How to Curve a bitches intention -

Story by Evan_Rey on SoFurry

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This is just a little practice.. I wrote this at the train station -

Evan walked, slowly through the dark alleys of central London.. A faint shiver running down his canine spine, despite the fact he was willingly choosing to do this.. Obviously scared, but-"Hey! Pink fag!.. You actually came.. Good boy ~"Evan turned, quickly moving to face the direction to which that voice had come.. Only to be met, nose to nose, with a much larger.. And visibly stronger than himself.. Only spurring the shivers running down his back and spine. "H.. Hey.. " The pink canine stammered, his hackles slightly raised and ears splayed out.. As he shifted his gaze from the larger male's eyes. " What's wrong, cuuuttiiee?.. Scared a big bad Wolf is gonna breed that tush of yours? ~" The Sheppy was smirking, and quickly moved a paw to give the younger, and smaller Pup's rear a slight swat.. "Nah.. You just have to worry about me~" He added.. Before sitting before the dog, sheath and all exposed.. With a red tip peaking from said sheath. "What's wrong ~? You seemed to enjoy it when I bred you before.. Why don't you go ahead and give your favourite 'bone' a little, little puppy Bitch ~"Evan's eyes were wide open at this point, it was all moving too fast for him.. But that swat to his rear quickly brought him, a sharp, high pitched yip escaping his maw.. But he soon gasped as he looked over the other male's position.. The sight of his sheath.. The words being said.. He wasn't going to lie, he enjoyed it."S.. Sir.. Someone.. Might see.. " Evan stammered once again, all whilst eying a droplet of pre that escaped the Shep's tapered tip. " Let them~.. They'd probably just think you're a female anyway, humans are idiots" Whist he spoke, his paw idly motioned to his sheath.. Even giving it a slight stroke here and then.. Teasing the dog before him, it was too much of course.. And before even the shep knew it, Evan moved to press his snout against his shaft.. The pup pretty much nuzzling up against it, inhaling the musky, natural scent the Shep's crotch gave off.. Causing the larger male to Smirk and murr at the display. "That's it.. Good 'girl', I knew a little bitch like you wouldn't be able to resist for long. " The Shep's paw made its way to the back of the small pink canines head, just slightly pushing on it.. Encouraging the dog even more. " Y.. Yes sir.. I.. I'm your bitch.. " Evan gasped between inhales and the idle nuzzles, if there was one thing he loved more than anything.. It was a strong, musky crotch.. But he couldn't do that Forever, so he slowly pulled his head back.. His ears perked.. His tail wagging. " Please sir.. Do what you wish to me.. I'm your bitch.. Your toy.. " He murred out, before once again diving in.. But this time to open his maw.. And take both the Alpha's cock tip.. And a portion of his sheath into both his throat and mouth, much to the Shep's delight.. As he just sat there, watching, occasionally calling the pink 'bitch' a good girl.. And humping up into that muzzle. Each second passed, his length grew in length.. And before long.. His fairly large eight inch doggy shaft was buried deep into the younger dogs maw, said dog visibly Gagging and coughing.. Even tearing up.. But the Alpha held his ground and kept his grip on the dogs head, keeping it in place.//Practice, I'll continue if people want me toooo~

That one, Pink bitch - Introduction

The dog lived on the edge of a small sea town located around the south coast of the United Kingdom. He was small, well.. Small for what he was anyway, measuring at around Two foot 'three on all fours and four foot' six on his hinds, yes, he was feral...

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