Unexpected visitor

Story by MidnightWolf94 on SoFurry

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The lithe red fox looked around at the rest of his tribe gathered in a circle around the village center. They were all chatting about what they thought would be happening at today's vital meeting called by the village elder. The fox scoffed like anything they ever said was important it was always superstitious bull. He sighed looked at all the desert fennec foxes around him he was the only red fox in the village his adopted parents had found him on a river and had taken him in since then everyone's said he's been one big distraction. He grinned to himself thinking of the types of distractions he caused which were mainly tempting every male with his round hips and ass. The sudden hush of the crowd around him drew him from his thoughts looking up to see an old grey muzzle shaman stepping onto the dais in the middle of the village.

"Silence my children we have disturbing news." The fox rolled his eyes mumbling under his breath.

"Disturbing news ya right." The old grey muzzle immediately focused on him.

"Is there something you'd like to say red-tail?" Red-tail grumbled ears pinned to his head in submission.

"No elder." The elder looked away looking over the entire crowd.

"We have been attacked." After that simple sentence a cacophony of yelling and questions was hurled at the elder who just held up his paws in a gesture for silence.

"Please please ill explain just stay calm." Red-tail looked at everyone's hysterical expressions and sighed.

"Some sheep were stolen and far-runner was found dead." Immediately a small woman fennec fox fell to her knees wailing in anguish her friends running and kneeling around her to offer support. Red-tail raised his paw.

"Elder what do we do?"

"I'm glad you asked Red-tail because I need to see you in my tent," he then looked at everyone else "go back to your home's the grieving ceremony will be later tonight." Everyone drifted back to there tents and places in a daze. Red-tail walked to the elders tent going in cautiously.

"Thank you for coming Red-tail." Red-tail was shocked by how old the elder looked at that moment clear exhaustion and mourning was clear in his eyes and his body looked slack and haggard. "As you know far-runner was my son and I grief most of all which is why I look like this but do not worry about me young one,' he took a breath, 'I need to ask you to do a task to go into the mountains and track down this killer I know how stealthy you are and I thought there's no one better for this trial." Red-tail blinked in surprised a little stunned by the request.

"You want me to track them down but I thought you thought I was useless." Red-tail retorted with a hint of venom in his voice. The elder slumped under the accusation.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel that way but you aren't useless you're a unique individual and I worry for you you are my grandson after all." Red-tail sighed and nodded not really able to rebuke the elder cause his parents were the same way.

"I will do this elder." The elder nodded in gratification.

"Thank you my son just be careful and figure out this travesty." With that the elder stood up pulling Red-tail into a hug. Red-tail was surprised at first but hugged back then pulled away going out of the tent and to his. He said goodbye to his parents and gathered supplies they didn't question him because they knew he was summoned for a mission they just told him they loved him and let him go.

Red-tail observed the fox and cattle tracks from yesterday in the desert sand. There was nothing out of the ordinary just far-runner pads and the cattle's hooves walking along at a leisurely pace. Red-tail followed them for a while then came to the mountains and lost the trail along the boulders for a while he back tracked trying to see the best place to lead the cattle through then once he thought he had the best way followed it. He was going through one of the little paths when he ran into a surprise a giant blood stain upon the rocks and ground. Red-tail froze eyes wide in horror taking in the gory scene before him. He shook for a moment then turned to his right vomiting on the ground panting. Suddenly a shadow over fell him causing him to snap his head up in surprise. There on a spur right above the scene was a large black silhouette blocking out the sun red-tail gasped in surprise.

"What are yo- oof." He was cut off though as the being dropped on him knocking him to the ground and into the realm of unconsciousness.

Red-tail slowly came into consciousness the smell of dust and the noise of a small brook coming to his ears. He opened his eyes seeing he was in a cave with a hole in the top the sun shining through slightly high above. He tried to turn to look around but then noticed that his arms and legs felt tight and stretched. He looked back and noticed his hands tied together behind his back and then secured to his legs which were tied to and held to each other with a rope. He groaned just noticing the soreness in his head and limbs from being stretched into an almost doggy style position his ass thrust out legs bent to where he would be on his knees and his chest down on the ground.

