, Ryoga rolled to his side and plucked at the fabric, pensive. "I need to confer with Jessica and Koji about their archive search. The evidence of Ruk's inheritance should be collected and presentable by now." He rose from the bed as well and found his cape, boots and harness.

Donning the items, Ryoga met Jasmine halfway and pulled her in closely. He raised a paw, tilting her chin up. She was so small compared to him.

"I'll return late, little flower. Until then, I hope you'll continue to do as you wish and relish your new standing." With that, Ryoga kissed her, deep and soulful.

"I will. Until then." Jasmine said after the kiss ended. She saw him off from her chambers and found herself alone and naked for the first time here in Jahaliya. There was newfound thrill to this, like being told she could eat as much cake as she wished. There were no repercussions. Even if she wanted to now, her clothing was all burnt save for one.

"Sapphire?" She opened the doors again and called. The fennec vixen appeared from her usual place in Jasmine's solar. Sapphire was wearing a traditional Jahaliyan maid outfit now.

"Comfortable?" Jasmine smiled at her handmaiden. Sapphire always seemed to know what to do and say.

"Yes, Your Highness." The fennec bowed and showed no recognition that her mistress was completely naked. "Very much so. Is there something I can do for you?"

"Yes, please find Robin and ask her to meet me here in my chambers."

With a bow, her handmaiden left and hurried off to find the Second Wife. Robin appeared promptly, summoned from her own sleep.. Jasmine had positioned herself on her bed again, triumphant in its disarray when she heard Sapphire's knock at the door.

"Enter," she called.

Robin strode through the open doors and got an eyeful of the chambers. She had slept in them before with Jasmine, naked, but a lot of things were different now. The first, and most startling, was the princess amidst the rumpled bedding, grinning with secrets in her eyes.

The second was the obvious amount of charred fabric in the fireplace's dying embers.

"You've been busy, Jas." Robin spoke, wandering farther into the room. Incense was heavy in her nostrils. She took a seat on the bed next to her friend. She yawned. "I think someone has a story to tell."

Excitedly, Jasmine launched into her recollection of the night before. Robin nodded and interjected with commentary when it was called for, but mostly basked in the joy coming off of the princess. Indeed, she also felt exceedingly happy.

"...and I also burnt all of my clothing last night! Except for one outfit, I feel like I need to hold on to that one for something special. It was my first garment as a woman. Children didn't have to cover themselves so much, so it was the first symbol of my oppression."

"Wait..." Robin started. "You burnt all of your clothes? The fabric alone was worth so much! I understand why, but you could've done so much more with them!"

Jasmine leveled her head to meet her friend's incredulous gaze. "I know their worth. They weighed heavily on my mind with what they meant. Sacrificing them to the flames set me free as surely as your friendship does, what this place does, and what my husband did for me. It needed to be done."

"I guess," Robin agreed reluctantly. "It does leave you in a situation I'd much prefer for you. Congratulations! What are you going to do now that you're a different jackal? Cleansed in flame?" She added the last part with a joking lilt.

Jasmine ignored the jibe. "I'm going to request more clothing from Queen Malva. Her tailors made your outfit, didn't they?"

Robin struck a pose, modeling her latest."They did. Shall we go visit her in her chambers? I know she will be just finishing up breakfast so we have good timing."

Jasmine agreed quickly and with Robin, hurried over past the doors to her room and into her solar. Sapphire watched as her mistress reached the edge of safety and privacy. Robin stood back as well when Jasmine pulled the handles open to the hallway. Then, she stopped.

Was she ready for this? Her heart fluttered in her chest with a combination of apprehension and...a thrill? She trusted Robin and Ryoga when they called her beautiful. Others will look upon her now and do the same. It was thrilling and better yet, there was no fear. Before her mind could get the better of her, Jasmine stepped out into the hallway and began walking in the direction of Queen Malva's room.

Sapphire watched like a hen with her chick as she did so before gaining Robin's attention with a touch. "I'll need to clean up. Please watch her for me? I know she's resolute, but this is her first run. Make sure it's a good one?"

"Of course, Saph. Don't worry so much!" Robin patted her shoulder. "I'll need to catch up though. She's walking very fast. Take care!" With that, she padded after the princess.

Jasmine was euphoric with the thrill. Her uncovered body moved in ways she was hyper-aware of now that there were no heavy robes to cover her. It felt amazing. The Harem chamber was right along the way and leaning outside of it was Natasha. The bunny looked at Jasmine with a surprise and shook her head to clear it.

"Your Highness? You're looking...ah...well today?" She ventured and the hesitancy showed how nervous she was. Perhaps Jasmine took too long acclimating and the people around her now did not know how to deal with her. Was it too late for her?

The princess steadied herself and mentally rested those thoughts. She was accepted.

"I know how I look, Natasha, and you have no need to be nervous around me. I'm going to the Queen's chambers now for some new clothing. What're you planning today?" Jasmine figured that plain conversation would make the biggest impact with her nudity. Thankfully, Natasha took her meaning.

