Knotty Alphas

Story by Mojotheomegawolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Knotty Alphas

Here is another awesome story I am writing. This one will basically follow Kate and Garth as they fuck each other's brains out.

Chapter 1: Beating Around the Bush

Everybody always wondered why it was that the leaders never shut down park operations when the heat wave struck, because something bad always seemed to happen to the alphas on duty on that day, and this year was no different.

Since Kate took up the position as the leader of the now allied Eastern and Western Packs, she assigned Garth as her Beta and relieved Hutch of his position upon request so that he may be able to dedicate more of his time to his mate, whom he had gotten pregnant about eight weeks ago and was now expected to go into labor any day.

And since Garth now held this responsibility, it was his duty to remain by her side, as she had elected to continue executing her former duties along with those gained from her new position of power as a show of good faith to those beneath her, so he did everything with her, including hunting, planning, maintaining border security, and mandating new laws.

They had grown closer in this time together, evolving from mutual acquaintances to good friends, though the process was slow, and was quite awkward in the beginning, like all new relations between wolves from the two packs following their unification. But that was three months ago. Now everything was functioning perfectly and any and all hard feelings shared between individuals from each of the packs were dead and gone.

All that was left now was peace.

Kate and Humphrey had married and taken up the role as leaders of the packs, Winston and Eve settled into retirement, though they still acted as advisors for the new leadership, and Garth and Lilly could not have been happier. Everybody loved each other and was loyal till death do they part.

But then the heat wave hit and shot it all to Hell.

Kate noticed early on in the morning when she was preparing to go to work that day that something was off with her body. This notion was something that she couldn't exactly explain, but she knew that something wasn't quite right, like the way the body warns an individual when they are coming down with some form of affliction. Whatever it was, though, she was certain that it was nothing that would hinder her from performing her duties as an alpha, so she collected herself, licked her still sleeping mate on the top of his head, then carried herself out into the morning.

The air was crisp and refreshing, as the sun had not yet come to suck the pleasantness from the atmosphere and replace it with its repulsive, dry heat, and she relished on it for a moment, knowing with a sense of bitter remorse that this delightful chill of the morning would not last, but after about a minute, she continued on her way, as she had more pressing matters at hand.

A disturbing report had been filed to her by her messenger that the guards set out to watch the border had spotted rouges patrolling near Western soil, and with the possibility of incident too high for her comfort, she made investigating the scene the top priority on her agenda.

As they had planned through her messenger, Garth met her half way and joined at her side.

"Rogues, huh?" he asked her, casting a sidelong glance as they walked.

Kate nodded.

"They must be planning something big," she said to him in a diplomatic tone, "notice how these sightings have become more frequent within the last couple of months?"

Garth nodded.

"It must have something to do with Humphrey being the leader of our pack," he theorized, "you know how King despises omegas. He's probably still stewing about placing an omega in charge, and is testing you two to see if you, especially Humphrey, will have the gall to stand up to him."

Kate growled softly.

"I'd love to see him try to make a move," she said testily, "if he does I'll flay his pelt and use it as a throw rug."

Garth stiffened slightly, as Kate seemed to become more and more like her mother with each day that passed, and he was terrified of her.

"Now, now," he said through the cracks of a nervous chuckle, "I don't think it'll come to that."

"I'm just saying, is all," Kate replied neutrally, though her face still bore a deep scowl.

Garth, not seeking to push the issue any further, pursed his lips and allowed silence to carry them to the area where the incident occurred.

Upon arrival they found a set of four wolves to be waiting for them: her parents, Cail, the black wolf who had spotted the rogues, and his brother, Lartia, the grey one who spoke for the mute alpha and henceforth filed the report.

One by one, their eyes migrated over to Kate and Garth, and upon recognizing their arrival, the four rose to greet them.

"Good morning," Kate greeted, nuzzling her parents in a businesslike fashion then pulled away, "I trust we all know why we are here."

They all nodded.

