Total Trust Chapter Eight: Hearthrome Lovers

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#8 of Total Trust

Things get steamy... let me know your thoughts.

A/N: This chapter contains the First Love scene I have ever attempted. I want to know your thoughts on how well I did. If you don't like boy x boy then you can skip this chapter and still be able to follow the story.


The next morning we arrived in Hearthrome City. I led Mist to the Pokemon Center to secure a room and once we got one I asked him to shower with me. He blushed but didn't decline.

I undressed quickly and Mist murred with a hungry look in his eyes as he watched me. I blushed but started to get the water ready and my blush deepened as I felt Mist's hesitant paws trace their way around my waist just above my crotch while his head resting on my shoulder.

I paused in my efforts to start the water and just rested my hands over Mist's interlocked paws and closed my eyes. "_ Are you OK Max? _" he asked his breath tickling my ear. I nodded not trusting my voice as the warmth from his fur permeated my body.

Even though that I couldn't see it I felt Lucario smile as he removed his arms from my waist and stepped to my side. "_ Are we still gonna shower?" _ He asked and I shook myself and started to turn on the water once more.

After it started I checked the temperature and once it was to my liking I stepped into the shower and once Mist got in with me I pulled up the valve and turned the shower head on. I winced from the cold temperature at first and then sighed as it evened out.

I reached for the soap to find that Mist had beat me to it. He grabbed the rag and soaped it up and then preceded to bathe me. I found myself moaning softly in pleasure as he did so. Mist giggled softly behind me as he finished up and I turned to him and lightly kissed his cheek. "Thank you Mist." I said smiling before stepping under the spray.

Once I washed off I moved Mist underneath the water and once he was wet enough I got some shampoo and went to work on his fur. I took my time and did my best. I noticed a flash of pink beginning to emerge from Mist's crotch and I washed my hands free of shampoo and lightly massaged Mist's package as the shampoo did it's work.

Mist murred in appreciation as his tail wagged and I laughed softly before moving him back under the stream to wash off. Once done I reached around him to turn off the water and stepped out of the shower and dried us both off.

Mist's tail never ceased it's wagging as we moved to the bedroom. Normally I would have dressed but for some reason I just didn't feel like doing it at the moment. I found Mist and I moving towards the bed and after I laid down he moved to my side and rested his head on my chest.

I began to play with his ears as I looked down at him and then I asked him "Mist would you...?" I broke off with a blush. Mist moved so that he was resting on his elbows as he looked at my face. _ "Are you asking what I think you are Max?" _

Slowly I nodded and Mist moved closer to steal my lips with a kiss.

I wrapped my arms around Mist as we kissed, Mist's paw gently caressed my check in a tender manner as our lips were locked together, we caught our breath and panted heavily when we broke apart "That was amazing Mist." I complimented him. He smiled at me with his tail wagging.

_ "So how far are we going Max?" _ He asked me. My eyes roamed over Mist as I thought about it and to his credit he didn't try to interrupt me.

"Well Should I let him fuck me? Do I trust him enough to do that?" I really didn't feel like topping Mist at the moment and I trusted him to not hurt me. I smiled at the Lucario in my arms. "_ We are going all the way Mist. I want you inside me." _

Mist seemed surprised and he asked again just to make sure. "_ Are you sure Max? I'll do it but I want to be sure I won't hurt you." _ ** **

I wrapped both of his paws in my hands. "_ Mist you have my total trust. I know you won't hurt me. I am sure. Take me as your mate." _ ** **

Mist smiled at me and then before I had time to form a thought his paw was on my crotch. "Ohhh Mist!" I moaned as the blue canine began to slowly stroke my cock. Mist smirked evilly at me as he slowly ran his tongue over the very tip of my cock making me groan.

Mist continued his attentions and every lick had me moaning in pleasure. Mist seemed to enjoy my moans as his tail kept wagging and his attentions on my cock became more focused.


My trainers moans were like music to my ears and I did my best to encourage them. I carefully slipping Max's hardening member into my muzzle as I began to suck on it gently. Max's hands rested on the side of my head and he ran his fingers through my fur.

I eased off of his cock when I had to catch my breathe and he pulled me up to his side with a tender look in his eyes. I wondered why he had moved me but the answer soon became clear as he gently kissed my lips. I blushed fiercely as I kissed him back and his hands roamed over my body.

Passion poured into the kiss from both of us and it felt as if a literal flame was dancing between our lips as we kissed. To soon for my liking Max had to break the kiss to breathe. He smiled softly at me and I stuck my tongue out at him which made him laugh.

He turned me over so that I was on my back and then moved down over my sheath. I watched him hesitate briefly before beginning to rub my sheath to coax my member out. I murred blushing and it slowly emerged from it's protective covering.

Max seemed to steel himself before he hesitantly took my cock into his mouth. His licks were cautious but they had me moaning in pleasure and soon he became more confident and began to mess with my balls as he sucked me. I panted and started to hump his mouth. He almost gagged at first and I backed off but he shook his head and held me in place while he took a few deep breaths from his nose.

He gestured for me to try again and I did but I kept my thrusts gentler this time. Max didn't react this time and I sighed with relief. When I felt I was hard enough I eased out of his mouth and he blushed knowing what came next.

