Weekend Shift

Story by NoteYote on SoFurry

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The following story features an extremely dominant polar bear, a brutally sadistic jaguar, and a very submissive (and even more unlucky) Rottweiler. I wrote this one as a trade, so it's a lot more extreme than most of what I've uploaded here. This story's decidedly non-consensual contents include bondage, CBT, foot worship, humiliation, slavery, and implied rape. Read at your own risk and (hopefully) enjoyment.

Comments are always welcome.

Tark sighed irritably as he stepped into the cramped, overheated trailer, shrugging off his light jacket as quickly as he could. After a moment's thought, his undershirt followed in onto the floor. It wouldn't help, nothing did when you were a polar bear with fur that had evolved for the high Arctic. Outside, where it was a few degrees below zero, Tark just felt warm. Inside the trailer, with the heat cranked up to 30? by his fellow engineer, Tark always felt like he was sizzling on a grill. The bear genuinely liked José, which was more than he could say about most people, but as far as he was concerned the fucking jaguar should have either stayed in the jungle or bought a proper parka.

Rooming with him was still better than staying in the bunkhouse, especially when most of the guys working with the arctic mining crew could barely read a map let alone a blueprint. Sure the heat sucked, and José had about as much charisma and affectionate as a lawnmower, but they had a lot in common when it came to entertainment, and José's collection of remarkably obscene gay porn had helped Tark through a whole lot of long, boring nights. He had a lot of boring nights, especially now that the project had been put on hold, again, for yet another tedious round of safety reviews and "historic area assessments", as if there was anything of value in these rocky hills aside from the diamonds Tark's crew weren't being allowed to dig for. After making a couple phone calls, Tark had learned that they might, might, be able to get to work by the middle of next week. Until then, Tark knew the company and the government would keep him busy signing and forwarding and reviewing a forest's worth of paperwork.

"About fucking time," the big cat snarled up at him from one of the trailer's tiny desks, his laptop and tablet both nearly covered under sheets of paper. "Bus to the airstrip leaves in an hour, and I'm not wasting another weekend listening to you fart and bitch about the heater."

That was another sore point with Tark right now. Gambling over who had to fill out the expected avalanche of paperwork had seemed like a good idea, right up until he'd lost. Of course, he'd been somewhat drunk at the time, but a deal was a deal. At least with the jaguar gone for a few days he'd finally be able to open a window and, while he was at it, maybe he would hurl the goddamned heater into the nearest vacant mining shaft.

"So go," Tark grunted. "You wanna kiss goodbye first?"

"Depends on what you're kissin," José shot back, grinning his smug feline grin and very nearly earning a punch to the muzzle. "Actually, I felt so bad about leaving you with all my busywork that I got you a little present..." The jaguar stood up out of the chair and stepped back smoothly, pushing it back and motioning for Tark to take a look. The bear thought it was something on the laptop at first, until he saw the pair of dark furred legs sticking out from under the desk, and the naked crotch they were attached to, the sheath, balls and slightly aroused cock very out of place on the messy floor. For a long minute, as Tark stared with his mouth open, the jaguar might as well have hit him between the ears with a pickaxe.

"Fuck. Me." The bear growled, his body flushing with an entirely different sort of heat. José was purring now, and for once Tark didn't want to punch the arrogant bastard.

"Better to fuck him instead," José replied, and Tark's eyes widened at the way the legs and crotch squirmed at the words. He thought he caught the faintest bit of a whimper, but José's claws slid out of the jaguar's huge paws, and the sound died away. Grinning, irritation already forgotten, Tark pushed José aside and crouched down to look underneath the desk. José's "present" was a canine, looked like a Rottweiler but maybe some mutt in him judging by the face. He was muscular and gloriously naked, laying on his back with his wrists bound to the desk's arms and a rolled up bundle of laundry jammed under his head like a pillow, one that forced his head up until he was looking down his body, out at Tark with wide, frightened eyes and his skinny tail between his legs with humiliation or fear. Tark's pants started to grow uncomfortably tight as he stood up.

"Alright," he growled, looking over his shoulder at the jaguar. "Who the fuck is this?"

"Remember those protestors that finally bussed out of here this morning?" José asked. "Well it looks like one of 'em missed the bus." As the bound canine started to say something José quieted it down with a kick to the balls that made even Tark wince.