He heard a splash and a grunt then looked over to a pull in the back of the cave. He saw a big black wolf wading through the water his tone body rippling with muscles under his wet matted fur. Red-tail couldn't help but check out his body looking at his arms and chest and legs and then noticing the large set of orbs hanging low below his heavy packed sheath. Red-tail gasped in surprise when his eyes fell upon that big masculine pouch of black skin the hole was slightly open like it couldn't contain the heavenly cock he knew that was in there. The tip that was sticking out just slightly was showing off a girth that was almost as big as his own when hard, yet the wolf was soft. He blushed thinking the sheath would probably swallow his whole cock while he was hard it was so large. There was a delicious looking tuft of darker fur around the bottom of the sheath which framed it and leads down tantalizingly to the low hanging orbs. Red-tail checked these out next blushing at the size they were at least the size of an average orange and he blushed harder when he thought how much cum those puppy makers probably churn out. A deep bass voice brought him from his thoughts and his eyes up to those of the black wolf staring at him.

"You like what you see eh." Red-tail blushed harder this time the question more of a factual statement than a question. Red-tail stuttered trying to be strong

"Who are you l-let me go now o-or ill t-tell my village about you."

"Oh will you and how will you do that when your tied up like a little bitch." The wolf walked up pacing around him and looking him over. Red-tail blushed deep red again feeling the wolfs hungry stare on his round hips and ass.

"Damn you got a nice body much better than any of those other foxes but you're not exactly like them are you." He chuckled lewdly. Red-tail fidgeted feeling a familiar tingle of excitement rising in him.

"Please I'll do anything just let me go I don't want to die."

"Oh you'll do anything will you?" The deep rumbling growl sent shivers of excitement up and down Red-tails spine making his tail floof a bit. He heard a laugh behind him

"Floofing up are we I have to admit I've never seen that." The laugh continued making Red-tail blush in embarrassment.

"Y-ya ill do anything ill fulfill all your pleasures." Red-tail continued lifting his tail teasingly giving the wolf a better view of his ass. From the sharp intake of breath and the muttered "damn" he could guess that his ploy had worked.

"Hmm alright foxy I'll let you go if you pleasure me." The fox sighed in relief he could do this easy he was a sex expert. He heard a slight sliding sound and a grunt then he felt his bindings on his legs and the rope cut but his hands still tied together.

"You can get those in front of you if you want then after that get to work." The orders were given with another spine shivering growl causing the small fox's sheath to swell in excitement. Red-tail twisted getting his hands in front of his body then turned to the wolf and gasped in surprise. There like he expected was the wolf sitting on a rock but that wasn't what made him gasps what made him gasp was the spire of thick juicy ebony meat jutting from between the wolfs thighs it had to be at least 10 inches and it was about as big around as a horse.

"Well you just gonna stare at it or you gonna suck it."

The wolf growled dominatingly making red-tail whimper in submission and come up to the ebony spire of wolf pride. Red-tail grasped it in a paw barely able to wrap it around the whole thing he could feel it throb powerfully at his touch and the veins bulge forcing a thick bead of pre to flow out of the tip and down over his paw. Red-tail looked down to the large black orbs nestled below the giant cock and blushed looking at the thick leathery skin. He went down with his maw opening wide to admit one in his maw and suckling. The musky smell that wafted from the wolfs crotch permeated his brain clouding it making him moan like a bitch as he slowly stroked the wolfs big cock and suckled on his balls worshipping them.

"Mmm you're pretty good at this little foxy." The wolf chuckled stroking the fox's head fur playing with the big ears. Red-tail just blushed and continued his work his heart fluttering in excitement from the naughtiness of the act he was committing. He moved to the other orb suckling on it and running his tongue over as much as he could trying to get that masculine smell and taste off of every inch.The wolf above him gave a deep sigh, relaxing happily, obviously enjoying the worship that he was receiving from the more than eager fox captive. Red-tail pulled off stroking the cock in front of him taking a deep breath and blushing.