"Alright," Kate began, doing her best to put on a show for her parents which told them that she was a competent leader, "I need to speak to the one who filed the report."

Lartia stepped forward.

"That would be me, ma'am," he announced.

Kate nodded.

"So tell me exactly what it was that your brother saw."

"Well I already told your informant everything when I filed the report," he began, "i-"

"I understand this," Kate interrupted, "but for the sake of consistency I need to hear it from you as well. Now tell me exactly what it is that your brother saw."

"My apologies, ma'am," he began, lowering his head to demonstrate his subordination, "approximately four hours after moonrise, Cail spotted three wolves about a hundred yards beyond our borders, but claims to have smelt a fourth wolf, whom he could not see."

Kate nodded intently.

"Go on."

"Unfortunately we could not identify any of the four wolves," Lartia continued, "as they did not stay long and were at a distance where getting a good visual was not possible, but we have no hostilities to report and all has been quiet since their departure."

"Thank you, Lartia," Kate thanked with a curt nod, "is there anything else?"

Lartia turned over to his brother, who only shook his head, then moved his eyes back to Kate.

"No ma'am," he said.

"Thank you," Kate replied, "that'll be all. Go home and get some rest."

"Thank you, ma'am," Lartia said and dismissed himself.

Cail departed in his wake with a curt nod, leaving only four.

"Would you like some help with this one?" Winston asked his daughter.

Kate turned to Garth, who gave her a shrug that told her that he was good with doing whatever she decided, then turned back to her parents.

"No, I think we can handle it," she replied, "after all, we need to learn how to conduct investigations by ourselves."

They both nodded.

"Would you like an escort?" Eve offered, "it's dangerous out there beyond our borders."

"I think that Garth and I can handle it," Kate assured, "after all, we'll only be gone for a few minutes."

Eve nodded.

"Okay baby," she digressed, "just be careful."

"We will," Kate replied.

Winston stepped forward.

"Garth I want you to look out for her out there," Winston said firmly, then addressed both of them, "and if you two find yourselves in trouble, don't try to fight. Run. Understood?"

They both nodded.

"Alright, we'll head back to the dens," Eve said, "do you have anything you would like for us to relay to the others when we get there?"

"Yes, actually," Kate replied, "tell Candu that he and Claw will be spearheading this morning's hunt in our absence, and please tell Humphrey not to worry, and that I'll be back in time for lunch."

They both nodded and then took their leave, leaving Kate and Garth alone so they could go to work.

"Alright," Kate said, turning to her Beta, "let's do this."

Garth nodded and began to follow her out beyond the border of the park, but as they crossed over, he noticed that she had begun to walk funny, and could not ignore a peculiar scent which began to emit from her.

"Uh, Kate, are you okay?" he asked her, causing her to turn to him.

"Fine," she replied, though she seemed to be in a state of discomfort, "why do you ask?"

"You seem troubled," he observed, "and I don't think it's because of where we are."

Kate sighed and paused for a moment.

"I'm not sure, honestly," she admitted, "it started this morning and has gotten progressively worse as the day goes on."

Concern stitched Garth's eyebrows together.

"Are you okay?" he asked, "you're not sick are you?"

Kate chuckled.

"I'm fine," she replied, "I probably just ate some bad meat is all. No need to worry."

"You're sure you wouldn't like to go back?" Garth offered, "we could always come back tomorrow."

"I'm sure," she replied, "let's just get this over with."

Garth nodded and the two continued, but he could not escape the scent that played with his nose, as it seemed to be calling to him, beckoning him to take action, but exactly what that action was remained a mystery to him.

As they arrived at the place where the rogue wolves were spotted the previous night, Kate felt an odd chill run down her spine which caused the fur on her back to stand on end and she felt her body begin to become overwhelmed by the rush of an excitement the likes of which she had never experienced. She could not explain why this was happening exactly, but figured that it had something to do with the thrill of danger she found by being out beyond their borders. And maybe that had combined itself with the excitement she felt in getting to finally make her first decision entirely on her own. But whatever it was that was happening, she felt herself literally buzzing with energy.

