
Story by Thaine DaWolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Geminis Atlantica

A glimpse at Ethan and Evan just before they went off to college. Enjoy. (Good grief I'm rusty...)

A glimpse at Ethan and Evan just before they went off to college. Enjoy. (Good grief I'm rusty...)

Reassurances By: Thaine T. Stephens

Ethan's paw ran over the bulge in his shorts as he held up his phone. The camera feature auto focused on the growing lump as he snapped a picture. His thumb moved deftly and swiftly to send the picture to his brother, who just happen to be out on a date. "I'm still waiting..." was the only text he added as the little status icon flicked to 'sent'. A cruel smile washed over his face as he lay back in his bed. That was the third text image he had sent Evan that night, each one showing him with progressively less clothing.

There had been no response since the second one, where all Ethan had replied with was a simple 'asshole'. He hadn't even responded when Ethan had asked if that were a slur or a request for the next picture. Surely by now he had silenced his phone, if only not to be rude to his 'date'. The wolf snorted in disdain as he thought about some girl putting her hands on HIS brother. It wasn't like she would get very far with him, but just the fact that Evan put up the charade was enough to dig at him.

That was a discussion they had many times since they got into high school. Evan thought it charitable to take out some of the less popular or shy girls. Each one never got more than two dates: after all, he didn't want to give them the illusion of a relationship. He said he just wanted help them feel like they could be part of the popular clique that the twins were part of. Every few weeks he would find another girl to take out, much to Ethan's disdain. But when he accused Evan of using them to mask their liaison's he saw the hurt in his brother's eyes, and became less vocal with his protests.

The phone in his hand blinked and vibrated, perking the wolf's ears. He swiped the screen and saw a simple reply from his twin brother. The grin spread uncontrolablely as he read the words out loud. "On my way..." he chuckled, tossing his phone on the nightstand. Opening the drawer he pulled out a small bottle of lubricant from the back and set it on top. Shuffling out of his shorts and tossing them across the room Ethan slid under his blanket.

It was hard to keep his paws off his swollen sheath but he didn't allow himself anything more than prolonged adjustments. His ears perked up at the sound of every car that travelled nearby, each one getting his hopes (and his desire) even higher. His member was already peeking out of his sheath when Evan finally did arrive. He could hear Evan enter the house (everyone else was in bed by now) and come down the hall towards his room. Ethan rolled over so he was facing away from the door just before it creaked open.

Evan didn't bother to ask permission: he knew he didn't have to. Grinning, Ethan rolled over and looked at his brother, feigning sleepiness. "About time you got home," he mumbled, but received no response. His twin was already stripping off his clothes but still remained silent. "Did that...girl keep you entertained?" he quipped as Evan strode to the bed. "She must have left you pent up." The other wolf was already peaking out of his sheath as he yanked the blankets back and crawled onto the bed.

Ethan suppressed a victorious laugh as his brother straddled his legs. He folded his arms under his chin and closed his eyes. "Not even a husky-handshake?" The bottle of lubricant was snatched from the nightstand and his tail was shoved aside. "No fox-kiss?" he teased, finally getting a growl from his brother. Cool liquid dripped onto his exposed pucker making him jump. There was a soft, sticky sound of what he assumed was Evan applying the lube to himself, and then the bottle was tossed aside. "I guess not."

A black furred paw came to rest near his head as a sudden hot pressure was applied to his tail hole. He closed his eyes and focused on the sensations as the pointed lupine tip spread him open. With a ragged sigh he whispered soft encouragements until all of his brother's length was sunken into him. They stayed like that for a moment, basking in each other's warmth.

His own erection was pressing into the sheets beneath him, staining them with pre as Evan began a slow, deep rhythm. "Fuck that's nice..." he groaned but the wolf atop him paid no mind. An already swollen knot banged against his hole with each thrust causing him to shiver and tense. His body gripped at the invading member as it poked and prodded his prostate. "Goddamn bro-ah!" Ethan cried out as the knot was pressed hard against his stretched hole and forced its way inside. A strong black paw clamped over his muzzle to stifle his cry.

