Surgimorphs Chapter Seven: Pushing the Limit

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#8 of Surgimorphs

Lucious' plan is put into action.


I smiled seeing my two tenants on the couch watching a movie and Sukura seemed to notice my smile becuase he looked back and there was a visible blush on his face.

I joined them and asked "How did your day go?"

Sukura frowned "I think we are being followed. Today at the park I was able to pick tow joggers out of the crowd. At first glance they seemed to be just another human running through the park. But the way they carried themselves as they ran didn't seem right."

Pengu broke in "Are you sure your not just being parinoid?" Sukura shrugged. "Your proably right Pengu. It might have been my mind playing tricks on me." But his tone was doubtfull.

Pengu turned back to watch the movie and Sukura seemed to force his face to smooth out into a smile as he turned his attention back to the movie.

Once it finished they headed back to their bedrooms and I pulled out my phone to text Lucious.

"He is getting suspicious my friend. Be carefull" then I turned off my phone and went to bed myself.


A bird woke me from my slumber and I got up with a groan. I stretched my tails and winced as they popped. I slipped into some clothes for school and went to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast.

I smiled as I heard the water turn on in the bathroom and started to make some coffee and toast. Once I ate my meal I went to the bedroom and waited for my turn in the restroom. While I waited I gathered my school books together and grabbed a few snacks.

Once I was done I heard Pengu leave the restroom and I slipped in to brush my teeth real quick. When I was done I went back to my room to grab my phone and wallet and then waited by the front door for Pengu.

Once in class I saw that the computers had been replaced by full body dives. I frowned and wondered why.

Once the technician was gone I looked over the rig myself and noticed that the normally blue lights were glowing black. I decided not to worry about it and got inside. As It calibrated I waited patiently trying to ignore the way my tails were cramping.

Once the system loaded I found myself in a dojo. I frowned and my frown deepened when I looked down at myself and saw that I was wearing a kimono. No one else was within site in the dojo so I took the time to more carefully examine the enviorment.

There were rubber mats on the floor for sparring and a few punching bags. On the walls were a few swords and I considered grabbing one but decided against it. I turned on my scanner function and did a slow turn around the room. I encountered no User Objects or other programs. Essentially I was trapped in a room with no way out.

I checked the standard menu for the log out button and as I suspected it was gone. Essentially I was now a vegetable. "Well I'll be damned if I'll let them do whatever they want to me." I thought to myself and I sat against the wall to start meditating deciding to see if I could use my flowers to bust me out of the rig.

It would cost me and proably make some of the student's soil themselves from fright but I didn't have any choice. I closed my eyes and began to mentally grope for the link to my flowers. I didn't expect them to respond and my expectation was right.

I growled in irritation and then forced myself to calm down. "OK Kyle... Just look at this Logically. Your in a room that doesn't appear to have any exits. You are virtual but if you are killed here there is no way to know if you will return to your body.There are a few weapons here and you are most comfortable with the swords so might as well go head and grab those now."

I stood up and made my way over to the wall and inspected the swords. Then I remembered that I hadn't turned off my scanner app and I went to do so when something about the swords cuaght my eye.

I opened my interface and grabbed the simple package opener that every dive user has by default. I moved into the code scanner part and with a flick of my wrist sent to program into the sword to analyze it.

Of course I should have known better as this cuased the red to spread over the whole sword and then soak into the walls and swiftly covered the whole room.


I didn't have time to react as A beam of white hit me and uploaded me into a new area. The beam dispersed and I found myself in a room of black clad people holding various weapons. I growled and unsheathed my claws. The room was painted camouflage and the people in front of me were wearing grey camo and fatigues. The weapon's ranged from a simple quarter staff to a scythe. All of them looked wickedly sharp and I counted ten people in the room. Each one of them oozed confidence and danger.

"Watch it boys we got a special case here!" said a voice. I didn't take my eyes off the people in front of me as I listened further.

"Let's Welcome our Latest Recruit Sukura! Make him welcome." I frowned breifly and then said softly

"Who ever you may be I don't believe I asked to be recruited to anything. I would hate to bloody your fighters but if you don't let me out of here I am afraid I will have too."

A jovial laugh sounded behind me. "I bet you can't even scratch them."

I grinned wickedly. "Who said I was aiming for them?"

"I did. If you refuse to cooperate then we will have to rough up your Wolf friend." The people parted and I saw Pengu with a knife to his throat looking scared to death.

I trembled with rage. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Shaking in fear are we? That won't help you. Men Engage!" He said and the fighter's moved forward.

"You'll pay for this." I promised as I moved forward into the ensuing melee.The one in the lead had brown hair and was holding a katana. I dubbed him brown and the guy at his side with the twin sai knives Cutter.

Brown engaged me first and I dodged his first attempt at a slash and moved my claws to slash at his eyes. My attempt was blocked by cutter and I got shoved back. We began to circle each other with a calculating look. When my back was to the crowd of fighters I felt the whoosh of wind and rolled to my side barley dodging some kunai knives as they embedded themselves in the wall.