"Alright Garth," she began, turning to her Beta, who seemed distracted by something, "Garth are you listening?"

He snapped out of whatever realm to which he had drifted and turned to her.

"Sorry, yes?" he asked.

"Garth I need you on this one," she said sternly, "so try to stay sharp."

Garth nodded sheepishly.

"Alright, I want you to go over to that sector and start sweeping for prints and scents," she instructed, "I'll start over here. Let me know if you find something."

"Right," he replied with a nod then turned and trotted over to the section to which he had been instructed to go.

Kate watched him go and found that, for some strange reason, she was having a difficult time taking her eyes off of him. He was so big, so strong, so handsome- an alpha's alpha, and if she wanted him, he would be her alpha.

She quickly realized what it was that she was doing and turned immediately away.

"What are you thinking!" she scolded herself in her mind, "you are married, dummy, and that is your sister's husband! Get to work and get that sick thought out of your head right now!"

Flustered by her previous actions, she moved quickly over to the place which she had designated for herself to search and began to sweep it for any clues which might help to identify who it was that Cail had seen last night.

"I've got a scent," Garth called to Kate, causing her to lift her head.

"Alright, hold your position," she said to him, "I'll be right over."

Garth nodded and waited for her as she came over, then stepped aside when she arrived so that she may sample the dirt as well.

Kate purposefully avoided making eye contact with him and lowered her nose to the ground then sniffed, detecting immediately a scent which tugged at her familiarity, as most, if not all of the rogues were once members of her pack or of the other packs within the Union.

"Can you make anything of it?" Garth asked his commander.

Kate held her head low still and sampled the scent yet again, trying to pick around the scents that she was not familiar with so that she may single out the one that she was, then once the pieces of the puzzle came together, she snorted and lifted her eyes to Garth, who quickly averted his as he pretended to take interest in something else.

"The scent belongs to Sam," Kate informed, making a mental note, "you remember him right? Before he was banished, he was King's right arm in his party of political activists."

Garth nodded.

"And I assume that now he has graduated to being the Beta of Banff?" Garth inquired.

"I wouldn't doubt it," Kate replied, "King almost never made any decisions without first consulting with Sam."

"So you think that King sent him and the others, or do you think it was by Sam's dictates?" Garth asked.

"It's hard to say," Kate replied, "but more likely than not, I'd have to say that King sent them out to do recon."

Garth nodded, though he found himself staring at her again.

"It's a possibility that this whole thing is a mistake, but I feel as though we should still monitor this carefully," Kate continued, "any suggestions?"

Garth blinked and then looked to the left as he thought.

"Maybe we could stake this spot out tonight?" he suggested, "you know, try to catch them in the act."

Kate nodded.

"That's a great idea," she said with a smile, "if we can catch them in the act, then maybe we can apprehend one of them and interrogate him, you know, see what he knows."

Garth smiled back.

"Great," he replied, "so shall we start heading back to HQ?"

"In a bit," Kate stated, "I just want to take a moment here to see if we can find anything we may have missed before we go."

"Alright," Garth agreed, "what shall I look for?"

Kate felt that odd feeling rush over her again, only this time she felt this type of itch in both her mind and, embarrassingly, under her tail, and for whatever reason, she actually found herself becoming sexually attracted to Garth, as she knew that he would make a fine lover.

"No," Kate muttered under her breath, causing Garth's ears to perk.

"What was that?" he asked her, drawing Kate's attention to him once more.

"Nothing," Kate replied quickly, "we should be getting back."

"But what about-"

"I'm sure everything will be alright," Kate assured, casting him a sidelong glance as she brushed past him, "we've found enough."

Garth, however, remained where he was.

"Kate, what's up with you today?" Garth asked her sternly, causing her to stop.

"What do you mean?" she asked him defensively.

"You've been acting weird all day," Garth commented, "is there something you'd like to tell me?"