"Are you shitting me? Did you actually fucking kidnap someone?" Tark was surprised that even José would have gone that far. Sure, the protestors were a nuisance, most for them didn't understand anything about mining or about the supposed historical significance of the region, but nuisance or not... Actually, knowing José's tastes, he wasn't really all that surprised. Mostly, he was surprised at how little the thought that a kidnapped dog was tied up under his desk bothered him. That pained howl had been pretty quiet, almost a sob as much as a yelp, but God did it ever make Tark want to kick the little bitch himself, just to hear it again and to watch the fucker squirm.

"No need to freak out," José purred, and as the polar bear frowned the jaguar squatted down and gently rubbed the ball's he'd just booted, and the dog made some sort of growling, moaning_hhrrrgghnnn_ sound that made Tark's fur stand up. "I just got the little cocksucker to... well... to suck my cock behind one of the tool sheds. He enjoyed it so much I convinced him to text his buddies that he wanted to stay and make sure the suits examined the place properly. Getting him over here wasn't very hard, and then we had a nice little talk... isn't that right you ass-sniffing bitch?"

"Please, if you let me go I won't say anything, I just..." the pleading voice trailed off at the site of José's claws. To Tark's surprise, the dog's cock seemed to be getting harder.

"Well, he's not housebroken yet, but I wanted to save some of the fun for you," José said. He squeezed the dog's balls hard enough to make him whimper again, then stood up and grabbed his duffel bag from the bed. The jaguar's golden eyes seemed to be measuring his younger roommate. "Up to you buddy, but if you aren't cool with this, just let him out. You haven't done anything to be ashamed of." The jaguar didn't quite say the word "yet", but it hung in the air between them anyway. After a long moment, Tark grinned back at him, and then stepped over and planted his booted foot onto the dog's crotch. The huge work boot was more than long enough to cover both cock and balls, and the little canine shivered and squirmed as the thick sludge of mud and snow stuck to the soles started to melt down into his fur.

"Whadya think bitch?" Tark asked the whimpering dog. "Wanna stay here like the omega fag José says you are, or walk out of this trailer a free and wiser mutt? I'm sure the suits here for your fucking history survey will give you a lift home..."

"Out! Let me..." the dog stiffened as Tark let a bit of his weight rest on his abused genitals, rubbing and grinding back and forth slightly.

"Wasn't quite sure I heard that?" Tark growled, and beside him José had to fight back his laughter.

"Please..." the dog whined. "Please let me AOOW" Tark pressed harder, and his own erection twitched in sympathy at the way the dog shuddered and yowled.

"Louder, Bitch," Tark's growl came out harsher this time, and the thrashing dog was screaming his answer before the bear could speak.

"STAY! I'll Stay!"

"Good enough for me," Tark said, lifting his foot off the sobbing dog and wrapping José in a hug that made the jaguar stiffen almost as dramatically as the dog had. "Best present ever. Enjoy your weekend buddy, I promise he'll be waiting for you when you come back,"

"Yeah, yeah," José snarled, squirming away from Tark and shoving on his own boots. "Don't be too fucking gentle with it," the jaguar growled, and then he was out of the trailer, leaving Tark sweating and half dressed with a bruised, subdued, and apparently still horny mutt underneath his desk. A desk loaded with paperwork that wouldn't wait on the polar bear's sudden windfall, but even that didn't dampen his spirits much now. Dropping down into the leather office chair and wincing a little at the way it sagged under his bulk, Tark rested one boot on the dog's stomach and started unlacing the other one, glancing underneath the desk at the helpless male while he tugged at still frozen laces. He was definitely at least mostly Rottie, but most Rottweilers Tark had met had been aggressive and masculine, not whimpering and submissive like this one. Tark was pretty sure he liked this one better.

"It's like this pup," Tark said, watching to make sure the guy's flat floppy flicked forward. His eyes were closed now, and a little bit teary, but at least the bear could count on having his attention. "Your dick is about as hard as mine right now, and both've us can see it. No point in denying what that means, is there?" He let the dog's stomach take a bit more of his weight, mostly because he liked the way it made the canine's breathing sound rough and pained. "You've already spent an afternoon with one of your Masters," the word made the dog wince, but it made the boy's cock twitch too. That was interesting. "From now on, he's Master José or Sir, when he chooses to let you speak to him at all. Got that?"

"Yes Sir," the dog whimpered, without too much hesitation. That meant that he was learning.

"Master José is not a gentle man, or a patient one. I'm not a gentle man either," Tark mused aloud, rubbing his boot across the dog's chest and stomach and admiring the nasty, mucky clumps it left in his soft brown and black fur. "I'm a hell of a lot more patient though, so if you're a smart little bitch, you'll let me train you before he gets back. Understand that bitch?"