He moved so that His bum was facing me and I licked one of my fingers to make it wet and began to gently massage his hole. Several times I relubed my finger and started over again. When I thought that he could take it I carefully slid my finger into Max.

He bit his lip and I paused with my finger half way in and waited. Max seemed to be trying to stop himself from crying out. "More lube please Mist." he said looking back at me. I nodded and eased my finger back out and with a hitch in my breath bent my head down over his entrance and began to hesitantly rim Max.

Max's face flushed red but his moans of pleasure were like sweet music to my ears. I kept up my rimming efforts and was rewarded after a bit as my tongue accidentally slipped into Max. His moan encouraged me and I started to tongue fuck him.

"Mhhhm... Mist that feels so good." Max whispered and I grinned before easing my tongue out and carefully reinserting the finger. Max rolled his bum a bit and the muscles and such seemed to clench at my finger before it settled down.

I added a second finger and then made a scissoring motion to open him further and he waited for me patiently. Deciding I wanted to see his face better I flipped him onto his back and rested his legs on my shoulders. He smiled lovingly at me as he saw me get ready to start the penetration.

I moved my tip to his entrance and gently pushed. Max's bum spread wiling for me but I stopped myself from plunging right in as I watched Max's face for any signs of pain. "Hold on for a bit love." he said and while I waited I felt his ass slowly adjust to my tip and then he nodded to me.

I eased in another inch and stopped to see if he needed to adjust. He had his eyes closed and was breathing slowly. When his breathing eased up I carefully added some more. This time I was able to get half way inside him before he had to adjust and I murred softly at the tightness of his bum.

I added my full length with the exception of my knot and waited with baited breath as he adjusted to me and then finally nodded at me. I eased out a bit and then thrusted slowly back in. I kept my rythem slow until Max began to moan so softly I almost didn't hear it.

Slowly I increased my pace and penetration and wagged my tail when I heard Max's moans grow deeper and louder. I wondered if he could take my knot but I wasn't going to force it into him. I looked at him and asked quietly "_ Max do you want me to tie you? It will hurt... and we won't be able to move until it's over." _

"I told you Mist to claim me as yours. So yes Mist I want you to tie me." He replied. My ears went down as my thrusts became more rapid and as my orgasm approached I saw Max's cock twitching so I began to stroke it and made him moan which had me grinning as I thrust one final time and came inside him with my knot tieing us together. Before I realized what I was doing I had also moved to bite Max's shoulder with a mating bite.

Max screamed in pain which quickly brought me back to my senses and I hurriedly removed my mouth and licked at the wound to close it. My ears drooped as I was afraid he would be angry with me. "Mist... why did you bite me just now?" he asked his tone questioning.

"_ It... just felt like the way to go. Now any other Pokemon will now know your claimed and won't mess with you _." I looked down with a whine feeling so sorry that I hurt him and I let got of Max's legs afraid he would get mad at me. Unable to reach me with his arms he instead wrapped his leg's around me and gave me a brief squeeze.

"_ Hey Mist it's Ok. I'll just have to wait for it to heal right?" _ I blushed _ Well thatch the thing Max... It won't ever fully heal. When I bit you a special chemical came with the bite. It makes it to where you will always have that mark. _

Max looked at me and then blushed. _ Well Mist I did tell you to claim me as yours. This wasn't really what I had in mind. BUT I did tell you that you have my total trust and I meant that. _Max sighed and carefully moved a bit to get more comfortable while he waited for my knot to deflate a bit.

I bit my lip as he did so trying to stop myself from thrusting into him once more. Max sensing my struggle asked. "_ What else does the bite do Mist?" _ I thought for a bit and sent back _ Well it supposedly links us on an emotional level to the point where we can read each others emotions like we were reading a book and no matter the distance between us even if I'm in the Pokeball we can communicate easily. _

Max nodded and yawned and I laughed before my own yawn brought my laugh to a halt and Max smiled gently before drifting away to sleep and soon after I followed suit.


When I woke up sometime later I saw that Mist was still asleep I smiled to myself and then winced at the pain in my shoulder. His knot felt looser though and I decided to see if I could ease off of him without waking him.

A few times he stirred as I carefully removed him from my bum but he didn't wake. I stood carefully on weak knees as my bum felt pretty sore. I made my way to the shower slowly and taking my time I didn't bother to grab any clothes only a towel.

Once inside the restroom I moved over the toilet and completed my business and flushed. I waited for the toilet to refill and then started the shower. Once the water warmed up I stepped in and let the warm water carcass my frame as I began to bathe.

I took my time and once I was finished I shut it off and dried off. I moved back to the bedroom and dressed before moving to sit on the couch and thought over last nights events. " Mist marked me as his and though the bite is painful the pain should fade soon. It feels like I shoved a telephone pole up my but as well but I don't mind it that much. I guess I could spend some time with Shadow and let him train awhile."

I stood up and wrote a quick note for Mist and then slipped out of the room and made sure it was locked behind me. I had my bag with me and Shadow's Pokeball on my belt. My shoulder was quite painful but I did my best to ignore it.

Once outside I debated on whether releasing Shadow right there or looking for a battle. Truth be told I did want some time to think and I did mention on the note that I might be going to the Reverse World for awhile. Still I had been neglecting Shadow and I did want him to feel as if he had a family so I made my decision and released him from the ball.