Kate was shaking all over, as the longer she was in his presence, the more her itch nagged, and she did not want to allow herself to do something she might regret, so she wanted to get home as soon as she could before she did.

"I'm fine," she lied, growling inside as the itch grew ever stronger, "now let's go," she said as she turned and began to walk.

Garth rolled his eyes in annoyance and began to follow, though as he followed, that strange scent which he had detected earlier crept once more into his nostrils, stirring about a call to action once more, but as of yet he could still not figure out what that action may be. He did, however, find his eyes beginning to drift down toward Kate's rear.

She had such a nice butt, and he loved the way that she walked, sweeping her hips and tail back and forth. She acted like she didn't know that she was teasing every male she passed when she did this, but he knew she did, and he loved it.

And Lilly was attractive and all, and he loved her, but he had always thought that Kate was fine as fuck, and he would like nothing more than to plow her fields, but there was just one little problem: they were both happily married, so he had better get that thought out of his head now.

Then again... they were all alone out here... No. No. No. Focus, get your mind out of the gutter!

Garth sighed as he tried to move his attention elsewhere, and even got so desperate that he closed his eyes so he could no longer see that which tempted him.

However, since he did this, he did not see Kate pause and henceforth bumped into her.

He opened his eyes upon making contact with her and tried to fix his mistake, but was too late to stop himself from tripping and knocking both of them over.

"Ugh, watch it, Garth!" Kate exclaimed, untangling herself from him.

"I'm sorry," Garth said quickly and began to pull himself away, but as he did, he noticed that something dreadful had happened. He had allowed himself to erect slightly whilst he lied on her.

He tried to cover himself up before she could see, but was too late, as her eyes had already locked themselves onto his member.

"Damn, Garth," she said to him, casually, "that's uh- that's pretty impressive."

Garth's face began to heat up.

"I'm so sorry, Kate," he whimpered, "I don't know what came over me. I just-"

Kate laughed.

"Don't worry about it," she replied, "I don't mind." She smiled as she felt the itch tug at her instincts once more. "In fact, if you'd like, maybe I can help you with that."

Garth's eyes darted back and forth quickly and his heart began to palpitate.

"Kate, no, I-" he begged, "we're- we can't."

Kate got her paws beneath her and began to slide her way up to him.

"You say no, but your dick says yes," she observed, now standing above him, "so what'd'ya say? How's about you and I go slip off into that bush over there and I'll show you how an alpha can fuck?"

Garth wanted to do this so badly now, as he could feel his mind becoming overpowered by his sexual desire, but he still had enough common sense to say no.

"But Kate, what about Humphrey and Lilly?" he pleaded.

"What about them?" she asked, "I love Humphrey and all, but he is such a lousy fuck. I need an alpha's touch."

Garth scooted back as she lowered her paw toward his crowning cock.

"But wait, what about your sister?" Garth asked desperately.

"Fuck my sister," Kate replied with a scoff, "she can't love you like I can."

Garth was growing more and more desperate by the second, as he did not want to cheat on his wife, but he did not know how much more of this he could take.

"Come on, Garth," Kate purred, stroking his sheath with her paw, "you know you want to."

"I- I-" Garth whimpered, fighting with all he had to keep himself contained, but the irresistible scent which emitted from Kate, mixed with the fact that she was the sexiest wolf in the entire park, caused his will to finally cave, "Alright, fine," he panted, "but this is a one time thing."

"Understood," Kate purred, circling him with a brush of her tail beneath his chin, then sliding her way over to the bush.

Garth heard his common sense telling him to run now while she was distracted, but the scent and his spiking hormones forbade him from leaving and drew him in.

He hesitated for a moment before stepping in, and as he entered, he was immediately tackled to the floor with an 'oof!'

Not but a second after he was taken to the ground, the hot, hungry she-wolf locked lips with him and began to grind along his body, panting and trembling so turned on was she.

Garth struggled to keep up with her pace, as this kind of heated loving was new to him, but Kate did not care, as she had no interest in how he kissed. She was just interested in how he fucked, and how he tasted.