"Nice reflexes" Red muttered as she withdrew two more kunai and waited her next chance.

As I recovered from my roll Brown sliced at my head like he meant to cut it off and I yelped as I ducked underneath it. "Ok that is IT!" I thought and to my surprise my arms started to bleed and Flowers formed from the blood.

I used them to block the next strike and then used them to slash viciously at Brown's legs. He jumped and my foot was there to hit him in the jaw. He caught my foot with both hands dropping the katana and my flowers took the opportunity to strike him.

He let go of my feet and dodged the strikes while Cutter moved in from the right. As he slashed at me I ducked and used my tails to grab his left wrist. he attempted to slash at me with the right one and I had to withdraw my tails and roll under his swipes. My claws left deep cuts on his ankles and he yelled in pain unable to put weight on them he fell to the ground.

Red was waiting for me as I straightened up and I had to practically do a back bend as I barley managed to dodge her attack.

I was beginning to pant from my exertion and sweat dripped freely from me. Still I growled and ran forward swiping at Red with my claws. She nimbly dodged while one of her compatriots managed to score a hit on my side with their knife.

The resulting flecks of blood formed more flowers and I sicked those on my attacker while I tried to get closer to Red. She however just kept fling projectiles at me and I kept dodging. It seemed to be a stalemate before flowers erupted from the ground behind her and grabbed her. "Crush her!" I called and they complied.

With a gut wrenching crunch my flowers crushed her body and then threw it away. I felt sick but I couldn't deal with that right now. I looked at the flowers and then at Pengu. He seemed to be trying to stay as still as possible and yet there was no worry in his eyes almost as if he knew I would succeed in the end.

I glared at the remaining guards and said "There has been enough killing for today. I won't hesitate to add to the body count but I give you this one chance. Set down your weapons and release Pengu and you leave alive... Otherwise your plant food."

While I waited for them to decide I asked my flowers if they were willing to unleash hell. They were willing but did not wish to taste anymore blood today. I agreed with them and during our silent conversation I didn't hear an answer from the people on the floor.

I made a face. "I warned you." Then to my flowers I said "Unleash Hell!" They began to expertly attack the remaining soldiers and as I calmly walked forward not a single projectile hit me nor did I see any blood as they swiftly knocked out each of the remaining participants before regrouping and turning back to blood. A black cloud of dirt fell from the blood and then it flowered back into me and my wounds and such closed. I did feel weary from the experience but I was more worried about saving Pengu.

The guy with the knife was still close to Pengu and so I calmly picked up a dropped katana and walked forward "I'll give you one last chance. Let Pengu go and send us home or I will bathe the floor with your blood."

He looked from me to his boss and as he turned his attention back I was already in front of him. "Wrong answer!" I breathed as I stabbed the katana through him and watched him die. Then I turned to Pengu and freed him from the ropes using a claw.

Then I turned to the guy on the balcony who had started to slowly clap. "Such promise! Now what to do with you?" he said observing us like lab rats he could put through their paces. I glanced at Pengu "Please tell me you have a matter deconstruction program that could get us out of here." I said.

The black furred wolf seemed to think for a moment and then nodded and set to work manipulating a program I couldn't see. I turned to the guy above. "Well since you arranged this little get together mind telling us your name?" "I am Lucious. I lead the Protectorate a group that protects both furries and Humans. I was hoping to recruit you today."

"After what you just put us through? You can go watch paint dry for all I care." I shot back as Pengu grabbed my wrist and initiated the program. Red blocks moved from his feet and rapidly began to spread all over the building consuming avatar and structure alike.

Then everything went black. Before I could start questiong if I was dead or not I heard someone say "Stay back from the flowers!" I didn't know the voice but I could smell blood. "Free Me from this contraption" I ordered and with several shreiks of metal they ripped into my drive and then helped me emerge safe and sound. I held out my arm to them and they wrapped around it instantly docile.

I looked around the class room to see most of the class was pressed up against the walls and I sighed. " Ok guys return to where you belong." I said to my flowers and they morphed into blood and reentered my body through the cuts on my arms. Then the cut's sealed.

"So what did I miss?" I asked casually trying to ignore the sudden draft against my back telling me that it had been ripped. No one answered me just recoiled in fear. I shrugged and made my way over to the desk and signed out. Then I gathered my things and walked out.

Pengu was waiting for me on the front steps and I hugged him feircly. "Glad to see your alright." I said after releasing the hug.

Pengu turned around and smiled at me "Glad your alright to Sukura." "I wonder why the Protectorate has an intrest in us?" I questioned aloud.

"Um why does is your shirt all torn up?" asked Pengu blushing and I looked down at myself. "Well darn. I really liked this shirt too." I muttered before saying "My flowers came out while I was in the drive. I'm guessing thats what made the holes."