Small whimpers escaped his lips as Evan held him down and humped him into his mattress. The swollen knot tugged as his hole while the pointed tip poked his insides, causing him to leak more. With a soft growl Evan bit onto the nape of Ethan's neck and pumped his hips faster. Ethan moaned into his brother's palm as his cock twitched and unleashed its sticky load into his bed. His orgasm peaked and waned and Evan was still fucking him with fervor.

Ethan squirmed and writhed under his brother's treatment. "This is for the teasing, isn't it?" he said through fingers that gripped him tightly. Evan gave no response except a harder bite. It was a fair trade.

It didn't take long for Evan to reach his climax, but each minute felt like an eternity to Ethan's over stimulated body. Ragged pants filled his ear as Evan gave one final thrust and released himself into his brother. Their bodies pressed together tightly as the wolf on top tensed and twitched. Once he fell limp on top of Ethan, the younger wolf rolled them onto their side so he didn't have to lie in his own seed.

Still locked together the pair embraced, Evan wrapping his arms around Ethan and holding him tightly. Neither spoke for a few minutes, both taking the time to bask in the afterglow. It was Ethan who broke the silence first. "If that's the reaction I get I'll have to tease you more..." Evan growled playfully and nipped at his ear. "You're the one that insists on leading those girls on."

"I'm not leading them on," Evan said with a sigh and reached down to tweak Ethan's sticky sheath. His knot hadn't gotten out of his sheath and was too swollen now, so Evan massaged it through the fleshy tube. "I'm just giving them a taste of popularity-"

"Giving them some confidence, blah blah blah," Ethan interjected, batting his brother's paw away. He'd heard it all before and hearing it again wouldn't change his opinion. He reached between them and felt the base of Evan's knot, stroking it lightly. "We're going to Florida in three weeks...are you going to continue this charade through college?"

Evan was silent for a long moment, disheartening Ethan. "I hadn't really thought about it." he said finally, hugging Ethan tightly again. The silence was almost palpable before Evan finally came to an answer. "I doubt college will be the popularity contest that high school is..." He lightly kissed the back of Ethan's neck and held him close. "And even if it is, who's to say we'll still be popular?"

Ethan snorted but didn't discourage his brother's touch. "Of course we'll be popular. We're gonna make the team winners, aren't we?" He couldn't suppress his smile any more than he could his confidence. "Are...are we gonna let people know...finally?" he asked after a few minutes, feeling Evan's knot starting to shrink.

The thick silence hung again for a while as Evan contemplated his answer. He buried his face in Ethan's scruff, the thick fur muffling his voice. "I don't think that's wise. Word would get back to Mom...and Dad." The last word was added with a sense of dread, not as an afterthought. "Plus, y'know, it's not exactly legal." The last word was complimented with a squeeze to Ethan's swollen sheath, causing him to squirm.

"Has that ever stopped us?"He said, feigning amusement. He knew Evan was right, but he was tired of hiding. Still the thought of their father finding out...

With a sudden tug Evan's knot popped free, distracting Ethan from any of his other thoughts. Cum leaked from his well-stretched hole, soaking his fur and pooling with the mess already in his sheets. "Damn...I keep draining you and still you leave a puddle..." he teased as Evan wiped himself on the sheet.

The other wolf snorted and slipped two fingers under Ethan's tail, easily slipping inside his well used hole. They stroked in and out a few times, causing him to writhe and squirm, before pulling out. "C'mon. You can sleep in my bed. AFTER you clean up. The sheets can wait." Evan gave his hip a light slap and rolled out of bed, slipping his underwear on.

Ethan watched him leave, a half smile on his face. Evan returned the smile over his shoulder as he slipped out of the room, leaving Ethan lying sticky in his bed. He knew that Evan was right about their relationship; he'd just been hoping that his twin would say otherwise. As he heard Evan retreat to his room Ethan headed for the shower.

His fur was still damp as he snuck into Evan's bedroom. The other wolf was under his blanket and turned away from the door. A small fan rested on the nightstand, blowing a chill over Ethan's damp fur. Evan couldn't sleep without a fan going. As quickly as he could Ethan crossed the room and slid under the sheets, snuggling up close to Evan's back. Even if they couldn't let anyone know about their relationship it wouldn't mean they couldn't share nights like this.