"Uh w-what's your name?" the wolf just snorted above him.

"You don't need to know my name bitch other than that I'm your master, your alpha, your dominator." Red-tail blushed looking up at that smirking face above him not about to complain, he really liked being dominated by males he always had. He didn't bother asking any more questions and just moved forward eyes roaming over the big pole in front of him.

"It isn't gonna bite" the wolf chuckled "at least not too hard." Red-tail just blushed and planted a kiss on the tip giving it a little lick and shuddering at the taste. It was salty and thick and just man his mind screamed at him to bury it deep inside his throat and then his ass he wanted it to be choked by thick wolf cream. He didn't fight his impulses and opened his maw wide going down on the wolfs rod as far as he could. Only making it about 2/3 of the way down before gagging as the thick rod tried to go down his throat. He sputtered and tried to pull off but suddenly felt two strong paws grab his head holding him fast.

"Where you think you're going that cock isn't gonna suck it." Red-Tail blushed and moaned his mind telling him he should be struggling and worrying but his hard cock dangling between his legs telling him that he loved this and wanted more. He started to suck and lick at the cock going with what his lust was telling him to do and was rewarded with squirts of pre on his tongue. It was delicious and he swallowed eagerly trying to elicit more from his captor. He was rewarded for his efforts with more pre first then by a strong grip and a thrust that made him gag as the last three inches before the knot disappeared into his maw the cock sliding down his throat and bulging it. He tried to gasp and realized he couldn't breathe. Instead of freaking out though he just moaned grabbing the knot with his paws squeezing and massaging it, his other reaching down to fondle the wolf's big orbs. His tail wagged at the approving murrs and rumbles above him.

"You ready little girl cause were gonna have some fun." The fox wasn't quite sure what he meant by that but suddenly he was pulled off the cock till just the head was in his maw. He wasnt complaing about the break though it gave him a much needed chance to breathe. As an added benefit he got to taste that musky pre again and he murred, his tail wagging behind him lazily.

Suddenly he felt the grip on his head grow solid once again and then he gagged as all 9 inches before the knot was slammed into his maw then pulled out again. The wolf was fucking his face like a pussy he thought to himself and blushed hard, his cock was becoming insanely hard as it started to constantly leak from the rough treatment he was receiving. The wolf kept going slamming into his maw over and over using it like a hole to breed. Red-tail just moaned and took the treatment inhaling the musk and blushing as that big knot slammed into his lips and those big balls slapped into his chin.

The seconds became minutes and his throat became numb and his cock begged for release the only sound the poor fox hearing were the slippery sounds of that big wolf cock sliding between his lips and the slapping of nuts against his face accompanied by the occasional rumble and growl. His mind was gone caught up by the sheer dominance he was being subjected to and he wasn't complaining at all except that he wanted to cum and wanted to taste cum.

Suddenly the pace started changing becoming more irregular and the wolf above him more vocal and he wagged his tail knowing what was about to happen. He grabbed the wolfs knot massaging it and groping his balls again trying to coax the wolf cum he wanted so bad to coat his little maw. Finally he got his wish as the wolf slammed in one last time knot swelling then pulled back a forceful jet of cum erupting into his maw right onto his tongue. It was thick and salty and he loved the taste. He whined looking up as the cock was pulled from his lips only to be rewarded with a smirk from his captor and a couple more ropes of jizz squirting right onto his muzzle. He blushed at how hot it was feeling it on his fur and skin warming up the area and wagged his tail looking up still maw open and panting.

"That's a good boy now run along." He was rewarded with a pat on the head then his hands were cut loose the wolf standing up and starting to walk away.

"W-wait that's it nothing uh else?" Red-tail asked blushing even as the hopeful words came out of his mouth. The wolf just chuckled not even turning around.

"You know where to find me." Then he disappeared around a corner going deeper into the cave. Red-tail blushed and turned to the exit walking out and into the night air looking around and spotting his tribes camp not too far away. Yes he certainly did know where to find this wolf and didn't think he'd waste too much time before finding him again.


That's all guys thanks for reading.