Part 1 - The Pain

Story by CJxFluffyButt on SoFurry

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#5 of A Husky's Surprise

*** This is my first story, so I'm 100% open to critique; I know I'll need it ^^; ***

I had been standing outside for a good while, waiting for my girlfriend to come to my house. We were supposed to go out tonight, but she was already an hour and a half late. I was irritated, so I got out my phone and tried calling her. She didn't answer any of the three times I attempted to get a hold of her, and if she did see that she missed my calls, it seemed like she just ignored them.

My name is Chris, and I'm a husky, only fifteen years old. I'm not real tall, you'd probably consider me average height, so I'm not short either. I really liked Karen, and had been admiring her for weeks. This was my one chance with her, so naturally I was aggrivated that she wasn't here.

"Damnit, Karen...Where are you?" I muttered to myself angrily, knowing it wasn't going to help anything. I was just trying to reassure myself that she was coming late and not standing me up completely.

Time was going seemingly as slow as possible, and while watching for her, I had dosed off a couple of times. This time, I began to close my eyes lazily, struggling to keep them open, although I knew it was worthless. I was just about to completely fall asleep when my cell phone rang, and on max volume. This caused me to jump up in shock, almost dropping it.

Looking at the caller ID, it said 'Jake'. Jake is one of my friends from the neighborhood, so I smirked and answered the phone.

"H-Hello?" I said sleepily. I knew he could tell I was tired from my voice.

"Chris, did I wake you up?" he asked on the other end of the line cautiously. Whenever someone wakes me up when I really want and need my sleep, they had better keep a good distance for at least the next day, depending on who it was, or I would mess them up BIG time.

"No, didn't wake me up."

"Then why are you outside?" questioned Jake.

"H-How do you know I'm outside?" I replied.

"I can hear cars driving past in the background, buddy."

I rolled my eyes, then scoffed. I could almost guarantee that he knew exactly what I was doing, because he was one of my best friends.

"You're waitin' for your girlfriend, aren't ya?" said Jake after a pause.

"Why do you want to know?"

"If she hasn't come by now, she's not comin', Chris," he said, seeming sympathetic.

"Look, don't fuckin' tell me what's going to happen and what's not, alright?" I snarled, "Just leave me alone right now, Jake!" I finished, and hung up the phone.

I hastily shoved the phone into my pocket, accidentally scratching my paw on the side of the phone, and stormed back into my house.

"Did your little girlfriend show up?" my mother asked as soon as I came back in.

"" I mumbled.

Apparently my dad heard me say that, because when I walked past him to go to my room upstairs, he looked at me and smirked evily. "She stood ya up, son? Wow, you must really be horrible," He joked.

"Shut up, dad!" I shouted at him, expecting for him to recoil by striking me or something. Surprisingly enough, he just made his way downstairs to the kitchen with my mother.

My father is a very large, muscular husky. I get my fur color from him; It's predominately grey, except for most of the fur from the front of our faces down to our footpaws, that's all white. The difference is, I have a black stripe from the edge of the grey fur on top of my head down to right above my tail. It's kind of odd, seeing as how none of us know where it came from.

Entering my bedroom, I slammed the door behind me, then pulled my shirt and shoes off, changed into some shorts, and laid down on my bed not bothering to turn on the T.V.

It was already 11:30, so I figured I should get some sleep. In my mind, I was thinking, 'How can I sleep? I've just been stood up by the girl of my dreams.' That was my last before I dozed off to sleep.

BEEP...BEEP...BEEP went my alarm clock at 7:00, so I hopped out of bed, jumped in the shower, redressed, ate, then walked to school with plenty of time to spare.

As I arrived in front of my high school, I saw that there were a few people there already, one of which was Jake. It was still somewhat dark, but the school had lights in front, so I had hoped that he didn't notice me. I slumped onto the metal bench which was connected to the table I was sitting at, and put my elbows on the table as I rested my head on my hands.

"Chris!" called Jake from a few feet away. I looked up and, sure enough, he began to make his way over to me.

Jake is also a husky, and from the front of his face down is white fur, but his back fur is predominately black, although he doesn't have a stripe. He looked at me, then sat down right next to me leaving about an inch of space between us.

He could tell I was in a terrible mood, plus I'd yelled at him over the phone last night, so I was surprised that he came to me to talk.

"What, Jake.." I groaned.

"Hey, buddy. Sorry I upset ya last night over the phone, but I didn't want ya standin' out there all night," replied Jake, half-grinning, trying to get me to do the same, although it wasn't going to happen.

"Jake, I'm sorry I yelled at, just...just leave me alone.." I said solemnly, then the morning bell rang. As I made my way to first period, I wondered, 'Why does Jake care about me so much? Why did he apologize to me when I yelled at him?'

Trying to answer these questions in my head distracted me from realizing I only had thirty seconds to get to the classroom. I glanced down at my watch, then realized it, and darted through the hallways almost knocking some people over in the process to get to first period.