Garth's cock was fully erect by this point, poking into the fur on Kate's belly, and as soon as she felt this, she pulled away and backed up so she may gaze upon that which she longed to put inside of her.

"Fuck yes," Kate panted, staring down at the ten inch member which throbbed on his belly.

Garth lied on the ground, ready now, and more than willing to be subjected to whatever will she desired.

"You like?" he asked with a smile, as he could see in her eyes how badly she wanted it.

Kate, however did not reply, as she had grown tired of words, so in order to answer his question, she simply sucked the entirety of its length into her gullet.

Garth gasped as he felt her take his cock into her mouth and thought that once he felt the head of it poke into the back of her throat, she would have reached her max, but to his great surprise and pleasure, she literally swallowed it and took the four inches that remained into her mouth while the rest of it went down into her esophagus. Garth felt a bizarre, yet incredible sensation when she did this, as the ribbed lining of her esophagus contracted around his cock and brushed against it in a fashion that was almost impossible for an individual to understand without having had it happen to him personally.

Kate smiled, her mouth still full of his cock, then pulled back until her lips touched the tip of his head then shot down once more until they touched his swollen knot, this time swallowing his head with one, solid motion.

Garth was enjoying himself to such an extent at this point that he could do nothing except lie there with his tongue rolling out of the corner of his mouth and allow her to work her magic.

She was the definition of the perfect cock sucker, changing up her rhythm, pace, and style so frequently that no sensation was ever quite the same; and the best part was, just as soon as it seemed as though she was going to run out of tricks, she would come up with something completely new that caused Garth to moan softly and dig his claws into the ground as his cock was being sucked.

"God damn, Kate," he panted, causing the horny she-wolf to lift her eyes to him while she worked, "you're so fucking good at this."

She smiled and pulled off with a slurp, dragging with her a thin strand of saliva which clung to the tip of his cock and her lip.

"And we haven't even gotten to the good part yet," she purred, going down and eating his cock again.

Garth was experiencing so much pleasure at this point that he could not begin to think about how it could get any better, but he was soon to find out as he felt himself beginning to climb a few minutes later.

"Shit, Kate," he growled, "I'm gonna cum!"

Kate took his words as a cue and sped up, using her partner's breaths and body language as signs so that the moment before it was about to happen, she could execute her signature move.

She heard Garth groan softly and felt his entire body tense, and it was at that point that she knew the time had arrived.

She went down on his cock, but this time as she reached his knot, she did not pause. Her jaw unhinged, much like a snake, and just as Garth was about to let his load fly, she took his entire knot into her mouth so that no part of her lover's cock was left unattended.

Garth nearly howled so intense was the orgasm which he experienced at this point.

Every muscle in his body became as hard as stone and the amount of euphoric hormones which surged over his body was so great that he became completely numb as he shot his load down Kate's throat.

Kate had never choked on cum in her life, as from the first moment she tried it the first time she and Humphrey made love she fell in love with the taste, but Garth produced so much of it that she could not swallow enough of it in time before another volley followed and henceforth her throat became clogged.

But she did not panic, as panicking would only make the situation worse, and waited until the tenth and final rope of cum had fired into her before attempting to swallow again, and this time she succeeded in sucking what remained of his sticky seed down her throat.

This accomplished, she unhinged her jaw again and pulled away so that she may gaze down upon her partner and found him to be lying on the ground completely motionless save the rise and fall of his chest.

"How was that, Garth," she asked him sleazily, as she knew simply by looking at him that he had never experienced anything like this before.

"Unbelievable," he panted, lifting his head up so that he may look at her.

Kate smiled then turned around.

"And we've only just begun," she purred, lifting her tail to the side, "what are you waiting for? Come and get me."

Garth felt the blood rush to his cock once more and rose to his paws, ready to fuck her like she had never been fucked before.

Kate trembled with want, ready and willing to take all that he could give, because she knew that she would enjoy every second of what she was about to do.