"Yes, Sir," the dog said again. His voice was a little steadier this time, at least until Tark's boot started rubbing over the dog's cock and balls. He resisted the urge to crush them again, not when the wiggling dog was trying so hard to keep it from happening.

"Call me Master Tark, or if you're really feeling brave, call me Daddy." Kicking his foot free of his boot, Tark's nose wrinkled at the sudden smell, but his grin widened. "Lesson one is respect for your betters. Every part of a real man's body is better than you, and by the time José gets home you'll have learned to worship it. I don't expect you to like me, not yet, but you will respect me. Understood?"

"Yes Master Tark," the dog whimpered.

"What are you bitch?" Tark asked, and reached down under his work pants to stroke his erection while the dog shivered under his boot and tried to work out an answer that might satisfy him.

"I... I'm a stupid, weak, horny omega bitch slave..." The dog barely whispered the last word, but the yelp he let out as Tark ground his boot hard against the boy's erection wasn't hard to hear.

"Wrong! You're a fucking footrest, boot brush, and if you're good you're a cum rag too. You don't deserve to be my slave until you fucking earn it." The dog was sobbing again, so Tark stopped abusing is balls and planted his boot on the floor beside the dog instead.

"S-sorry Master," the dog whined. Tark didn't both replying, he just shoved his socked foot up against the cur's face and waited. There was the sniff of course, no canine could resist sniffing anything at least once, and then a sort of muffled groan or gag, and the dog's tail curled up around his leg. That tail would look a lot better docked, but maybe there'd be time for that later. The thought made Tark smile, and he rubbed the sock across the dog's muzzle, planting his heel on the dog's throat and pressing just enough to make him gag and inhale again. While the confused and frightened pup tried to figure out what was happening, Tark logged onto the laptop and pulled up the first set of e-mails in what looked like an endless list. He kept his foot rubbing over the dog's face, pressing down his ears and occasionally giving a gentle push or kick just to make the canine shudder, and tried to ignore his own erection and pay attention to filling out something called a CSA06 Oversight Confirmation instead, his brow furrowing a bit at the legalese jargon.

Somewhere around the second form, the dog started breathing in through his nose. It was tentative, almost shy at first, but it was unmistakable too. Tark just grinned and kept typing, but he did keep his foot closer to the long muzzle, and when the dog's snout started poking into his toes, he pressed them over the wet nose and wrapped his toes around it as much as he could. The Rottweiler stiffened, but he didn't pull away, and out of the corner of his eye Tark could see the guy's cock thickening. The mutt's breathing started to calm down by the end of that form, and after a couple of minutes without any struggling, Tark stripped off his sock, tossed it onto the dog's face, and put his naked, sweaty foot back onto the dog's nose. If the smell had been strong before, it must've been intolerable now, but he knew the dog wouldn't complain. He didn't dare, and better yet, Tark grinned, he didn't want to either.

The kid didn't start licking until the 5th form, but the polar bear's erection hadn't even begun to soften, and neither had the dog's. At first, the wet, warm tongue against Tark's sole was barely perceptible, but Tark had been waiting for it, and before the dog's tongue could even think of pulling away the bear's boot was back on the bitch's balls, pressing just hard enough to make him groan.

"Keep it up for an hour," the polar bear said, checking the time on the laptop, "Unless you want those balls of yours to get kicked again." Tark planned on kicking them anyway, just for the hell of it, but he figured the poor boy could use a goal to look forward to. It seemed to work too, since the dog's tongue tickled his foot as it swept over it again, and then poked up between his toes as he flexed his foot and leaned back in his chair, work temporarily forgotten. "Lick up all of Master's sweat, and I'll let you clean my other foot when you're finished."

The dog shuddered, but his hips jerked up under Tark's boot too, and the polar bear's grin widened at the dog's obvious indecision. It didn't seem to last long, and that tongue stopped cleaning his foot just long enough for him to quietly reply to the bear's command.

"Thank you... Daddy..."

No, Tark thought to himself, thank you José. Smiling, he closed the laptop and unzipped his pants. The dumb cat didn't know what he was missing, but on the other hand, Tark and the Rottie would have plenty of time to show him when he got back. The dog, or at least his captors, could always send another reassuring text after a week or so. Tark's toes squeezed around the mutt's tongue, trying and failing to trap it as it lapped over every inch of his foot. No need to let their new bitch leave when the inspectors did.

No need to let him leave at all...