I stumbled in the classroom just in time, for the bell rang maybe five seconds after I came in. I stumbled to my seat, not really out of breath but just tired, not remembering that I had taken the long way to class, so everyone else had gotten there before me. I also didn't remember that Jake was in that class with me, and he sat right next to me.

"Cutting it awfully close, aren't we, Mr. Chris?" said Dr. Robinson, as he always said Mr. or Ms before a student's name whenever they did something wrong.

"Yeah, I know, Dr. Robinson. Won't happen again," I said, then muttered, "hopefully.." and smirked.

In the middle of class, I felt something hit me in the arm. I looked over to see that it was, of course, Jake. It was free period for the rest of the class, so he decided to talk to me about what happened last night.

"CJ, please talk to me, buddy."

My cheeks felt like they had just been placed on the stove, for the last person that called me CJ had been my old girlfriend. This was funny though, because when Jake saw me blushing, he did the same.

"S-Sorry if I made you uncomfortable..I was ju--" I put up my hand with an open palm facing him telling him to stop, and I just glared at him for few moments.

"I thought you were trying to make me feel better..." I began, "but bring up old memories that you know are painful and try to embarrass me in front of the class! Just...get away from me!"

I hate to admit it, but my eyes started watering, and I had to look away, scooting farther away from Jake. This left him hurt, I could tell, because I heard him sniffle a few times. That was when he did it.

Jake reached out his hand and placed it gently over mine, right on top of the table so if anyone even glanced at our table they'd notice.

"I...I'm so sorry if I caused you to get upset.." he said, then he glanced down at our hands, and was surprised to see I hadn't attempted to move mine yet.

He was welling up because of what I'd told him, so a few seconds later, he removed his hand slowly and went back to his work.

I don't know why, but I liked holding Jake's hand. It sent chills up my spine, in a good way, and his was so soft and warm. I wanted him at that moment, even though I'd never even had thoughts like this before.

I couldn't stand it; I leaned over, grabbed Jake out of his chair, laid him on the classroom floor and kissed him once quickly, then pulled off to see his reaction.

"What was that?!" Jake asked, causing the whole class to come and look at us.

"" I tried to utter out some clever excuse: I slipped, I was trying to get at something behind you. No, none of them were good enough, so I just decided to say the truth, but I couldn't get it out.

"What was that?" he started again, "Why'd you stop?"

This made my face flush red, and the same happened to his as I leant back down and kissed the other husky passionately. Our lips locked, and he slipped his tongue into my mouth, which I gladly accepted and our tongues wrestled in my mouth. His saliva tasted so wonderful, I didn't want to let go of him. My member had already come out of its sheath and was fully erect, and so was his because I could feel it from underneath his jeans.

I felt my dick rub up against his groin through our jeans which caused him to moan into the kiss, but I didn't mind; if anything, it added to the mesmerizing effect.

I ended the kiss and pulled myself off of him, my erection was painfully obvious through my pants now, so anyone who was watching as I removed myself from my friend got at least a glimpse of it. I heard some giggles because of that, and it caused me to blush even more.

After maybe five seconds of lying on the ground, Jake finally got up and sat back into his seat. I looked at him and blushed, and he looked back at me, doing the same. He was obviously speechless, so he wrote me a note, but he didn't hand it to me until right after last period.

I opened the neatly-folded piece of paper, and in Jake's very nice handwriting, it read:

"Dear Chris,

What happened this morning was amazing. I didn't think you'd ever do something like that with another male, so even if it was only a one-time deal, I still loved every second of it. Although, I would really like to try this out, so could you come to my house after school? I'll wait out in the front and we can walk together. See you soon, hopefully.



I had never felt so many butterflies in my stomach at once! For some odd reason, I just couldn't bring myself to say no to that. I wanted to know what he had in mind, what he wanted to do, and what he meant by what happened being a one-time deal. I nervously made my way down the hallway, and while I was, people were moving out of my way and trying to dodge me. Obviously, the 'news' of what happened had spread fast already.

Making my way to the front of the school was torture; barely anyone would even look at me! I felt rejected. BIG time.

At last, I managed out of the front doors of the school to see Jake sitting at the same table as this morning. As soon as I saw him, my tail started wagging crazily. I was paralyzed for a few seconds, and I still didn't know why, but I managed the courage to scoot my way over to him.

"H-Hi, Jake.." I stuttered, which caused me even more embarrassment.

Jake giggled and patted the bench next to him, signaling for me to sit down. My tail began wagging even more furiously, and I mustered enough courage to sit down next to him.

"Hey, Chris..So, wanna come to my house? You don't have to..I would just..really like it if you did.." he said.

I looked him in the eyes, although still blushing, and smiled, "I'll c-come with y-you.." I stuttered again.

The nervousness returned to me as I saw his face light up after saying that, and my heart almost stopped when he reached out and hugged me, his fur unbelievably comfy and warm. I could feel him gently stroking his hand up and down my back as we embraced, so I decided to do the same, and slyly, placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

His cheeks flushed red, and then I ended our little hug. We stood up together and, walking about half a foot apart from each other, made our way over to his house.