A Strangers Request: Chapter 2: A Dirty Dollar Day

Story by AllenS on SoFurry

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#3 of Dump Days.

Some times, your life just goes straight to crap. And in the case of Allen, it's LITERAL crap. Some mild dirty humor and in a world with as many oddities at this, who know what may very well happen next. Enjoy the read :D

The first hour of their day was spent with a mix of drinking and eating lunch, playing video games, and getting to know each other. Allen recalled all of his time as an ACE, an Army Corps Engineer, while Zoroark told of the live in the lower districts. "It's gotten worse," said Zoroark, sighing, "to the point where I have to squat in my front deck every morning before heading out to try to find a job." He shook his head, his black mane spilling out of the braid he had it in. "But that's most of my life now. I'm not as interesting as you seem to be."

Allens face turned a deep scarlet, and he furiously tried to hide it. "Surely, you jest!" He choked out, embarrassment acting like a speech impediment. "I'm just a normal work horse." As he finished, both furs heard a loud growling rumble, and Allen grabbed at his sides. "Ohhhh~..." He moaned, in a mix of pleasure and pain. "Zoroark, I need to g--" The word was barely out of his mouth as a sudden loud "PRRRRRRRRTT!" Cut the room, followed by a wet squishing "PPHTTT!" Allen moaned, and grunted, thoroughly embarrassed. "Ahh! Sorry, Zoroark. I didn't-" Another fart cut him off, followed by another rush of warm scat. The seat of his diaper quickly was a few shades off of brown, with a dot or two of green and yellow. He couldn't find the words to respond, one paw hiding his face while the other tested if the diaper would hold.

Zoroark's reaction was an odd one. He neither reared back, nor blushed. If anything, he leaned in, and took a slight whiff of the Stallions soiled package. He closed his eyes, and took another, longer and slower breath in through his nose, and then opened his eyes. He then blushed, and rubbed the back of his paws, a bit shaken by his sudden rush of instincts. "Sorry," he began, "but in the part of town I was raised in..." He blushed, composing his sentence, and continued. "Well, it's traditional to sniff a persons... eh, load.... As a sign of respect.... And..." Here, he buried his face in his paws, and whispered out: "...yours smells good to begin with."

It was hard pressed to tell who was more embarrassed. Coughing and shuffling nervously, Allen clearly faked a laugh, trying to fill the dead, smelly air. "He-he.... I think it's time to change now," He said limply while sighing as he got up from the couch, and started walking in a direction to the stairs. "It's about time that I show you this anyway," Allen said, his diaper sloshing with it's payload. "I built a... Well, a changing room, of sorts, for situations like this. Here, help me with this, will/would you/ya? He nodded to the door, his hands tentatively checking on the status of the plastic poop pouch, and making sure that it didn't leak its load. Zoroark moved beside him, opening the door, before letting out a gasp. The room was like an oversized nursery, minus the baby sized decorations and gear. Zoroark turned around to find Allen blushing so furiously that his embarrassment showed through his silver fur. Zoroark merely shrugged however, and just held the door open for Allen. After he was inside, he was burning with curiosity and quickly acted on it: "Zoroark? Aren't you a little, I don't know, freaked out by this?" He asked, his ears cocked quizzically. Zoroark sighed, and then replied, "when you rent out an apartment, you see a whole lot creepier stuff than that." Here, he blushed and then rolled his eyes. "One tenant had a Vore Fantasy, and after hearing some yelling, I went up to his room to check on it. Bad move, he was in the middle of being 'eaten' by a hired Vore snake. Freaked me out so bad I called the cops, and all the while, the snake was showing the credentials proving that it was legal and safe, the 'Client' having took an acid resistance and breathing potion." He shuddered, having brought up the memory. Allen frowned, and then said, "Well, It's in the past, isn't it? Best to let that lie for no-" Not being able to finish, a second wave of diarrhea hit Allen, his tail raising up and a distinct "SPRRTTTPHT!" sound coming from his back side. Allen dared not test the plastic wrapping too much longer, and walked hesitantly over to the changing table. Unlike most conventional changing tables, besides it being overtly large nature, was that it was partially shaped like a chair with a drain in the middle of it. Quickly, it was apparent why.

Allen quickly sat down and and removed the diaper, and within a moment, he was crapping again, this time no diaper to muffle the bowel moment's sound. He shuddered, trying to clench and stop a load that his body had no control over. "Ahhh~!" He moaned, his intestines being drained of his load. Zoroark watched with a mixture of odd fascination and hilarity. Zoroark stiffened a giggle and then asked, "what would you like me to do to help you?"

Allen had a bit of trouble replying, his body almost spent of fluids and solids to eject from his rear. Stuttering, he said, "T-Third cabina- AAy!! Cabinet from the left, pull out the B-Bottle on the top shelf, any bottle, their ALL! Ahh! All the same!" Zoroark finds the bottle as he said and hurriedly gives it to him, wondering what it might be. Quickly he found out. Taking an odd brown shaped pill, he quickly slipped it up his rear, moaning softly and then sighing in an odd form of relief. "Ahh! Much better," Allen said, sitting up in the chair. His belly grumbled loudly, and then he blushed as he let out another loud fart, and then said, "You may want to get back, I'll explain what you don't get to see." After he said this, he farted again, this time a long and drawn out fart, as if all the room in his intestines were being filled with something more solid. As if to confirm this, a gooey substance started dripping from his rear hole, down to the drain. "Ahh!" Allen moaned, "At least I'm not dry 'heaving' now! That pill expands so that I don't hurt myself at times like this." It took several more 'loads' before Allens stomach and bowels settled to where he wasn't "Dry Heaving" as he put it. Zoroark was both intrigued and impressed at the set up, both the equipment and the 'medicine' he used.

Allem moaned, and sat up. His ass felt like someone rammed a four by four out of it, with no lube to boot. He sighed, and blushed as he remembered he was not alone now. "Yeah" He managed to say, "That pill is a bit of a fast acting product that at least fills my rear up so that it doesn't hurt as bad. Usually, if I don't have anything to shit out, It makes me weaker than this. At least I feel like I'm passing something out of me. Sort of like how it's bad to dry heave if you have to throw up." Zoroark thought for a moment then nodded, saying "Makes sense. Though, I have to ask, how did you come up with that pill?" Allen blushed again, a bad habit he was forming around Zoroark. "There is a bit of a fetish for scat and farts, apparently. Thankfully for me," He said, "it allows me to have something that's more... uh, painless is one way to put it." He blushed, rightfully this time, as he farted and his belly grumbled loud enough to be heard by Zoroark. "Um, Zoroark? Do you think you could get some food going? I'm a bit hungry from emptying myself after all" He chuckled lamely. As Allen redressed, and put on a fresh diaper, he thought about the days that led to his "disorder" and smiled a bit. "It was fun" He said aloud, "Right up to that last bit, it was actually fun." Allens mind flashed back to earlier times, the first time he was at drill camp, and the roar of the instructor.