She felt his cold nose brush against her folds as he indulged himself in her scent, then felt his tongue begin to lap at the juices she produced, but she had no interest in oral. She just wanted to fuck.

"Never mind that, Garth," she panted, "just put it in me."

Garth was not going to argue with her, as he was just as eager to get it in as she was, so he pressed himself up onto his hind paws and deposited his chest along her back.

Kate, having only made love to Humphrey, was not used to having to support so much weight, so she grunted and widened her stance to help even out the strain, and as she found a position in which she found comfort, she turned and nodded to Garth, signaling to him that she was ready.

Garth nodded and aligned himself with her wanting folds, then pushed slowly in.

Kate gasped as she felt his head slip in between her lips, then moaned loudly as the rest of his cock followed.

She had never had anything this big inside of her before, and it stretched her pussy severely, so the experience was quite painful, but what Humphrey never understood, or was willing to understand, was that she liked it rough, and that to her, pain was pleasure.

She flexed her claws into the dirt beneath them as she felt his knot finally touch her folds and lowered her head with a soft moan, feeling the pain of his large organ as it forced her hole open and loving every ounce of it.

"Oh god, Garth," she whimpered, biting her lower lip, "you're so big."

Garth was impressed with Kate's capacity, as when he did it with Lilly, he could only put it in about half way before she screamed that it was too much, so he never got the full stimulation until now, and to him there was nothing better.

He lingered in her depths for a moment before he pulled slowly out, then went back in, increasing his speed and force until they were going at a steady pace.

"Oh, yes, Garth," Kate moaned, "yes! Fuck me!"

Garth panted hard as he humped her, driving his member deep into unmarked territory.

"You're so fucking hot, Kate," he heaved, leaning forward and nibbling on her ear.

Kate moaned and tilted her head back, allowing him to access her ear more easily, then yelped when his head brushed against her g-spot.

"Do- that... again," she panted, "harder!"

Garth nodded and repositioned his hind paws so that he had a better base, then shot his member into her again, making sure to angle it upwards so that it stabbed her in the desired location.

"Fuck yes!" Kate groaned, lowering her head, "fuck me, Garth!"

Garth cranked up his speed, ignoring the dull burn in his core, and allowed his sex drive to take control of his next actions.

He growled and bit her scruff then pulled her head back, causing Kate to scream out involuntarily, but this was what she wanted. She wanted him to treat her like a bitch. She wanted to be at the mercy of his will, because that was the kind of sex she liked the most. To her, sex just wasn't quite sex if she wasn't crying a little.

"Yes, Garth," she panted, "yes, yes, yes. YES!"

Garth wrenched down harder on her scruff, pulling to the point where even the skin around her eyes and mouth was being stretched back, and the added stimulation she felt because of the pain caused her to moan so loud and in such a high pitch that she was literally squealing with joy.

Garth was enjoying himself, too, because he knew that he would never get away with something like this with Lilly, because she was too delicate, and, though she wanted to mate often, it was always the same.

She would tell him to slow down because he was hurting her, she did not like it when he tried to get a little freaky or rough with her, and she NEVER allowed him to knot. By the time it was all said and done, mating with Lilly was more work than fun, but this... this was everything he dreamed of. He had always wanted a female he could really go all out with, one he could really fuck, and now he finally found one.

"Garth, I want your knot!" Kate cried, "give me your knot!"

Garth heard his alpha's command and stood to deliver, so he buckled down and began to ram her fast and hard with his cock, determined to punch it into her.

Kate moaned loudly as she felt it slapping against the walls of her pussy and trembled with want, because at this point she did not care if he got her pregnant. Right now the only thing she wanted, the only thing she needed, was to feel that wonderful, giant, pulsating, orb rip into her and lock into place, and feel his cum shoot deep into her womb, coating her insides in that sticky, white goo.

"Come on, Garth!" she pleaded impatiently, "get it in me!"