I puased as a thought struck me and I groaned. "What is it?" asked Pengu looking concerned. "Nothing... I just know I won't enjoy the way home. The hub isn't open right now and that means we have to walk. I don't mind that part. I don't however want to feel like I'm being eye raped all the way home."

Pengu titled his head "What do you mean?" he asked curiously. I assumed he already knew what I meant by eye raped but was asking why I would say that. So I pointed to the many holes in my shirt. "People will be staring at us the whole way home. Normally I don't care. But I really hate it when people look at me like that. when I've had a trying enough day already."

"I still don't get it." he said and I tried another way. "Let me put it this way... I don't like attracting attention. Being in the spotlight is bad. The shadows and darkness are safer and better. "

My friend nodded and then grabbed my paw in his own and said. "I know a way home that won't attract to much attention. Also it's in the Furry part of town so we don't have to hide that much." He began to lead the way and I moved so that I was beside him. Then he realized he was still holding my paw and blushed brightly as he let it go making me giggle softly.

As we moved through the community signs of human habitation dropped of sharply and the clean chrome buildings gave way to houses made of brick and stone. The humans may beleive these simple structures inferior to their huge monoliths of silver but I found these to be homy and they actually made the place seem wide and open.

Where in the human half greenery was limited and there was a trace of smog in the air here the air was clean and the greenery bountifull. Various farmers where here growing crops and even though there was no rode the grass felt wonderfull underpaw.

"This place is amazing Pengu!" I said taking a deep breathe and my tails began to wag happily behind me. "You didn't know it was here?" he asked me. "No I didn't. I didn't really make an effort to learn my way around. I know the way to school and from the grocery store to the apartment and thats about it."

He nodded and said "I'll have to show you around some more next time we get some time off and if we aren't busy with homework... I mean if you would like that." He blushed when he finished speaking and turned his face away from me trying to hide it.

"Your cute when you blush like that." I heard myself saying before my own face flushed as I realized what I said. Pengu if possible turned even redder "Th-thank Y-You" he said

Before we could move further an elderly looking dragoness stepped onto the path and both of us stopped to look at her. She had healthy green scales and on her face were some butterfly glasses framed in pink. She was wearing a gray dress and her tail had a small bow on the back of it.

"Young man what happened to you?" She asked me. "I got stuck in a briar patch" I lied smoothly. I didn't really want to tell her what really happened and I also hoped that she wouldn't try to delay us from getting home by fussing over us.

She however saw through my lie. "That's hogwash. You better be ashamed for trying to lie to me." she looked at me with disaproval so I changed tactics

"I'm sorry but I really don't know you. I have a home and a bed I desperatly need to get to before night's end. Would you please do us the favor of removing yourself from the path so my companion and I may journey towards our humble adobe." I said with a slightly formal air as I finished I bowed polietly to the dragoness and waited.

During our exchange Pengu had remained silent. I glanced over at him to see him biting back giggles and he was close to bursting out laughing. I tilted my head confused and then looked back at the dragoness to see a kind smile on her lips and a twinkle in her eye.

Finally Pengu burst into laughter and the dragoness joined him. When they both finished he ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Hello Granny Lenora. Still playing those jokes huh?" I filed the name away for later in case I ever met her again and then asked "So you were tricking me the whole time?"

"Yes dearie" she said as she hugged Pengu back and then gestured for me to move forward and she held out her hand. "I've known Pengu Since he first moved here. What is your name?" I took her hand and I was surprised at the firm grip. "I'm Sukura. I go to school with him and we share an apartment near campus with another fox."

She nodded at my words and then moved to the side of the path allowing us to move forward "Sometime when your not busy come for a visit. I would be glad to have you." We promised we would and moved ahead without further incident.

Once we got home I peeled off my shirt and threw it in the garbage after examining the many holes. I noticed Pengu trying to check me out while not looking like he was so I lingered in the living room shirtless a little longer then I should have.

After I decided he had enough time to look me over I went to my room and closed the door before kicking off my jeans and after retrieving my phone and my wallet I slipped the jeans onto the back of my computer chair.

I thought about changing boxers but decided against it. Instead I slipped on some shorts and pocketed my wallet and phone. I stretched my back and got a satisfying pop in return. I sincerely hoped that we weren't followed by any of the many many gangs that had such an interest in us. The nerves of Lucious to kidnap Pengu and then attempt to recruit me still had me a bit riled. However the bigger mystery was how my flowers managed to show up in the virtual world when I know that I shouldn't have that ability there. Maybe the others assumed it was a program.

The poor people that had been with me in the room must have been scared half to death as my flowers erupted from the back of my shirt and started to tear their way out of the machine. Speaking of which I probably owed the school a hefty amount of cash for destruction of private property. Granted I was trapped in the damned thing when it malfunctioned but I doubted that the school board would believe me.

Turning to the mirror I said "And I thought I had problems when I was known as Kyle" I rolled my eyes and then shook my head and slipped into the bed.The soft covers felt good against my fur and I snuggled deeper into them allowing their warmth to permeate my body as I drifted to sleep.