Cupping her breasts supportively, the bunny remembered her own breakthrough dance and the joy of inflaming the males with lust for her body. "I'll be sparring today and hopefully there will be some fine studs around to watch. Combat and dance are similar and have a way of showing off one's best assets. Would you care to join me sometime, Your Highness?"

"I'd love to!" The princess agreed and looked to Robin. The wolf was looking around impatiently and Jasmine remembered her time limit. "Some other time, perhaps. It was lovely to see you, Natasha."

Saying their farewells, the last chamber in the hallway was the Queen's. Her Majesty's tastes ran through the elegant and simple to practical. All the furniture in her room was crafted by the finest artisans to have multiple purposes. Jasmine marveled at the intricate designs, each chair could be turned over and used as a table, or placed together as a divan. The lamps on the walls could be emptied of oil and turned into vases for flowers. The room as a whole gave off a completed set look along with the artistic vision.

Queen Malva was seated at her desk, which was also two chairs inverted with a lamp fixed on their limbs. The mesh work of wrought metal was completed with a glass top. She was busy with the papers upon it, but the stress of work melted away when she saw who came to visit.

"Why, Jasmine. Look at you!" She stood up from the desk. Here was not the quiet, shy jackal that arrived in her kingdom. The princess stood in front of her, displaying her body with joy. "No clothing at all! Such a sight!"

"I have not a thing to wear." Jasmine replied, saucily.

The Queen walked around the desk, her royal cape billowed behind her and framed her own impressive body grandly. Malva was a statuesque beauty, buxom and tall. Jasmine found herself enveloped in the fine female's embrace.

"You do your husband and your country and a grand service. Your beauty shines now even more so with your own acceptance of it." Malva smoothed Jasmine's hair back and held her cheek. The gesture was very maternal and tears sprang to Jasmine's eyes unbidden. She tried to blink them away but the Queen was very close.

"What is the matter, child?" Malva stroked her face, concerned.

"You'll have to forgive me. This all gets a bit overwhelming at times." The princess' voice wavered with emotion, but the tears stopped. "My mother died during childbirth. Until now, I haven't felt the touch of someone like this."

The Queen lowered her face to meet Jasmine's eyes fully. She adopted a more stern tone. "You're my daughter now, one that I've never had before. You are also a true princess of Jahaliya. No more will you want for family or acceptance."

Jasmine laughed, overcome by her emotions. "I've lost my clothes and gained a mother all in the same span!"

"Yes, now I have something I can help with." Queen Malva nodded to Robin. "Please fetch my tailor. We have some work to do."

* * *

Robin and Sylvia sat across from the Queen. . The trio watched as the royal tailor put the finishing touches on Jasmine's new outfit. The lioness had ran into Robin as she was fetching the tailor and wanted to see the good news for herself.

Robin was right. The princess was breathtaking and the new Jahaliyan outfit she wore matched that beautyembellished that.

Jasmine told the tailor of the last set of robes she owned in her wardrobe. The voluminous material provided a lot of leeway for the artist to work. With some examples of Jasmine's homeland on record and cheerful hints from Sylvia, a beautiful new set of apparel was ready for the princess.

Jasmine had her eyes closed as the tailor dressed her in his finished product. A mirror was brought into the room and he stepped away from her, indicating that it was finished. She opened her eyes.

A bejewelled siren stared back at her from the other side of the mirror. The sexual fantasy copied her movements and followed her, approaching from the opposite side of the looking glass. It was her!

The outfit was similar only in cut to Robin's. The cloth was taken from her old robes, but wrapped around her frame invitingly. Bands of metal encrusted with jewels accented her wrists and shoulders as her very own royal cape draped behind her. The icing on the cake was a splendid crown, very like Queen Malva's, that graced her brow. Jasmine felt powerful.

"I am the First Wife of Prince Ryoga, heir apparent to the throne of Jahaliya. I am free of the tyranny of my country and am no longer in the throes of self-doubt. I am Jasmine."

Sylvia and Malva looked on in approval as Robin and the tailor gaped. Jasmine had always been regal but now she was majestic. She glided over to the females watching and stood in front of them.

"I can never thank you all enough for what you've done for me." She inclined her head. "I am truly grateful."

"Wonderful! No thanks are needed. It's been and is a continuing pleasure. Robin, if you'll join me outside, I need to speak with you." The Queen took her leave with the she-wolf and the tailor followed, bowing.

"Sylvia," Jasmine took a seat next to the lioness. "I'd like to ask a favor of you."

"Anything, Your Highness. What can I do?"

"I look the part of a Jahaliyan princess and like I said earlier, I can act the part. However, I don't know the part as well as I'd like. I need your help with this. I heard you used to be a teacher at a 'finishing school' for girls. Would you instruct me on the manners befitting a Jahaliyan princess?"

"I would be happy to, but are you sure I'm the right choice?" answered Sylvia with some surprise. "I'm not the foremost authority about all of the nuances of Jahaliyan culture."

"Perhaps not, but I trust you and you have to admit your expertise in the art of teaching." Jasmine replied smoothly.

"I do have a past in that." The lioness agreed. "Alright, I accept. Let me get some books together and we'll start your etiquette lessons."