Garth growled and screwed his eyes shut and tried with all he had to force the orb into her, pounding her so hard and so fast that his hips were a blur, but it still wasn't enough. He knew that he was running out of time, as he could feel himself rapidly approaching his climax, so he had to get it in quick if he wished to satisfy both her and himself.

Kate, driven by a desire so great that it was impossible to contain, began to rock against his thrusts, trying with all that she had in her to break the seal and force his knot into her pussy, because the want was driving her mad.

Garth felt his climax steadily beginning to climb and gave it everything he had, but he feared that it just wouldn't be enough. His knot was just too big, and her pussy was just too tight.

But he wasn't going to give up until the bitter end when his climax finally came.

With determination, fueled by a driving growl, he focused all of his attention and all of his power into his next few thrusts.

Kate felt his energy change, and matched his rhythm, rocking back with as much force as she was capable of exerting.

Garth felt his knot press into her lips slightly, but they refused to give, so he groaned and tried again.

"Come on, Garth!" Kate encouraged, her voice a shrill scream, "I know you can do it!"

Sweat caked Garth's fur to his body and exhaustion began to settle in, telling him that he should cut his losses, but he was not going to give up, not when he had come this far!

He pounded away at her still, feeling his knot enter her half way, then pulled back.

He felt his climax reaching its pinnacle. He knew that it was now or never.

With a determined growl, he launched himself forward, and as his knot made contact with her glistening pussy, he felt it spread her walls apart, then enter, and as he locked into place, he let it all fly.

Kate squeaked as she felt his knot pop into her, then squealed as she felt his cum fire off into her, coating her walls and filling her up in a way that she had never been filled before. This sensation sent her over the edge, and with a shriek she came as well, but since Garth's knot was so big, and because it had lodged itself so deep, their cum had nowhere to go, she was filled to the point where she thought she would pop.

Garth panted and draped his body along her back.

"God damn, Kate," he heaved, "that was... the best sex... I've ever had."

Kate panted as well, supporting his weight with trembling legs.

"You were amazing," she commended, turning toward him.

Garth leaned his muzzle down and kissed her lips, then flipped his body around so they stood tail to tail, tied by his bond.

Kate, exhausted, began to lower herself to the ground, and since Garth was tied to her, he had no choice but to follow her lead.

"Whew," Kate chuckled, "you really wore me out."

Garth nodded in agreement, still trying to catch his breath.

"But you know what?" Kate continued, "I wouldn't mind going for another round, maybe experiment a little more, try some different things, what do you think?"

Hearing the offer caused Garth's knot to throb as excitement rushed over his body again.

"I'm game," he replied, "we just need to come up with a good excuse as to why we were gone for so long."

Kate nodded.

"I agree," she concurred, "and we should probably find a better place, you know, one that isn't so exposed."

Garth took his turn to nod.

"Yeah," he agreed, "I know a place not too far from here. I don't think anybody else knows where it is."

Kate smiled.

"Great," she replied, beginning to press herself to her paws, "let's- oh!"

"Ow, Kate!"

Kate stopped once she felt his knot tug on her walls and quickly lied back down.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly, "I forgot we were still tied."

"It's alright," he replied, "I'm just as excited as you are to get where we need to go."

"Yeah," Kate replied with a sigh of boredom, "but it looks like we're just gonna have to wait."

Garth sighed, too, knowing that they would be stuck like this for at least thirty minutes, and he did not know how they would pass the time, but at last the moment finally arrived when he deflated enough for him to pull out.

"Finally," he said, rising to his feet, and with a pop, dislodged his knot.

Kate gasped slightly, feeling him exit her, then felt herself begin to drain as all of their cum began to seep out of her pussy and to the ground, leaving behind her a puddle about two feet in diameter.

She waited until she was completely drained then licked herself clean and rose to her paws, nodding to Garth.

"You ready?" she asked him.

"Definitely," he replied with a nod.

"Then lead the way," she said with an excited smile.

Garth nodded again and stepped out of the bush then began to lead her off toward the place where next they would fuck